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Lasiorhinus 5th Nov 2005 06:21

From http://www.casa.gov.au/fcl/licence/index.htm :

If you operate an aircraft in Australian Territory after 31 December 2005 and you need to hold a licence issued by CASA, you must have a current AVID or ASIC. An AVID is valid for five years before being renewed.
So, if you have an ASIC, you don't need a photo license. Makes sense to me. ASICs are the far more useful of the two, so if you desperately only want one, get the ASIC. But - if photo licences are free, AND make it $50 cheaper to get an ASIC, whats the problem in getting both?

CASA's sample photo licence. (taken from their website)

JetRacer 5th Nov 2005 06:23

I wrote:

Photo Licences are NOT compulsory.

All you need to have if accessing a security controlled airport is an ASIC.

It is the ASIC which is required after 31 December not a photographic licence.

The fees she said were for the issuing of the ASIC and the background checks required, no fees for a photo licence.

UnderneathTheRadar wrote:


Please don't believe a word you were told by CASA - either you or they have it the wrong way around.

By 1 January - you MUST have an AVID. The process for applying for this means that you will also be issued with a Photo ID - so I guess she was technically correct but only very technically. If you had a photo id from before March 05 then you won't have an AVID.

By 1 January - you MUST have and DISPLAY an ASIC if you are airside at a SECURITY CONTROLLED AERODROME.

The AVID process includes a police check but not an immigration status check. The issuing of a AVID will also include giving you a photo license.


I was not talking about the requirement to have an AVID or ASIC.

I was talking purely in regard to a photographic licence. If you already hold an ASIC then you do not require a photo licence, and if you did 'want' one, then it is free. :D

IF however you do NOT have an ASIC, then the fees apply and you will be issued a photographic licence also (once they have your photo on database from the AVID/ASIC application.)

Didnt I write that you need an AVID/ASIC after December 31?? ..... :confused:



185skywagon 5th Nov 2005 09:52

you are wrong at this point.

You only need an Asic if you " access a secure area of a security controlled airport that has RPT operations"
check out the other thread I started re the ATSA and remote areas.

we are trying to get this to be the case so it allows the run of the mill GA pilot to not be criminalised.http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthr...hreadid=196883

farrari 5th Nov 2005 10:52

185 Hi, not sure I am wrong. Taken from CASA web site "You need a valid ASIC if you need FREQUENT access to a area of a Security Controlled Airport that has RPT''. So BK does not require Asic and by their own words you only need Asic for say Bathurst if you need "FREQUENT"access. However what is the definition of Frequent. It's all very messey!!!!!!!!

185skywagon 6th Nov 2005 06:08

not tryin to start a brawl here but, DOTARS have the say, not CASA. An ASIC is required at a SECURITY Controlled Airport,of which Bankstown is one. section 3.16 of the regs.


DeltaSix 6th Nov 2005 10:31

Banks town is a security controlled airport ?............. what security ?........:}

I agree, this is all a knee jerk reaction.

If I was the terrorist, I'd use a Boeing or a scAirbus to do it. I wouldn't even bother for a photo ID and an ASIC card.........
I'd just buy a regular run of the mill airline ticket over the internet, print my own boarding pass as you can do nowadays for a few of the gang, go straight to the boarding gate as what they did in the U.S. and ..........

In regards to training, what's stopping them from getting the training overseas ?

If these guys in DOTARS and CASA thinks we are dealing with a bunch of nitwits in response to a check, then they better wake up to reality. If we are a target as Johnny H says, then we should invest more in field agents to stop it at the source and not give more work to AFP checking pilots here ( who could have done it already since 2001) so they can do the more meaningful work......... like trying to find sleeper cells.

Can someone please wake them up !!!


Pinky the pilot 6th Nov 2005 23:08

I agree with previous posters re the seeming idiocy of most of the new security rules. However, a Government has to be seen to be doing something about what is a serious problem.
The mere fact that all the new photo licencing and ASIC card procedures has more holes in it than a colander, some big enough to fly a 744 through, is totally irrelevant!
Joe and Jane Average in the street, whose complete knowledge of Aviation matters could be engraved on the head of a pin in block letters, probably think that it is all a good idea.
Of course, at some time in the future the general public may tumble to the fact that it is really all mostly a WOFTAM but by then other matters will have appeared which will focus attention elsewhere.

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Ejector 21st Nov 2005 01:36

Does anybody know which form to fill in for a photo licence when you allready hold a ASIC?

4SPOOLED 21st Nov 2005 02:40

I have my photo L which i received on 28th jan and i had to have an ASIO check for the issue of this however, now i have to have a higher check peformed while i am waiting for another license to be sent to me......

