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flying-spike 30th Mar 2012 07:02

My remarks are aimed at those that spruke that an AOC is required for the operations thus far, those that would pretend to know what is required for a start up. They are the type who would flounder. The remarks not aimed at JetGo who are obviously doing what is needed.

Lester Burnham 30th Mar 2012 12:17

If JetGo are looking for respect why don't they reveal a little about themselves and their background? If you are relying on JR as your only front man can you seriously expect respect?

At this point in time they have no AOC, no clients and only JR as a front man. Some of us may know they have progressed a little further, but why would anyone else?

In all seriousness, you don't help yourself crapping on about aircraft 2, 3 & 4 in these circumstances. Your competition aren't dickheads either, I don't know anyone in the 30+ seat market in QLD that I would be so cocky about taking on.

I guess I am about to be threatened with libel now....

PPRuNeUser0182 30th Mar 2012 14:06

If you are relying on JR as your only front man can you seriously expect respect?
:E :yuk: .....

tourismman 1st Apr 2012 01:22

Why wouldn't you advertise on here Oracle, believe it or not there may be some non clowns on this site looking for a job .
JetGo management all the best .

GADRIVR 1st Apr 2012 02:44

"there may be some non clowns on this site"

Well now....THAT is a truly wonderous case of wishful thinking!!!
I for one would love to see Jetgo prosper....and why not? The naysayers however here seem to be quite sure of the accuracy of their statements and good for them. I didn't realise there were so many aviation experts in this industry and in particular experts who have a detailed working knowledge of a start ups finances, business plan and client base?!?!!? On top of that they have the power of foreseeing the future...goodness!!
WOW....I'm gunna get me some of these experts together and take over an airline...Qantas looks like a likley target...or maybe Jetstar...perhaps they could even help restart Ansett!!! Whooowee...think of the cash that wiil start flowing in once I have these boys onboard. Of coarse the vast majority of that cash will go to the people that truly have earnt it...the pilots of course. Those steely eyed men .....and women with the right stuff who as we all know alone possess the intellectual power to ensure that the enterprise will become an instant success due no doubt to their superiour skills in....well....thats where I get a little lost however....no matter, press on. Please come work for me oh high priests of all things aviation...I like a lot of others with dreams of making a fortune in this industry need you now!!!:ok:
Clowns indeed!:E

my oleo is extended 1st Apr 2012 09:07

Tissue for GADRVR please!
Seems like GADRVR certainly has some emotional issues of some sort?
Yet again it would appear that unless all the posts are positive and backslapping good then some posters cannot emotionally handle criticism?
This thread actually contains a combination of positive and negative comments, some assclownery an yet some pretty savvy experienced comments.
Why can't the good and the bad be accepted by both sides?
And GADRVR there are actually some people who post on prune the are not just pilots and engineers only. There are actually experienced aviation managers, technical experts, successful business people, legal aviators, industry developers, regulatory experienced people and a host of highly skilled individuals, so some of the posts may just turn out to be well and truly in the money.....not everybody has the ability to think outside the box.

GADRIVR 1st Apr 2012 09:35

Yep...you got it in one. I'm emotionally unstable!!

Just a quickie;

"Why can't the good and the bad be accepted by both sides?"

Because the "bad " exhibited here is generally laughable, more than likely libelous and generally off the money.

As for your host of highly skilled odds and sods posting on Pprune...that may well be true however I'd hazard the suggestion that perhaps they are found in other forums.
Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to take the medicine I so obviously need to settle down some.

gobbledock 1st Apr 2012 22:41

The naysayers however here seem to be quite sure of the accuracy of their statements and good for them. I didn't realise there were so many aviation experts in this industry and in particular experts who have a detailed working knowledge of a start ups finances, business plan and client base?!?!!?
Are you serious GADRVR? I think you would be surprised at who grace the prune pages. The website was created for pilots but has progressively expanded and has a stack of punters with various backgrounds commenting. There are a number of experienced pilots on here with literaly decades of flying/managerial/business experience mate.

Yep...you got it in one. I'm emotionally unstable!!
At least you are honest.

falconx 5th Apr 2012 12:25

What's the latest?

my oleo is extended 5th Apr 2012 13:09

Latest is GADRVR popped some neurons, had a melt down and is now scoffing 600 mgs of Lithium per day!!

Barry Mundy 12th Apr 2012 05:09

Hi Jetgo Management.

Whats the latest. Is the AOC in process? when's blast off?

Jetgo Management 12th Apr 2012 12:14

Blast Off
Hi Barry, Been a busy few weeks! We having our final proving flight next week with CASA. Fingers crossed all goes well.. We were a little held up with Maintenance systems of all things, but fixed now. Crew and Training all signed off, So all going well we hope to be operational in about 2 weeks from now. Its been a long and trying process, and we are fortunate to be working with great people, both within our own organisation and contractors alike. Additionally, CASA have been very pro-active in helping us along the way.. Thanks all for the support along the way, we hope to be in the air soon,

We are stoked to be able to offer more jobs for aviators like ourselves within the industry... :ok:

Barry Mundy 13th Apr 2012 00:23


All the very best.

falconx 19th Apr 2012 01:26

Hope all goes well for the proving flight but unfortunately did not as the F/A couldn't close the door of which in turn meant an engineer had to be flown up from YSSY. Any updates, and toll doing your engineering?

prat985 19th Apr 2012 02:51

Expat here seeking some intelligence about this Jetgo startup. Any payscale info, benefits, living costs, QOL issues???

