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Brain Potter 30th Aug 2005 16:48

C-130 Techie

The Nato AAR Manual ATP-56A states that the KC-130 has a normal max fuel load of 72,000lbs. This is about the same total fuel as a VC10 tanker at max landing weight. So simplisticly (and assuming that C-130 div fuel is much, much less than a VC10) a KC-130 scrambled from alert would provide more instantaneously transferrable fuel than a VC10 that was about to land. The Herc also has better crosswind limits and can use the short runway.

So to answer your question:

Were we just wasting our lives??
Like a lot of other people down there - yes :D

Seriously though, I think there will always be a requirement to have 2 airframes in theatre capable of reaching S.America for Comp cases, in case one was u/s. Could be 2 Herc tankers though. Perhaps we have found a use for the C Mk 5 :p

Whoosh :ok:

monkeybumhead 30th Aug 2005 17:49

Going back to the subjet of MPA bars, I think I have found a good future use of the next 10 to be scraped. Fly it down to the rock, park it out of the way where nobody will be disturbed, chop the legs off, remove all the good salvageable bits and revive the vic. It would make a good novelty bar.
Altervatively use one of the Mk5 Js.:ok:

Talking Radalt 30th Aug 2005 17:57

But anyway.....
I heard recently Lot22 has gone completely. Not just "closed pending a new OC Admin" but completely stripped of it's fixtures, fittings and decor and returned to storing nets, spare strops and other cr@p for JHSU.
'Course following the opening of All-New Lot 22 the original got pulled over/fell apart/collapsed so now there's no where for Lot night to go. :{
Maybe those doing four-to-six in HMP MPA can busy themselves making a jolly funny spoof pop video in order to provide some light-relief news for the very publication which took such great delight in condemning military life in the Sth Atlantic a couple of years back :rolleyes:

Brain Potter 30th Aug 2005 18:03

I think that the last '10 to be "scraped" down there is the next one to be scrapped.

Great idea - just leave it there and turn it into the next Vic (ky Ten).

The management would probably still classify it as a "war-goer" though.

16 blades 30th Aug 2005 23:30

The management would probably still classify it as a "war-goer" though.
...much like most of the females down there! 'War-Goers' and 'Crash Divs' aplenty!


OC 1312 Flt 31st Aug 2005 01:53

It's a funny old world! I've just wandered down the 1312 Flt corridor to check out BEagle's photo (Jan-Feb 99 and no hair if you don't believe me) and then i happened to notice the number of posts on PPrune. I have deicded that i wasn't going to let it influence me on trying to work out why there were so few invites to the Goose. You really shouldn't criticise people for having a good time, i wouldn't give you a hard time for sitting at your computer all day fella.

16 blades, very, very disappointed to read your rant about the Goose. You may have had a bad experience there but that does not make it a bad venue. I am lucky enough to be a regular visitor there and let me set the record straight for anyone who has never been there or not been there in recent years. The Goose is unique on the Island and it caters for a huge gang of people ranging from RRS, RIC, ATC, Medics, JFLU, FISU (Loggies & Adminers in old money) and thankfully 1312 Flt. We have all been hosted excetionally well and made to feel extremely welcome. Your comments could not be farther from the truth and having just done 2 months in the FI with another 2 months to go, i hope i get the opportunity to see you down here to show you how wrong you are. The 1435 Flt guys are right on the money, doing their best to get through their tour like anyone else, in no way whatsoever do they deserve such a tirade. Times and people have changed down here and i'm sorry if some people don't like it but we all get on really well these days. However, if anyone has more up to date info then pse give me a shout.

Talking Radalt: Sadly, i have to report that your suspicions regarding the Lot are true. Timmy's is currently shared by 78 Sqn, 1312 Flt and ASF.

For anyone who doesn't miss the Queen Vic then you've never been there.

PS Where's the spell checker????

D-IFF_ident 31st Aug 2005 03:10

Happy to oblige sir:

It’s I vice i, decided vice deicded, exceptionally vice excetionally and complete waste of time vice essential operational commitment.

Sorry, had to do that; all I wanted was some notes for Chapter 6. Send me a PM and I’ll send you a copy…

Hoobie Schnaps 1st Sep 2005 17:40

Having had the pleasure, ney..... honour of an invite to the highly acclaimed Goose a while ago I was intrigued to see a fine selection of female under garments (much lace and not a lot of cloth) fixed to the ceiling. The 'locals' seemed terribly proud about them and claimed that the garments were given freely by a series of devastatingly gorgeous young filleys in exchange for rides in the mighty F3 or for the simple pleasure of being surrounded by the bronzed adonis' that crew such marvellous machines. Indeed, on many of the lacy things there were messages penned by the young ladies pronouncing their undying admiration of all things F3.

