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-   -   22 Crews, 2 Sqns At Kinloss!!!! (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/149389-22-crews-2-sqns-kinloss.html)

WE Branch Fanatic 24th Oct 2004 23:34

Surely it would be better to put your energy into opposing the cuts in aircraft and crews?

This link might interest you.

RubiC Cube 25th Oct 2004 09:29

In the 70s we had 3 squadrons with a nominal 8 crews each. The plan was to increase it to 9 crews per sqn to cope with the oil surveillance task, but we always struggled to maintain the 8 crews by juggling people around. I think we could probably have just managed 22 crews between the 3 sqns then.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned 201's claim to be the oldest sqn having formed from the old 1 RNAS Sqn.

BEagle 25th Oct 2004 12:53

"It may not be the "hardest" but it must be one of the longest"

Hmm - what one has often heard about Nimrod folk?


akula 25th Oct 2004 13:34

The 22 crews mentioned is not just for the 2 Sqns it is for the entire station, trappers, teachers the whole deal.

ALWAYS assume NEVER check

reynoldsno1 25th Oct 2004 21:55

At one time, 203 Sqn was considered to be the granddaddy of all the RAF maritime squadrons, since its origins could be traced to 1 RANU ... ho hum

J.A.F.O. 25th Oct 2004 22:39

So, no date set for the party yet?

Seak1ng 25th Oct 2004 22:42

Found it very hard to stay awake on the Nimrod OCU!

JimNich 26th Oct 2004 14:55

....yeah, me too.

circle kay 26th Oct 2004 16:00

Can't think of a time I went forward to the pointy end to serve you with tea when you weren’t carrying out eye lid inspection
be it 42, 236 or any number fromCXX to CCVI

buoy15 26th Oct 2004 18:15

Biggus and JimNich
You may have missed the thrust of my thread
The Nimrod OCU has moved on in leaps and bounds since the wall came down.The fast progress of new software and hardware has resulted in at least 2 reviews of the training syllabus in the last 5 years, all conducted by the staff, some of whom have had limited experience in such major events. The newly established educator at the time (the expert), provided helpful info on positioning of magiboards etc, but never performed a Task Analysis, Lesson plan or Objective Syllabus, as he was out of his depth due to unfarmiliarality with the job. and the number trades involved in a short time-scale production.
Additionally, the course length remained the same. The OCU taught basics and the Sqn Training Teams (STT's) traditionally picked up "special fits" (at least 6) to bring individuals and crews up to full CR standard within 9 months.
They feventually felt the pinch, mainly through manning levels and other demands, so the Sqn bosses appealed to the Ninrod Training and Standards Board ( the school governors) to change the input standard - post OCU. Some of these special fits have now become core skills and are taught to LCR, within the traditionally ring-fenced programme.
They then did a beauty. Recognising areas where more slots would be needed to consolidate basics; they agreed the extra time, but the course length was adjusted by taking out buffer days;these are essential to cover weather and unserviceabilities
Particularly a simulator ride 1st thing monday morning (HO!HO!). This reduced the flex quite a bit.
I remember the Sqn boss saying at the initial meeting -
" Ok chaps. I recognise this latest review is a big job and will take up a lot of your spare time. Unfortunately. it's not possible to extend the length of the OCU to accommodate the extra core skills and there is no extra funding. However, if you can identify savings during the review, please let me know!!

Brilliant!! He plays off a handicap of 6 by the way!

BEagle 26th Oct 2004 18:54

You mean your boss was actually prepared to accept inputs? Well, bugger me with a fishfork if that isn't a bit of a novel concept......

MAD Boom 27th Oct 2004 01:21

Jimmy Nich,
How'd u enjoy Orlando? Saw u walk past while I was queueing at Universal.

Circle Kay,
Hope the family r ok.

As for the thread, is this news new? Thought it had been out for a while.

Vage Rot 28th Oct 2004 15:24

Sea king old son!!

Me too - still, plenty of time to visit JoSpanners and enjoy some local hospitality!

JimNich 30th Oct 2004 10:43

Circle old chap, I was just conserving energy for the consumption of the next dairy cream sponge. An arduous and demanding task requiring all of my multi-tasking skills. And you have to say, there are some VERY strange things afoot at the ISK.

Mad Boom, sorry I missed you at Universal. Was I wearing my " If any of these effing kids ask me when we're going home again I'm going to effing garotte them" expression? Anyway hope you had a great time, we actually really enjoyed it despite the whinging offspring (place is wasted on kids).

Bouy 15, not entirely sure what you're on about here but suffice to say I was on 42 when the "Review of Training" was carried out. I think you're being a wee bit unfair to the educator though, poor chap was virtually shut out from day one as the seperate trades closed ranks, scuttled off to their respective offices and didn't come out again 'til they'd finished their own reviews. Had the process been allowed to develop properly (within a sensible time scale of course. A trifle more than say, two nano seconds) the educator could have been employed to produce a full Training Needs Analysis (of which the Task Analysis is only a small part). Sure, a lengthy and tortuous process but one I'm sure he would have completed extremely well without the nuisance of having to stop and carry out his primary duty of instructing students all the time.

I've got a headache now.:zzz:

J.A.F.O. 5th Dec 2004 12:35

Has the date for the party been set, yet?


FEWNCOP 5th Dec 2004 21:28

Apparently, an ex OC B is still on the run with all the party money!!! (and a whole load of glassware!!)

Hoots 11th Dec 2004 15:58

Hopefully it will all be a lot clearer come monday morning. As CXX are first to get the briefing maybe its them who are disbanding. It would be the decent thing to tell the disbanding Sqn first. All speculation of course.

tescoapp 11th Dec 2004 16:08

JimNich that wouldn't be the ugly sod who looks a wee bit like a famous tennis player?

I here you escaped flogging around the sea at stupid feet, to flogging around at stupid feet looking for fishing boats but are doing more hours in one month than the P1 and P2 were doing in one year. (good onya BTW)

I hope the fish suppers in the northern Isles are as good as they say.

navoff 11th Dec 2004 16:21


Check your private messages.


Jackonicko 11th Dec 2004 18:10


CXX seem like the right choice to go, but not the EASIEST, therefore I suspect it will be 206.


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