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Linedriver 10th Jul 2007 08:26

RAAF Caribou crash, Kudgeru gap, PNG, 28 Aug 1972
Gents, I’m looking for anyone who was involved as a civilian pilot in the search for the RAAF Caribou that crashed in the Kudgeru Gap in New Guinea on 28 August 1972. If you were involved, or know someone who was, I’d appreciate you contacting me by PM.

The moderator on the Dunnunda board suggested I might get a better response to my request here.

Sharpie 10th Jul 2007 09:08

I say Hanoi, that sounds terrible about the conditions, maybe after the elekshuns sufficient funds may be found from oz coffers to run a few repairs around the place. Divert the aid from a couple of out of favour island nations to help prop up the local scene a bit longer. I wonder why Tokua is cracking up. Surely not due to F100 tyre pressures.
Of missing Vasis lamps and orther equipment, I recall a few years ago when in an endeavour to stop nightime pilferage and pig access to Madang runway, we contracted security guards to be stationed at each threshold, as well as irregularly timed visits by the security co's flying mobile unit.
The system seemed to work well until one morning during a pre-dawn runway inspection, the DCA firetruck ran over one gentleman having a wee kip on the threshhold!:ugh:
Even the fence installed to keep pigs and people out, quickly disappeared. Maybe an answer is to permit stock grazing on runway verges like in some asian country's.
Do not forget to register for the Pixie reunion. Numbers limited to 250 heads!

dwarfhunter 10th Jul 2007 23:27

They fixed the radar about 2 weeks ago, but forgot to fix the people workin it. Still seperate using procedure rather than lookin at the bloody screen. Still ask DME and position even though your squawking a discrete code??

the wizard of auz 11th Jul 2007 00:07

Gosh, that was fast. only took four years to fix it. :}

123567 11th Jul 2007 09:05

So what's the security sitiuation at Madang these days. Is there still a fence? or are you likely to find a pig crossing?

How about those bats - any close calls?:ok:

troppo 12th Jul 2007 08:20

I see NCA are advertising for drivers again, I'd give my left nut to go back and fly in PNG again.
Are they getting many punters going up there looking these days or is it getting increasingly difficult to hire FNG's with the experience minimums/requirements and money?

the wizard of auz 12th Jul 2007 11:08

I would go back up there in a shot if the coin was there. not going up to work for Kina though. :eek:

MixmasterBilongJesus 16th Jul 2007 00:15


I dare say if you went back there's a healthy chance you would actually lose your left nut (and probably some more).

It sounds like these days the best thing about PNG is having that final cleanser at airways before wandering down the hill and getting on the big balus and coming home.

liklikrokrok 16th Jul 2007 01:18

Could'nt agree more MBJ:)

Pinky the pilot 17th Jul 2007 06:56

When I was there back in 1990 to mid 92 the place was certainly falling apart but most things still worked...sort of!

And despite the requirement to always be aware of your personal security (with some it was supplied by Messrs Smith and Wesson:ok:) and trying to have eyes in the back of your head the country was a fun place to be, the flying was exciting, challenging and sometimes dangerous. However I still enjoyed my time there and would'nt have missed it for the world!:ok::ok:

Unfortunately, the tone of the last few posts above have given me the impression that the country has now changed so much for the worse that it is no longer a place that one would want to be.:{

I guess that without doubt we all knew it would happen one day; it's just that we hoped it would not!

Sharpie 18th Jul 2007 08:04

You can always try to keep a little informed about the place via: www.postcourier.com.pg and theNational.com.pg

Whether the news stories are factual or not and how much salt one takes with whatever, they are a avenue to keep in touch a little bit. :)

tinpis 18th Jul 2007 11:00

Sadly, Sharpie the Elder and Sharpie the Younger, never went into politics and created a South Pacific paradise for all.(Kiwis would have been given free wives)

The Kudgeru Gap
Bloody hell I looked for a "GAP" the many times I flew it over from the Wau valley enroute to Moresby
All I ever saw was bloody great big nasty ridges.

Chimbu chuckles 18th Jul 2007 11:41

Then yu was too high tinny:}

It is there...a long shallow valley with kunai patches and then a bit of a right turn into the Wau Valley. Because of the nature of the terrain south of the Gap it was entirely possible to look high enough to get through while being too low by a long way...like I said, quite an optical elusion.

the wizard of auz 18th Jul 2007 12:43

and an illusion as well no doubt. :}

Torres 19th Jul 2007 02:02

Here’s a blast from the past……….. A couple of familiar names from days of yore in PNG! :ok:

Chinchilla News Thursday July 19 2007.