Jetgo Management 19th Apr 2012 03:51

Yes Falconx you are correct... Murphy's Law and Aviation! Turns out the door was slightly out of alignment and required engineering to adjust and lubricate it .. Our first sector was completed with flying colours, thanks to all the volunteer students from Air Acadamy Australia for being good sports. Sorry we didnt get to finish the ride!.:ugh:

All planned again for next week to finish off what we didn't complete. Those whom want to come along again for a free lunch and a ride please PM me..

As for TOLL, we were simply hiring their hanger for the day. We utilize the guys at Execujet for all our MX, they do a great job and offer top service.

Thanks for the interest and support guys. As for the above post re terms and conditions, please PM me

prat985 19th Apr 2012 12:43

Any intelligence about the pay and benefits with this startup would be appreciated..

falconx 24th Apr 2012 03:45

Re: Jetgo E135

http://www.jetspotter.com/forum/phpB...ost_target.gifby lloyd fox » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:22 pm
First of all Eddie i missed you today, but i spoke to the lady at Adagold who said you were in earlier.

The flight on JetGo was good with a few drills .Went north to Taroom and west to Oakey and then in on RWY 19.


Very Thankful to Arron and Jason for the opportunity. http://www.jetspotter.com/forum/phpB...on_biggrin.gif

David and me had a great flight.

tourismman 24th Apr 2012 05:13

Yes JetGo have passed their proving flight today and congratulations to them on their hard work.The AOC will be issued in the next few days.

Well Done.:ok:

CaptCaveman 24th Apr 2012 06:13

I saw a strange site at the airport today, several people walking around with egg on their faces and I wondered what had happened. Then I remembered:

“Has anybody heard yet whether this BARS accredited outfit has received its AOC yet?” Cactusjack, Post#81, 22 Feb 2012

Yes, they’ve completed all the CASA checks, been issued with their AOC, just waiting for CASA to finish the paperwork (i.e. type the bloody thing out) and it’s all go for operations to start. I believe the BARS accreditation is their next task, which should be a relative doddle as our PPRuNe experts seem think it’s a crap accreditation.

“I assure you that they will not be operating under their own HC AOC in Q1 of this year CASA dont move that quick”. Bizzybody, post #20, 16 Jan 2012

Apparently they (CASA) can, if you’ve been working on an AOC for a year or more, and that just doesn’t mean the time the application has been with CASA, but I suppose they (JetGo) just didn’t feel it was necessary to tell everybody of their plans. Three weeks after the end of Q1 2012 to be sure, but damned close. Or about right if you’re working with, or more likely against, a government department. As the saying goes, “Close enough for Government work”; or is it all a failure in the eyes of all our self proclaimed resident experts because of a few days delay in getting the AOC issued? Let’s be fair, getting an AOC off CASA isn’t that bloody easy. Well done, and now if it all does go to the wall, at least you’ll have an asset for the receivers to help payout the liabilities.

“If their SMS is based solely on BARS then you can expect CASA to 'snicker in the corner and hold back the laughter' when they reveiw your SMS” Cactus Jack, post #33, 24 Jan 2012

I suppose that CASA must have been satisfied with their SMS, as apparently there was no snickering to be heard; it complied with CASA’s requirements. Who’d have thought that JetGo might be able to get that organised? They did apparently and got it done to CASA’s satisfaction.

“Had a look at their website and it is full of promise. No aircraft, No Pilots, No AOC, everything is promised.” flying-spike, Post #34, 24 Jan 2012

Not only promised but delivered, and if the rumours I’m hearing are correct, on time (give or take a couple of days) and on budget as well, who’d have thought it possible. Not these posters obviously:

“I smell a rat...If it is who I think it is, then he really needs to have the butterfly net sent after him!” Fuel-Off, post#8, 24 Nov 2011

“This is all sounds like a windup” Megle2, Post#53, 28 Jan 2012

“If this isn't a windup, what's the bet that the individual with the initials D.C., ex Skyairworld is involved?” flying-spike, Post#54, 28 Jan 2012

“And finaly, as for BARS being JetGo's benchmark, what can is say but 'oh dear'. To date this new start company has a lot of blowflies hanging around it.” My oleo is extended, Post#55, 28 Jan 2012

I reckon the blowflies that you’re hearing are probably those attracted to the egg on your faces, or maybe by the stink of the some of the bull**** that’s been spouted, as alleged “expert” advice and opinion on this thread.

