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Angle of Attack 11th Feb 2009 11:53

The salary for an FO is equal to $57,500 AUD, to fly up to 1000 hours a year,
Wow I worked in GA in AUS 11 years ago and made 45k salary, I don't think its a matter of whether people accept these crap conditions or not, some people do, but regardless I am only an F/O but still exceed these CAPT conditions by 40% , its all about choice, if you dont jump at every opportunity and pick your decisions you can easily out do this crap offer. You are what you eat, and I only eat the best! So dont complain think about it and do it quite simple really!

remoak 11th Feb 2009 16:39

So remoak are you going to apply then? (Go on remoak..be honest!)
Sure... why not. Beats the crap out of my present gig commuting to Europe and let's face it, NZ aviation is a closed shop. Those of us who had the gall to go beyond these hallowed shores in search of work, soon found out how hard it is to come back. not only that, but it doesn't matter how much experience you might have, it's off you go to that Saab or Dash 8 in the right seat to "serve your time". Yes, I think you will find a lot of eminently qualified people will be flocking back from Europe... because we all know that lifestyle is worth megabucks - more than the salary differential between our euro salaries and what's on offer here.

Straight onto a nice shiny new jet, at or near the top of the seniority list... I'd take it.

Mind you, I'm too old and ugly to stand much chance of getting the gig, so it's all moot really!

an3_bolt 11th Feb 2009 19:20

You will only ever get paid what YOU think you are worth.

hadenuff 11th Feb 2009 19:56

I can see the Jetstar Oz ChCh base being closed at some stage, at which point the incumbents will be 'invited' to join the Jetstar NZ ChCh base (to open the following day) or move back to Oz. Unsure of what the contract allows wrt closing of bases, but would seem likely..... :ugh:

If 72k for the FO is prior to Salsac for an endo, then most of the local lads will be better off sitting in the regionals. If it includes the endo, then the pay would look about on par with Pac Blue. ('ish)

Regardless, as has already been said, I'm sure there will be no shortage of candidates given the current climate and stagnation of movement in NZ.

GADRIVR 11th Feb 2009 20:17

Remoak and tempo........words of typical scabs!!!!
People lilke you are the cause of the problem in the first place.:ok:

haughtney1 11th Feb 2009 20:21

GADRIVR, nice try at a wind up.........

Some of us have made the money that we need to make....

Scabs are those who cross a pickett line..so wheres your donkey jacket and 44 gallon drum full of burning wood?

horserun 11th Feb 2009 20:27

If it turns out your right and that is the pay, then I will withdrawl my application. No one should take it.

If they do pay F**k all its going to come back and bite them when the industry turns again. Drivers will be out of there like rats from a sinking ship.

For F**ks sake, they could at atleast have the balls to pay the same as jetconnect. What a pack f**king w**kers

clawmonstar 11th Feb 2009 21:15

Jetstar NZ Conditions
If this whoel shamozzle of a economic downturn continues, I think people may be happy just to have a job. Not defending Jetstar for advertising the conditions in any way, but the is it fair to say that the price for staff is dictated by the demand for employment at that time?

If Jetstar were getting some interest on those conditions, there is nothing to stop them going ahead with it. They might just be testing the waters. Here's hoping that nobody has to consider it the way things are going (future possible downturn/redundancies).

On a satirical side note - maybe pilot's should be pushing for unlimited sick leave. If ATC'ers receive it because they are in a safety sensitive operation, maybe we should too.

Sand dune Sam 11th Feb 2009 21:32

GADRIVR pull your head in..that said, the only reason why Australian companies start up operations in New Zealand is because they know Kiwis will work for less.

