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Confucius 23rd Mar 2007 23:56

Amen wokka, amen.

Arthur's Wizard 24th Mar 2007 11:57

I should have known that trying to sell the benefits of a reasonably active lifestyle to most members of the RAF was a futile exercise.

I'm not suggesting that anyone should become this

:confused: meat head that SRENNAPS describes. Only that individuals should at least aim to be able to pass the very basic fitness tests required by the RAF - Maybe then you could walk between the couch and the fridge without sounding like an asthmatic rhino with a head cold.

I won't add any more to this thread. I'll just let you sedentary types keep making every excuse why you should continue living like sloths whilst believing that you are the only ones working bloody hard.

ps. I'm not a 'gym freak' or a 'paronoid fitness person', I just recognise the benefits of trying to keep active - both in professional terms and overall lifestyle terms.

toddbabe 24th Mar 2007 14:11

This fit for trade or duty or whatever bollox some people are spouting is utterly stupid we are an armed force, we should all be at a decent level of fitness.
I personally agree that we should get time in work to keep fit, but if it's not possible then you should still manage it in your own time, fitness in the services isn't a bonus nicety, it should be a base line criteria.
Nobody gets time off from work to keep their kit in order or their shoes polished, you do it in your own time cos your kit has to be a certain standard! well guess what your body should be a certain standard as well.
All those bleeting aren't caring about whats right or wrong or if the system affects the operation of aircraft, they are whingeing cos they are lazy, probably overweight and don't like phys, tough luck this is how it's going to be and should be!
If people aren't fit enough to pass the fitness test then they shouldn't be fit enough to get good detachments, be promoted or in my opinion get their full wages.
It's no use saying I don't need to run far or be able to do x ammount of sit ups etc, If your plane goes down in the stan and your Gps was tits and your Prc isn't working I aint going to be too pleased lugging your fat arses around to safety cos you can't be arsed keeping fit, when you have got a team of Taliban looking for you and the border is 30 clicks away whos going to make it me the racing snake or you the Lard arse who thinks I am a stacker, or a mover or wsop etc I don't need to be fit?
Far fetched maybe, but it could happen.
Stop hiding and start training fatties.

Maple 01 24th Mar 2007 15:59

In other words you're going to avoid the two key issues here just like all the other gym queens

Why have different fitness level requirements for male and female personnel if its all about operations? Surely one level for all? No? Then it's not about ops, it's about keeping PTIs in jobs.

When is the manpower going to be upped to allow for all this "essential phys?" never, because its not that important - manning figures take into account only minimum manning levels, no slack for sports nuts. - why should the rest of an over worked shift cover your desire to play sport or hang out down the gym with like-minded chaps?

The high-ups consider the operational tempo is more important then hanging around in a gym admiring your self in a mirror, so there's your answer, your main purpose is to perform your primary role, as long as you can do your job anything not directly involved in maintaining the task is niff-naff and trivia.

wokkameister 24th Mar 2007 16:05

Arthur, anyone who has to qualify that they aren't paranoid....usually is.

toddbabe, the fact that you've included babe in your title tells me your onlt in love with one person. As you type from Elgin, I would guess that you sit in the back/front of a grimrod doing an essential job. But I think I am far more likely to find myself face to face with the TB or holding a broken GPS. Do not presume to tell me what I need to do in preperation for that day.
I've never failed my fitness test and am more than willing to go 'a few rounds', I merely think the policy is flawed.

airborne_artist 24th Mar 2007 16:11

Feb 79, RN aircrew survival course at Seafield Park. Among the fifteen odd attendees were a racing snake (rock climber, XC runner, gym freak etc) and AN Other, a good 25 lbs overweight, who when not at the bar was in front of the TV, and if doing neither of those was partaking of Egyptian PT.

Three days into the survival phase, and it got very cold - show, frost, and quite windy as well.

Racing snake gets hypothermia, and is miserable for the rest of the six days. AN Other happy as Larry all the way though, never cold, always joking. Even more thrilled to find he'd lost 15 lbs on returning to the Mess. Luckily was able to put it back on within a fortnight.