“……………Obviously enthusiasm is filling the knowledge and experience void. A dangerous precondition for a start up.” flying-spike, Post#116, 29 Mar 2012

“Really, Spike, that’s just a downright insult to the experience and professionalism of the crews flying the aircraft and the guys setting up JetGo. You might get away with questioning the advisability of establishing the operation, which is a fair question, but to infer these guys are setting up a dangerous operation is really bad form.” CaptCaveman, post#118, 30 Mar 2012

Again, I know it’s arrogance quoting myself, but again, I can’t arsed rephrasing it or retyping it. You still really do need to apologise for that one Spike, as your attempted correction and justification was piss weak!

“….I offer you the following quote from the Nobel Prize winning physicist and father of quantum mechanics and it's uncertainty principle, Dr. Werner Heisenberg - "An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his subject, and how to avoid them." The Oracle, Post#94, 25 Mar 2012

Could it be that these guys are well aware of the mistakes made by others and have avoided them; so far at least? Who’d have thought that it would be possible for anybody but the self proclaimed oracles of PPRuNe to know anything about aviation?

“I know their leased aircraft is in town. I know they took Photos of an all white plane claiming to be theirs. I know that it's also not their money, I know it's not their balls on the line and I know their application has not been in with CASA for over a year. I know a lot more about AM and JR's little operation than you think.” Bizzybody, Post#99, 25 Mar 2012

Apparently not mate, apparently you know sweet FA. I note you haven’t backed up your claims as you’ve been challenged to do; inability, or maybe a testicular problem, had yours cut off perhaps? And in case you hadn’t noticed, there are now plenty of photos of the aircraft in JetGo Australia colours, and were even when you posted that comment, or haven’t you picked up on that yet?

“Given that Alliance OWN all their aircraft outright and have a pretty firm grip on the resources market at the moment for those who want jets, I'm struggling why anyone would think they can really compete with them” Morno, Post#89, 09 Mar 2012

Well, that’s a fair question but then again, established businesses everywhere have been challenged by start-ups since the world of commerce and industry began, and it’ll go on until commerce and industry is finished. Which in Australia’s case, will be very soon, if we go on as we’re going for a few more years without individuals backing themselves, and their ideas, but instead listening to the self proclaimed experts telling them it can’t be done, or that they can’t compete.

“I can see this failing, Ozjet, Sky, Strategic, Air Australia” Engineer aus, Post#88, 09 Mar 2012

Not quite the same is it? From memory; Ozjet, initially a Business class only operation between the big cities, then changed all that when it didn’t quite work; Sky, don’t know, wasn’t around at the time; Strategic/Air Australia, initially a government contract but then international RPT. JetGo Australia, FIFO and charter, not quite the same surely? Will they succeed or will they fail, who knows? I don’t.

“Why apply for a job with a company that has such an obviously unsustainable business plan?” The Oracle, Post#51, 28 Jan 2012

Is it unsustainable? You’ve made statements about their supposed plan and what you think they’re doing but do you actually know what it is, or how they’re planning on executing it? Are you on the inside, have you got the good oil, the straight gen, are you directly involved with the JetGo management, are you an investor? If not, then you’re just speculating, or are you like Bizzybody, and making statements that you can’t seem to actually back up? If you are on the inside, then you seem to be acting against your own interests.

Oracle, you do seem to have made plenty of good points regarding the relative merits of turboprops versus jets in this type of operation but it doesn’t appear as though you, and others, have grasped that they’ve seen an opportunity, a niche as it were,

“Not every customer needs 100 seats, nor do they want to go 400 miles.” Twotbags, Post#96, 25 Mar 2012

and are having a red hot go at filling it, whilst providing employment opportunities in the aviation industry. Does this happen? That a company, or person, finds an unexploited niche in a highly competitive industry and succeeds? Yes, there’s lots of very rich people in this world that have done just that; my current employer, did just that and has been raking the money in for years, which provides me with a very nice aircraft to operate, other people are trying to copy him, and his ideas, but not quite succeeding, and I’m bloody glad that they’re not succeeding because I love my current ride. Conversely, there are plenty of people that have done their dough when the niche hasn’t been there after all. Will that be the case for JetGo? Who knows, not me, and probably not you and the resident PPRuNe experts.

As the man on TV used to say “You’ve got to be in it, to win it”, so apply for a job or not, its “big boy’s rules” in this life, you have to make your own decisions and live with them, however things turn out. If you want an iron clad, guaranteed job for life that’ll bore the sh!t out of most aviation professionals, join the Public (dis)Service (RAAF sharps & the military helicopter operators excepted, as that’s the fun side of government employment), but now, these days, even the BS PS isn’t a dead cert.

“.....not everybody has the ability to think outside the box.” My oleo is extended, post#126, 01 Apr 2012

Very true. Can JetGo be thinking outside the school of conventional aviation thought? Maybe they are and that’s why there are so many doubters expressing their view on this thread but just because it’s not your particular way of thinking doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Is it wrong to believe that their business plan might work where others have failed? Just because another company failed using Jungle Jets doesn’t mean another can’t succeed, does it? There are plenty of instances in aviation where a particular idea hasn’t been as successful as originally hoped but later succeeded, e.g. Northrop’s “Flying Wing” in the 40/50’s and the B2 bomber.

