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walleye 26th Sep 2003 03:00

retarded question about NCOs
does anyone know what the difference is - apart from the obvious - between officers and senior NCOs? i only ask because i'm going to OASC and it comes up as an interview example question. please don't ridicule me, i'm learning, ok? cheers for any help!!

callsighnbear 26th Sep 2003 03:22

Good question, the immediate response in money as a SNCO Aircrew you will get more initially but the pension and the prospect of Spec Aircrew is not as good (due to change soon!!!!!!) As far as the job goes as an SNCO I get to operate the kit as opposed to look at it, but at the end of the day BA needs pilots so go for that above any thing else. Best Of Luck

StopStart 26th Sep 2003 04:32

Officers are suave, debonair individuals with a taste for fine wines and high living. We are all well read, were educated at vast expense at the finest private schools and all have swollen bank accounts that can more than accommodate our ceaseless desire for Krug and caviar.

SNCOs are frightful types who spend their lives swilling meths from bottles in brown paper bags and stealing the scraps that fall from the officers’ plates. They can often be found, of an evening, having fights with broken bottles outside the NAAFI.

Fortunately, as an officer we are allowed to execute up to 3 of these despicable beings a year. Hence the requirement to carry the trusty Service Revolver at all times. This allows for many quiet evenings of opera and visiting art gallerys down route - evenings that would be otherwise ruined by the drunken ramblings of one of these terrible individuals. Well worth the paperwork I think you’ll agree.

All the best at OASC.
If they do ask about the difference between officers and Snecs then reel off the above.
If they press you further, you can say that we get different hats.

PS. Anything about leadership is a red herring.

I’m off to thrash an airman for insubordination or something.

pip pip!

KPax 26th Sep 2003 04:42

The main difference in the ATC world is that Officers have 'Career Development, get to be 'Examiners' get 'Exchange Tours and very rarely work on a Friday afternoon.

FFP 26th Sep 2003 04:47

Commissioned Officer. You hold the Queen's commission. The scroll you receive after IOT tells you all about it.

NCO. You don't.

Red sauce, Brown sauce.
The Telegraph, The Sun
Black Lab, Bulldog
Rupert, Baldrick
Cranwell, Halton
Pilot or WSO, A N Other but Pilot or WSO
Say "Charge him", Charge him
Outrank them but know v little, be outranked but know a lot.
Commission, Common sense (someone's gotta bite on that one !)
The Creche, The OAP home

And not a hint of generalisation in the above !!! ;)

flyboy007 26th Sep 2003 06:43



Always_broken_in_wilts 26th Sep 2003 07:01

got it in one old fella:ok:

wally:E best you get a commission old chap cos, as has been alluded to here and as a SNCO and ALM I can confirm it, anything less and you will be eventually be fu@@ed up the hoop:sad:

Kpax......why not go for a commission instead of bleating:yuk:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

TAC Queen 26th Sep 2003 13:47

Stop Start
I thought because of the draw down in crew ratio's and the little blue book we all received (filed in B one N) Officers are only allowed to shoot 1 per year, 1 flesh wound and 1 stern look.

Difference between Officers and SNCO’s
The main job of a SNCO is to do all the work
Officers main job is to come up with stupid ideas, which the SNCO has to correct before the Officer can take all the credit

Can any one explain about Co-pilots?:confused:
A bunch of very fine, intelligent and professional individuals.
Do you have do go on a special course to have your common sense, and ability to turn up to work on time removed?????


All spelling mistakes are because I can't spell

BEagle 26th Sep 2003 14:56

Red sauce? Good grief - are there no standards anymore? I've even seen some 'officers' chewing gum.

I used to use the 'spring/damper' analogy. Young thrusters or Flt Cdrs with a nose for their boss's bottom would prance about on springs bouncing from one limit stop to the other. Whereas the wisdom of experienced NCA would dampen the extremes of their behaviour to a sensible level.

A well tuned system results when the spring/damper ratio is correctly identified! Get it wrong, hit resonance and it will diverge to destruction, however.

Not so long ago the NCA would have slightly more spare time than the career-pushing JOs with their Officer I/C Barrack Block 59 secondary duties. Hence several Air Engineers used that time to learn to fly, worked up to CPL/IR and FI rating, then left the mob and went to grateful airlines. So they're now either experienced and knowledgeable airline FOs - or Captains in at least one case. Whereas those same JOs are probably now driving a desk and answering phones or doing something equally exciting:{

Stoppers - any news about when you and your glider chums will be off to fly the C-17;)

FFP 26th Sep 2003 14:57

How can they be professional yet not turn up on time ?!?!

You`re on the wrong fleet Tac Queen :ok:

Spot 4 26th Sep 2003 15:33

Beagle briefly mentioned:
"Flt Cdrs with a nose for their boss's bottom......."

Twas not long ago when the 2ic & Flt Cdrs on a certain SH Sqn were refered to by the real workers as:

Brown Nose
Red Nose
Fock Nose
Who Nose?

