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Konehead 24th Jun 2008 02:07

Mr Dixon said the airline would not back down.
"We have had what I regard as a very sophisticated and fair wages policy.
"3%, take it or leave it. Sounds pretty sophisticated and fair to me.
Unless you're a manager of course, then it's "Screw your workers, sell your spares, cancel training etc etc and we'll give you a bonus."

Toolpants 24th Jun 2008 02:10

“Mr Dixon said the Qantas board had met in New York last week and urged executives to hold the line against the "untimely" demands of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association.”

Why did he have to “urge” the executives? Did they doubt their fearless leader?

Newgen 24th Jun 2008 02:16

Can't believe how "untimely" our demands are!!

......when did that last EBA run out again??

Konehead 24th Jun 2008 02:22

FedSec and pals. Thanks for the sacrifices you guys are making on our behalf. And to the members who have been docked, I'm happy to chip in to ease the burden. Reps, when are you passing the tin around? I've rung FW on the number provided in the Notice and he tells me the reps will be asking for contributions. So how about it?

Also, a question for the executive: why do we still have an A330 crew? I know they've promised training for AMEs and LAMEs, but that's something they simply had to do anyway, didn't they?

sickofqf 24th Jun 2008 02:44

Good on ya FOG,

Send the damn 'A' checks to LAX. All you are getting is an 'A' Check. Nothing more and sometimes less......

Seems the last one that went up stayed for 2+ days for the non-osip check...:ugh:..oh, and the 100+ hours of Boros that are in Sydney right now with ANOTHER 2 days of ground time.........:D:D

Shame no-one will get to any of the osip what with the three grounded 767's !!!!

OGE must be the longest TRANSIT in history :ugh::ugh::ugh:


oh and this on the news.com.au comments site........check out the "name" :eek:

Geoff Dixon says 'A' checks are being done in LAX and Avalon and taking 2-3 days for just that basic work. What Geoff doesn't tell you is it is the absolute minimum inspections required to keep the aircraft legally flying. These aircraft then come back to Sydney and sit on the ground for several days so the Sydney boys can do all the unfinished work and the, now huge, amount of deferred defect repairs. All this for a check that usually has taken less than 24hours in Sydney. ( before the defects built up due to lack of staff) So basically, NO, the work cannot easily be sent overseas, a check that takes UNDER 24 hours cannot be done efficiently in a port 18 hours flight away. That's 36 hours of non-revenue time! FOG
Posted by: FOG of Mascot 12:27pm today
Comment 82 of 83

Bumpfoh 24th Jun 2008 03:06

Read this K.B
I have it on good authority that K.B reads this thread and others to keep abreast of happenings/sentiments of the troops etc (and no doubt looking for an opportunity to persue an individual legally if the opportunity arose).

So K.B with regards to your drivel on radio this morning the previous offer that was agreed to in principal by the ALAEA reps in Jan 08 was nothing more than that. The reps dutifully brought that offer to the QF ALAEA members who overwhelmingly rejected the offer when it was presented to us for many reasons which have been done to death previously in this thread.

The ALAEA reps then dutifully relayed this message back to you.

So get it straight and stop telling half/untruths in the media, at no stage did the QF ALAEA members accept the crap offer that was never actually tabled in the first place without major altertations to the supposed in principle agreement with the ALAEA negotiating committee!:ugh:

Obviously been groomed by GD how to manipulate the media better than DC.!:E

UPPERLOBE 24th Jun 2008 03:09

"osip" Overhaul or Specified Inspection Periods, would not have been known to FOG because his Sycophantic Highly Incompetent Tosser (like the acronym?) managers don't know what it is either. "We are here to manage you, we don't have to know how it works and you will do it our way or else we will send work o/s and shed customers".

Bit like him saying, I got my car serviced, but next week they have to change the oil & filter, change the plugs, rotate the tyres, fit new shocks, do the injectors, change the brake pads and coolant, but hey I got the car serviced didn't I?


