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cap10lobo 18th May 2008 18:04

"When the integration deals were negotiated"

They were not even invited to participate i any talks. The deal was stipulated by the SAS-unions only. Do you call that a deal?

Kingsnake 18th May 2008 19:41

I certainly do. You were given an offer. You could have turned it down - but you did n´t. You took it. Was it a bad offer? We´ll considering the alternative it was n´t. What do you think life is - a complete extension of your welfare state? All other copilots in SAS would gladly change place with you - including quite a few who were scheduled to start training long before you ever came on board.

Go ahead - continue feeling sorry for yourself. There are more than twice as many swedes who are captains in SAS as there are danes. And we still have to listen to your BS about us taking your jobs. What a load of crap.

I´ll do what I can to make sure you never become captains anywhere else but SAS Sweden. No one wants you in Copenhagen.

Go home. Shut up. Cry baby. Loser.

Hotel Charlie 18th May 2008 20:41


You forget to comment on whether you are looking forward to welcoming the next 50 captains in SAS Norge from ex-LIN.
If a correct seniority list, by date of hire would mean ex-LIN guys could be flying as FC s in Norway? No problem what soever!

You also forgot to comment on the fact that Braathens was bankrupt.

That´s management language for "BANKRUPT"
I´m not sure what kind of "management school" you went to, but not having enough cash to continue a "fight" is not the same as being bankrupt!
SAS did not dare let it get so far as to bankruptcy. If they had done that less than a week after the shutdown a new and even leaner company would have started up! My salary would have been 30% lower and I´d probably have more workdays. With all the bad will SAS would get from the Norwegian public for having "killed" Braathens, the company, SAS would most likely not have been able to survive!
Management saw this and you probably do to. Although with comments like this:

I´ll do what I can to make sure you never become captains anywhere else but SAS Sweden. No one wants you in Copenhagen.

Go home. Shut up. Cry baby. Loser.
I´m sorry to say, I´m not sure how much you are able to understand? :confused:


ps For any "outsiders" that might think there is war and havoc in SAS Norway cockpits there is NOT! We get along great and have a good time working together. A small handfull of extremists try to pester the enviroment, but not to worry. What goes around, comes around! ds :ok:

KillerSuricate 18th May 2008 21:05

If they had done that less than a week after the shutdown a new and even leaner company would have started up! My salary would have been 30% lower and I´d probably have more workdays.
In other words: Just like Norwegian is today...

Good one, HC.


Hotel Charlie 18th May 2008 21:18

In other words: Just like Norwegian is today...
Not bad that we can agree on something :ok:

Have a good one now y´all :ok:


Kingsnake 19th May 2008 05:43

HC you seem to think a 30% pay reduction would have qualified as a success.
With this kind of criteria you should have no problems in the future. :ok:

Read on in the article concerning Braathens:

Finansielle forhold
Den 30. september var konsernets egenkapitalandel
9,9% (25,7). Netto rentebærende gjeld var NOK 1.031
mill og likviditetsbeholdningen var NOK 629 mill. Som en
følge av Braathens svake finansielle stilling samt de
verdensomfattende problemene i flybransjen, har vi i
henhold til normal praksis informert alle våre større leverandører
om vår situasjon og likviditetsbeholdning.
Siden den 30. juni har selskapet formelt brutt vilkårene i
to låneavtaler og bankene har meddelt oss at vi anses å
misligholde disse avtalene grunnet den ugunstige utvikling
i vår finansielle stilling.


You were employed by a BANKRUPT company HC. You seem to be in denial about it. Sit down and give it some thought.

brgds Kingsnake

cap10lobo 19th May 2008 07:31

No hope?
With simple and mean people like Kingsnake and the rest of his mob, we dont need enemies from neither outside, nor within management.

The anti-intellectuals lacking both perspective and insight, once again prove that unity is probably without a chance.

HC, you are doing a good thing here, but with a-holes like that, you cant argue. He is simply not capable..

Good luck!

Ramrise 19th May 2008 08:14


cap10, you are the epitomy of DENIAL. You have never once addressed the points of kingsnake. He is right all the way.

Your world as you knew it doesnt exist anymore, it is gone. Welcome to ours, we have no interest in leaving you out to dry, why would we?? But, you must understand that our pilot collective will not bow to a group of 100 people, ANY group of 100 people. Not former RC, not former Bu, not former Lin. Nobody wants to be held hostage by a group of people led by irrational and inexplicable demands.

Instead try to bring something to the table, other than efforts to undermine us.



cap10lobo 19th May 2008 11:32

When LH buys Longhaul and reduce CPH as a "hub" by 50% (too close to Berlin and DUS..), who do you think will even bother about some severly overpayed RC pilots?!

Maybe its better to tend to friends than to piss on them!? :}

Ramrise 19th May 2008 12:48

I hope so

IF LH buys into SAS they will probably buy Longhaul, but also at least the CPH hub. Longhaul is not really worth anything without feed.

My question is this: Will LH buy all of SAS or will they settle for CPH plus the assorted longhaul??

Another theory is that they only want the shorthaul feeder traffic as they plan on Berlin being their third longhaul hub in Germany.

Either way I would prefer that LH buys us as this will end all political maneuvering and then we can run this shop as a business.

In short I think that shorthaul is the ticket if you want to be sure of getting into LH, longhaul is probably a sure way, but not quite.

I predict that we will know this within 3-5 years. One reason is the arrival of the AOCs within 6 months. When that happens they have some nice little business units that they can divest at their choosing.



PS By the way: your actions over the last weeks tell me that you are NOT my friend.

HTnHI 19th May 2008 13:00

Whooom! What was that?

with a-holes like that

some severly overpayed RC pilots?!

That was Cap10Lobotomy's last little bit of credibility that went far, far away!

Kingsnake 19th May 2008 16:40


If you are so certain that Lufthansa will ditch the local severely overpaid RC pilots then what makes you so certain they will want to hold on to a bunch of severely overpaid co-pilots who not only spend their time moaning and planning revenge and strikes but who also live in a different country and have to be transported to the workplace?

I sincerly doubt that Lufthansa will be interested in hearing about your former career in swedish domestic flying - and rumours of your recent stunt has no doubt reached them already. I´m sure they will want to do all they can to ditch you - I´m also sure that a lot of local airbus pilots in copenhagen will be very willing to help them.

I know I will.

Now piss of home and leave Copenhagen before we have you extradited.

To bad the longhaul routes out of Stockholm are the laughing stock of Intercont. Perhaps the story will turn a full cirle and you will end your days on swedish domestic where you came from.

Must be an appealing picture to someone as intellectual as yourself!

brgds :ok:

PropsAreForBoats 19th May 2008 18:24

The strike has been called off, as I predicted in post #4. This thread has evolved into a pissing contest between a couple of the more narrowminded among us, so I suggest that it is closed. Please.

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