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BluSdUp 16th Nov 2013 18:54

Bad deal?
Good afternoon Captain!
The deal is bad , short term, but they know they are not going Command Irish or Norwegian style the next years , and if they walk straight, they are on a much diffrent scale in a short while and in command in less then 6 years.
Ps , bird told me Sas osl base needs 45 fo. by may.
Sincerely yors B

heavydane 17th Nov 2013 08:07

This pretty much depends on what one want in life.
Either live above board in Scandinavia, on a seniority list at a lower initial pay or work on a contract, never knowing where You end up, looking over Your shoulder after the taxman earning more money.
I have tried both and know what I want.
Each to his own.


Hamster88 18th Nov 2013 00:16

Clearly someone here knows about what is going on in recruiting at the moment. Would you please enlighten us all?

What is the level of requirements that people meet, who is being called for interviews?

Or is it based solely on the descendants of current and former pilots... :oh:
That it ain't transparent and will never be...

Ramrise 19th Nov 2013 08:10

Careful now

your asinine remark about descendants of former or current employees is uncalled for.

During this last round of hiring, one(as far as I know), descendant of an employee has been hired.

Other than that person, the new hires range(hour wise) from appr. 1500 to 10000. First officers to B747 and B777 captains now fly for SAS.

Does that answer your question?

Leave your insinuations somewhere else, they are childish and groundless.


Oh, one more thing: I know several of the interviewers and they are all professionals. Do you really think that they could hold their positions if they played favourites?

Hamster88 19th Nov 2013 09:22

During this last round of hiring, one(as far as I know), descendant of an employee has been hired.

Other than that person, the new hires range(hour wise) from appr. 1500 to 10000. First officers to B747 and B777 captains now fly for SAS.

Does that answer your question?

Leave your insinuations somewhere else, they are childish and groundless.
I know of several acquaintances who have had a shot at SAS, only due to the fact that they are some of Daddy's boys, or have the right contact within. Not because of there outstanding CV.

From my point of view it is not transparent, and I don't expect to get any invite for an interview. I am fine with that. I am happy to seek my luck elsewhere.

Do you really think that they could hold their positions if they played favourites?
Yes I do! It it is SAS we are talking about :D

hawkeye red 19th Nov 2013 13:54

@Hamster88....HEAR HEAR....good post !!!

sellect 21st Nov 2013 11:20

Any news on the rumour that they where going to cut the first steps on the payscale? Or is it still 27k DKK?

Exphil 21st Nov 2013 15:20

Payscale SAS
The SAS pay scale will not change until there are a lack of pilots who will work for SAS. Right now seems to be a good time to start since you will be one of the oldest pilots in the company within 20 years. For 12 years there have been no new pilots in SAS. Since april approx 50 new.

truckflyer 23rd Nov 2013 19:07


We already know of the guys from the flight school in Denmark, that was NON TYPE-RATED, and who was selected by SAS. Although in all emails with SAS recruitment they told us that TR on CRJ was requirement that was very strictly followed.

When I showed the article by email, I just got a SMILEY face in response.

So yes, clean and honest Scandinavia, not so much! Just as corrupt as any other country in the world, if not worse, unless you are a Daddy boy, your chances are close to none to get into SAS at this moment.

"Hei Kxxxx,

Takk for det svaret, beklager men det som forvirret meg var en repotasje fra dansk TV 2, hvor de fortalte at SAS hadde ansatt 6 nye piloter direkte fra flyskole i Roskilde uten typerating. Derfor trodde jeg at det kanskje var mulighet aa soke dersom man ikke hadde TR, men jeg husker annonse e-mail skrev at man behovde TR, saa jeg beklager saa meget, men det var dette som forundret og forvirret meg litt.

Link fra TV sendingen er her:

(PS video linken virker ikke naa lengre saa langt jeg er klar over det)

Dette var svaret:

Ikke noget problem. ;-)

Med venlig hilsen


Team Pilot Recruitment

Tidligere email fikk jeg dette svaret:

Du kan kun søge hvis du opfylder alle betingelser! Vi skriver tydeligt at man SKAL have typerating.

Søger du uden typerating risikerer du at din ansøgning bliver slettet.

Med venlig hilsen


Team Pilot Recruitment

Saa med denne bakgrunnen dersom man ikke kan innromme at det er noe raattent i recruitment hos SAS, da er du utrolig naiv og godtroende, og disse emailene med SAS beviser at det er noe som ikke er helt godt der.

Trauste og stabile skandinaver, tror ikke at dette finnes svin blant sine egne desverre. Men noen av oss vet litt bedre!

