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atyourcervix73 9th Feb 2005 15:56

More Eagle Interviews
Hi all...just to let you know, got an email this morning form Eagle Airways NZ. To be honest I'd forgotten my details were still on Staff CV....(I'm now a SFO/Captain in training on 757's):rolleyes:
In any case the interviews are set down for Feb 28, March 1 & 2...goodluck to all those who get the email or call....the 1900 is a good beasty for a first job! :ok:

Cloud Cutter 9th Feb 2005 20:11

Isn't that amazing:eek:

There are also interviews Feb 14-16, closely following the ones a few weeks back. I think it would be more newsworthy if a month went by without any eagle interviews.

Horse Float Driver 10th Feb 2005 08:28

Eagle Interveiws
Heard today thru the gossip grapevine that these have been cancelled due lack of interest...Or is that due too much interest from other parties?

Oh to have had the choice back in the good old days......

splatgothebugs 11th Feb 2005 03:16

GA pilots arnt dumb, I'm sure they can see thats its not a happy camp at the moment and are prepared to wait a little longer to see what happens.

Just a thought:ok:


Luke SkyToddler 11th Feb 2005 09:42

jeez splat how times have changed, I thought that YOU thought eagle was god's gift to nz aviation?

Split Flap 11th Feb 2005 20:46

Whats the latest with the negotiations?

mattyj 11th Feb 2005 21:22

Whats happening at Eagle anyway??

Are the boys up front getting tired of low pay?

Cloud Cutter 12th Feb 2005 19:46

Woops, got a bit confused with my first post, but you may find this more interesting...

The interviews planned for this week were shifted to 28th-2nd because they couldn't get enought pilots to attend!

Now as splat said that must be a sign of people having a think and another look around (or most of the would be interviewees already having jobs/interviews with NSN or Cook) - if this was a couple of years ago, eagle could have called up most applicants and had them attending interviews the next day. In saying that, there are still plenty of willing applicants, but eagle need to lower there sights so they are not competing with the bigger planed, higher paying airlines - they will not win.

A job with eagle has still got to be heaps better than most GA jobs, so if your applying or have an interview, I wouldn't read too much into this talk or poor pay and conditions - just make sure you only get bonded for 1 year (there are 2 different bond contracts beleive it or not). The trip to Canadia is not all bad either.

Split flap - as you can probably guess, eagle pilots are not at liberty to discuss negotiations on a public forum.

splatgothebugs 13th Feb 2005 06:43

Cheers CC I was wondering how to word it..
All the **** aside its a good job, you fly with good buggers on good route structures and get paid to do it in an aircraft which out performs nearly every other prop in NZ skies.

Its not all bad :ok:

Sqwark2000 13th Feb 2005 19:54

(there are 2 different bond contracts beleive it or not).
Cloud Cutter, for clarification, there are two bond periods available depending on what job the company offer you.

The standard is to be offered a Contract Pilot position for a period of 1 year, bond effective at successful completion of training. Once on board you can apply for any full time jobs that become available at your leisure. Downside is you are not onthe seniority list until you go permanent.

The company also has the discretion to offer you a permanent full time job straight away as has happened recently to 2-3 chaps. For the security of a permanent job and entry straight onto the seniority list, the bond period is 2 years.

There are pro's & con's to both, but I think the company will be reluctant to go down the Fulltime job option again as a couple of chaps have struggled with the line training (including a direct entry fulltimer), and if the "contract" pilot fails to meet the standard after retraining then it's easier to terminate a contract than sack a permanent employee.

At the moment with movement the way it is, time on contract is very minimal and so probably the preferred way to go, as you can expect full-time status pretty quick with only the 1 year bond transferred to your new position. The bugger would be if movment stopped for what ever reason and a long time on contract could be worse than GA. In the past guys have spent 9mths on contract working 1-2 days per fortnight to protect the 400hrs per year maximum a contract pilot is restricted to. at the moment thought guys have spent as little as 1 day after line training on contract before being offered a permanent job.

