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wazza21 20th Mar 2016 01:00

Yeah that's a better explanation! As I've said in still waiting for FS so thanks for clarifying.

FlyLowFlySlow 20th Mar 2016 05:22

Wazza, give FSP a call and confirm that they have your file (if they don't, you could be waiting a while for that call). The girls at FSP are very helpful and should be able to give you an idea of where you are sitting on the list.

Hope this helps.


itabruce 20th Mar 2016 05:55


thanks for that clarification, really appreciated.

Now what I guess it is the real question: how put the preferences in a way that it doesn't close any door?
My heart is telling me go for RAAF but my age is saying play it "safe"... (not that it is safe but at least Army and Navy seem to be a fraction easier than RAAF)..

Also keeping the same preference would disqualify me for the other services in case I won't get it?

Brenno17 20th Mar 2016 08:00

Been following this thread for the past 2 years....so much info.
So, I'm currently in the process of hopefully becoming a Navy Pilot via ADFA.
I completed my Assesment day about 2 months and have been told that my file has been sent down to FSP in Tamworth.
How do I get hold of FSP to find out if they have my file or not?

Also...has anyone received a call about FSP in April...?

P.s. Thanks in advance to everyone for contributing to this forum.

wazza21 20th Mar 2016 09:27

Thanks FLFS for you help, i'll give them a call tomorrow and check my position and make sure they've got my file. (surely recruiting can't be that bad!?)

Brenno17, Sounds like we're in the same boat. hopefully the ball starts rolling for both of us soon! are you applying for ADFA or DEO?

MrKhargify 20th Mar 2016 22:15

Wazza, last year my file was sent to Tamworth at the end of February and I only got the call for FSP at the end of August. I wouldn't be too concerned, maybe give your local DFR a call to make sure they sent it.

wazza21 21st Mar 2016 01:04

Brenno17, awesome, i'm applying for DEO. the number is 02 6760 7677, rang them this morning and seemed very helpful and said they would get back to me this arvo with any information. hope that helps

MrKhargify, Wow that's a pretty big wait! spoke to DFR last month to get an update and they said my file had been sent away, and i would hopefully here something early march...
p.s how did you go at FSP?

FlyingSoon 21st Mar 2016 11:14


No problem :)

To not close any doors my advice is preference RAAF Pilot at DFR and then when you get the Flight Screening paperwork aircrew service preference form, preference all three as "Most Preferred" on the 3 box form or "5 out of 5" for the 5 box form.

Preferencing more than one job at DFR will make it harder for you to get through Assessment Day considering you can just change your preferences at FSP.

For example on my Flight Screening guys only preferenced RAAF pilot at DFR and ended up getting offers for Army and Navy afterwards anyway as well as RAAF offers.

Good luck,

ARJM 21st Mar 2016 23:44

Hey guys,

I recently completed my additional testing and dfr has contacted me with dates for assessment day. I had to tell them that I wanted to put it off as I'm currently in my last year of uni, so I have a fairly big work load plus I also have work commitments and I want to have some time before the day to do some study and prepare myself. Was just wondering if any of you have an idea of how dfr look at this? Would they prefer me to put off my civilian commitments? Cheers.

MrKhargify 21st Mar 2016 23:59

It definitely was a long wait, and I will admit I was getting quite worried. I got through flight screening with a high recommendation and I'm now a first year at ADFA. I do think it's a bit different for ADFA, but I don't think the time it takes to get on course adversely affects your application. As long as you get on course, you have equal opportunity. For example, out of the 24 people from 3 courses I met, I'm at ADFA with 8 of them.

Also, I would like to pass on some advice, even if it's been said before.
  1. Study hard, and study effectively. The big points here are to ensure you remember the numbers and practice the actions. This will improve your flying significantly and will let you focus on actually maneuvering the aircraft, instead of what attitude you're supposed to be at.
  2. If you stuff up one flight, don't worry. In my last flight (assessment) I flew the worst I've ever flown. They commented on it in the OSB, but as long as you recognise it and can answer why you ****** it, you're all good. Not everyone can be perfect all the time.
  3. Always have a positive attitude and look like you're always trying to improve. Ask questions if you're unsure.
  4. Talk to people at BFTS and ask questions. I learnt so much from talking to one of the current super hornet pilots who's instructing there.
  5. Don't point in the cockpit :=
  6. Enjoy it. It's a fantastic 2 weeks.