Orangputi 24th Jun 2008 03:26

Hi Magoo31 I agree with your comments below could someone PM the crusty to me as well!


poison pen 24th Jun 2008 03:40

We have not even started
What's all the fuss. We have only banned overtime so we can spend time with our family and friends. We have also only had 3 x 4hr stop work meetings, 2 x 4 hr ( only half of the LAME'S) stop work meetings and look at the airline hurting.

The biggest cost it seems is that Qantas has to battle with is our good will towards the current management. GD is looking stressed.

Let's all stay together and look out for each other. Solidarity always wins in the end.

Bolty McBolt 24th Jun 2008 03:46

A checks in LAX LHR and FRA
A checks in LAX LHR and FRA

Have all been tried before. BIG DEAL
It has never been worlds best practice to do “A” checks etc away from a hub city. As you lose scheduling flexibility, If your “A” check aircraft does not make sched for its departure time in LAX its PAX in hotels for the night. If it was a hub city e.g. SYD We may be able to get another aircraft serviceable in time.

LHR - QF have dumped BA for the handling contract, so you can only imagine the frosty reply from B.A. stores when we go cap in hand to ask for some RR parts e.g. Core fairings etc
FRA. (-10 in winter) The hangars belong to Lufthansa are V expensive to use and some 2 hours is lost each way towing the aircraft from terminal to hangar. Does not leave many hours in a day to achieve much and has been tried before.

The aircraft usually returned to SYD with parts that were on a short-term loan from the MRO.
If “A” checks are done in the cities listed above effectively, a substantial amount of spare parts will have to be positioned in these ports.
Here is weakness in the QF plan.
As we all have experienced in recent times that spare parts are not in plentiful supply so to achieve anything they must BUY more parts? or sprinkle what little parts “supply chain” have across the network. This will only weaken supply chains ability to support the fleet and affect another group of manager’s annual bonus.

The funny thing is that upper management seem to think we have no idea how the operation works, what impacts scheduling, or the infrastructure required to do maintenance at a level that provides fleet reliability. Veiled threats of sending work overseas are no threat at all, what a farce and I suspect it may sway some public opinion back to our court.

Lets keep up the good work as a new financial year is looming…..

blurter8 24th Jun 2008 03:52

Reading with interest and backing you gentlemen all the damn way!
Dixon, your career dissipation light just went into overdrive.
Yours in solidarity, QCCLH. :ok:

PTTSwitch 24th Jun 2008 04:01

Can someone please PM the list to me also, thanks

Long Bay Mauler 24th Jun 2008 04:18

http://www.royandhg.com/clubbuggery/rhg5.jpg"So Roy,where can the kiddies can find more information about those engineers with the crusty date fingers?"

"Well HG,their first port of call would be to check out MENDAEROs webpage.This can be easily found by clicking on his name where posted."

Sunfish 24th Jun 2008 04:22

If I was a Qantas shareholder today, I'd be rather worried about the possibility of the company suffering very long term damage as a result of this dispute simply to protect the ego of Management and the Board.

I get this very strong feeling when I listen to Mr. Dixon that this is a PERSONAL matter as far as he is concerned.

What irritates me is the constant threats to send work overseas at the drop of a hat.

Gentlemen, if QF management actually thought they could save money by doing maintenance overseas before now, don't you think they would have done it in a heartbeat?

Does anyone seriously think that your pay offer is going to tip the financial scales towards overseas work?

These type of decisions (other than your bare A checks) require very long logistical analysis and planning, not to mention contract negotiations that take months.

Of course their are companies that would be happy to contract for your entire maintenance and logistics needs - but they aren't cheap, and once QF loses it's engineering capabilities, the prices will go up and up.

sickofqf 24th Jun 2008 04:35

Passengers stranded as Qantas flights axed

Daniel Emerson
June 24, 2008 - 2:13PM

Scores of Sydney-bound passengers are stranded at Perth Airport after arriving to find their 11.45am flight cancelled.

Rose Bay woman Natalie, who did not want her last name revealed, said she had not yet been told how she was going to get home after Qantas flight QF580 was scrapped.

