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Green Flash 22nd Mar 2007 22:14

Hit the big 50 soon. s'funny, but although I struggle to hit the mark in the gym, when a 107 lands outside, I've got the 0 to 60 of a 17 year old. Funny thing, that.

Top Right 22nd Mar 2007 23:12

"There was a delegation from the airforce at the British Synchronised Swimming championships recently so possibly they are looking at a different method of achieving the end result!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Well if there was, I should like to clarify that they were nothing to do with the RAF Swimming Association! We stick to serious swimming, water polo (a slightly challenging sport (no drowning horse jokes please)), diving (tricky and demanding) and open water swimming (The Channel, Gib straits and cold lakes). Synchro must be something being looked at by somebody else. But goodness knows who!

Could we transfer this one over to the Caption Contest thread?

Uncle Ginsters 23rd Mar 2007 09:07

Uncomfortable Truth......
I have it on good authority that the PEd branch ran a trial on a Gulf-based Det on physical fitness vs Job Stamina and work rates.

The uncomfortable truth was that the "F@t B*$tards" performed better than those with a higher personal fitness levels. This is even backed up by some science concerning metabolic rates in relation to fitness and required sustanence.

I'm not a fan of looking like an ATC officer (Spaceys, that is:} ) and we should all take pride in our personal appearance.....but how do you sell the fact the fat people seem to perform better in our current operational theatres?

Pin pulled, retarding to a safe distance (Mars?)

Pontius Navigator 23rd Mar 2007 09:16

Given the 'right' fat build, fat people often have greater physical strength and static endurance. They may not be racing snakes and able to run 5 clicks in full but . . .

Fit for Purpose must be defined before fitness can be determined.

Eckster 23rd Mar 2007 09:23

I failed my fitness test 2 months before i went to the 'died in June/July 2005 because i was told to do it or get charged even though i had a light duties chit from the med centre due to an ankle ligament problem. I failed it and explained to the PTI's why. I also did my 2 months in the Gulf where i was given a glowing report for the effort and commitment i put in.

I'm overweight (and know i shouldn't be) but outperformed several skinny personnel who were out there at the same time as me. All i did was heed the advice about fluid intake and ate sensibly in the mess.

Fit for duty is different to fit by a required level. An RAF cross country runner at Leuchars many years ago failed his fitness test because he knackered his knees due to having to turn 180 degrees at the end of the gym. So ultra fit person fails fatty test but can still go out of area.

By the way I'm off to Seeb in a couple of months wether passed test or not. Not sloping my responsibilites.

Arthur's Wizard 23rd Mar 2007 11:13

Fast forward 20 years, Maple can still outrun said girly, even if lumbered with GPMG but fails fitness test at level x for 38 YO bloke.
If you can't even reach the very low RAF standard for a 38 YO, you are obviously extremely unfit in which case, I wouldn't expect the likes of you to agree that good levels of physical fitness have so many benefits - both quantifiable and perhaps not - to an employer such as the MOD.

So that's why sportsmen need to high altitude train to play netball on Mt Kilimanjaro but the RAF are happy there is no requirement for same when dispatching unfortunates to Kandahar?
:ugh: Sportsmen train at high altitude to incite an intense oxygen defecit so that when they subsequently perform/compete at sea level (ish), their bodies are more efficient at using available oxygen.

Kandahar is c.3000'AMSL. Not exactly high altitude. What do you want, an expedition to the Andes at PDT! :rolleyes:

Dunno what section/flight you worked in, it was always the sports freaks off sick with a strained metatarsal or some other nonce excuse
Sports freaks? With that statement and the ones above, I now have what I reckon is a very clear picture of you and your probable body shape!

Bring it on Porky!


A 38YO Wannabee PTI :rolleyes:

Wader2 23rd Mar 2007 11:21

THS, you have a good memory. QR1051 - Custody Hearings, notice, arrangements and evidence.

Now if you look at QR 430 does that fit the billl or even are they barking up the right tree?

To be fit . . . with the added ability to recover rapidly. This implies a test that lasts X minutes followed by an assessment of time to recover, say pulse to return to resting state or resting plus whatever.

To fulfil daily task energetically and recover given prolonged periods and adverse conditions. Like servicing the helo at the top of Pen y Fan?

Adequate is merely pass the AFT.

Only a small element of time in the working week.

Directed complusory fitness training in work time provided properly organised structured and supervised.

The last is really the rub.

A mass cross-country run three times per week (B o r i n g) is easy to administer and to measure provided the course is circular with no easy access to short cuts.

Small section training OTOH could be a real pain. If one person is in charge of, say, 12 men there may be a need for 10 or more sessions to fit with shift patterns and availability.

I will watch with interest.

Seldomfitforpurpose 23rd Mar 2007 12:56

"A 38YO Wannabee PTI"

or a 38 year old who is 2 years from the scrap heap and is possibly more than a little envious of our longevity of life in the light blue :p

Arthur's Wizard 23rd Mar 2007 13:11


Possibly, although as an LE turncoat oik, I have a job till 50 if I want it. Although freedom in 2yrs does sound appealing! :p

vecvechookattack 23rd Mar 2007 16:26

I assuming that all of these negative remarks concerning the fitness of the Armed Forces are from Spec aircrew who can't fit their fat bellies into their oversized Ovvies and who spend most of their time at "work" (if you can call it that) slobbing around the crewroom in pairs of slippers.

Pontius Navigator 23rd Mar 2007 16:31

vectak, I think you will find there is a fair spread of comment here. If anything many of the aircrew probably do have the time and inclination. I had heard that the Typhoon crews have special gyms on the sqn.

