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sydost 24th Jun 2013 20:06

Has anyone applied with less than 6 english ICAO language proficiency and received the questionnaire?

semmern 24th Jun 2013 23:08

Anyone heard anything yet after completing the first test?

G1991 25th Jun 2013 17:01

No, I'd imagine things will become more clear at the start of August when the application stage closes and they get to work on bringing people together for the first stage of interviews.

semmern 26th Jun 2013 22:39

My thinking as well. Going to be some weeks of uncomfortable waiting until August 4th or so when we hopefully will get some results. Hope to make it to the interviews!

saab340pilot87 27th Jun 2013 07:08

I got an email that I was qualified from the MINT test. Next step is a Matrigma test, this one is through the Assessio company as well. So it seems it's a long way to go before the interviews. :D

DriverJake 27th Jun 2013 07:34

Anyone got the email about the next stage? The Matrigma test?

saab340pilot87 27th Jun 2013 08:01

Yes, I did get an email that I was qualified for the next test as well.. Nervous? Cause I am :}

skylog 27th Jun 2013 08:46

Yes & blo:eek::eek:dy dreading it!

truckflyer 27th Jun 2013 08:56

Yes, wtf is that????

This process is like a computer game, passed to next stage! :}

semmern 27th Jun 2013 10:29

Matrigma test mail received. Anyone seen a test like that before? Not done it yet.

saab340pilot87 27th Jun 2013 10:53

I've done a similar one on West Air Luxemburg, it's quite straight forward. Nothing really you can prepare for, just do your best. They probably want to see if you can add 2+2 ;)

semmern 27th Jun 2013 17:01

Did the tests. 40min time limit. The kind of IQ tests we've all seen before, "which figure is next" type of thing. Like always with such tests, felt like I crapped out completely. Hope to hear from them soon.

truckflyer 27th Jun 2013 17:29

Yes agree, not much comment, don't expect any positive outcome of this one. Good lucky anyway for the lucky ones! :ugh:

saab340pilot87 28th Jun 2013 07:51

I agree with you guys, did the test and at the moment it feels like I crapped myself out completely... But I guess I'm not the only one, hopefully they'll see something more than just this test.

Good luck to all of you other applicants! :ok:

I hope to see you at the interviews!

bfisk 28th Jun 2013 09:02

If they are the same type that Norwegian is using (given that it's the same vendor), they are a variant of Raven's Progressive Matrices.

truckflyer 28th Jun 2013 11:12

"A 2007 study provided evidence that individuals with Asperger syndrome, a high-functioning autism spectrum disorder, score higher than other individuals on Raven's tests.[10] Another 2007 study provided evidence that individuals with classic autism, a low-functioning autism spectrum disorder, score higher in Raven's tests than in Wechsler tests. In addition, the individuals with classic autism were providing correct answers to the Raven's test in less time than individuals without autism, although erring as often"

So I should have autism to pass trough to the next level.
It is very good that we know what criteria they are taking into consideration.

Note no offence meant to anybody who have this disorder.

linmar 28th Jun 2013 13:35

Gjorde precis testet och som flera andra påpekat var det helt klart några kluriga matriser som jag inte riktigt hann få grepp på.

Jämfört med online-baserade matristester som finns lite här och var tyckte jag nog att detta var aningen svårare (t.ex. Mensa Sveriges online-"provtest").

Vad man vill ha ut med detta test tror jag inte är att leta ut de som tillhör 98:e percentilen utan snarare att sortera bort de som är under en viss gräns. Det faller dock helt och hållet på sin egen orimlighet att man ska kunna göra detta givet att det är ett online-baserat test och det inte finns någon som helst garanti för vem som gjort testet. Om det nu är eftersträvansvärt, får man väl i så fall anta att psykologen i de intervjuer som kommer att genomföras under hösten med enkelhet kan urskilja de som inte svarat sanningsenligt på MINT-testet och de som inte haft sitt egna resultat i Matrigma-testet.

Är det någon som fått besked efter gjort MINT-test att inte gått vidare?

Shockwave83 1st Jul 2013 18:09


Has anyone who has done the personality test had a PFO yet?

