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-   -   Sticky Threads - good or a pain? (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/126919-sticky-threads-good-pain.html)

Echo 5 21st Apr 2004 11:44

I don't intend to kick off another argument but I was just wondering - Why if this is all so sad does the Thread itself warrant 3 Rings ?



Edited to update. Was 3 Rings at 11:44 now upgraded to 4 Rings.
Moderator must be having a laugh.:)

propulike 21st Apr 2004 12:44

All I suggested at the beginning was that there were too many stickies and that they were clogging up the place!

I've now been called sad, lazy, bl@@dy stupid, told to get my own train set and to upgrade my PC. (Actually, I've been telling Mrs P I need to do that last one that for some time now - another string to my bow :E )

"How difficult is it"? If a thread is a sticky it's to make it the first thing to be read and forces it to remain high profile; FAQs, announcements, campaigns to clear names of those wronged, etc. Personal favourites of the users/moderators/singers and swingers are quite able to bounce up and down depending on how genuinely entertaining they are to the users of the forum. Just 'cos vBulletin has a software gimminck doesn't mean it HAS to be used.

My 1/50th of a pounds worth. :cool:

SilsoeSid 21st Apr 2004 13:35

I hate to say it....... but;

Now that the Victor sticky has become unstuck I took time to read it.
Some of the funniest tales I've heard, esp yesterdays tale of the refuel S. Atlantic.

I still won't read the other stickies yet though. :p

propulike 4th Feb 2005 14:33

Having opposed them in the past - there is one thread I would like to see made 'sticky'. Any chance of 'Herc Down' being kept at the top - for the next couple of weeks at least?

HEDP 4th Feb 2005 18:14

On the face of it there seems to be a touch of breathtaking arrogance being displayed here. It seems quite reasonable to request that all threads be given the same precedence. Perhaps it wouldn't be wrong to equate the attitude of those that insist on 'stickies' not being normalised to that of many vocal minorities or anyone else that imposes their wishes on any other sector of a community. IMHO

propulike 4th Feb 2005 21:53


(edited to extinction 'cos it was written after bringing a barrel of beer home with me internally)

PPRuNe Radar 4th Feb 2005 22:32

This is the Military Forum. Do the military operate under a democratic structure where the view of the foot soldier shapes policy and decision making ? Thought not. Live with it ;) :}

[PS take irony recognition pills before replying :p ]

Captain Kirk 4th Feb 2005 23:36


Er...what was the middle bit??!

PPP, Danny - carry on!

Anti-stickies, have a beer and chill. Honestly.

heights good 5th Feb 2005 04:00

Before anybody lays into me for what im going to say, the mull crash whatever the reasons was tragic and im in no way saying the decision was correct or not. Like most people i dont know what happened or the ins and outs of the several inquiries there have been into it, i only know snippets of what happened from peoples own opinions in the crewroom.

Anyway, im not too fussed as to whether or not the stickies stay, however, the chinook thread, what difference does it make if it stays for the next 20yrs it wont change any decisions made. I dont want to appear insensitive but the only people who want it to stay are people who, chances are have already done something about campaigning for justice. This thread staying has absolutely no bearing on any inquiries and has no legal implications for such inquiries. Please dont think im sweeping what happened under the carpet, im not, but fair is fair, just because the moderators have it as there pet thread doesnt make it fair for all of us to be stuck with it.

No insult to the families intended.

FJJP 5th Feb 2005 07:49

I find this whole topic astonishing. Look at it - we're talking about a few lines of text on a computer screen, for God's sake!

What the hell difference does it make whether a topic is 'sticky' or not?

Accept it - just like you accept another guy's right to his point of view on any other subject.

Life is too short to get hot under the collar over this as a point of principle.

Now, can we please get on with discussing more important things?

propulike 5th Feb 2005 08:46

I really wish I hadn't resurrected this thread now. It was started when there were seven stickies, some of which hadn't been posted to for over a week. Currently there is just one - and good for it.

The reason I brought this thread to the top again was to ask if we could add 'Herc Down' as a second sticky for a couple of weeks. Still think that would also be appropriate, although my choice of location to ask clearly isn't.

Brian Dixon 5th Feb 2005 09:58

I apologise if the Chinook thread is causing people to have sleepless nights.

To answer one or two points raised: Yes, it is important. It keeps interested parties updated as to how the campaign is progressing. It allows the Campaign group to canvass for support on such issues as Early Day Motions in Parilament, writing to their MP etc. However, more importantly, it is well known that the MoD read the thread. They, therefore, have to accept the wide level of concern over the safety of the verdict against the pilots, and acknowledge the mass of support the campaign has. It should be quite clear too, that we won't go away until justice has been done.

The bottom line is that, as someone has already stated, this is Danny's train set. He, and all at PPRuNe Towers, allows the campaign to play - and for that, the words Thank You seem a little inadequate. The Campaign thread(s) have been invaluable to our aims. I can assure you that once the verdict has been removed, and the reputations of Jon Tapper and Rick Cook have been restored, I will go away - forever.

I also agree and support the call to make the Herc thread a sticky. The crew of the Herc, like all on board Chinook HC2 ZD576, made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. They deserve our thanks and recognition.

If you are not happy with it, I would simply ask that you scroll past the Chinook sticky, and enjoy whichever threads you choose to enter. Is that too much to ask?

My best, as always.

propulike 5th Feb 2005 10:24

Nicely said Brian, and exactly as I intended.

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