Now waiting with bated breathe for the negative comments to come pouring in from the usual suspects, those who can’t see that not everyone sees the World and aviation as they see it, and that there are opportunities in this World for those with balls enough to back themselves; or those who don’t believe what JetGo believe, so therefore JetGo must be wrong, as they couldn’t possibly be wrong; or those who claim to be worried that it’ll all fail, and the World will end for those poor unfortunate souls that have, or will take, a punt by accepting a job with JetGo, just like it supposedly did for them when they were in a failed company; personally, been there, done that, got through it as they did, and anyone else will, if JetGo finishes tits up.

JetGo Management, investors and staff: Bon Chance, Mon Amis, Bon Chance! (A tip of my hat to this comment)

“When I read the publicity I hear an African-French accent. Pourquoi?” Horatio Leafblower, post #66, 01 Feb 2012

Again, apparently not; no, just a couple of Aussie blokes having a crack. One with a Shire accent and the other with a Queensland one, eh mate.

"There are those that make things happen;
those that watch things happen;
and those that wonder what happened... which one are you? ",
Chocks Away (on a different thread)

Will it be me with the egg on my face if, or when, they fail? Who knows, however, I’d rather have that happen after I believed in giving some one the benefit of the doubt when they’re having a go and backing their ideas, rather than after knocking them and subsequently being proved wrong when they succeed.

As always, there’s two ways of looking at everything:

“Oddball: Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?
Moriarty: Crap!” Kelly’s Heroes, 1970

Which way do you look at the World?

The Caveman

My glass is half full and as always, it’s your shout mate!

(N.B. All quotes, with their spelling and grammar errors, lifted directly from the posts identified and hopefully in correct APA style; just for you Spikey)

chimbu warrior 24th Apr 2012 06:28

Obtaining an AOC is a significant achievement, and reflects a lot of effort and commitment.

Congratulations and good luck.

grrowler 24th Apr 2012 06:30

Well.... CaptCaveman has just blown his load:ooh:
A little prematurely I would say, as getting an AOC is hardly the money shot.

Jetgo Management 24th Apr 2012 06:56

Wow, thanks for the Short Novel Caveman:) Yes what you say is correct, we today had our proving flight passed, AOC is now "In the mail" We should see commercial operations hopefully over the next week or so!

Was it an easy task.....Hell no!..... Would I attempt it again...No Chance!... But its done, and as Caveman mentioned, on time and budget ( give or take 3 weeks) as promised on our web site from late last year. A big thanks to all the staff at Jetgo that have pulled on years of industry experience to make this happen as it did!. Additionally a big thank you to all our contractors out their in their own specialized fields such as Safety Management and Maintenance Control and Ground handling and catering to name a few. A Special big thanks to the Staff at Brisbane Jet Base and AHA ground handling at Rockhampton for the help offered. ( Thanks Lyle for baby sitting our passengers for the day when we tech'd last week!)

PPruner's, thanks for following the thread, I see the critics have formed their own opinion and that's fine! Keep an eye out soon for our "Not so crap" website:rolleyes:

flying-spike 24th Apr 2012 07:19

Egg on my face, nup.
“Really, Spike, that’s just a downright insult to the experience and professionalism of the crews flying the aircraft and the guys setting up JetGo. You might get away with questioning the advisability of establishing the operation, which is a fair question, but to infer these guys are setting up a dangerous operation is really bad form.” CaptCaveman, post#118, 30 Mar 2012

You should also quote the subsequent post which clarifies the target of my comment.
To the Jet Go people:
Well done getting the AOC, I know how much work goes into it. Now your sites will be set on my making it pay and I genuinely hope you make a success of it.
As for your SMS, I hope you can make the move from a manual and intent to process in practice.
It would be privilege to be at the helm of the SMS when you have the ability to shape the safety culture of the organisation from scratch. All the best.

my oleo is extended 25th Apr 2012 00:21

Being granted an AOC is one thing, keeping it is another.

Spike, your tongue has turned a shade of brown old son!

CaptCaveman 25th Apr 2012 07:08


I may have shot that load but don’t worry mate, there’s plenty more in the Bag(s), I’m not a one shot wonder. [No, that’s not a spelling error folks, just a nod and wink to the nickname of one of the JetGo principles] From the tone of your posts you’re obviously a “Glass half empty” kind of person.

However, to extend your sexual metaphor; it’s good to hear from the JetGo Management that the JetGo people are working together for a satisfactory outcome, I guess they’re all pulling together as a team for the money shot, where as you’re probably a solo kind of guy.

JetGo Management

My pleasure, I get bored.


No, I didn’t feel the need to include your next post, or it’s context, as even though you clarified who your were speaking too, although that was as clear as mud in the original and highlighted post, you still haven’t actually said sorry for the inference that you felt the need to clarify. That was the point of the jibe. However, if you feel the clarification was enough, then I guess we can agree to disagree, as is both our privilege.

It is interesting to note however, the change in the tone of your posts about JetGo as the thread has progressed; I almost thought your concluding paragraph was hinting at wanting a job. Don’t worry, I understood the real intent, if you’re in the SMS field, a fresh start company would be good, as you don’t have to change entrenched attitudes and practises, and deal with old smartarses like me.

