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-   -   JetGo Australia???? (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/469842-jetgo-australia.html)

Cactusjack 22nd Feb 2012 22:46


Still lurking here GD. waiting for more movement at the camp. Perhaps JetGo management have had a change of heart after the Air Australia mess. Or, they have decided to incorporate an A330 into the operation and use it between Brizzy and Gladstone?
Perhaps a fleet of 727's would make a worthy addition to the JetNo fleet?
Spike, It would appear you are also lurking around here, along with the Gobbler? But where is Caveman? I somewhat miss that flying rascal and his witty banter, is he still busy with his 'tongue in cheek'?.

Has anybody heard yet whether this BARS accredited outfit has received its AOC yet?

falconx 22nd Feb 2012 23:36

JetGo leases Embraer ERJ-135 for FIFO | Australian Aviation Magazine

Something coming of it, but no AOC approved as yet (as of today)

Jetgo Management 25th Feb 2012 21:35

For those of you interested in "progress' if you take a quick look at our, " I quote from another visitor on this thread," crap website Home - JetGo Australia , you will see the aircraft in a hanger in prep for its ferry to Oz...

No its not photo-shopped, or a painted model.. All going well aircraft should touch down on Australian soil in the next couple of weeks.... for those of you interested in the "AOC" ... Again , from another quote here, its a bit hard to get an AOC without an aircraft.. True words none-the-less, We hope to have our flight testing phase completed with CASA by the end of March.... On track hopefully for the end of the first quarter of 2012.

Thanks everyone for your interest, cynical interest included!

falconx 8th Mar 2012 02:12

Jetgo has leased ex (XA-AMM) now VH-JTG arriving in aus next week for its fifo operations

Skystar320 8th Mar 2012 10:00

Well I guess they would be paying in the vicinity of US$65k a mth [EMB-145 lease] + maintenance reserves...

Would it have been better to lease a ATR42 for around US$50k a month?

falconx 8th Mar 2012 20:29

Whats tas of an ATR to 145?

flying-spike 8th Mar 2012 21:26

Unauthorised Maintenance?
"With the deal, John Holland becomes the first Embraer Authorized Service Center in Asia Pacific, Embraer said."

Does that mean Air North, Virgin Australia and SkyAirworld are/were unauthorized?

Engineer_aus 9th Mar 2012 03:09

I can see this failing, Ozjet, Sky, Strategic, Air Australia.

morno 9th Mar 2012 03:49

Given that Alliance OWN all their aircraft outright and have a pretty firm grip on the resources market at the moment for those who want jets, I'm struggling why anyone would think they can really compete with them!


Roger Greendeck 9th Mar 2012 04:46

ATR TAS is mid 200's and EMB is low 400's. Obviously sector times influenced by climb, descent, holding etc

BPA 9th Mar 2012 06:12

Photo of the aircraft:

Photos: Embraer EMB-135LR (ERJ-135LR) Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net

springbokflyer145 17th Mar 2012 22:40

This aviation industry make me laugh and sick at ther same time.
JetGo are a start up and making their plans for what hopefully will be a great company.
There are so many pilots out there that just sit on this website and moan and groan about every single thread. If they are not happy with their present employer or job, then maybe they should think of a career change and let other keen aviators move on in the flying careers and get some constructive information from this website.

I bet if this start up makes it and is a great company to work for then all these moaning pilots that are not happy, will be wanting to apply for a position.

Just let JetGo do what it has to do until it can get established, instead of all the negative comments from you so called Experts. Just remember Virgin did not have a fleet of aircraft when it started so let time tell.

I will take a job with them.:ok:

Avturbound 18th Mar 2012 01:28

RE; Springbrok
Mate, Couldn't have said it better myself!

I would have thought if another company starts up it would be good for the industry if they succeed...

Bitter pilots, get over it or move on!

THE ORACLE 25th Mar 2012 06:19

Yesterday afternoon I saw JetGo's EMB Jet sitting in the Eastern Park at Mascot. What struck me was how similar their choice of livery was to that of the REX Saab parked nearby.

Any one care to make a "conspiracy theory" comment in this regard?