I think the company would prefer to nail guys down to the 2 year bond as it gives some sort of stability that is not prevalent at the moment but they have to weigh that up against training issues etc.

It is a good job, good aircraft, good crews and I would recommend it to anyone, but it doesn't pay the same as Cook or Nelson so if the opportunity is there you can't blame them for trying.


Horse Float Driver 13th Feb 2005 20:26

Well said Squawk!

It is rare to read someone's veiw that is on the mark, instead of the standard "Bag the Little Guy's"

empacher48 14th Feb 2005 06:58

Currently have applications standing with both Eagle and Air Nelson - what sort of experience are the guys being called up for interviews have at the moment? Just wondering to see how far I have to go!!!

Cloud Cutter 14th Feb 2005 07:37

S2K, as I said, I would sugest they go for the contract then perm route in the current climate. The benifits of the 1 year bond far outweigh 2-3 weeks delay in seniority.

atyourcervix73 14th Feb 2005 12:52

empacher.....the experience I had 19 months ago when I applied to eagle on staff CV was 1600 TT..with about 300 multi-turbine.

Sqwark2000 14th Feb 2005 20:25

CC, absolutley it's the way to go at the moment, but for the benefit of those looking at Eagle as an option it should be made clear that it is the COMPANY that decides what contract they offer new pilots not the pilots making their own preferred choice.

I made a killing as a contractor, taking home in the hand close to double what my GA pre-tax pay was, was like winning Lotto every fortnight!


splatgothebugs 14th Feb 2005 21:44

Contract is the way to go if you can.

Most contractors were/are taking home about the same as captains each week


EMPACHER48 I could well be incorrect but EAG mins seem to be over 1000TT and 100-150 multi


flying ginge 15th Feb 2005 20:26

what about slightly short of 1000TT with 300+multi ATOs?

The Holy Grail 15th Feb 2005 21:29


To measure performance by speed alone is rather short sighted...how about considering cost per seat per mile of operation.....or more importantly what do you think my little posse of hosties would say if I was to boast about being the "quickest" operator in town!

And please little people before you accuse me of turning this into a p***ing competition..........there is no competition!


Thump & Go 16th Feb 2005 08:27

Continuing the theme of Not a p!ssing contest and in (Rare!) defence of Splat I think he said the A/C was one of the best performers around, not that it was the fastest. That would be like saying A/C with hosties are better than those without, now wouldn't it?

If you, as a pilot derive pleasure from flying an A/C with good seat-mile costs good on you:ok: I'm afraid my wheels aren't spinning:(

Flying Ginge - 1000TT(for now for Eagle) is a bit like $9.95 instead of $10 - one sounds better than the other although the difference is negligible. Through staffcv.whatever.com you might not be spotted till 1000hrs, so is a personal visit a possibility? I pretty sure they wont tell you to sod off if the bigwigs have time, and that way you get your 999.9 hrs under their noses - just an idea.

And remember little people

when it's over out there we're all on the same team


splatgothebugs 16th Feb 2005 08:59

Cheers Thump!

Holy grail, I was pointing out its performance all round. If you want to go into seat miles cost ect you can but it dosen't really fuss me.

Having a hosteeeeeee and therefore coffee in fight does gain bonus points but if its fun to fly then that holds alot more satisfaction than having a F/A. :D

happy flying and good luck to all going to interviews:ok:


always inverted 17th Feb 2005 22:36

Just had the call from Bearnie,

interviews are on the 28 Feb, 1,2 March and then the ground course is on the 14 of March.
Just if anyone was curious... 1300 TT, 670 multi and 200 IFR.

