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I_stood_in_the_door 5th Sep 2005 13:26

The best bar by far was on the MV Brandon down in Mare Harbour. One of the few places you get get spirits, heaven!!

Invite only and they had some gay boy chef (John I think) who used to camp it up and then cook you all breakfast when the sun(?) rose in the morning after a blurry eyed session. The scramble egg did taste a bit funny but hey ho.......... Apparently his 'dark' side was kept sustained by the duty RN bleep who liked a bit of rum, bum and baccy!

Best night was onboard ship in dock with a BBQ for bonfire nite (I think?). Upset one young chiny loadie (oops crewman!) when asking if his beloved groupie liked a bit of up hill gardening. Didn't go down to well, unlike the pretty (for the falks!) SES girly who could suck ping pong balls thru a tube. Should have been in films.

Happy, happy memories indeed.



engineer(retard) 5th Sep 2005 18:41

I ran the armourers bar in the dump during my last tour and must have done a good job because I cannot remeber its name. :\


farsouth 20th Oct 2005 00:51

The Bristow bar may have been known by some as Eric's, but it was officially "The Spider's Web". It was open to company staff from end of flying each day, but generally had open nights each Sunday night (as Monday was our day off). Often got temporarily closed due to overpopularity........
Sadly, Bristow lost the contract to Brintel in 1999 after 16 years operations in the Falklands - haven't heard whether they continued to offer the same hospitality ??

MG 20th Oct 2005 17:05

Oh yes, they certainly did!! :yuk:

CashMachine 20th Oct 2005 19:47

Oh, yes. Brintels still run a good bar.

78 Sqn always had an open invitation as we worked in the same hanger. Although, there were numerous times when 78 people were banned (usually aircrew I might add (well, loadies anyway)).

The NAAFI mafia have gradually taken over down there and shut almost all of the bars now.

There are still some illicit bars still hanging on though!:E :ok:

Talking Radalt 20th Oct 2005 20:06

Although, there were numerous times when 78 people were banned (usually aircrew I might add (well, loadies anyway))
And when have there ever been 78 loadies at MPA? :)

CashMachine 20th Oct 2005 20:09

And when have there ever been 78 loadies at MPA?
Thankfully, never!

Zoom 20th Oct 2005 21:22

I hate to admit this but I rather wish I had done a (very short) stint down there before I left. Then at least I would know a bit about the locations you are all discussing. It certainly seems that the many and various watering holes at MPA are essential if any hint of good morale is to survive in what seems to be a very depressing outpost. So ease off, BEagle.

The sketch map at the beginning was ace and is the best representation of the layout of MPA that I have seen. Thanx ZH875. I don't suppose any of you have some (sanitised) photos of the place that you can publish here. The last one I saw showed a bomb crater in the runway!

CashMachine 20th Oct 2005 21:26

I hate to admit this but I rather wish I had done a (very short) stint down there before I left.

Believe me, you didn't miss anything!!

To date, I've served 4 sentences down there!

BEagle 20th Oct 2005 21:34

"The last one I saw showed a bomb crater in the runway!"

That was Stanley, Puerto Argentino - not MPA, Base Aerea Gringo!

I've heard that some people are volunteering to go to the Malvinas these days - as a change from Bliar's desert adventurism.

Sven Sixtoo 20th Oct 2005 21:37


Wrong airfield.

The bomb (no 21 from Martin Withers Vulcan) landed on the runway at Stanley, and caused problems for several years after because the filled hole was not as solid as the surrounding terrain and the steel matting runway surface moved on top of it.

MPA (Mount Pleasant Airfield) is just north of the Stanley - Goose Green road and south of Pleasant Peak, about 45km west of Port Stanley.

It opened in 1985. The first fixed wing aircraft to land there (just before the official opening) was the C130 that lost half a wing in a midair with a RN Sea King.

Actually I'm really depressed I spent enough time down south to know all that.


Groan - beaten on the keyboard by a Bl00dy truckie!

BEagle 20th Oct 2005 22:07

Hmmm - when the Malvinas war began I was on F4s.... But parted acquiantance with that aeroplane about a month before I was due to go down to Stanley.

So I did all my time down there defending bennies from the comfort of a far more civilised aeroplane. Apart from a short stretch in an office, that is.

Never did any truckie trips there though!

Sven Sixtoo 20th Oct 2005 22:43

Apologies Beags - I had you pegged from a different background!

My favourite southern bar remains the Navy Point mess. 30-odd people from all three Services, all the fun police on the other side of the harbour, and all the boats controlled by NP residents.

OK the place was a dump but time fades out the bad bits.


Toxteth O'Grady 20th Oct 2005 23:16

aaaah - such fond memories of the Hoobie Schnapps at Kelly's Garden.

Happy times.



OOpsIdiditagain 21st Oct 2005 16:12

Ah Friday night at MPA. Quickie at the Dog and Badger at 1600. Mess for food 1700, pick up Mrs and troops. Castaways Tubthumping 1900-2100, Shady.s 2100-2300. Mess 2300, Goose 0001 til 0400ish, an d still got change from a Fiver. Attempted to visit all the bars, most were great had some brilliant times in the Goose despite not being aircrew. Great place, well run and very amusing. Good pole too I remember!

Icecoldinalex 22nd Oct 2005 09:31

MPA/Stanley Bars
A little bit of BS perhaps there KENNYR. Unless there was an 'Erics' at RAF Stanley. MPA didn't open until 1985 so you couldn't have been there in the early 80s.

I think they was a bar called the 'shed' in the coastels at Stanley which was frequently quite regularly. I think the term 'getting a shed on' comes from there.

Zoom 23rd Oct 2005 09:08

Ah, sorry gents. My geography is as bad as my memory. So it's a good thing I didn't go there as I would have been late for work!

Any photos though?

diginagain 23rd Oct 2005 09:38

Icecoldetc mate - sorry to correct you there, but KennyR and my good self were in FI at the time MPA was being completed. (So was SilsoSid, a mere whipper-snapper, but let's not go there). As it happens, we had the pleasure of returning home on the first 747 out of Dodge.

Eric's was situated in a house in Stanley (was it a Wednesday? I thought it was Thursday nights). We were at Murray Heights (open house, except for Harrier pilots, on Friday nights). Short tab into town from Lookout Camp for a quiet beer. Followed by the traditional 'loads of noisy ones'.:ok:

HOGE 23rd Oct 2005 14:14

What was the section bar that had the disco made up to look like a castle? Circa mid 90's

ZH875 23rd Oct 2005 15:28

Timmy's bar had castle wallpaper that was hung to convert part of the bar area into a castle theme in 1999, could this be the place?

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