Moral - get fit by all means, but eat for Queen and County for at least a month beforehand if anticipating an E&E in cold climes.

insty66 24th Mar 2007 17:22

Stop hiding and start training fatties.
Thats just the attitude to get everyone running for fun (an oxymoron shirley).

Like Wm, I too have never failed a fitness test despite now being required to run further now than 9/10 years ago. Holier than thou jockstrap attitudes only strengthen opinions against fitness tests.

A couple of years back when "heat acclimatisation" was brought in the entire shift troggs of to the gym @ 0730 and we are put through our paces by a PTI who was well aware of the vastly differing fitness levels. After about 30 everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and were giving it a "right go".

Trouble is the flying programm was disrupted and no matter which way we tried to sort it flying came first and we wereprevented from doing our acclimatisation as required.

What I'm getting at is some people might not voluntarily get to the gym in work time and not be able to do so in their own time. But if you give them the time, then you might just be amazed at how hard people will work at getting fit. After all it is a job requirement not a life one.

Preach less teach more and give people time.

vecvechookattack 24th Mar 2007 19:10

Are you really stating that the RAF will expect their chaps to conduct their fitness traininhg during working hours? Whats wrong with doing it in your own time?

ChiefWiggum 24th Mar 2007 19:13


As you type from Elgin, I would guess that you sit in the back/front of a grimrod doing an essential job.
He could be at the other secret airbase in Moray.

Agree with you on the rest, though.

airborne_artist 24th Mar 2007 19:16

Whats wrong with doing it in your own time?
IIRC all your time, except when on leave, is working time, if required. No Working Time Directive in Betty's Sailing/Flying clubs.

Pontius Navigator 24th Mar 2007 19:56


Just curious you understand, but what exercise facility exists on a boat that will allow 3 x 50 minutes of quality exercise? That would certainly be in Betty's time?

Last time I looked there were some rates who could certainly not fit in a torpedo tube. Indeed it was doubtful if they even fitted into a pusser's shirt.

Spoke volumes for the lasses that secured the buttons though.

zedder 24th Mar 2007 21:11

Ckeck out the new fitness test. Time allowed is 4 mins 26 secs:}


SID East 25th Mar 2007 06:21

Does anyone actually know what the increased fitness test standard is going to be? Are we talking a few shuttles or a whole extra level on the MSFT?
I would personally love to be given time in work, 3 times a week, for Phys but I also doubt that the hierarchy will allow the flying task to reduce, which it would have to. Having said that I believe there may be some such arrangement at Odiham that allows for some compulsory PT?

I often see Army units and RAF Regiment, out on mass runs etc. They are given the time as part of their primary duties, they are soldiers. If the RAF want similar fitness levels across the board they must give people the time to train. Simple.

As for the sexual discrimination bit, the more I think about it the more ridiculous the justification for differing levels seems to me. I heard a rumour recently that an RAF male successfully overcame the fitness requirements by stating that he intended to live his life as a woman, with no actual plans to do so. Under the human rights act the RAF had to honour his intentions and treat him as a lady when it came to the fitness test.
Do we see a mass sex-change campaign on the horizon?

SID :ok:

Pontius Navigator 25th Mar 2007 08:02

SID East, last time I looked the answer was no. This rather begs the question as to what energentic physical activity you should do.

The easy coop out is a run. Easy to organise, easy to supervise and usually, but not always, plenty of space.

Strength exercises OTOH are less easy to organise, not easy to supervise and are frequently space of facilties limited.

Can you imagine the hastle trying to get all the cars off the parade square, unless there is a SLAM building on it, for formation situps, press-up and arm swinging?

