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pol 27th Apr 2004 00:03


Obviously you never saw the report on channel 7
So I guess it’s fair to say all CAIR reports submitted over the last 3 years must have been blatant attempts to defame the operation?


pol 28th Apr 2004 02:35


Are you for real?
Do you honestly believe operating outside the law and a fatal accident (that could have been avoided) is childishness and any statement made by these guys is bull****.
From what I have read they have taken it to the authorities.
Like anyone else if you are not happy with what is posted on this forum DON”T READ IT.
Ever heard about freedom of choice?


kerplunk 28th Apr 2004 02:45

Why avoid a perfectly reasonable question?
No, I have not been there and I am not in the area. Yes, I did see the Today Tonight 'report'. I did not say they NEVER jump through cloud. But I did ask if those making the allegations are ALWAYS reasonable. Your responses have left me in no doubt!

Lukeatme 28th Apr 2004 10:08


What a drop kick no one has avoided your question! you do not want to hear the real story! you have made your mind up because you do not want to know any other answer but what you have dreamed up, tell us where this crap came from? I think you are one of the type that starts a line then tries to convince himself that it is the fact. Well get the report and put it on here!

You see you are just running on rumors the evidence has been collected by a lot of average joe's that are sick of rules being bent/broken and safety compromised by an organisation/club? that only worries about his dollars and no one elses safety.

pol 28th Apr 2004 23:39


I have never avoided a reasonable question but yours doesn’t fall into that category.

As you say it is a rumor and it doesn’t take to many smarts to guess where it originated.

I am not aware of any complaints about parachutists jumping under cloud but as you are don’t hold back share all the details with us and NAME your source.

I am aware of false incident reports forwarded to CASA by the parachute operator and the fat old bald guy he employs, my source, a letter from Tony Rothwell CASA and the airport owner operator.

On a more personal note if you believe all the rumors you’re fed you must have the intellect of an ant.

I eagerly wait to read more of your foolish dribble as you attempt to justify your unfounded statements.



Spot on


rs480 2nd May 2004 10:06

Hey “Q”

Things are Soooo quiet

Looks like business has ground to a snails pace.

Obviously the punters have seen the light.

I hear CASA have been down again and by the way its off to court this month.

This bloke is going to get what he deserves, it’s a pity all that support him will miss out on their just deserts but that’s life.


maxgrad 4th May 2004 00:21

actually I am real
Fatality and safety are very real issues also, hence my statement that this needs to be kept with the authorities and not turned into a slanging match on a forum.
I understand that there is a huge amount of anger and emotion to this whole saga so I again state that this needs to be sorted by level heads ON BOTH SIDES.
Calling each other names does not come into this ideal.

I am a strong believer in freedom of speech but I am dead set against the personal attacks where people hide behind catchnames . If you have a problem with someone, have the intestinal fortitude to deal with them.
(OK might be hard in this setting so why don't you PM them and stop all this )

QNIM 4th May 2004 01:06

Gday maxgrad
No one has received more insults and crap on these posts than I have, which I ignored till sometime in March. My reaction with the moderators reluctant approval was immediately removed along with a post from Wizard because of his name-calling and insulting dribble.
My only aim of these posts was to remove an extreme danger from mine and others work place, the personal insults came from those opposing my views and actions, please take the time to check back through both topics.
Have a nice day.
Cheers Q

Getablackdogupya 4th May 2004 01:36

QNIM, good on ya for bringing this topic to the forefront.
There are a lot of pelican heads (big mouths small brains)out there who don't have a sniff on what is going on.
I have experienced it first hand on all fronts and I tell you I would be pleased for all in this area too see the back of this tool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

So QNIM keep punching.

maxgrad 4th May 2004 23:24

have read all post and both topics
My statement stands
note the words "BOTH SIDES"

and no I don't know half the facts
I am responding to what has been posted

am having a great day

pol 6th May 2004 01:17


Now you have read all the posts on both topics I have two questions

How many posts are backed up with facts?

Who do you believe made the factual posts those pro the skydive operator or those pro SAFETY?


maxgrad 6th May 2004 12:54

Good try, but I am not going to wade in here and bore all with my views

The facts as I know them are only from these forums.
Adding my views are only going to add fuel to the already overfed fire.

Don't get me wrong, I have definately a view on this matter but that is as far as it goes.

POL, happy hunting......elswhere;)

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