If you've got any questions, let me know.

FlyingSoon 22nd Mar 2016 11:42

Khargify makes a lot of good points. I just want to emphasise that you should be positive and enjoying yourself at all times, after all this is a sample of the life you are going to live if successful! Also, I spent a lot of time socialising with the BFTS guys. A lot of advice says here to not touch the board games in the common room but I found playing with the padre and the BFTS students offers a great talking point and environment to ask a lot of questions. In my OSB interview they commented on my depth of knowledge and asked how I knew so much.

One thing I want to add is make friends with your coursemates. These guys are going to potentially be part of your class at training schools and will be your colleagues in the future. Start off well with them and support each other. It is not a competition between you and them, itis a competition between you and the standard to get recommended.

alec taylor 25th Mar 2016 13:02

Hi all. Just wondering if anyone has been given a letter of offer and afterwards, designated class 4.

FlyingSoon 26th Mar 2016 07:15

Hi alec taylor,

I got a medical downgrade after I got my LOO. Later got reupgraded and am now in the job. PM me if you need any help.


itabruce 27th Mar 2016 08:46

Originally Posted by FlyingSoon (Post 9317627)

No problem :)

To not close any doors my advice is preference RAAF Pilot at DFR and then when you get the Flight Screening paperwork aircrew service preference form, preference all three as "Most Preferred" on the 3 box form or "5 out of 5" for the 5 box form.

Preferencing more than one job at DFR will make it harder for you to get through Assessment Day considering you can just change your preferences at FSP.

For example on my Flight Screening guys only preferenced RAAF pilot at DFR and ended up getting offers for Army and Navy afterwards anyway as well as RAAF offers.

Good luck,

Thanks for this.
My only "fear" in doing as you suggest is that because I'm over 30 I won't get to assessment day because potentially too old for RAAF. In that case I wouldn't even get the chance to prefer them all at the flight screening...

FlyingSoon 27th Mar 2016 14:29

Getting to Assessment Day is not the hard part, it's getting through the Assessment Day itself. They'll tell you if you aren't competitive early on in the piece based on age. YOU Session is just to see what kind of person you are and set you in the right direction with regards to testing and giving you a realistic selection of jobs to apply for.

machzero 30th Mar 2016 00:49

Hey Brenno,

Congratulations mate, you must be absolutely stoked.

When did your file get sent off to flight screening? Mine is being sent today so it's all about the waiting game now I guess !

All the best mate and congrats again,


djmp92 1st Apr 2016 09:31

Hey guys! First time poster long time lurker on this thread! There's some fantastic information on here.

Currently booked in for Additional Testing on this Monday. Been studying non-stop so I'm hoping I'll do well.

With regards to the medicals I'm a little worried. I went to hospital either last year because of a sore chest and was worried it was a heart issue. Doctor diagnosed it as muscle soreness since there was nothing wrong with my heart. Will DFR look down on this whole event? Keep hearing horror stories regarding medicals so I'm just looking for some clarification.

FlyingSoon 3rd Apr 2016 08:13

hey djmp,

As someone who has had lots of fun with medical, I can tell you that if you are prepared with all the relevant documentation for when they ask you about it you will be fine. If you're in for the Additional Testing, that means you've gone through the YOU session medical. If you raised this then and they didn't make a fuss it means it shouldn't be such a huge issue come Assessment Day.

Make sure to get all the relevant reports for any xrays or imaging performed. Make an appointment to see your specialist if you saw one for a few months away if your referral is valid so you can go and get a report if they ask for it. If they don't ask just cancel the appointment.