Don Won 18th Feb 2005 08:32

Some have been called at short notice for this round, but I know of a few round the 1500TT 150 multi..........
I hope you eagle aero club boys stand up for yourselfs when it comes down to your contracts being reviewed, have heard that staff travel has been pulled to put the "wind" up when there was talk of a mass DCM.
Air NSN and Cook have had too go through the same shizza to get their contracts and I'm shure the rest of the industry would support the cause .....................
Origin are running a J41 course in march if they can get anyone to do it, not shure why when they are sending A/C back, might be doing the Origin.... ground course now start two years later!!

haughtney1 20th Feb 2005 22:30

I got an email off Eagle as well....Had a nice chat with Bernie..then politely (but really I was wanting to say F@&K OFF!..for all the dont call us as you dont "FIT" our profile) informed her that I already have accepted an offer on jets :cool:

Cloud Cutter 21st Feb 2005 07:56

I imagine Bernie is getting a few polite 'no thank you's', as I said, they need to accept a few simple truths and start calling lower time pilots.

Bombay 21st Feb 2005 08:23

Overhead in the Wellington terminal the other day, at FUEL coffee....

B1900 Pilot: "Well, at least we're flying the most sophisticated and best performing turboprop in the country..."

Tell me, have you Eagle guys got your heads stuck so far up your date that you're actually BREATHING the bull**** now?

haughtney1 21st Feb 2005 10:29

Bombay...that matches my impression of all the Eagle drivers I have met..and Ive met a few over the years (I'm sure the VAST MAJORITY that I havent met sincerely are great people as well:D )...I tried chatting to an Eagle Driver in Whakatane about a year ago.....explaining that I used to fly the Bandit..(Ex Eagle equip)..and that as I was flying a BE350 around Europe at the time..would he mind if I had a sneaky peek upfront..while they turned around.....Never has anyone been so rude and offensive in aviation to me as this guy was...he basically called me a liar..and told me where to go...nice guy NOT!

Oh and he was about 25..Dark hair...first name A%&*"*r..probably a graduate of the "My **** doesn't stink as I fly the most sophisticated T/P in NZ..and Ive got some Bars on my weedy shoulders"

Not that I'm bitter....:p

Sorry all you normal nice Eagle Drivers....you have a few amongst your ranks who are giving you a bad name.

VH-VIN 21st Feb 2005 15:50

Thats the good thing about the 1900, its as sophisticated as a 172 and as easy to fly.
Just goes a bit better!!!!
I think we all like to think the aircraft we fly are the best until we go onto another job.

Cloud Cutter 21st Feb 2005 20:03

Hold on guys......

I've always found it pretty funny too when pilots (Eagle or otherwise) talk up their aircraft. It's just an aircraft (agreed, it's small, full of archaic technology, and basically a light twin), most Eagle pilots don't give a toss about who's aircraft is better. This whole 'talking up the beech' thing is a form of short mans syndrome - some Eagle pilots are so used to being the little fish that they get defensive, particularly the ex bandit pilots, some of whom seem to feel vindicated now they're flying the big bad beechcraft. You only have to look at the rate of attrition to see what they really think of the job.

I remember an Eagle pilot telling me about how he had 'stumped' a 737-300 pilot when being given the tour. '...I see you've got TCAS and GPWS, well in the beech we have TCAS II and EGPWS...' apparently the 73 driver had the good grace not to point out the 22K jet engines, and 142 seats on his aircraft. It's this sort of thing that gives Eagle pilots a bad name (perhaps rightly so), but most of us are as disgusted as everyone else.

Haughtney - I find that surprising, he is one of the good buggers. Maybe you miss-understood him, or caught him on a bad day? (those turnarounds are pretty tight). I don't think it's appropriate for you to identify a pilot like that in any case (Half of New Zealand aviation will know exactly who you're talking about) - I suggest an edit may be in order.

SkySurfin 21st Feb 2005 20:20

Every company has fulas that give it both a good and bad reputation. Unfortunatley Eagle has a couple of strokers floating round that think the 1900 is gods gift, and that this makes them and their machine superior to the other Turbo prop operators in NZ..... but hey this doesnt mean all the Eagle pilots are like that! And it is unfair to generalise that they are! For a lot of them, flying is something they enjoy, but it is not how they get their kicks! Whether a pilot flys a beech, saab, ATR or dash, at the end of the day its just flying. A lot of pilots at Eagle are more concerned with planning a few beers and trying to pull hot chicks, than what plane they are flying.....just like any other normal pilots! Its just a shame some people have given the company a bad reputation, As it is not always a true reflection of the guys (Majority) that work their.