I did the test but I've not heard anything at all and as it seems from other posts people are being asked to do the matrigma test (or whatever it's called) I'm naturally assuming due to my empty inbox I'm not what they are looking for, just be nice to get it in writing.

saab340pilot87 1st Jul 2013 22:43

I've got the results from the MINT-test that I was qualified, and as I understand, all the people who were approved got the email exactly the same time as anyone else... But there's still much time until the time is "over", so hold on until you know for sure!

drag king 2nd Jul 2013 08:03

Same here as for Shockwave. Experience taught me that no news is not always good news so I won't hold my breath. In the end I am not a skandi-speaker and although it was not in their requirements, I doubt they would sacrifice this feature in favour of enthusiasm, commitment and loyalty. For all the later there are bonds or SSTR schemes... :E


semmern 2nd Jul 2013 08:10

Originally Posted by saab340pilot87
I've got the results from the MINT-test that I was qualified, and as I understand, all the people who were approved got the email exactly the same time as anyone else... But there's still much time until the time is "over", so hold on until you know for sure!

Seems like people got the OK more or less at the same time..I got mine on June 27.

Still no answer on the Matrigma test though..anybody else?

pianopilot 2nd Jul 2013 09:26

nope no answer yet on the matrigma test. and I too feel like I failed it. some matrices were really tough. I don't think I have more than 65-70% correct. let's see if that is enough.

Shockwave83 2nd Jul 2013 10:16

I'm just thankful that I already have a job - but I do wish they wouldn't keep you hanging like this if they have already made their mind up

skylog 2nd Jul 2013 20:16

Syntax...could not agree more, my (so called) brain went all mushy once I reached Question 25, Good Luck to all:ok:

saab340pilot87 11th Jul 2013 07:43

Well, I belive the dead silence as no one have heard anything yet? ;) I haven't...

pianopilot 11th Jul 2013 11:56

nothing yet...

FRogge 15th Jul 2013 17:56

Anyone done the tests after the first wave that was at the end June? It seemed that most got their test inviations to the tests at the same time and I was just wondering how about those who applied later on?

Vwhy 16th Jul 2013 09:25

Got the pfo a couple of weeks ago. Good luck to everyone!

semmern 17th Jul 2013 20:37

I skipped the hardest ones. Four or five I didn't have the time for.

Still haven't heard anything. It's been some weeks since I did the test.

pianopilot 18th Jul 2013 00:40

I skipped about 3 where I banged my head on the table so I wouldn't lose too much time and at the end when I had some time left I took the best guess..

Xolon 18th Jul 2013 10:08

Anyone knows if you can practice this Matrigma test somewhere online?

Btw, do they send you the MINT results to have some self reflection?

saab340pilot87 24th Jul 2013 15:04

Got the email now, didn't make it through in the application :( Most probably because I don't have B737 type rating...!

Good luck to all of you who made it through!

Shockwave83 24th Jul 2013 15:28

Don't think it matters too much saab340pilot87. I also got a PFO email today and I am rated and current on B737.

semmern 24th Jul 2013 16:33

No response of any kind here yet..but I guess I will get the "no thanks" email in a few days as well. At least I hope I will get a reply at all. Better than waiting indefinitely for an answer.

What did they say in the email? Did they specify the reason why you were not selected?

Xolon 24th Jul 2013 17:10

Still waiting on the Matrigma test after I did the MINT test. Don't know how long it takes and/or if you get any feedback after the MINT test?

Shockwave83 24th Jul 2013 18:27

No reason given and not able to get feedback due to the large number of applications they received (1200)

semmern 24th Jul 2013 19:14

Crap.. No email yet :( Hoping for something tomorrow!

colib 25th Jul 2013 07:48

Got the invitation for Matrigma yesterday. And I did the MINT-test one month ago.

SCOVILLE 30th Jul 2013 09:33

Does anyone know what the step after the two online tests are? Phone interview? I suppose all companies do that now days?! Just can't see the company not doing them. Has anyone heard of someone getting a call?

When does the interviews stop? Aug 5?
Done the tests and nothing after that. No news is good news at this point I suppose...

Cheerio R.

semmern 30th Jul 2013 09:36

Nothing yet. Hoping that's a good sign.

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