The airline is reeling today from a series of strikes by engineers over pay.

"We registered online yesterday for email alerts of delays and cancellations but we didn't receive any from Qantas," Natalie said.

"Getting to the airport to find your flight has been cancelled is unacceptable."

Natalie said some of her 11 colleagues, in Perth on an events management assignment, had worked for 24 hours straight on their project and were desperate to get some sleep.

"But no one's told us anything," she said from Perth Airport. "There's only one person at a desk and [all the passengers] look very angry.

"We are lining up, trying to check our bags in but we might have to stay overnight. We don't know."

Qantas has been contacted for comment about the cancelled flight.

Earlier today, a spokeswoman warned that further cancellations on top of the 18 expected today were possible.

But she said passengers would be notified in any event.

"We have currently cancelled 18 but we are saying further cancellations and consolidation may be required as the day progresses," she said.

"We are monitoring the situation and contacting all affected passengers."

She said "consolidation" referred to juggling flight schedules, for example combining two half-empty flights into one.

Qantas engineers are campaigning for a 5 per cent pay rise but Qantas is steadfastly sticking to its offer of 3 per cent.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/...073218525.html

sickofqf 24th Jun 2008 04:42

more SMH
Qantas chief target of YouTube campaign

Jonathan Dart
June 24, 2008 - 12:15PM


Amid strikes and cancelled flights, Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon is the target of a campaign on YouTube.

The video features a person dressed in Qantas hat and uniform, with his voice digitally altered and wearing a mask of Mr Dixon.

"This will be the first of a many part series that is going to be the FOD program - the F--- Off Dixon program," the actor says.

"As you can see I'm wearing the appropriate apparel on my head and no doubt there are shirts out there with the FOD symbol on it.

" If you see any one of the employees wearing hats like this or shirts, just remember - FOD program."

It comes as engineers walked off the job for the second day causing 18 flights to be cancelled, after wage negotiations between Qantas and the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association fell apart.

The union is asking for an annual wage increase of five per cent, while the company is asking for three per cent.

"The unions are trying to bully me into a place where I don't want to be, with a five per cent increase of their wages," the actor says in the video.

"I think it's suitable they only get three per cent and I think three per cent is quite sufficient even though I did take a 21 per cent increase in my wages from 2006 and 2007, but don't worry about me."

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/...073209245.html

The Black Panther 24th Jun 2008 04:43

Gentlemen, if QF management actually thought they could save money by doing maintenance overseas before now, don't you think they would have done it in a heartbeat?
Spot on Sunny.
The parallel is a trucking business operating out of all the major cities in Australia. They have a dispute with there maintenance staff and then threaten to have the trucks serviced by the bush centres.{no disrespect to our bush mech's this is about distance and logistics}. So they drive there vehicles to Longreach, Bourke, Shepparton and The Alice because labour is cheap. Forget about the supply chain, operational requirements, tech services not to mention other essential logistics. Are these mob for real?

Just move the bar up 1%, the opportunity cost of this fight is climbing.
.....and all we are doing is working our regular shift with a few 4 hour stoppages.

Is anyone home in Coward Street?

blubak 24th Jun 2008 04:47

Maybe somebody in management needs to be reminded on what is involved in negotiation.
Sure there is somebody that could pass a few hints but would they take any notice.
Almost convinced-NO but stranger things have happened.
Wont hold my breath.

division1 24th Jun 2008 05:09

What hope has Dixon got when his engineering management
call the NRMA when their company car has a flat tyre. :rolleyes:

The Black Panther 24th Jun 2008 05:10

Just heard VR's rescinded in Brisbane.
Surprise Surprise. Never had enough engineers to do work anyway and there were 7 or so sparkies on the list.....Who don't we have enough of ...duh!

I doubt the guys on VR would have got excited but once again you have to ask about some of the sh#t they comes from the managers. Now the new Ops manager is making a great name for himself. His first scalp was getting rid of Thai. He was outsmarted by Sydney though who got rid of the hole show. It's a race to the bottom.

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