My oleo is extended

Perhaps the reason it’s so difficult to obtain an AOC from CASA is that it takes rather a lot for them to revoke an AOC these days.

Do you have any “real” reason to believe JetGo will lose their AOC after putting in all the hard yards to be issued with an AOC? Or was your rather oblivious and easy rejoinder an attempt to justify your views on JetGo and perhaps to salve your ego?

The Caveman

Retiring not to my cave but a floating paradise, where perhaps I’ll be transformed into shark **** instead of just being a ****, some of you can only hope, see you next week.

flying-spike 25th Apr 2012 07:45

Oh Caveman, how wrong you are.
1. I don't apologize for you grasping at the wrong end of the pineapple.

2. You have to read and understand who the barbs were aimed at, a braggard SMS snake oil salesman and the armchair critics who obviously didn't know what you can and can't do when you haven't yet got an AOC
3. I want a job with Jet Go? You are freaking joking! Let me say that again in case you are too thick (a fair chance) to understand. I don't choose who I work for or with based on a gamble and a shiny new aeroplane. I say again I wish them every success.

Stationair8 25th Apr 2012 08:34

Funny business aviation.

my oleo is extended 25th Apr 2012 12:49

Aagh yes Captcaveman and his knee-jerk emotional posts.
You seem to feel that I am hinting that JetGo may lose it's AOC? How odd indeed. Go back and read what I wrote as your emotions have clouded your synapsis. I quite simply said it is easier to obtain an AOC than to keep it. Nothing personal in that mate. But of course If anybody posts anything here that is anything short of praiseworthy or completely 'for' JetGo you have a shot at them.
Obtaining an entry level AOC is a relarively short process, keeping it is a long term process, that applies to any airline.
I agree with Spike, you are grasping the wrong end of the pineapple. Anyway enjoy your management meetings with JetGo management, all your posts indicate an already close active relationship!

flying-spike 25th Apr 2012 23:37

Confirmation bias?
I reckon you are on the money Oleo. Captain Caveman would appear to be prone to lash out at any perceived negative comment about JetGo in order to justify his decision to join them.
They will need more than blind faith and enthusiasm to stay in the air and hopefully operating at a profit. If he can't sort wheat from chaff now what would he be like when he is put under pressure in the cockpit?

Jetgo Management 26th Apr 2012 00:38

Entry Level AOC

Obtaining an entry level AOC is a relarively short process

Really ! Maybe we should have asked for one of those instead!

my oleo is extended 26th Apr 2012 01:05

JetGo management

Really ! Maybe we should have asked for one of those instead!
You did!! I have set up a number of AOC's and know the process very well. It is a relatively short process indeed, and takes around about 12 months as an average. Indeed a short process compared with a potential 10, 20+ years operating. The process is not without hard work but relatively straight forward if you are competent and know what you are doing, and know doubt 'Captcaveman the pineapple king' would have been thoroughly versed in this process (except perhaps aircraft door opening?).


If he can't sort wheat from chaff now what would he be like when he is put under pressure in the cockpit?
I think he would end up reaching for the tissue box and handing over to the F/O as he does appear to be somewhat opinionated and emotional.

CaptCaveman 29th Apr 2012 20:58

Jeez, a bloke has a quite weekend away and it’s like coming home and finding the kids have run amok.


How wide do you want to throw those barbs? Your original post, where I supposedly “grasped the wrong end of the pineapple”, was not target specific, you did clarify your comment and acknowledged that JetGo appeared to be getting the job done, as I’ve acknowledged, but you did not have the good grace to concede that the original post wasn’t clear and appeared to cast aspersions on the JetGo people, their experience and knowledge, and that it could have caused offence to those individuals, for that, I believe an apology is warranted. You obviously disagree, and as I said, that’s your privilege. But, to come back a second time and add an additional target, “a braggard SMS snake oil salesman”, who hadn’t posted for awhile before your comment, smacks of desperation to justify your miss thrown barb and possibly, an inability to admit an error or apologise if you’ve inadvertently or unintentionally caused offence. Is sorry, really the hardest word for you in those circumstances?

Now, as to whether I’m too thick to realise that you don’t want a job with JetGo, as I pointed out, I got that you didn’t, as I said, “I almost thought” but you did sound like you were changing your tune with regard to JetGo. You also stated that, “It would be privilege to be at the helm of the SMS when you have the ability to shape the safety culture of the organisation from scratch”, I did understand that you were thinking wistfully about such an opportunity, not asking for a job; but even your mate thought you were kissing JetGo’s arse.

My oleo is extended

I did read, and reread, your post, and I thought it was a glib and flippant comment designed to belittle JetGo’s achievement in gaining an AOC and I’m an expert (self proclaimed of course, in true Pprune tradition) in smartarse comments, as I make them all the time, but you blokes don’t seem to have picked up on that fact. So yeah, I reckon it was a comment aimed at JetGo maybe not being able to keep their new AOC. No personal offence taken by me though mate.