And dear "Spring" I was quite amused by what I think was a somewhat introspective remark from you concerning 'all the negative comments from you so called experts'.

As one of the posters in your 'sights' with a critical opinion of JetGo's long term prospects, I offer you the following quote from the Nobel Prize winning physicist and father of quantum mechanics and it's uncertainty principle, Dr. Werner Heisenberg - "An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his subject, and how to avoid them."

As I said in my earlier thread on 16th January, in order to succeed, JetGo needs to offer a service that is both attractive to their proposed customers and more price competitive than other competitors in their target market.

Unless JetGo own their assets outright and have a huge cash surplus to lose while they fight for a share of their market, they will ultimately be outpriced by the current market players due to the well documented and unsustainable high costs of operating 37 to 50 seat regional jets against turboprops over sector lengths of less than 400 nautical miles.

Should they choose not to fight against turbo's in the sub 400NM markets and instead seek FIFO work servicing clients at ranges between 400NM to 600NM (where EMB/CRJ DOC's can be cost effective), they will then be attempting to compete in markets suitable to 70 to 100 seat Jets such as the F70 and F100. Ultimately these larger operators will be more cost competitive with their greater economies of scale (1 crew change movement of the Fokker or Bae/RJ 70/100) compared with the 2 crew change movements required by the EMB Jet).

The Oracle

thrustpig 25th Mar 2012 06:27

Gotta go with the "O" on the aircraft selection. The jungle jet a thirsty bird to feed with only 30 odd punters.

TWOTBAGS 25th Mar 2012 11:27

You guys crack me up! There are only three people who really know what is going on at JetGo and its none of you.

The drivel being sprouted here once again displays the lack of knowledge of what is really happening in the industry that we all derive our living from.

I have been here since 1996 when PPrune was a two forum email BBS, and have a really good idea what the “R” stands for. However the “R” is only pertinent when you actually know something (which most of you don’t) . Made up concepts or ….”my ideas” do not constitute the “R”.

JetGo is bringing something very new to market, do you honestly think that you pluck a multi million dollar jet out of thin air, have it registered and operating in country without having backing or experience and a combination of the two.

Instead of sprouting how they are going to do this or that, the JetGo crew have let their plane do the talking, actions speak a lot louder than words in this industry. They slowly got on with the job of doing it. A new AOC, not re-birthed or borrowed, compliant with their customers demands and that of the department.

This project has been on the cards for over two years, the paperwork has been at CASA for nearly a year. They have put in place the right people with the right experience, without the hubbub and the show.

So instead sprouting how “airline economics” dictate that this or that, and which aircraft is not suited for whichever market. Not every customer needs 100 seats, nor do they want to go 400 miles.

At one stage every airline in Australia had one aircraft……JetGo is no different. These guys have popped up from under the radar….. only because most people here can only see as far as their own horizon.

JetGo have deliberately played their cards very close to their chest, they are a fresh breath to the Australian industry

Australians talk about giving the underdog a fair go, well how about you guys give them the support that they deserve, more jets means, more jobs, more jobs means more options, and more options is what all the pilots in this country want and need.

Its either that or part time contracts with a one star airline, the once icon of the global aviation industry is not going to hire for a very very long time or you can stick to flogging about the sky in geriatric turboprop.

Your choice.:E

Copythisnumberdown 25th Mar 2012 11:53

Just thought I'd start to come back with a few classic "Fails" of the so called experts on this forum, this one by "Bizzybody"

"Wow an all white unmarked aircraft with an unknown rego in a hanger on the other side of the globe. Yep must be theirs"

Strangest thing happened to me today when I was pre-flighting my a/c beside JetGos new E135... Must be a mirage.. Yes this forum knows it all ...I shake my head in bewilderment.. Good Luck Jetgo.... Thumbs up for 'having a go" now how about a job!!!!:ok:

grrowler 25th Mar 2012 21:49

Tell you what cracks me up - pilot's with jets in their eyes who think every new start up is going to be a wonderful, money spinning success, and can't handle any comments that aren't blowing smoke. It's got nothing to do with giving them a fair go, tall poppy syndrome or bitterness - it's about seeing through the spin and keeping it real.