No, most of the whinging is from people who have been overworked OOA or down route and look forward to bit of value time at home. Also groundies struggling to meet the flypro or blunties trying to meet the demands with reduced manning now JPA does it all.

vecvechookattack 23rd Mar 2007 16:39

Most of the Squadrons here at Culdrose have some sort of Gyms in them. Weights, etc.

But military servicemen shouldn't moan about having to keep fit. They will be moaning about having to go so hot and sandy places and put themselves in harms way next.

Could be the last? 23rd Mar 2007 19:03

Wader 2,

The reality is that we need the deploying troops to be as fit as possible. By increasing specific types of PT we can offset the physical damge that will be sustained when carrying out ops. However, trying to get support from the lords and masters on a frontline unit is nigh on impossible.

If it means that flying units don't fly for a couple of hours each week, then so be it. If nothing else, it creates the bonding that is required when people go to war!

Stop bleating and get down the gym, and take some of your men/women with you.:ok:

blogger 23rd Mar 2007 19:46

I'll give it a week before the work load backs up so much that this gym time is pushed to one side.

You can take a techie to the gym but you can't make him work out.

I can just see some jumped up LAC acting CPL PTI yelling at us old Techie chief's ....RUN.

Tell you what he would be told to Fcuk right off.:ok: and get back in his box.

SRENNAPS 23rd Mar 2007 20:57

Arthur's Wizard
I think you need to get a life and stop being so paranoid.

Maple 01 23rd Mar 2007 21:00

it creates the bonding that is required when people go to war!
I suspect most of us here were attending wars before you were born, perhaps not a good crowd to lecture! Bonding is more about pi@@ups and squadron camaraderie than futile phys or the much vaunted but ultimately bollox deployment test thingie

Stop bleating and get down the gym, and take some of your men/women with you.
I refer the right honorable gentlemen to my colleague’s (blogger) last comment

Authur, you're a pongo aren’t you? If that's the case you are about as qualified to talk about the RAFFT as I am about the Regimental system!

But as you’re a self appointed expert can you explain why there different fitness levels for boys and girls if it's all about operations? Are the bad guys less likely to shoot at the slower girl because she's passed her fitness test?

Kengineer-130 23rd Mar 2007 21:01

I can't belive some of the utter Boll**s written on this thread :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: . Have any of you who are singing from your ivory towers actually been to an AT unit recently??? Most sqaudrons are working at breaking point as it is, the AVERAGE shift manning is around the 60%mark :ugh: :mad: , when prey, do you suggest that we stop working on the assets that are being screamed for by ops, and go for a jolly little run around camp??? I'm sure the lads sat in Al-udied/Basrah/kandahar will understand that although they have no flight home, the tekkies and stackers are having a jog :ugh:

Yet another Ill thought out and Ill implemented policy :\ . Personally, I would love to go to the gym every day and play section/station sports, but working 12 hr shifts that are busy as hell 99% of the time, hardly inspire you to go and run 10K in the gym after a shift:ugh: ..... Either give us the manpower to do the job, or leave us alone!!! I think some people need a bit of a reality check, and need to realize how stretched most units are :mad:

SRENNAPS 23rd Mar 2007 21:38

Hope this winds a few people up:
Fact – Paranoid fitness people are not team players.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people don’t play rugby, soccer, cricket or golf; they would rather work out in the gym.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people can’t concentrate on their job because they are thinking about their next work out and what girlies might be in the gym.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people tend to flag it after 6 hours into a 12 hour shift in temperatures above 50 degrees…….Actually they tend to flag it after a few hours of real work in any climate.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people, when on deployment spend half their lives sunbathing and admiring their own bodies.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people can’t talk about anything in the pub except fitness; boring the crap out of everybody else.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people take the pi$$ out of people less fit than themselves but get a mega strop on when somebody takes the pi$$ out of them.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people tend to have no morale values in life. i.e they will sh*g anything that is remotely fit without any thought to loved ones back home and without any form of guilt.
Fact – Paranoid fitness people are taking over the mob – and it is not a good thing.

blogger 23rd Mar 2007 22:10

Sports afternoon ..... giving time off to one or two persons to play team footy etc to make the station look good.

Great everyone else on shift has to work harder to make up the sortfall in man power or end up knocking off late ........great.....really great.

Next morning where's blogg's oh chief he hurt himself playing footy hes down the doc's..... great short of man power yet again..... and this guy wants praise on his anual report for playing footy:rolleyes:

Week later Chief can I have tomorrow off for station footy? ........No you can't get back to work.....

The RAF today.........:ugh:

wokkameister 23rd Mar 2007 22:21

I've never come anywhere near failing my fitness test, and I spend far more time in 'the field/desert' than half the armchair Napoleans that have spouted off so far. I have to agree with Kengineer and SRENNAPS.

I work kin'hard and have done all my time in the RAF. I have quite often been the person organising the squadron whilst the sports freaks are chasing a ball. I don't object to that...but I do object to having my ability to do my job called into question because I don't run 20k in the lunchbreak I regularly don't have.

I will undertake the new fitness test, and I will pass it, because I would rather die trying than fail - just my generation I think.

But a lot of people sat in offices working regular hours, or on a Typhoon/F3 squadron with no real purpose in life other than functional tests on silver shadows need to wind their necks in and go back to chasing balls, letting the rest of us go back to fighting wars.

Anyone from any service who wants a p***ing competion on front line time, you know where to find me....and it's not at the gym.

Wokkameister out

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