“an entry level AOC”, well I’ll bow to your expertise on this, as I’ve never been involved in helping any company obtain an AOC, contrary to the suspicions you, and flying-spike, hold. But I would have thought, being a non AOC procurement expert, unlike you who’s apparently been involved in the process multiple times, that perhaps an AOC for say, SE Pistons doing Aerial Work, would be generally thought of as an entry level type AOC, with High Capacity RPT being the top of the AOC pile, and JetGo’s new AOC, as being somewhere in between those levels of achievement.

So, I checked CASA’s website, out of interest, to see how many companies have an AOC with the privileges that I’ve heard JetGo will enjoy; Jet, International Operations, Charter and High Capacity (not positive about the HC, so I won’t quote the number on that); out of the 600 companies with a charter AOC, there were only 79 with Charter >5700kg (necessary for Jungle Jet operations if any readers are unfamiliar with JetGo’s aircraft), 68 with International Ops and 33 with Jet. Now as some of those 600 companies hold all of those privileges, and some of the 600 don’t operate either jets or aircraft over 5700kgs to the best of my knowledge, it would still appear that the total numbers who hold all the privileges that JetGo is rumoured to have gained, to be a small percentage of the 600. So, I filtered the search and it appears there are only 30 out of 600 that hold those 3 privileges, or 5%, I could of course have incorrectly filtered the AOC holders and will stand corrected if I have got the numbers wrong. I guess if JetGo have got High Capacity on their AOC, as rumoured as well, then that’ll be an even smaller percentage. I’ll go out on a limb and say that JetGo have actually achieved a lot more than only “an entry level AOC” (not a term CASA seems to use on their website, that I can find anyway), I suspect you’ll disagree, as is your privilege of course. I’d also guess that all our fellow Ppruners will soon be able to determine for themselves whether JetGo’s AOC is only a lowly “entry level AOC”, or perhaps a somewhat higher achievement than you’ve indicated, when the details are published on the CASA website in the next week or so, for all to view, and then perhaps workout for themselves how a high percentage of AOC holders actually enjoy the privileges that JetGo is rumoured to have obtained.

Now Boys,

Do I work for JetGo? No, guess again. I do know some, but not all, of the players who were involved on both sides of getting the AOC issued, as many Ppruners also would. You meet and work with lots of people over the years, and Australian Aviation isn’t that big, but that doesn’t mean you have a close relationship, either personal or professional with them, does it? I haven’t had any direct contact with some of the players I’ve heard mentioned, for up to 20 years. So, no JetGo Management meetings for me, I loathe having to attend my company’s meetings now; KPIs, operating costs, etc, BORING!

Do I have a go at anyone who’s less than positive about JetGo? I don’t think I have actually had a go at “all” those people but you’re free to disagree, though I’m sure having fun throwing a few barbs out of my own at some of you nay sayer’s and people making statements with either no basis, or an inability to defend their statements when challenged. I barrack for the underdog, always have, always will, and I love stirring the possum; that’s why I joined this little game. Do I know if JetGo is going to succeed or not? No, reread what I’ve said in previous posts, I just wish JetGo well, hope that they do succeed, and as always, I back the battler having a go.

Am I an emotional kneejerker (have I just made up a word?), who crumbles under pressure in the cockpit, well I’ll leave that up to the people who’ve actually flown with me, and the check and trainers, who’ve been putting me under the usual pressure for all these years; that’s for them to answer. Opinionated, of course, I’m a pilot, I kind of thought that it goes with the territory. I tell you what, if having a go at me gets your fluids circulating and helps you, figuratively, extended your personal oleos while doing it, have at it, I’m a big boy; I do hope that your oleo extension isn’t literal though while having a go at me.

FYI, the last time I needed a tissue in the cockpit and had to handover, was a few years ago now, when I had to wipe the drool off my chin after seeing one of the new glamours working down the back and before going to have a chat with her. Sorry, female FA’s, I’ve got to stop being a Neanderthal Caveman…………. narr, bugger that!

I will say in my defence though, I do know how to open most aircraft doors, you kind of pick that up over the years, but I can’t positively say that about a Jungle Jet, as I’m not endorsed, so fair point to you Oleo.

The Caveman

P.S. Boys, it’s nice to see Spike that Oleo has forgiven your positive JetGo comments, and Spike that you’ve forgotten Oleo’s “brown tongue” comment, as that tongue wouldn’t have been fun when, as you again seem to be, figuratively speaking, “swapping warm spit in the showers” (Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge). I truly don’t want to know if it’s actually physical though, as that would be a hideous image, unless you’re 2 women of course; in which case, please post some pictures :E.

slice 29th Apr 2012 23:35

:ooh: A lot of emotional attachment there for someone who doesn't work for Jetgo. :uhoh:

flying-spike 30th Apr 2012 00:22

Poor Caveman
Glad to see Oleo and I have caused you to waste a few more precious breaths.
As for Oleo, I have worked with him and he is a professional. It is not uncommon for he and I to exchange a few lighthearted barbs (but never spit). You are obviously the self opinionated, egomaniac pilot prig that we picked you to be. It has been fun playing with you.

my oleo is extended 30th Apr 2012 01:08

Prigs, Spikes, Oleo's, Cavemen and emotional breakdowns
Caveman, indeed welcome back to 'the game'. I thought it would be fun to pair up with Spike considering your pairing up with Jetgo Management.

