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the wizard of auz 14th Apr 2004 14:14

whatever rs480..............but I bet you had to squat to have that wiz. ;)

johhnyrelegate 14th Apr 2004 16:13

ure a tosser QNIM

rs480 15th Apr 2004 09:16



Thursday, April 15

No city permit on day of fatal jump

SKYDIVE City did not have council permission to land in the Connewarre paddock British parachutist Clare Barnes was aiming for when she died.
The City of Greater Geelong yesterday confirmed Luke McWilliam and his company were required to have a planning permit to land on the privately-owned property at the corner of Charlemont and Barwon Heads roads.
A council spokesman said a planning permit was required for any area in the municipality that was to be used as a parachuting drop zone. He said failure to comply with this requirement could result in the City taking enforcement action through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal or through the courts.
Mr McWilliam said he was aware of the council's requirement but did not believe it was correct.
He said SkyDive City had restricted jumping at the paddock and had moved to a recreation reserve in Collendina.
``They've suggested we need to get a permit,'' Mr McWilliam said. ``I must say that 90 per cent of parachutists land on rural land and they don't have a permit to do it because most councils think it's acceptable.
``The only places in Australia that parachutists do not land in an airfield is on a beach.''
SkyDive City was banned by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority in February from dropping parachutists within two miles of the Barwon Heads Airport.
Ms Barnes, the daughter of a government minister and television newsreader, plunged to her death last month a short distance away from the alternative drop zone after a parachute malfunction.
Investigators are still collecting evidence and an inquest into her death is still some months away.
Mr McWilliam was this week charged by CASA with 21 safety breaches relating to parachutists dropping through cloud last year. The charges are not related to the death.


:D Hi wiz
I sure do
Rs480 ;)

Lukeatme 15th Apr 2004 13:13


Hell I cannot believe this guy? he seems to be able to break any rule without a problem and state some bull**** answer that he does not think it is real or proper rule that applies to him,either he is a fool or his time is about to explode in a court of law. The cronies that follow him and defend these actions should also wake up and take a reality check before anyone else gets hurt.

As far as he is concerned he is living in the past eg: we have always landed on other land/everyone does well Lukey boy laws do change and if you cannot keep up to changes you will find out the hard way son, as you state about landing anywhere others know how to operate properly and do not have the problem as they do not try to stick it up authority.

pol 16th Apr 2004 00:03

Hi Lukeatme

The operator can’t string a couple of sentences together without a lie.

Mcwilliam stated in the Geelong Advertiser 15 April.

“SkyDive City had restricted jumping at the paddock and had moved to a recreation reserve in Collendina”.

The word is it is private land owned by a couple of Doctors in Sydney.

Next sentence

“I must say that 90 per cent of parachutists land on rural land”

Next sentence

“The only places in Australia that parachutists do not land in an airfield is on a beach.''

What happened to the rural land?

I guess to read all the lies one would have to obtain the Gospel According to Skydiver LUKE.


rs480 17th Apr 2004 00:44

Hi Lukeatme

Just arrived home from up north
I picked up the local rag at the airport and SURPRISE SURPRISE the DIRT DART operator has changed employment, he is now a demolition contractor.

Trouble building at Skydive City

Saturday, April 17
Geelong Advertiser
SKYDIVE City owner Luke McWilliam could face court action after failing to comply with a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal order to remove several buildings from his property by yesterday.
The tribunal ordered Mr McWilliam at a February 19 hearing to remove all caravans, accommodation units and a toilet block from his land after the City of Greater Geelong council argued he did not have a permit for the buildings.
Mr McWilliam's eight weeks to remove the buildings expired yesterday, but all were still standing last night. A council spokesman said an inspection of the property would be made early next week.
``City staff will make an inspection of the property to ensure he has complied with the order to remove the illegal buildings,'' he said. ``If he hasn't then further action will be taken.''
But Mr McWilliam last night said a removalist had failed to pick up the buildings during the week and they would be removed by the end of the weekend.
``I'm not going to comment on this other than to say that the guy who was meant to pick them up didn't so I'm taking them down myself,'' he said.
``The power has already been disconnected and I'm in the process of pulling the rest apart now.''



QNIM 17th Apr 2004 11:28

Gday rs480
Guess what they were still there this arvo, I think the council will be there first thing Monday morning with a Kato and the job will be done in half an hour and the principle will have pay the costs.
But isn't that what comes from ignoring regulations?
Have a great day
Cheers Q :O

rs480 18th Apr 2004 08:14


Well he beat the Kato five removed two to go.

