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ATP-Pilot 15th Sep 2009 16:28

FLY tci. So you are telling me that Widerøes tests cant be found online??
I heard different... ;-)

FlyTCI 15th Sep 2009 16:39

ATP that may be so, never done any research on anything Widerö, so I'll have to talk your word for it. If that is the case and they keep using it, then what's the point having their applicants taking the tests to begin with?:confused:

Moonwalker 15th Sep 2009 20:21

When I did the WF test most Norwegians had the test and I could see paperwork circulate amongst people before the actual test began so thats true. Same with the TUI, I know people having the actual test. Probably the same as Thomson UK uses? At least the description from people who's been at the ones are very similar.

2999psi 16th Sep 2009 10:41

I know some guys called in for interview on the 6th, they got the email 2-3 weeks ago, same time as the emails for the 1st Oct went out.

president 16th Sep 2009 13:20

where do i find the application for this job? and what base are they recruiting for? thx

Nick Figaretto 16th Sep 2009 13:40

Too late, mr. president...

FlyTCI 16th Sep 2009 14:19

2999psi, out of curiosity, what kind of experience do the people you are talking about have?

2999psi 16th Sep 2009 15:16

Same as most guys you've already discussed.. App 1500 TT and 25 years old...

FlyTCI 16th Sep 2009 15:19

I figured that. Thanks..

Either one has too much experience, or not enough. Gotta love this business..

Narog 16th Sep 2009 16:47

FlyTCI: Du verkar ha fått detta med rekrytering lite om bakfoten... Jag förstår din frustration över att kanske inte få komma till första steget trots din erfarenhet, men det är ju inte hela bilden... Små bolag i startgroparna tjänar ofta på att anställa erfarna, och kanske lite äldre piloter av kända anledningar. Större bolag som TUIfly och Widerøe, som också nämnts i den här tråden har en annan syn på det hela. Här handlar det i första hand om att få in "rätt" folk. Erfarenheten kommer med åren, men om man inte passar in i en önskad profil är det värre. Med profil, så menar jag inte det som du tidigare skriver om att "ändra sig och lära sig flyga som TUI vill...", utan jag pratar helt och hållet om det personliga planet.

Widerøe som har en krävande operation har ju t ex INGA sim-tester överhuvudtaget. Inte ens flygrelaterade prov och dyl. Deras träningsavdelning kan lära dom flesta att flyga där om man har rätt inställning, och det är det WF letar efter. Samma med TUIfly.

Om rekryteringsavdelningen på TUIfly läser en ansökan från en person som har massa erfarenhet, men som de direkt känner inte verkar vara ha rätt personliget, då går han inte vidare. Om däremot nästa kandidat råkar ha mindre erfarenhet, men tycks besitta andra kvaliteter, då har han helt enkelt större chanser.

Kort och gott, uppfyller man grundkraven, så handlar inte allt om den som har flest timmar!

Lycka till!

FlyTCI 16th Sep 2009 17:11

Narog I am fully aware of how the game works. I did the SAS interview with 1200 hrs, all piston, back in 2000/2001.

The thing is, in the last round of TUI hiring in 2007 a friend of mine (same age) with almost identical background as mine, both personally and aviation wise, was called for the tests. He had just slightly less TT than me.

I have no problem accepting that I did not get called, I'm not even sure I could handle moving back to the Nordic winters again ;). I was just curious to know if they called people with various experiences, or only younger "low time" guys/gals.

Narog 16th Sep 2009 17:20

Då har vi samma syn på det hela. Dessutom är vi nog överens om att det inte kan vara en lätt match att sålla bland 989 ansökningar!

jager34 16th Sep 2009 22:05

hvor gammel er den eldste som er kalt inn?

ATP-Pilot 17th Sep 2009 00:40

I`m 29 :}

count dingleberry 20th Sep 2009 11:09

and I am sure that a scandinavian surname was helpful......;)

Griffin 24th Sep 2009 14:23

Search this thread and You shall find...

Giraffe2000 24th Sep 2009 18:49

Aptitude test
Does anyone know if any of the tests are computer based? or are they all written ones?