Sounds like one giant mess and noone really cna give you either a straight answer, or knows what is the procedure, or what you even need......

One giant mess that is really stuffing me and my timetable around.

kookabat 21st Nov 2005 03:44

Joe and Jane Average in the street, whose complete knowledge of Aviation matters could be engraved on the head of a pin in block letters, probably think that it is all a good idea

apache 21st Nov 2005 04:26

Got to love Government logic. Pinky is right in that ," a Government has to be seen to be doing something "

Anyone remember "Yes Minister" or "Yes Prime Minister" ?
Methinks that the show has been reborn in YSCB.

Great line from it.....

"We must do something. This is something. Let's do this!"

dude65 21st Nov 2005 06:48

Finally, somebody in power stating the bleeding obvious. Looks like you've got an ally Pinky.

National News

Vanstone dismisses resignation calls
© ABC 2005
More Photos

Vanstone dismisses resignation calls
1:12 PM November 21

Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone has defended comments she made about Australia's aviation security amid calls by the Opposition for her resignation.

At a speech last week, Senator Vanstone complained about having to use plastic knives on planes and said security measures were more about making people feel better.

"People shouldn't feel that because plastic knives are there, the world is dramatically changed, because there are still HB pencils," she said.

Opposition spokesman Arch Bevis says the Minister is trivialising an important issue.

"There are a lot of things wrong with aviation security in Australia and we don't need senior Cabinet ministers making a mockery of the measures that are in place," he said.

On Southern Cross radio, Senator Vanstone rejected Opposition calls for her sacking.

"If the day has come when a minister can't say what every other Australian says and that is that plastic knives drive us crazy, I think we're in desperate straits," she said.

Senator Vanstone says she does not believe the security measures should be scrapped.

Federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley says Senator Vanstone is not fit to be a Minister.

"Afraid to say, Amanda ain't up to it," he said.

Senator Vanstone says her comments were not irresponsible and she is not interested in what the Opposition says.

A spokeswoman for Qantas says the airline is supporting a government review of the use of plastic cutlery on planes but does not want to comment on the security issue.

No-one at Virgin Blue wanted to comment.

Source: ABC

rong 26th Nov 2005 05:12

OK, lets say I've worked through this maze of uncertainty and next year I've got a photo licence, an AVID, and an ASIC, and any other bit of beaurocratic red tape they come up with. I take a private flight and legally land at an SCA which has RPT.

What about my mate, who isn't a pilot, who came along for the ride? Can he get out of the plane without being fined $500. Is he already up for $500 as soon as we touchdown? It's an offence for ANYONE, not just pilots to be in a secure area without an ASIC.

ERSA tells me it's an SCA but doesn't describe the extent of the secure area. If it's the "aircraft movement area" I can't taxi out of it to disembark, and passengers can't legally disembark in it!!

4SPOOLED 26th Nov 2005 05:40

From what i understand you as the PIC must have the ASIC and are responsible for your pax. They must be with an ASIC holder in secure areas...


rong 26th Nov 2005 05:51

DOTARS brochure says a visitor accompanying an ASIC holder must wear a visitor identification card. Where's that going to come from inbound?

dodgybrothers 26th Nov 2005 06:08

probably going to have to apply for a photo visitor card, 3 months prior to your proposed flight of course

Pinky the pilot 27th Nov 2005 05:57

Dude 65; Yes, how refreshing indeed to see one polly talking sense at long bloody last!!!
I think that if I ever met Senator Vanstone I would even kiss her for that one.:E :E

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Arm out the window 27th Nov 2005 07:20

Well, Pinky, if you do happen to come across her, so to speak, make sure you take a photo and put it on the internet for everyone to see!
But seriously, if it's only the pilot who must have had the security checks, forms, photos etc., and who is then responsible for the passengers (ie. anyone who looks at a group of people crossing the tarmac needs to see someone with an official-looking ID hanging off their shirt) then the whole idea becomes an even bigger block of Swiss cheese.

CIA Stooge 27th Nov 2005 07:28

Methinks that the show has been reborn in YSCB.
Apache please don't confuse the place up on the hill with the Airport, plenty of hot air comes from the people in power at both locations but we didn't dream up the security arrangements.

HI'er 27th Nov 2005 08:13

DOTARS brochure says a visitor accompanying an ASIC holder must wear a visitor identification card.
So of what value are these "visitor id" cards going to be?
If they are issued willy nilly to anyone accompanying an ASIC holder, obviously no background check will have been done on that visitor, making the "visitor id" card totally meaningless.

This whole thing reeks of bureaucratic bull**** through and through!

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