Cloud Cutter 21st Feb 2005 20:39

A few beers and hot chicks aye? Sounds like a plan!;)

flying ginge 21st Feb 2005 23:53

Thump & Go,

have thought about a visit to the bigwigs. Who's the person to see? I'm waiting to start at Origin but job security could be better flying under the koru banner i feel.

Borneo Wild Man 22nd Feb 2005 01:26

And whats wrong with the Bandit?Best flying Ive ever done was in a Bandit(2000hrs).Much more fun than the 185Tonnes I now fly.
Most frequent instrument I scan now is the a/c clock(oh only 10hrs to go!)Enjoy what you've got while you still can!

Cloud Cutter 22nd Feb 2005 04:28

And whats wrong with the Bandit?
Nothing at all, that's exactly my point - if people would stop to smell the roses rather than trying to keep up with the Jones's we wouldn't be having this debate. As SkySurfin said, flying is fun and a good way to earn a crust, but there's more to life.

F111 22nd Feb 2005 10:29


Please check you PM, I've sent you a message regarding the 1900.

max rate 22nd Feb 2005 19:29

I don't know where the notion that the Beech is the most advanced tprop in NZ came from. No autopilot, archaic flight director, crappy GPS that takes half an hour to enter anything into and a very GA approach to the instrument layout. having said that, I agree it has arguably the best performance in NZ........................I still prefer my cup of coffee every sector:cool:

:} Oh, and my much larger pay packet!

haughtney1 22nd Feb 2005 21:04

Cloud in response..point taken, and noted...as for the aforementioned being a good bloke?..well mayby he needed a little lesson in interpersonal skills on that day, as I said this person was impressive with his offhanded manner...his sour demeanour..and general arrogance. As for it being unfair to post on here....well lifes like that sometimes, had he been a little more rude, he may well have ended up nursing a fat lip.

The Bandit...great aeroplane!.....specially loved the fuel totaliser...oh and the lock wired gear collapse switch!


splatgothebugs 23rd Feb 2005 00:21

Max rate..........maybe you would be kind enough to donate to the EAG pilot I can't afford to get on the piss fund. I can assure you your donation will be greatly appreciated. ;)

Everybody else

Sure EAG has a few plonkers but like i have said in the past so does every other airline in NZ. I could point fingers at many people from other airlines (and my own occasionally) that i have said hello to only to get snobbed! Unfortunatley THATS LIFE.

Don't stress about what others do to you or you hear them saying and you will live longer. :ok:

splat Happy flying:ok:

Cloud Cutter 23rd Feb 2005 00:41

maybe you would be kind enough to donate to the EAG pilot I can't afford to get on the piss fund.
Priorities mate, it's the 'EAG pilot I can't afford to pay my rent cause I spent my limited cash on piss fund':ok:

Thump & Go 23rd Feb 2005 16:44

Flying ginge check your PM's

kavu 23rd Feb 2005 20:16

Good luck to all of those people for the upcoming interviews. As has been said many times before - Just be yourself and if you don't know something just say so. They know more than you do.

As they say on the interview - we are a training airline and guys/gals do go on to bigger and brighter things. If you can give us a couple of years then that would be fantastic.

Well its true. If you think that this is another step along your flying career path then make the most of it. Another notch in your belt, another bit of information in the learning curve. You will appreciate it, maybe not now but certainly in the future.

It's almost like the story about the 152 pilot looking up at the 402 pilot and him looking up at the 737 pilot who looked up at concorde who looked up at the space shuttle who looked down at the 152 saying"Now THAT'S flying!"

Good luck guys/gals.:)

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