One strange thing though - all the messages appeared to be in the same pen and in the same handwriting - couldn't work that out.

Safeware 1st Sep 2005 17:56

Probably all from the owner's hand - someone from 111?


16 blades 2nd Sep 2005 02:05

OC 1312,

My 'bad' experiences of the Goose were, admittedly, probably down to a couple of individuals who were in there at the time, and not a reflection of the whole ethos of the place. I will therefore PARTIALLY withdraw those comments. I will admit that I am guilty of prejudice when it comes to fast jet w@nkers - the majority I have met have been overborne with arrogance, a trait I dislike intensely in professional aircrew - again, this may just be my own warped perception.

As a small aside, in revealing which photo BEagle appears in, have you not just 'outed' him? I thought that was a big no-no on this forum.....


Gainesy 2nd Sep 2005 06:43

I'd guess that most people who are in the least bit interested have known who BEagle is for quite a few years now.

Talking Radalt 2nd Sep 2005 07:30

FJ w@nkers, multi-w@nkers, shiny fleet w@nkers......:rolleyes:
Just admit it....
You'd all rather be SH :D

Trumpet_trousers 2nd Sep 2005 09:15

...everyone's a w@nker to a lesser or greater extent, it's just that some are more overdrawn at the spermbank than others...

The Rocket 2nd Sep 2005 22:54


Calm down dear.

Perhaps if you'd have been a bit better in the first place............


Only joking of course.

16 blades 2nd Sep 2005 23:26

Did you have your FJ cross-over rejected?
Why on earth would I want to do a FJ crossover? I'm actually perfectly happy being a pie-eating truckie w@nker. And besides, MY willy's big enough.......



The Rocket 3rd Sep 2005 00:45

Ooh dear.

He's still a very angry little man isn't he.

Why on earth would I want to do a FJ crossover?

Why on earth indeed? To get rejected once is bad enough, but to get rejected twice is enough to finish a man off!!:}

Saint Evil 3rd Sep 2005 19:25

lot 22 - RIP
The news of the Lot's demise has affected me greatly.

My first trip to the islands allowed me the priviledge of drinking heavily in the squeaky, smelly and sticky portacabins that was the Lot(did some of my best work on the opposite sex in there). Still remember our aircrew night when we built the 'BirdCage' out of some rope and broomhandles - totally ineffective cage but with miraculous 'girls getting their tops off' properties.

My next few trips were all spent in the new Lot - The most Southerly night Club in the world. Remember the night when the Mexicans came down during foot and mouth back home. we managed to get them into the lot and they brought that many ruperts who were groupies. Never had there been such a concentration of chords and blazers in the lot.

Many happy memories(some a little hazy).

Editted for spelling.

16 blades 3rd Sep 2005 20:11

It's always the F3 mates that bite, isn't it?

Never mind, old chap, you'll get your chance at a real job soon enough when your fleet dies - then you too can enjoy a free ATPL at your 38 point! Just remember to get plenty of low-level in before you leave - you'll need to do something that stretches your capacity enough to give you a chance on the Herc fleet. :cool: :E

Apologies for the thread creep. MPA bars - great idea, need more of them. Of course, a half decent road to Stanley wouldn't go amiss either - you know, one you could casually drive down in a normal car without being in fear of your life. Hey - maybe even a regular bus service - now THATS an idea....


Stax 5th Sep 2005 12:18

MPA Bars
Having done several tours at sunny MPA, here we go.

Semi Official:

Lot 22
The Cats cradle
The Harbour lights
The Queen Vic
Crab and Sprocket
The Underground
MMars bar
The Dog and Badger
The RIC bar


The Dolphin
The Gull and Flicknife (Penguin) (Now Route 66 or somesuch)
The WO and Sgts Mess
The Orifice Mess


The Nefi
Mare harbour RS
Poon Hill RS
Etc Etc

I had the honour to build Shadys (along with JR, Mal, Kenny T, Nic the Mateleot, Mickey & Jay the RLC boys and a few others) in 1994. I was also the last (official) manager of the Dog and Badger.

Beags: Ram it, I, personally, have spent 2 years of my life down there and a well run Sqn bar is a god send to stop you going barmy! I was there last year when the bottom Naafi was refurbished. Then funnily enough, some MOD bean counter decided there were "far too many accounts to be handled at MPA" so it would be best to close the bars!

814man 5th Sep 2005 13:18

Can I just add to that list as an official bar (at least it was in 1997 and 2000) The Pig, Snake and Monkey. Not that anyone on this forum would ever have been in there of course (or at least admit to it).

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