ReallyAnnoyed 24th Nov 2013 18:53

Der er nu adskillige af mine bekendte, der har fået jobtilbud i SAS inden for den sidste måned efter beståede prøver, uden at de har nogen familie relationer i SAS. Tankevækkende nok, var der kun 2 af dem, der takkede ja, da forholdene i SAS bare ikke er som de har været. På nogen måde. De har ingen TR, hvilket heller ikke var et krav i den sidste runde.

B-U-S-S 24th Nov 2013 20:37

Who are those several pilots who have been invited? What experience?

truckflyer 25th Nov 2013 08:51

ReallyAnnoyed- Why don't you just keep the email in English.

By the way, it is the Danish office of SAS who is behind the recruitment, the email clearly shows something smelly has been going on.

I think during this process and time of actions, it was very clear TR was requirement.

ReallyAnnoyed 25th Nov 2013 11:40

Hvorfor tale engelsk i en tråd om SAS? Der er minimum 10 fra den danske flyveskole jeg gik på, der blev inviteret til prøver inden for de sidste par måneder. Ingen af dem havde CRJ rating, men mange var kaptajner i lavprisselskaber, hvor majoriteten valgte at blive, da det ikke appellerer til så mange at gå ned til en tredjedel i løn. Slet ikke, når CRJ har slings konstant og random roster, så man ikke er så meget hjemme aligevel. Ingen af de nuværende skippere jeg kender takkede ja til jobtilbuddet. De to, der sagde ja havde intet flyvejob på accept tidspunktet. Ingen af dem havde familie i SAS. Forholdene er bare ikke god nok mere. Desværre. Den mindst erfarne jeg ved af, havde vist 1500-2000 timer på små turboprops. De andre mange tusinde jet timer.

truckflyer 25th Nov 2013 12:39

Because it is polite to keep thread in English for people reading it, as it has been going in English for some time now.

The Roskilde 6, was offered jobs while still requirement of TR to apply, and they did not have any commercial experience except being flight instructors.

Regarding the conditions etc., this is another matter. SAS is not what it used to be.

The annoying thing here for me, was that I was told to NOT apply SAS, because I did not have CRJ rating, while they did employ guys at this same time with no rating and no multi-crew experience, while this was a clear requirement, that was re-stated by Klaus in his emails to me.

Ramrise 26th Nov 2013 13:15

As I sense this is going nowhere allow me one last remark.

I have been with SAS for more than 15 years. Personally I cannot wait for us to leave behind all the baggage of yesteryear. The company is in a much better spot today that we were just a few years ago. But we are not out of the woods yet. Sometimes the ugly "resistance to change" shows up, but not nearly as often as before.

I fly with a lot of the new guys as I fly the CRJ. Like I said, I know of 1(one) person what has ben hired, AND, who is the son of somebody already working for the company. One. I believe that all the others, at least on the CRJ, are "clean sheets", if you'll excuse me the wording. They vary in their level of experience, but overall they are experienced.

Of all the things you can blame SAS for today, nepotism is hardly the most prevalent. Can it happen? Sure. Does it happen all the time? No.

And if I am not mistaken, the daughter of Bjørn Kjos also flies for Norwegian. Nepotism? Maybe, maybe not.......

And finally, I find your preoccupation with this amusing. If you want to work for SAS, APPLY!!

If you don't, leave it. I am sure that you have things in your lives that deserves your attention.

truckflyer 26th Nov 2013 15:53

Yes, but as you can see from Klaus email, it was clear, no TR, don't apply!

So what do you do in this situation?

Tango123 26th Nov 2013 19:57

And if I am not mistaken, the daughter of Bjørn Kjos also flies for Norwegian. Nepotism? Maybe, maybe not.......
SAS is owned by the taxpayers. And they pay if SAS is losing money. That's a big difference,compared to the private sector. Where would we be if the Prime Minister of Norway began to hire his family and friends to well paid jobs in the public sector? Nigeria? Could easily be. But not Scandinavia.....

Yes, but as you can see from Klaus email, it was clear, no TR, don't apply!
They (the new hired guys) didn't apply when SAS were looking for pilots with CRJ TR, but as 2000 other applicants they were on the list. SAS called these guys because someone inside SAS knew them.

Joesses 3rd Dec 2013 10:40

Im curious to hear if anyone has been called for interview? I heard somewhere they were doing the interviews for STO/OSL in december.

ihatemorningflights 21st May 2022 12:06

Hello guys!

I see this thread is pretty dead. I am nterested in SAS pilot jobs. Anybody has information about the current recruitment? Any information about pilot contract, roster, salary? I am currently A320 family rated.

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