GADRIVR 11th Feb 2009 22:03

Economic downturn my butt.
1. Airline management (employees they ARE) types keep getting pay increases.
2. Truck drivers, train drivers etc get more than us.
3. Box stakers earn more than most GA types and a lot of regionals.
4. The vast majority of small businesses that in trouble at this moment in time are in that position because they over extended themselves. Pure and simple.
The only reason that pilots (and small companies)keep getting screwed is because they ALLOW themselves to be. I'll give you an example in simplistic terms.
Recently I was involved in negotiations with a freight forwarding company (lets call them Bastards inc!!).
They were given a fair quote, based on well maintained modern aircraft, pilots being paid what they should be paid and then some, quaranteed levels of service (in other words, we say we'll be there.....we'll be there on time and on budget no matter what unless weather is a factor or unforseen maintenace issues and then we had a plan 2 etc). They were given figures that came in less than 2% over the status quo. If we don't come up to the mark...penalties...and fair enough.
The status quo as it stands...does NOT get the job done properly. Maintenance issues, poorly trained pilots,weak ontime performance etc.
All was looking good.
A couple of weeks later we get a phone call from an old mate who now works for aforesaid bastards inc in a management capacity (different section). He tells us that it looked like that we were going to miss out on the tender for the following mostly because,
the management type who is in charge of that particular company business unit was at a company function and heard boasting that he was about to recommend that the mob we were working for wouldn't get the contract.
Price was the issue he said. Fair enough....thats life. He then went on to say that he had been in this business for years, and had built up a solid rapport with the existing operators. Fair enough again.
He then went on to speak about pilots and operators that he knew personally that were "willing to the job done no matter what". Bit dodgy it sounds but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt...fair enough.
When asked about "willing to get the job done etc" and what that meant...he replied that pilots (thats us) always say that if the weather is no good, we can't get in...well he was sick and tired of hearing that because with his favourite crowd, that was almost never an issue because the pilots had "local knowledge" and therefore didn't have to refer to the CASA approach plates!! Hang on...local knowledge maybe....mentioning approach plates?....seems that duty of care is starting to slip eh?
He continued in the same vane about maintenance..:you don't NEED those eextra instruments in the cockpit...half the time they don't work anyhow! etc
I won't bore everyone with the details but suffice to say the conversation rambled on for some time and the general crux was "back in the good old days of bank running we had pilots/companies with balls etc etc etc".
When asked as to what he would do about rule breakers, his reply was (big grin, big wink), dunno what you're talking about mate!!! That attitude was out of touch in the trucking industry a decade ago.
So whats the crux of the story you ask?
Simple......the company who were bidding gave up....went back to the "old way of doing things because it was too hard to argue with whats established".
Gotta love this industry eh?
Like I've said before, the people at the coal face in this industry are gutless at all levels!:ugh:

Mat Finish 11th Feb 2009 22:11

And like PacBlue will we see JetStar NZ aircraft overnight in Oz to commence rotations out of Australia the next day, further still lowering the cost basis for Qantas.?

Further still Chch/AKL commands could be offered to Australian based crews who will be told they can keep living in Brisbane or Sydney where-ever as their rosters will start from there.

Remoaks assumption that pilots will be rushing back from Europe or the Middle East to help undercut the industry is difficult to agree with even if times get tough.

Chinese 101 might be profitable reading on those long international back of the clock sectors!

Mat Finish
never a shiny moment..:suspect:

haughtney1 12th Feb 2009 08:50

Except Matt..living and working someplace where 3000 BR is considered a nice day...as you wheeze your way into work...and wonder why the TMA controller has turned you into the path of a lufthansa A340.....
Low pay in NZ starts to look ok, particularly if you KNOW that there are plenty of Kiwi's and Ozzies here in europe with lots of equity in homes that they bought for a song back in the late 1990's early 2000's...and could now still sell..and clear 500-600k NZ even in this ****ty climate

No1Dear 12th Feb 2009 10:40

180 bucks to sit an idiotic computer based psychometric test.
Sounds sweet cuz

Gnd Power 12th Feb 2009 11:41

The salary for an FO is equal to $57,500 AUD, to fly up to 1000 hours a year
No its not.

When you take into consideration the 9% compulsory superannuation (Aus) the equivalent Aussie salary is little under $53, 000 AUD.

The skipper would get the equivalent to $88, 000 AUD.

And NZ has a higher tax rate!!


InSoMnIaC 12th Feb 2009 12:10

"The salary for an FO is equal to $57,500 AUD, to fly up to 1000 hours a year"

is this got any concrete truth to it or is it another pprune fabrication?

I read in this thread that it was 57,500 AUD Base salary.

I take that to mean before sector pay..
can somebody clariify this for me pls.

Dee 12th Feb 2009 13:01

Dont know what source the slalaries came from all they advertise at the moment is:

Where are Jetstar's pilot bases?

* Auckland

Would Jetstar cover the cost of the Endorsement or Refresher Courses?

Where training is required to gain an endorsement prior to being employed, the cost of gaining the endorsement (Airbus or Boeing) is borne by the applicant. Applicants may be offered the opportunity to enter into an Endorsement Agreement which will allow them to repay the cost incurred through a salary sacrifice arrangement or a deferred payment arrangement over a period of time in accordance with Company policy.