Now I must say that your waffle about entry level AOC blah blah was so messy that I will pass on making comment. I do agree that 'time will tell' in relation to JetGo's success. Besides, the more that we all banter on about JetGo then the more free publicity the brand gets, so that must be good for the industry, yes?
A couple of things,

I do hope that your oleo extension isn’t literal though while having a go at me.
Don't flatter yourself. Sorry to dissapoint you but the answer is 'no'.

FYI, the last time I needed a tissue in the cockpit and had to handover, was a few years ago now, when I had to wipe the drool off my chin after seeing one of the new glamours working down the back and before going to have a chat with her.
Same thing happenned to me once. But I learned to contain my drool and save it for the post flight activities.


A lot of emotional attachment there for someone who doesn't work for Jetgo.
Agreed. A lot of emotional waffle spoken by Caveman. I think an injection of testosterone and some prozac and lithium may get him back on track. Last thing an airline needs is an emotionally unstable pilot at the helm.

P.S. Boys, it’s nice to see Spike that Oleo has forgiven your positive JetGo comments, and Spike that you’ve forgotten Oleo’s “brown tongue” comment, as that tongue wouldn’t have been fun when, as you again seem to be, figuratively speaking, “swapping warm spit in the showers” (Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge). I truly don’t want to know if it’s actually physical though, as that would be a hideous image, unless you’re 2 women of course; in which case, please post some pictures
I'm glad Spike has a sense of humour. It would appear that although worlds apart we are able to jab serious or stirring comments at each other with no hard feelings or 'emotional scarring'. Caveman you could learn a lesson.

You are obviously the self opinionated, egomaniac pilot prig that we picked you to be. It has been fun playing with you.
Spike, you know him well !

The first edition of H.W. Fowler's Modern English Useage has the following definition:
A prig is a believer in red tape; that is, he exalts the method above the work done. A prig, like the Pharisee, says: "God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are"—except that he often substitutes Self for God. A prig is one who works out his paltry accounts to the last farthing, while his millionaire neighbour lets accounts take care of themselves. A prig expects others to square themselves to his very inadequate measuring rod, and condemns them with confidence if they do not. A prig is wise beyond his years in all things that do not matter. A prig cracks nuts with a steamhammer: that is, calls in the first principles of morality to decide whether he may, or must, do something of as little importance as drinking a glass of beer. On the whole, one may, perhaps, say that all his different characteristics come from the combination, in varying proportions, of three things—the desire to do his duty, the belief that he knows better than other people, and blindness to the difference in value between different things.
The character of the prig was encapsulated in Charles Dickens portrait of the day-nurse Betsy Prig—capable of a "rapid change from banter to ferocity" but always referred to by night-nurse Sarah Gamp as "the best of creeturs"—in his novel Martin Chuzzlewit:
The best among us have their failings, and it must be conceded of
Mrs Prig, that if there were a blemish in the goodness of her disposition, it
was a habit she had of not bestowing all its sharp and acid properties upon her
patients (as a thoroughly amiable woman would have done), but of keeping a
considerable remainder for the service of her friends. Highly pickled salmon,
and lettuces chopped up in vinegar, may, as viands possessing some acidity of
their own, have encouraged and increased this failing in Mrs Prig; and every
application to the teapot certainly did; for it was often remarked of her by her
friends, that she was most contradictory when most elevated. It is certain that
her countenance became about this time derisive and defiant, and that she sat
with her arms folded, and one eye shut up, in a somewhat offensive, because
obstrusively [sic?] intelligent, manner.

CaptCaveman 30th Apr 2012 07:51


Sorry to hear you’re leaving the game, I enjoyed the verbal jousting. Nice use of the English language though, I haven’t seen, or heard, anyone use the word “Prig” in a very long time, most people use much coarser terms these days. It was good of Oleo to include that explanation of the meaning of the word for those unfamiliar with it, but I probably would have gone for this definition from the online Urban Dictionary that includes a little Dickens as well,


1. A person who demonstrates an exaggerated conformity or propriety, especially in an irritatingly arrogant or smug manner.
2. Chiefly British: A petty thief or pickpocket.
3. A person regarded as arrogant and annoying
4. Archaic: A conceited dandy; a fop.

prigged, prig•ging, prigs Chiefly British
To steal or pilfer.

"If father was determined to make me either a Prig or a Mule, and I am not a Prig, why, it stands to reason, I must be a Mule." -Charles Dickens"

a bit more concise I think, but that’s probably my supposed priggishness.

I don’t think that I questioned Oleos professionalism, if I did, or you think I did, it was unintentional, sorry, as I thought I was merely questioning his opinion and his statement on the level of JetGo’s AOC, but it’s good to see that you defend others from perceived slights. It’s pity that you don’t see that could also be the case with some other comments on this thread.