AUTO/MAN 25th Sep 2009 12:39

They are computerbased and you will be given a personal laptop that you get to keep after the test :ok:
Or then again they may just be written ones and all the applicants are supposed to bring their own paper and pens which you then have to submit to the company after the tests, we need pens!
Seriously, read the thread. Everything is given all the way down to the exact searchwords, all you have to do is to copy/paste them in to the searchfield...

young1 17th Jun 2013 09:06

TUIfly Nordic recruitment 2013
Hi guys,

With TUIfly Nordic just opening up FO recruitment again I thought I'd try to get this thred going again.. Any news on recent selection process? Types of written tests included etc.

Griffin 17th Jun 2013 09:27

Det finns några trådar på Flygtorget om detta :8

DriverJake 17th Jun 2013 14:22

Hi, Young1

I applied last week and received an email this morning asking me to complete a Personality Questionnaire - 120 questions, no right or wrong answers etc, 30 minutes to complete.

Hope that helps!


G1991 17th Jun 2013 14:31

I got the same as above!

It's quite comfortable to complete in 30 minutes.

toffy 17th Jun 2013 14:50

What kind of experience do you guys have?

DriverJake 17th Jun 2013 16:00

1700 TT
1400 Jet
(Biz Jet)
No Airbus experience


Griffin 17th Jun 2013 16:36


As we fly Boeing I don´t think zero Airbus is any issue:E

DriverJake 17th Jun 2013 18:47

:ugh: !!!!

May have Aer Lingus on the brain!!! LMAO!!


Griffin 17th Jun 2013 21:08

Life in the fast lane is not an easy task :}:ok:

toffy 19th Jun 2013 17:28

Well, I got the thanks, but no thanks.

1700h TT
900h turbine

Apperantly turboprop is not as hot and sexy in Sweeden as it is in Norway ;)

Good luck to all you guys, you will do great!

Griffin 19th Jun 2013 20:22

Det var konstigt. Jag hade bara turboprop innan jag började i BLX.

toffy 20th Jun 2013 05:08

Tidene forandrer seg. Utviklingen er vel dessverre slik at det blir stadig vanskeligere å hoppe fra ett trinn til ett annet, i og med at flyselskapene i stadig større grad vil ha piloter som kan hoppe rett inn i jobben uten for mye kursing. Selv SAS krever jo rating nå.

Når det er sagt så hadde de visst fått veldig mange søkere med jet erfaring.

young1 20th Jun 2013 10:20

Got the questionnaire too.. 1850tt 400 turboprop.

semmern 21st Jun 2013 07:40

Did you guys who got the "thanks, but no thanks" receive the questionnaire at first, and then the rejection, or just the rejection email with no questionnaire at first?

toffy 21st Jun 2013 13:08

No questionnaire at all. Just "thank you and goodbye" :ugh:

neffets 21st Jun 2013 17:38

I applied the other day and got the "application received" email stating that they are currently reviewing my application and will be in contact with me in due course. To those of you who received the questionnaire, did you also get this email before you got the questionnaire? :)

dan1165 21st Jun 2013 18:10

Got this email but no questionnaire received yet :hmm: ...

Thank you for applying for the position of First Officer.
We are currently processing your application and will be in contact with you in due course.
The recruitment process will include the following steps:
* Application period lasts until August 4.
* Pre-selection by screening questions and personality test during application period.
* First interview period will start late August. * Second interviews including simulator test, individual meetings with the company, SPF (Union) and pshycological evalution will take place from mid September to Mid October. TUIfly Nordic will run background checks on final candidates.

G1991 21st Jun 2013 18:38

I received the "thanks for applying" email initially then four days later the questionnaire.

850 Turbo.

semmern 22nd Jun 2013 12:02

Completed the questionnaire. Anyone heard anything after completing it yet?

truckflyer 24th Jun 2013 10:23

Applied and got the questionnaire invitation, 900 TT / 600 on the Bus, positive surprise, but still a long way to go.

truckflyer 24th Jun 2013 13:47

Application made on the 20.th, received message. (Did it on the 19.th I think, got questionnaire invitation today 24.th - also after I updated my CV with attachments of training and school etc.

Not Boeing type-rated, from what I understand that is an advantage but not a requirement.

Good luck to all.

SR-22 24th Jun 2013 20:03

12 FO positions I have heard

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