Generally wary comments will be posted by those who have been personally affected by the collapse of yet another failed aviation venture, or have watched one unravel nearby. Every startup says they are bringing something new/ different, have the most experienced team, are more efficient. Problem is if the idea isn't good it doesn't make any difference.

Try looking past one jet with a new coat of paint and look at what exactly they are doing and why it hasn't been done successfully before, otherwise you might be looking for the unemployment office.

bizzybody 25th Mar 2012 23:42


I know their leased aircraft is in town. I know they took Photos of an all white plane claiming to be theirs. I know that it's also not their money, I know it's not their balls on the line and I know their application has not been in with CASA for over a year.

Ahhhh yes the Do 328 Jet concept?

My money is on the F50 operation starting up in the same area around the same time. At least they are using their own money and they have all been in the airline industry for longer than JR and AM have been alive.

3 Holer 25th Mar 2012 23:54

Just remember Virgin did not have a fleet of aircraft when it started so let time tell.
Then Ansett went tits up and the rest is history. I don't think JetGo will get that lucky but we'll "let time tell" !:ok:

GADRIVR 26th Mar 2012 00:27

"I know their leased aircraft is in town. I know they took Photos of an all white plane claiming to be theirs. I know that it's also not their money, I know it's not their balls on the line and I know their application has not been in with CASA for over a year.

Sure you do Bizzy old chum.....suurre you do!! I'd put forward the proposition that you're a worried competitor!!!!

I LOVE this thread!! :}

bizzybody 26th Mar 2012 01:41

Please note I wish no harm on anyone. I really do wish them well as I do with another that wants to have a go.

Lol I really don't think you can compare jetgo to Virgin though. Skyair and strategic started the same way too

A worried competitor????? Baaaaahahahahahaha could not be further from the truth my friend..

TWOTBAGS 26th Mar 2012 03:42

Actually Bizzy, you have just proven yourself to be a fool.

The first thing you learn to do when developing something, is you don't tell everyone all of the story.

Everyone gets a bout 80% of the news and the remaining 20% is divided up among the flock and to see what comes back full circle.... ie who can keep their mouth shut and who cant. A little bit of knowledge is a very dangerous thing because that is exactly what you have shot yourself with.

You are blatantly wrong about some details you sprout forth as fact. How do I know this, because I countersigned the documents you portray as not existing.

I think it could be wise for your to remove you incorrect statement, the word you should look up is Libel, but as you are a bit slow on the uptake I will give you a hint.

Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts, which arises where one person reveals information that is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.

Seaeagle109 26th Mar 2012 07:32

Bizzybody, et al,

You may want to brush up on this;
Australian Defamation Laws and the Internet

Especially after a statement of "material that could be found to be defamatory includes that which has the tendency to lower the person in the estimation of others" eg about their financial commitment in their company. That would, IMHO, lower the estimation of a fledgling business man, who's establishing a business in a small aviation community, in the eyes of a reasonable person. ie a client or potential supplier or employee.

A rumour is one thing, a statement is quite another, especially about individuals; can you back up this statement? I'm willing to bet you can't from Twotbags' reaction.

PPRuNe is an anonymous rumour network, but it's not going to be that anonymous for you, if the PPRuNe management is involved in a libel action, as has been hinted at by Twotbags.


"A man's character is his fate" Heraclitus, 535-475BC

gobbledock 26th Mar 2012 11:41

Grrowler - nice post, nailed it in one!

And then come the 'libel' posts, right on cue. The threat of libel (by posters) is usually rolled out when people start sooking because they aren't reading 'wonderful, positive, enthralling statements'. I am wondering out of curiosity- how does one get sued for libel if one posts his/her comments from a public computer that is located well away from any pesky CCTV cameras and one has originally set up ones email account at Gmail with false details? Just curious, seriously.

Seaeagle109 26th Mar 2012 21:31


Sorry if my “libel post” has offended you, but my interest was sparked by the hint of a libel threat/action, so I Goggled “libel”, as I’m a total legal layman, and found out about the Libel laws for electronic media in Australia to inform myself and posted a link for any other interested PPRuNer users. I am aware that there was a recent successful action against an Australian blogger over statements made in a blog, which were incorrect about an individual. If you read the linked page in my previous post you'll find even the truth is not a defense in some cases, if the disclosure of facts is not in the public interest; that I personally found very interesting as I thought the truth is the ultimate defense; Twotbags quite accurately pointed that out to Bizzybody.