Western Downs Takes Flight

Flying is something inherent in all, Chief Flying Instructor David Air said last Saturday.

“They want to emulate the birds” he added.

Mr Air was explaining the popularity of the information day held at the Chinchilla aerodrome by the rejuvenated Western Downs Flying School.

Based in Rockhampton, Mr Air was in town to help local Mike Touhy complete his training to become a qualified flying instructor. He took time out to guide interested locals through the information day.

“I want to help get the school under way then walk away” he said.

Chinchilla Aero Club president John Dingley, who wants to rejuvenate the flying school, said young, old and experienced made their way to the information day.

“We had people coming up to us all day” he said.

“Some had never flown while others had done some flying and wanted to know what they needed to do to get a licence. There were some quite young people and there were those who’d be flying for awhile but needed to renew their licence. It was a good mix.”

Mr Dingley said the growth in flying schools across the region, which included new schools at Dalby and Roma, was in part due to what recreational flying offered budding pilots.”

“It doesn’t have as many rules and regulations,” he said “All you need is a car licence, it’s not as expensive, we provide the plane and there’snot the high levelof scrutiny.”

He said the rebirth of the local flying school had been made possible by Mr Touhy’s recent qualifications. It had also been helped by the standard of the aerodrome. The Western Downs Flying School takes students right through to full licences, which usually takes 30 hours of flying and extra for navigational flights.
I wont comment of the journalism.......

John Dingley owns a Cessna 208B Caravan.

tinpis 23rd Jul 2007 20:11

Have they got a suitable balus for Mike to teach in? Like a Tiger Moth? :rolleyes:

troppo 25th Jul 2007 08:51

Easing the pain since 1952! :}

Aviation related in a round a bout way :ok:


SP wins 3 golds

SP BREWERY Limited has broken new grounds in the history of the country’s beer industry after winning three gold medals for its trade mark products, SP Lager, South Pacific Export and Niugini Ice.
The awards were announced at the recent Monde Selection for quality in Belgium.
The Monde Selection is a Belgium based Institute for Quality and is one of the world’s prestigious beer awards which recognises the quality for ingredients used, the brewing processes and techniques and awards gold medal only to those that meet the highest standards. This year over 70 countries participated in the awards.
General manager Stan Joyce said it was the first time that the three products had all won tis prestigious awards among some of the best beers in the world.
Mr Joyce paid tribute to an article which appeared on the front page of this newspaper in 1952 in which the writer reviewed the first SP brew before it was released in 1952 (see attached article at right) and said that the beer produced by SP Brewery has been good ever since.
“With this great achievement, SP Brewery will not be resting on this success. All of us here are working to build a winning culture to achieve even greater things,” Mr Joyce said.
“On behalf of all at SP Brewery, I would personally like to thank people of PNG, our customers, the media and particularly the Post-Courier whom we have been together with in the early days for your support.”
2007 also marks the first time that our premium brand, South Pacific Export Lager, has been awarded the gold medal for the second consecutive year,”
“To win a Monde Selection award truly represents international quality…and all Papua New Guineans should be proud as our PNG made beers truly deserve their place amongst the world class international beers,” said SP Brewery’s technical manager Daniel Khaw.
He said the unprecedented events marked a turning point for the beer industry in PNG, “putting us in the ranks of great international beer brands such as Australia’s James Boag’s premium and the American Sam Adam’s Light all of whom are winners of the Monde Selection gold medals as well”.

tinpis 25th Jul 2007 20:53

"SP,helping 2 kina Meris get bonked since 1952.." :hmm:

bulolobob 25th Jul 2007 21:55

SP BREWERY Limited has broken new grounds in the history of the country’s beer industry after winning three gold medals for its trade mark products, SP Lager, South Pacific Export and Niugini Ice.
Speaking from considerable experience - it's a great drop.:p It is just a shame that it is so hard to find in OZ.
Does anyone know where it is stocked in QLD?

the wizard of auz 25th Jul 2007 23:29

Tinny, you obviously haven't been back there for a bit. :}

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