Pilots who are already endorsed on the aircraft type but whose rating is no longer current and those who require a CCQ, would be required to complete a refresher course or a CCQ prior to commencing Line Training. These courses generally will be undertaken in conjunction with Jetstar Transition Training. The cost to each pilot will be determined on an individual basis determined by the additional training required and may be repaid through Salary Sacrifice if necessary. Further information on refresher and CCQ courses can be provided upon request.

Command Potential

Due to our planned expansion, we anticipate a significant number of A320 Command positions becoming available during the initial start up of the Auckland base and over the coming years. These Commands will be offered in accordance with company policy at the time. If no suitably qualified pilots are available within the Jetstar (NZ) pilot group, there may be an opportunity for a command upgrade for suitably qualified and experienced external applicants who are current on Airbus (side-stick) equipment.

What are the Pay scales for Captains and F/O?

The remuneration package for Captains and F/Os will be in line with market rates and will be discussed with short listed applicants during the recruitment process.

Roster Period/ Days Off

Roster periods will be published on the basis of either 28 day periods or calendar month. Pilots will be entitled to a minimum of 8 rostered days off at home base in each 28 day period.


Pilots are subject to New Zealand Taxation Laws. For information on taxation rates please refer to the New Zealand tax office


Jetstar contributes to KiwiSaver in line with legislation.

Staff Travel Benefits

Jetstar provides employees a discretionary benefit of staff travel benefits after a six month qualifying period with the company. Employees, their children and their parents are able to access concessional staff travel in addition, either a travel partner OR the employee's siblings. Travel is all standby and bookings can be made on Jetstar, Qantas Group and One World partner airlines pursuant to interline travel agreements.

an3_bolt 12th Feb 2009 20:15

Very poor wage
When we used to own an espresso bar - we paid all of our staff more than an FO position.

We paid our baristas in the order of AUS$65,000 - $70,000.
We paid our general staff in the order of AUS$60,000 - $65,000.

Since they worked hard and conscientiously, we were very flexible with shifts, holidays, and they even had some perks like mobile phones due to occasionally working as manager.

So - $60,000 - $65,000 for taking orders and cleaning up coffee cups, smile and wave, sweeping up the floor - not bad. But that is what it takes to get loyal staff to do the job properly.

We had a philosophy of paying well and attracting the best staff we could get, in order to provide a superior product. We achieved that aim. We achieved a loyal customer base and a very very successful business as a result. You would think that selling $3 coffee is an easy business - it is not.....just like running an airline is very difficult - containing costs etc etc. But our success was because of our staff.

So - you can work 5 days a week in an espresso bar - or spend in order of several years and several $100,000 to get your wings for a LOWER paying job.


remoak 13th Feb 2009 01:24

And what will your baristas be earning in ten years time (assuming you vould get one to stay that long? Still the same 65-70k, adjusted for inflation. As you rightly pointed out, costs have to be contained. So not a lot of career progression there... but the pilot who starts out on 60k may well have doubled his salary in those ten years.

The whole raison d'etre for any low cost carrier is to contain costs. Keeping salaries under control is simply part of that, and if they didn't, there wouldn't BE a Jetstar, Virgin Blue, etc etc. The world changed the day Southwest started operations.

So would you rather have lots and lots of jobs flying nice shiny jets for less money than the legacy carriers pay, or would you rather still be out in the bush somewhere, poling an ancient lighty about and wondering when the shonky maintenance was going to ruin your day? At least you would still have your pride... I suppose...

Nobody is going to pay more than they have to any more. I agree that having to cough for selection tests and type ratings is irksome, but most will happily swallow it if it gets them a job - as history amply demonstrates.

So I suppose the question is, would you rather be on your feet 8 hours a day making coffee, or would you rather be seated comfortably at FL360 drinking coffee - even if it does pay slightly less?

And as for this:

the company who were bidding gave up....went back to the "old way of doing things because it was too hard to argue with whats established"
That company doesn't deserve to be in business at all. "Gutless" is an apt description.

Spikey21 13th Feb 2009 02:04

According to remoak...

So not a lot of career progression there... but the pilot who starts out on 60k may well have doubled his salary in those ten years.
Hands up all those who have doubled their pay in the last 20 years, ie. 1989 to 2009.

Yep, thought so, just remoak and a couple of cessna drivers.

Now, hands up all those who get paid less, mmmmm, interesting.


Mat Finish 13th Feb 2009 02:19

So if we take roughly $12300 (rating cost) or so off the gross of $57500 we get a basic taxable income of $45200 AUD for the first 3 years.

Calling Remoak, how long do you reckon it will take for our salaries to double?

Mat Finish
never a shiny moment..:suspect:

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