Your question about how someone could be identified if they used a public computer and avoided CCTV is an interesting one but I thought PPRuNe wouldn’t let you set up an account using services like Hotmail and possibly Gmail, so that we can all actually be identified if required. I do know that a person can be tracked down by a knowledgeable computer user, look at the recent case of the “Collar Bomb” offender; he was tracked to a public computer in his local library and an anonymous email address . I’d hazard a guess that, like me, most PPRuNer users use either personal or work computers to view and post on this forum, so identification of an individual is probably easy. Cookies must be enabled | Herald Sun

Bizzybody has made a statement about individuals and their financial involvement in their company that I believe triggered the hint of legal action, not made a comment like “I believe or I’ve heard” or stated a negative opinion or comment like you and others have about JetGo, which you're entitled to do. So, that’s a bit of a difference in my opinion (only that of a legal layman) and reading the article/definitions on libel, it could be a prudent move to either retract it, or prove it, or apologise for it, as a “reasonable person” could form a negative opinion of the identified individuals and the subsequent post about meaning no harm to JetGo probably isn’t enough. JR was ID’d on the first page of this thread and anyone dealing with JetGo on a professional basis would know AM’s identity.

I'd guess there's real money on the line here and inflicting damage on some person or entity's reputation could cause them problems (financially or professionally) and ultimately the person making the offending statements, problems, should legal action be taken over the offending statements. I believe PPRuNe has in the past blocked posts about companies and individuals due to legal issues but I'm not sure if that is still happening.

However, it’s no problem of mine and maybe Bizzybody will either “put up or shut up” regarding his/her statement; I’ll be interested to see what happens.


“A man’s character is his fate” Heraclitus, 535-475BC.

GADRIVR 27th Mar 2012 11:48

Love your work Gobbledock.... Sniping from the edges as usual. Nothing positive to say as usual. Nothing of any real consequence to say as usual. Just the usual flying club drivel!!!
Bizzy..... let's face it....you are worried mate. Didn't that new F-50 app die a quick death?! I mean really darling boy.... the cake is a lot larger than you think. Let somebody else have a slice you greedy bugger!!! ;-)

springbokflyer145 28th Mar 2012 01:14

TWOTBAGS: You stated 'I have been here since 1996 when PPRuNe was a two forum email BBS'

Thats great mate but One question for you. How come your JOIN DATE is MAY 2001 :=

You dont need to answer that.

BizzyBody: not comparing the 2 companies but stating that Virgin did have a fleet of 10 B747 400's when they started. I hope that JetGo all the way.

Seaeagle109 28th Mar 2012 03:22


Perhaps, like me, he had to re-register at some stage; from memory, back around the late '90s/2000 I changed service providers and also had a bit of a computer meltdown/virus, hence a new email address, which at the time required a re-registration. Anyway, I think that's why I re-registered, as my original joining date was around late'98/early'99.


"A man's character is his fate" Heraclitus, 535-475BC

scooterboy83 28th Mar 2012 05:51

Landed Brissy!

falconx 29th Mar 2012 04:28

sitting in cooly "because its cheaper fees"

tourismman 29th Mar 2012 06:02

Still in BNE when i saw it a few hours ago !

falconx 29th Mar 2012 06:19

Quite a few flights, not bad for someone that doesn't have an AOC yet

gobbledock 29th Mar 2012 11:43

Poking the bear
Now now GADRIVR, no taunting please. Otherwise I may snipe you from behind a sand dune or hill and fire a few shots across the bow of your little piston rig!

TBM-Legend 29th Mar 2012 20:25

The real challenge will be running a single ship operation [at this stage] and keeping the customer happy when she goes tech...what do you x-hire to cover this baby?

flying-spike 29th Mar 2012 21:41

No AOC, no need
You don't an AOC for private flights. You only need that when you start conducting revenue flights or training. Positioning flights can be conducted as private ops. Obviously enthusiasm is filling the knowledge and experience void. A dangerous precondition for a start up.