The reason everyone has headaches with medical is they go in expecting to be "good to go" and next minute they are unprepared and made Class 3 or 4. Depending on who you see be prepared to have to get all these details and get a letter from a specialist to avoid this categorisation. Getting a 3 or 4 isn't the end of the world however. You can still be classed fit for FSP while not Class 1.

Good luck with the additional testing and if you have any more questions fire away.

djmp92 4th Apr 2016 09:10

Thanks FS!

Yeah I brought everything up with the nurse and she just jotted it down on the computer. Only elaborated on the date and the diagnosis.

Additional testing went well so I'm through to the next stage.

Yes I was thinking of gathering all the relevant reports. Reading about all the medicals made me want to be pretty prepared for them. Last thing I want is waiting months because paperwork I sent in hasn't reached them or something silly. Better to just have it there and then on the day like you said.

One question - if you don't produce the paperwork does that render you as a Class 3 or 4 until you provide it? And therefore fit for Class 1 FSP?

FlyingSoon 5th Apr 2016 05:21

Congratulations mate, start studying now for your chosen roles. Don't forget to do a bit of research into the other services as well to round out your knowledge for OSB and Assessment Day

Not producing paperwork will make you a 2E or 2D or something similar (temporarily unfit pending waiver or paperwork), but sometimes if you can't explain something as serious as chest pains then they will shoot you down before you even get a chance!

There's a separate medical sheet they fill out for aircrew applicants during your Assessment Day re fitness for FSP, so it is independent of your "DFR Classification". There's a big box that says "FIT FOR FSP" down the bottom you need to get a tick in!

I missed my first eligible intake because I didn't have paperwork prepared which is why I strongly advocate everyone to cover themselves.


pilothopeful92 9th Apr 2016 03:49

I basically have summarised the relevant parts of the ADF mentors pilot book, like the general process, aircraft, history of the services, dot point answers to likely questions like my leadership and personal experiences, structure of the ADF and current issues. Just some more depth on what my interview notes were. Plus a bit of maths and flying study.

MrKhargify 9th Apr 2016 11:31

Be ready to answer some different questions and make sure you have your opinions and views set for current operations and recent missions. I wasn't expecting questions asking about my opinions and views so be ready.

alec taylor 9th Apr 2016 21:46

My two biggest tips for OSB are;

To wait and think before you talk. It seems obvious but the nerves on the day will tend to make you rush and say something incorrect, or just inappropriate.

The other tip is once you've said what you need to, shut up. The sound of silence is daunting especially when you have four potential employers staring at you. They're waiting to see if you snap under the pressure of silence and reveal too much.

Be clear, concise and take your time. The greatest pilot of all time, Neil Armstrong would never say something to which he would later regret. In the air however, he was as sharp as a tack. Don't assume that because you emit a slow, methodical demeanour the board will assume you're slow to react in the air. They're looking for officer qualities remember.

machzero 11th Apr 2016 02:34

What are people's opinions on the sorts of maths they will ask during your OSB? Are they exactly the type of speed distance time questions that were in the pilot specific testing or are they a little easier to work out in your head? For all my speed distance time stuff I have been using pen and paper but obviously you can't do that in the OSB so whats the deal with those sorts of questions?

My file has been sent to Tamworth and hopefully it won't be long until I get the call.

All the best to everyone!

alec taylor 12th Apr 2016 07:41

Originally Posted by machzero (Post 9340033)
What are people's opinions on the sorts of maths they will ask during your OSB? Are they exactly the type of speed distance time questions that were in the pilot specific testing or are they a little easier to work out in your head? For all my speed distance time stuff I have been using pen and paper but obviously you can't do that in the OSB so whats the deal with those sorts of questions?

My file has been sent to Tamworth and hopefully it won't be long until I get the call.

All the best to everyone!

The maths questions, I recall, were basic arithmetic and speed-distance related.

Know your timetables back to front. Fraction to percentage values, ie 1/8 is 12.5%.

Other little tricks such as 60kts = 1 nm per minute, are invaluable, not only in the interview but in the cockpit.

