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Warm Ballast 3rd Jun 2008 11:44

Swift6 - Certainly not sealed as of three weeks ago ....... Lombadina - 'just up the road a bit and to the right' - is a very nice bit of bitumen.....

Flopt 3rd Jun 2008 11:50

loose wing bolts?
Haven't you got the mandatory new inclusion for all 'wing-bolted' Beech products POH?....it's been added in Section IV Pre flight Inspection ,par 6.o & 8.n......................before each flight carry out "wobble board" check at each wing-tip!!!!!!!!

And sing a verse of "tie me kangaroo down mate" for me while you do it!


P.S. The Mo's got a girder!:=

PyroTek 3rd Jun 2008 12:42

Just found this image, from 2007, but if someone can guess where, i'll be IMPRESSED

Capt Fathom 3rd Jun 2008 12:52

Guess where? Easy! It's up in the air! :uhoh:

Jabawocky 3rd Jun 2008 13:03


I'll go one better......... its a C208, its visiting YRED and it belongs to Stahmann Farms based out of TWB I think you will find!

Not just a jaba driver after all hey!;)


PyroTek 3rd Jun 2008 13:13

Jaba, not just a jab driver... yeah, sure... anytime!..:cool:
Soon to be a vans driver? :ok:

2nd photo was taken as the heli was just landing back at the pad at dreamworld, Gold Coast.

Lasiorhinus 3rd Jun 2008 13:28

Sounds like fun!

What's a 'van endorsement cost these days, anyway?

ekoja 3rd Jun 2008 20:50

Hey Pyro? I actually guessed the Dreamworld Helicopter, but ......

What is this? and I won't be able to tell you if you are right or wrong, this is off another forum and it has got them stumped, so maybe one of you can know.

pw1340 3rd Jun 2008 22:23

is it an Ercoupe?

And judging by the mysterious 'orbs' in the first picture I'd say the location is near Mt Adams....


Jabawocky 3rd Jun 2008 22:24

Cardinal Puf Puf Puf

Looks like Kooringal on the bottom end of Moreton Island to me, at Low Tide!:ok:

Not much if you are well connected! Have been told some forms of liquid currency will work too;)


MCKES 4th Jun 2008 03:27

Pyro It is a bell 206 VH-COW. Have been for a ride in it and boy it was the most fun you can have with your wings moving.:ok:

VH-XXX 4th Jun 2008 03:49

Here's a couple...

This toy was recently completed and ferried to QLD.


Does anyone know what type of aircraft this is:


Who said the aviation industry in OZ wasn't booming?


VH-XXX 4th Jun 2008 03:52

Similar to this one Mr. Pyro...


Swift6 4th Jun 2008 04:01

I didn't think they'd bother sealing it.

A mate of mine was in the circuit at Cape Leveque only to hear another aircraft at the same position in the circuit - Turns out the other bloke was at Lombadina whoops!

Jabawocky 4th Jun 2008 04:57


I know how it got here too, and I am surprised he was game enough to fly it that close to you and a camera in your hand!:}

Foxcon is it????


Ultralights 4th Jun 2008 07:23

looks like the new cessna skycatcher LSA??? and i still think its about time Jabiru updated their design, even though they are nice to fly, i still think they are as ugly as hell.

VH-XXX 4th Jun 2008 07:31

No way, it's not a Foxcon Terrier and I think the Czech manufacturer would be most upset that you suggested that!

Jabirus are not ugly, just as Jabawocky. Ultralight Vampires on the other hand are as ugly as hell itself.

Mr Bomb 4th Jun 2008 10:01

Ultralights, whilst I am not real experienced in flying ultralights, having a grand total of only 38 hours in them, I have flown the following ultralight types: the Jab, the Lightwing, a Foxcon Terrier and a Saddler Vampire. The Jab was without doubt the worst aircraft I have ever flown. Obviously a lot of poeple love them and more power to them, but I simply hated the Jab and if I never set bum in one again it will be a day too soon!:\

The Lightwing on the other hand was simply one of the funnest (is that a word?) aircraft I have flown. Low and slow and around the trees without a care in the world.

Mr B

VH-XXX 4th Jun 2008 11:08

No way Mr. Bomb, you're upsetting a lot of people with your snide comments!

The Jab is the best hands down in terms of price and performance, no question.

Banish you and Rob for your defamatory comments!

Bendo 4th Jun 2008 11:11

I'm with the Bomb.

800 hours instructing in Ultralights and it is my fervent hope to never, NEVER fly a Jab again.

I would sooner fly a Thruster. :ouch: :uhoh:

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