TWOTBAGS 30th Mar 2012 02:51

Time to grab the tiller and set the ship straight again for those that obviously have no idea about ferry flights, training flights, proving flights, private flights and commercial operations.

JetGo have been conducting both training and proving flights with CASA on board observing the crew actions are in accordance with their published manuals.

As the company is yet to get its AOC, it is quite obvious that the training and proving flights are conducted as a private operation.

These flights have taken in multiple ports and sectors where the crew have been observed in real world operating conditions. Cobham did it a few weeks back when they brought the 717 back to Brisbane. Tiger did numerous flights to satisfy the above requirements (twice now) all as a private operation until they received their AOC.

What these guys are doing is not easy, if it was everyone would have a jet AOC. The reality is that you can count on one hand the number of new jet AOC's that have been issued by CASA in the last 2 decades.

So think before you make that next key stroke, the JetGo boys and girls are hard at work actually doing it, as opposed to the vast majority who have a word but dont have a show.

If you feel like shooting down your fellow aviators from the sideline with biased or as displayed in this thread, by a distinct lack of knowledge.
Then sure if it makes you feel like a big man have a dig, but you only look like a friday night fool in front of everyone else here.

Play the Ball, Not the Man. and right now, the JetGo boys are the only ones playing the Ball. To date they have been hitting 6's out of the park with not a peep from the department, which is a lot more than most people can say.

Actions speak a lot louder than words and JetGo are letting their plane do the talking.:ok:

CaptCaveman 30th Mar 2012 02:52

“……………Obviously enthusiasm is filling the knowledge and experience void. A dangerous precondition for a start up.” flying-spike, Post#116

What monumental arrogance and ignorance is this load of cr@p statement? A previous poster says, probably after checking Flight Aware or similar:

“Quite a few flights, not bad for someone that doesn't have an AOC yet” Falconx, Post# 113

and the "flying-spike" is jumping to a conclusion about JetGo’s knowledge base and experience levels. Maybe these flights were with CASA to pass the various requirements for the AOC? For example, Check Approvals, Proving Flights, etc? It takes time to jump through all of CASA’s hoops, multiple flights are part of the process.

Really, Spike, that’s just a downright insult to the experience and professionalism of the crews flying the aircraft and the guys setting up JetGo. You might get away with questioning the advisability of establishing the operation, which is a fair question, but to infer these guys are setting up a dangerous operation is really bad form. You’ve crossed the line with that inference. You really need to apologise to the crews for that one!

The Caveman

Seaeagle109 30th Mar 2012 03:32


I've always tried too, as Twotbags says, "play the ball not the man" on this forum but you're sorely tempting me to say something very insulting about you after your last statement regarding the "knowledge and experience void" about your fellow aviation professionals.

I don't know about you but I believe that you give other aviation professionals the courtesy of professional respect until they prove to you beyond doubt that they're not worthy of it.

The crews flying the JetGo aircraft have not, as far as I know, shown any lack of experience or knowledge; if they have please enlighten us all, if not then I think you need to acknowledge that you have created an erroreous idea about their professional abilities and knowledge.

The idea that the people establishing JetGo are creating something dangerous because you don't think it's a good idea or business plan is very unprofessional and discourteous.

Sure, have at them as much as you like about whether they'll suceed or fail, and their aircraft choices but you've really impuned their reputations over their supposed lack of experience and knowledge with out any just reason.


"A man's character is his fate" Heraclitus, 535-475BC

Jetgo Management 30th Mar 2012 05:28

Correct TBM-Legend.. Very Valid Comment, Where do we get back up aircraft! We have a few allies in the industry and will rely on them until we manage to go through the saga of importing aircraft 2 , 3 and 4 over the next 12 months.. Until then we agree, we will no doubt experience teething problems.

For those others of you out there that choose to sprout 'crap' about safety, and privacy of the companies officers and affairs ( You know who you are), I believe the real professionals following on this forum have already 'outed' you as being the clowns you really are.. Yes, we are in the midst of prooving flights, our crew are doing an excellent job thus far of getting through this daunting task. Thanks for the support guys, We always welcome help and advice!

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