Like I've said previously, it's a different game when you get asked 4X16 and they're are 4 people staring at you. Take your time, close your eyes, don't say you don't know. Work it out.

wazza21 19th Apr 2016 03:15

Finally got the call for flight screening today! i'll be up there from the 8th-21st of May. So let me know if your on the same course. Also received my medical letter a couple of weeks ago and have been all cleared Class 1, which is a huge relief!

Congratulation to everyone above who has also got onto a FSP!

machzero 19th Apr 2016 14:33

Congrats Wazza! How long were you waiting between Assessment Day and your phone call?

You must be stoked mate, congratulations again and all the best for May.

wazza21 19th Apr 2016 23:07

machzero - i completed assessment day September 2015 but was held up with medical and my file wasn't sent to FSP until January 2016, so about 4 months of waiting!
hopefully your wait isnt too long mach.

adbailey121 2nd May 2016 09:00

Hey everyone,

I hope that everyone is going well and those at FSP are loving it.

Just wondering if anyone has had any word of offers coming out for a June/July intake for RAAF.


FlyLowFlySlow 2nd May 2016 10:42


FYI, two gents that I completed FSP with have received RAAF offers for the June intake.


ARJM 3rd May 2016 03:32

Hey guys,

Just finished assessmemt day and have been recommended for flight screening. Just seeing if anyone has an idea of the wait time currently.


machzero 3rd May 2016 12:23


My file was sent to Tamworth about a month ago now. The common trend seems to be anywhere between 2-4 months if you're competitive. It's the waiting game for us at the moment!

FLFS, how long was the wait for those guys from FSP to RAAF offers?


FlyLowFlySlow 3rd May 2016 21:32


It was around 1-2 months, but I believe that was due to good timing more than anything. It will all depend on when you competed FSP and when the next offers are coming out.

machzero 13th May 2016 02:26

G'day everyone,

I got the call this morning to attend FSP from the 18th of June to the 2nd of July! This was meant to be an RMC slot but they said that they had changed it to DEO. I'm so stoked! Let me know if anyone else has got their call.

All the best everyone,

wazza21 13th May 2016 10:32

Originally Posted by machzero (Post 9374632)
G'day everyone,

I got the call this morning to attend FSP from the 18th of June to the 2nd of July! This was meant to be an RMC slot but they said that they had changed it to DEO. I'm so stoked! Let me know if anyone else has got their call.

All the best everyone,

Congrats Tom!!! That's great news!
I'm up here at the moment and I can tell you right now your gonna have so much fun!

machzero 13th May 2016 10:43

Thanks wazza !! I'm so excited, can't even begin to tell you how keen I am. You saying how much fun it is only adds to that excitement!

You have to let me know how your OSB goes. In particular the maths part because it's the only part I'm anxious about.

All the best for your remaining days buddy, you'll smash it!!


machzero 16th May 2016 05:28

Hey everyone,

Has anyone had experience with either Red Baron or the ADFMentors OSB prep course? If so could you shed a little bit of light on them? How useful were they? Did you feel you got your moneys worth? Do you recommend them?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers and good luck to everyone.


djmp92 16th May 2016 07:07

I did a flight with RedBaron last week. As someone who has had zero flying experience it was top notch and irreplaceable. Received a booklet on things to study and the pilots knowledge of FS and OSB was invaluable.

A little pricey at $600, but if you get as much information out of the pilot as you can then it's well worth it. Will be going for another one before FS starts.

machzero 16th May 2016 08:50

Okay great. I feel their flying component will obviously be top notch but am more concerned about their OSB preparation. Are you flying with Mike? I made some inquiries today and I think that is the guy who runs the flights.

Have you been allotted a course date?

CaptainSkyHawk 17th May 2016 02:58

Hey Guy. Been a keen reader since 2014, on a different account.
A little about myself:
I'm going for RAAF DEO, and after a very long and patient wait(medically), finally got a call for FSP (18th june to 2nd july). My dossier was sent to PSA on 8th of April and luckily got a call for FSP on 13th May. Who else is going up for FSP on this date? Would be great to get acquainted :)

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