Farfrompuken 25th Mar 2007 18:37

Excellent News!!!
The RAF are going to give me 2hrs 30 a week to go off and put some serious mileage on my mountain bike! (I'll burn about 850-900kCal in each session).
Or will it be the usual dull-as-ditchwater circuits session/trotting up and down a gym/plodding round a sports pitch requiring half the level of effort?:ugh:
As for doing PT in your own time, I cannot see how ANYONE fails to partake. I've got 2 kids, a busy schedule etc etc, but I can still find time for a run, even if it's just before bed (take a torch) or I have to get up an hour earlier. I hate running but it beats being cooped up in a gym any day. On det it can be a challenge but I've always found a way to get it in. It just requires a tad of MOTIVATION.
I'm all for enforced PT(if it's enjoyable and worthwhile), but methinks dullness will prevail as it will justify the PEd branch's existence for a while longer. All because of a few people who lack self discipline and motivation. Just sack them.:mad:

Maple 01 25th Mar 2007 19:07

All because of a few people who lack self discipline and motivation. Just sack them.
Sorry, remind me again, are we an Air Force or a Gym club?

RETDPI 25th Mar 2007 19:21

I used to believe some had misheard years ago and thought they worked in RAF Sport Command.

Pontius Navigator 25th Mar 2007 19:44


Or will it be the usual dull-as-ditchwater circuits session/trotting up and down a gym/plodding round a sports pitch requiring half the level of effort?
My point. How do you manage 2000 individuals doing exercise 3 times per week? Allowing for duties such as Orderly Sgt, watch keeping, shift workers, workers working out of hours, such as cooks and chefs? How do you provide sufficient facilities for 200-300 people at a time?

Let us assume a batch of 200 people at one hour per session and 3 sessions per week, that immediately amounts to 30 session hours per week.

On top of that you will have to provide shower and changing facilities for twice that many simply to allow for the change-over between A-shift and B-shift.

6000 showers in a week, say 1500 per day, 5 minutes each (blokes not birds). Just watch the water bill.

Did anyone spot Edward Leigh, Chairman of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee?

<<The report said the MoD "faces many, often conflicting demands on its resources".

It continued: "Despite these budgetary pressures, other parts of the MoD have injected an additional £45 million to carry out estate work at short notice, including fire safety systems, sports facilities and toilet and shower facilities."

The MoD also set aside £4,000 to invest in a polo pitch at Buckley Barracks, Wilts, but the money was never spent.

The report said that in the same year that the money was spent on sports facilities, the MoD had to find savings of £15 million "largely through the deferrals in planned maintenance and repair".

Edward Leigh, the chairman of the Commons public accounts committee, which oversees the NAO's work, said: "While roofs were left to leak, money had been found for sports pitches. I am left wondering if resources are being targeted in the right way.>>


The question I am asking, and I am not anti-sport as I have even acquired a mini-gym, alas no showers or toilets, is just how is it to work, how is it to be done and how the facilities are to be provided?

Anyone that thinks 3x50 minutes is equating to 2 hr 30 min is dreaming.

The criteria is 50 minutes of physical activity - to this can be added 10 minutes to get to the facility and change and 20 minutes minimum to return. There will then be a further 20-30 minutes recovery period (ie people disinclined to work until they have stopped sweating, perspiring or glowing, depending on rank and sex.

I am awaiting an official answer.

Farfrompuken 25th Mar 2007 19:47

You appear to have got the wrong end of the stick, me old.
I feel that compulsory gym/sports field bashing is totally unnecessary, since we all have, or should have time away from work to do as we please.
If you rock up and fail the fitness test for no good reason, then adios. We're a fighting force and there's no place for baggage. That doesn't mean you should be in peak fitness 24/7. The test standards are hardly demanding.
If they INSIST on scheduled 'work time' PT, then I hope they're pragmatic about it otherwise it'll have a negative effect, reminding those that currently don't partake exactly how unenjoyable fitness can be!

TWOL8 25th Mar 2007 20:00

The very simple fact is that we are required to keep a level of fitness as part of our service within the RAF. All those who hide behind the "as long as i can do my primary duty" mantra should perhaps read the small print... yes you have a primary function to perform but you also have a responsibility to keep fit. If you can't be ar*ed to keep fit then bye bye, go work for someone else who doesn't require fitness standards.
As for those who bitch about not having the time to do the exercise required, remember you do get paid 24/7, stop whining and do it after work...or before.
We are part of the British military, we should't accept fat, lazy, idle wasters who want to do the bare minimum and pick up their paycheck.

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