My oleo is extended

Thanks for the welcome back; it was an enjoyable few days away.

Sorry if my comments and questions on JetGo’s AOC were too waffly for you, but I’m genuinely interested as to why you claim it’s merely “an entry level AOC”, when it appears to me to be not terribly common for an AOC holder to have the privileges that JetGo are rumoured to be about to enjoy and searching CASA’s website for any mention of “an entry level AOC”, doesn’t seem to yield any results. Is that clear enough for you? If so, in those famous words, “Please explain”, if you would be so good, why is it so?

Also, I’m glad to hear that you’ve learned to master your drool, me too, but it took a while in my case, slow learner I suppose, and glad to hear that you don’t find blokes attractive either, I actually didn’t think you would. I’ve just had a thought, terrible as it is to me and probably to you too, that we’ve perhaps got some things in common. That is a horrible thought, two aviation types who appear to hold opposing views possibly having the same, or similar, experiences. :yuk::yuk::yuk: Shock and horror, the end of the World is neigh! Oh, please don’t mistake that for an attempt to, as the Americans say, “Buddy up”, it’s not, it’s just a random thought.

The thing with the rush to prescribe pharmaceuticals to anyone you doesn’t agree with you is interesting though. Not enjoying the “Coffee houses” in Holland a bit too much and thinking you’re a Doctor, as well as being an AOC guru, are you? You want to stay off that weed mate; it’s not quite as benign as many believe from what I’ve seen and read; feel free to disagree if you will of course. We wouldn’t want either an emotionally unstable, or a self medicating pilot, at the controls, now would we? No, I know you wouldn’t be as unprofessional as to fly under the influence, so no problem for you there, only me supposedly.

Regarding the “no hard feelings or 'emotional scarring'”, none taken by me for any of the shots you and flying-spike are having at me, as I trust is the same with my questioning of your opinions and statements, although Spike seems to want to take his bat and ball and go home, pity, he was fun to play with, however neither of you seems to be getting the intended humour, again, pity. Perhaps I should use more emoticons to help you out but Spike told me previously they were juvenile. You’ll both have to try a lot harder if it’s personal animosity or, physiological damage, that you’re trying to achieve but I don’t actually think that you are, are you?

So, Oleo, yea of the AOC expertise, will you be so good as to explain your comments about JetGo’s AOC, or are questions from an emotionally scarred prig, who doesn’t really feel the need to team with anyone (see the arrogance part of the “Prig” definition) to get a rise out of you, Spike and others beneath your contempt?

I’m awaiting your next post with genuine interest; please educate me, and possibly others, who aren’t that familiar with the AOC issuance process or the various levels of AOC.

The Caveman

To steal another quote, “The victim of a bored God”, or a God awful bore, one or the other. I’ve got a feeling I know which of those options you and Spike will opt for Oleo. :):):):):)

Jetgo Management 30th Apr 2012 10:51

Seriously ?
Spike,Oleo and Capt. Caveman


Jabawocky 30th Apr 2012 11:31


That was the post of the year :ok:

Funny I was enjoying this game from the sidelines, and I seriously was enjoying a slanging match that so far was containing some intellectual humour and banter, maybe some other stuff too, but otherwise was relatively civil.

The fact it had not caused the thread to be locked was impressive in the least.

This thread has been awesome to watch..........and finally I have been drawn in, and that post alone got me!;)

Back to normal viewing gents!:}

gobbledock 30th Apr 2012 12:00

A suggestion if I may?
Most definitely some interesting sparring taking place.
In line with JetGo managements suggestion of 'getting a room' may I suggest the following contests take place in said room:

1. Nude pick-up coins - Caveman, Oleo an Spike each get 15 minutes to pick up coins with their asscheeks and drop the coins into a bucket. Winner takes all.

2. Genital puppetry - Each individual gets 2 minutes in which to make a creative idea using just his 'ol fella'. You can make a shape, a characterization of someone famous, a boat or perhaps a famous landmark. But beware, this game can get ugly, especially when people start replicating notable politicians and airline executives.

3. Nude Twister. An oldy but a goody. Each player is nude and armed with only 1 litter of baby oil and their spotty white arse. The winner is the first person to make 10 moves on the mat without being 'turkey slapped' by an opponent (either accidentally or deliberately).

4. SMS cage match - The three of you wearing nothing but you own body hair are locked in a cage, each with your own organizations SMS. You will be put to the test by a CASA inspector who will throw a plethora of safety related questions at you in a robust manner. The first person to answer 20 consecutive questions correctly about the regulatory reform program wins that round.

5. A game called 'Cockpit Gradient' - The three of you get to pilot an old 1950's ****box Antonov freighter, together, nude. You plot a course taking you from W.A through Africa, India, China and finally Hobart. The winner no doubt will be the man with the largest ego, largest 'beef bayonet' and the greatest will to survive. A true test of strength and courage on possibly three of the most frightening frigging pilots currently flying in Australia!

Now, I'm outa here, time for some CRM/HF training.

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