An irate TAX PAYER told me he and the cool contractor may have to try to beat the TAX MAN now, as word has it, it was a CASH JOB.


rs480 19th Apr 2004 00:55


No but feel free to if you wish.

I included the CASH JOB to again illustrate that no matter what this operator does he cannot do it within the law.


maxgrad 19th Apr 2004 07:17

Hey guys, keep it up
this is almost better than watching a good bit of biff on telly!

If you have an attack on someone take it to them and not spray it onto a forum that is more discussion and an informative media.

I am not a parachutist or jump pilot.
Don't know any of you lot but I must say that at least WIZ has the intestinal fortitude to stand by what he has said.

RS lukeand Qwhateva,
You have a go at Wiz for retaliating to your obvious childishness.
Look in a large mirror and them reset your individual bull$hitometer's.

If you have a problem with this operator take it to an appropriate authority and keep it there!

Islander Jock 19th Apr 2004 07:19

oh dear, oh dear, oh dear,
This train has certainly come off the rails.

Woomera - you have control.

rs480 19th Apr 2004 07:55

Hey Q

Cop on to this lot when the boot is on the other foot and they don’t have the answers they call for big daddy to stop it hurting.
I was sure the wiz said” its just a silly little game of name calling and baiting, played by little boys”.
Well lads if you can’t take it don’t give it.


rs480 19th Apr 2004 09:14

I just read this on another thread MORE THREATS by the mentally unstable:8

the wizard of auz
posted 17th April 2004 12:09

in the interest of good taste I have deleated my previouse reply.
Q, if you want to carry this on, do it by PM.....otherwise, STFU.
I might just add that your not quite as anonymous as you think, so be veeeeeery careful...............Man!

[Last edited by the wizard of auz on 18th April 2004 at 02:13]

What an angry little ant I believe “pol” is right this guy needs help


Islander Jock 19th Apr 2004 09:44

Ho hum, yawn,

My previous comment post to Woomer was simply to amplify the fact that the thread had turned into nothing more than a slanging match and had probably run it's course.

BTW RS, Any truth to the rumour throughout the BH community that you were the prat with the VHF handheld making the deceptive radio calls? Personally I couldn't care less. Live and work too far away to give a toss but a lot of people in your neck of the woods certainly seem to have your measure.
Now living in WA and working further afield than that, just how do you suppose that little snippet of information was leaked?

rs480 19th Apr 2004 10:53

Islander Jock

Not guilty

There are a lot of liars in this neck of the woods and had you seen the today tonight show on the skydive operation you would have witnessed the No1 liar stating we don’t jump thru cloud; the problem was they had footage of it happening.

The only deceptive calls I know about were made by the Skydive operator and I saw a copy of one report that had been submitted to CASA where he called a Cessna on late final to turn left as he had parachutes in the air.

The pilot believing there were skydivers she had not seen turned and as she put it if it had been a lesser plane than a 182 may very well have ended up in operators house.


maxgrad 20th Apr 2004 08:06

dives from one side to the other to return a feeble shot with little power.
isn't table tennis fun!

Lukeatme 26th Apr 2004 01:59

MMM not much in the air today?

kerplunk 26th Apr 2004 03:19

Is there any truth to the rumour that the genuine, safety conscious pilots are now complaining about parachutists jumping UNDERNEATH the cloud?!!! I hear that cloud base the other day was around 10 or 12 thousand feet, and the jumpers had plenty of cloud free sky, but somebody still saw fit to put in a CAIR report. It can't have been a mistake, because the agitators insist they do not make errors. Must be a safety issue then. No doubt, they'll enlighten us.

Lukeatme 26th Apr 2004 08:46

Mate!! you are a real bright one, planes fly through this area all the time and half the reports that go in are never seen by people in this area as the pilots probably do not even know the background to the whole saga. When an unsafe act is around and you may be involved the only course to go is by the use of reports to the responsible department, this is the bloody problem down here and bright people like yourself comment on stuff that you do not even see.

As far as I am concerned the movement off the field to land at other positions has worked fine as I notice a hell of a lot of aviation again being performed, but this may have caused problems elsewhere but unknown to me and most certainly YOU.

QNIM 26th Apr 2004 22:30

Has heaps of condemning stuff come out of the woodwork since the publicity.
Channel 7 are to be congratulated for a balanced and truthful report.
Cheers Q :ok:

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