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-   -   Epaulettes (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/360143-epaulettes.html)

av8trflying 3rd Feb 2009 00:07



Totally agree.

Will someone please put this thread out of its misery!!

Keg 3rd Feb 2009 02:06

I agree with Keg's first post.
Suck up! :E :p :}

TOPendFLYER 3rd Feb 2009 10:16

This thread is stupid, and so are the participants, one could describe it as being somewhat homo!
You have just insulted evrybody in this thread including yourself longrass

Beached_As_Brew 3rd Feb 2009 11:46

TopEndFlyer, this is a Professional Pilots forum, it is generally occupied by useful posts and not people comparing and encompassing the length of each others tallywackers,

Maybe it would be useful, no doubt inspiring to create a thread titled, "What colour pen do you use" or "What is your favourite brand and style of undies" or "What is your preferential hand to wipe with".

Stop posting crap, no body cares, Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks your a w......ker

And also, just to put this out there, id like to comment on the recent post of "Are boots comfortable to fly in ???", seriously now, is going to work for $40 grand a year with no security comfortable?, is explaining to the boss why you ran into the terminal at wadeye comfortable?, is waking up for a 6am departure with a hangover comfortable?, WHO CARES, IT'S NOT PPRUNE MATERIAL!!!!

Get a life, (or a mrs) and then enlighten us with some useful info.

Please !!!

Thank you in advance


j3pipercub 3rd Feb 2009 23:02

Longrass and Beached as! You're my heroes!!!!!!!!!! You also seem to be almost the same person looking at your posts?wtf?

Or did you both have the same sense of humour bypass at birth???


You both need to take a deep breath and get a sense of humour or get out...

Longrass...I didn't pass high school, but i did ok as i pylote :ugh: I never brought up the length or girth, but I can give you a website if you're interested...

Ooh ooh, in advance, I like hotel pens, the ones you get for free, doesn't matter if you lose them, I prefer white and blue stripey undies, although am quite partial to green ones too, and a car that don't break down would be best!

Beached as... Here's some enlightening, get a thought pattern of your own and you MIGHT make it in this world :D



The_Pharoah 3rd Feb 2009 23:15

this thread is funny. :}

with all the doom and gloom and threads about 'talking shop', its nice to see the funny side of working as a pilot.

on a totally unrelated note, I got my Class 1 medical yesterday in the mail! YAY!! now, all I need is the $70k or so for flight training :{ :ugh:

*grabs coffee and takes a chair in the corner* :}

Awol57 3rd Feb 2009 23:50

Suck up!
Come on, you were right this time :O:}:D

Ozgrade3 4th Feb 2009 00:07

I used to take off my wings n bars before going to the shops on the way or from work but now i just can be bothered, no one notices me, or pays attention. Often in the checkout line I'm outranked by the taxi divers and bus captains.

As a Grade 1, I have to wear 3 bars, or super wankers as my gf calls them. Sometimes the uniform works to my advantage, have recieved some discounts in shops, the Booze buss usually just waves me thru when they see the uniform.

Recently I was applying for a house to rent, first day I went to the real estate agent in shorts an sneakers and T shirt. They didnt want to know me. # days later I went back to the estate agent on the way home from work, in full iniform and they just about fell over themselves wanting to help me.

However for times i want to cover things up so to speak, I just keep a light weight jacket in the car. Good for when one wants to be incognito.

I train chinese cadets, they are a race who are very rank concious. They respond to the trimmings and bells etc. Just look at an average Asian military general/ More gold on him than a jewlery shop. While jeans n T shirt would be far more comfy, they certainly wont respect you. Also our grade 2's n 3's both wear 2 bars. Stops students having less respect for the grade 3's.

So its all about psychology really, lots of things u humans do are daft, but powerful symbols. Just dont ake it too seriusly.

Oh,..... never, ever, ever wear the wings n bars to the bar.

As they say "the bar's on..... bars off"'

The_Pharoah 4th Feb 2009 00:29

sort of reminds me of my days in the army reserve. We weren't allowed to wear our DPCUs other than to/from the bases. However on the days that I'd pop into a shop for a meat pie or something, people always had a kind word to say, esp when they saw the rank slides on my epaulettes - I think the uniform sort of demands some sort of respect, so I don't know why you guys take your epaulettes off - you friggin worked hard to earn it, why hide it? (I'm Mr Naive here).

Like This - Do That 4th Feb 2009 02:31

Only 1 epaulette, on the chest, and bars? Eeewww! How common. Quel horreur! :eek: Mine has pips thank you very much.:}

rmcdonal 4th Feb 2009 19:08

I'll put a grand on it
Thats an Interesting use of the free Kevin Money.;)

The Green Goblin 4th Feb 2009 21:51

I'll put a grand on it
Thats an Interesting use of the free Kevin Money.
If you qualify with a 6 digit salary :yuk:

blueloo 4th Feb 2009 23:12

that would be 100000 or below...lotsa people get that.

I love how labour govts throw away my tax money.

Last one had no impact, so i hardly think this will other than to buy votes.

Pity he doesnt know how to make worthwhile use of the peoples taxes.

The Green Goblin 4th Feb 2009 23:58

Its funny the mindset of Liberal and Labor (should be Labour)

Labor love to give a good handout and don't mind hocking us to our ears in debt building ****e we don't need and producing fuzzy policies.

Liberal come in and penny pench and get us back on track.

So in my opinion you need a Labor government to get the projects happening and spend the moola the Liberals saved, then you need a Liberal government to come back in and mop up.

Doesn't Dudd have such a punchable face though :}

sthaussiepilot 5th Feb 2009 04:32

Thread Drift....

Ultralights 5th Feb 2009 05:36

that was more than thread drift, that was a total planetary reversal! from Slides, to politics...:confused:

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