Red nose liked the occasional tipple and it showed, apparently! Brown nose sucessfully climbed the career ladder all the way to Air 2000! Fock nose has disappeared into a senior officer bunker and with any luck will stay there.

Always_broken_in_wilts 26th Sep 2003 17:06

Consider your self lucky to have never had the misfortune to work for BIGNOSE. Crewman Ldr at Laarparts at the end and deservedly nicknamed "thrush" Very irritating:mad:

I think I know who rednose is and his nose was very red when I last met him in Belize 10 years ago, but as to the others I am too long gone from the SH world thankfully. Keep your head dowm matey:ok:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Surditas 26th Sep 2003 18:25

Powerful sports car/Public transport
Italian suit/T-shirt from K Mart
Private education/Didn't complete government education
4-5 star, own suite/Tin City, on base, four to a room
Stable of thoroughbreds/Greyhounds Fri night
Returning salutes/Saluting
Private cinema/Telly at Totalisor to watch greyhounds
James Squire/Victoria Bitter
Chalet in the snow/Backpackers

NCO walks past Officer. NCO salutes, Officer doesn't. NCO says "I saluted you, sir!" Officer replies "And so you should".

Spot 4 26th Sep 2003 23:03

NO! SNCO states "With all due respect Sir!"

and any officer worth an iota of respect knows EXACTLY what he really means:E

Interesting answers coming from you commisioned boys, as I do earn 50k, do read the Telegraph, own an independent business that also earns 50k, Take notice of the FT, without depending on it, am very old school and know that it is the Queen getting the salute even if she elects to have a spotty sprog as her area reps.

New :mad: ordered, awaiting delivery. Those V6 engines sound so nice compared to wodneys Ford Capri

FFP 27th Sep 2003 00:08

Good to see Spot4 nibbling at that bait there ;)

Do you think we actually read The Telegraph, went to public school etc ?

What it all boils down to is how hard each person worked at school . . . . . . . :p

'aint an eye! 27th Sep 2003 00:20

This is hilarious...my stomach 'aint hurt this much since the hernia operation.

I'm fine now, though!

50K a year...we won't need money where we're going...no need to even book a ticket 'cause this journey is for free...special offer...one-way only...see you there!

...are you sure this is just tobacco?

FEBA 27th Sep 2003 00:20

You great big stuffy public school snobby git. ;)

I dare you to read that post out loud in the sargeants mess.
In fact I'm going to get my mate to invite you to the mess at the Citadel Plymouth, home of 29Cdo. I'll pay your expenses, it'll be well worth it. :E


'aint an eye! 27th Sep 2003 00:25

FEBA...do you really live on Tracy Island?

...can you indulge there?

PS...can I come to down Plymouth and watch...twill be a giggle!

This is hilarious...my stomach 'aint hurt this much since the hernia operation.

I'm fine now, though!

50K a year...we won't need money where we're going...no need to even book a ticket 'cause this journey is for free...special offer...one-way only...see you there!

...are you sure this is just tobacco?

SPIT 27th Sep 2003 01:22

Remember Walleye
The RAF is the only service that let the Officers (In most cases) do the fighting and that they RELY on NCOs and ORs to do it??;) :{

StopStart 27th Sep 2003 01:25

Ah fabulous!

't would appear a couple of the blighters have been off the sauce long enough to be able to focus on a computer screen!

FEBA - indebted to you for kind offer to visit Plymouth. Sadly I shan't be able to take you up on it as Plymouth is a) full of sailors and b) simply frightful.
As for reading out my original post in the Sgts' Mess I again feel unable to do this at present as I have yet to complete the full course of Anthrax vaccinations. I also find the smell of chip fat rather unpleasant.

Spot4 - delighted to see you're doing so well.
One can indeed wrap a lot more cod and chips in the FT - or so I'm led to believe.

Keep up the good work chaps!


Phoney Tony 27th Sep 2003 02:04

What NCOs have noticed about Officers
· It's more important to look good than to be good.
· Non-matching furniture is a show-stopper. Untrained troops are not a show-stopper.
· A unit that has no money for new computers or spare parts will still manage to afford a big-screen TV for Powerpoint slide shows.
· A bad plan with good slides is better than a good plan with bad slides.
· When you achieve high rank, the difference between what you know and what you feel fades away.
· A year's hard work by the troops can be destroyed because of some minor incident that happened to the Colonel when he was a lieutenant.
· Officers sit around thinking a lot. In a vacuum. This is not a good thing.
· Officers think they're businessmen. They think the principles used in business, like "corporate vision" can work in the Army. This is because officers spend a lot of time trying to sell things, usually grand ideas and catchy names.
· Officers believe that a plan won't succeed unless it has a good name, like "Operation Intrinsic Action." NCOs would rather give it something simple, like "Operation Beat Their ******* Heads In 5," and get on with it.
· Officers really do believe that a soldier is happier when he's busy, even if he's not doing what's important. NCOs know that nothing is so useless as doing well something which should not be done at all.
· There are a lot of officers out there who would have been better as NCOs, and a lot of NCOs who would have been better as officers.
· NCOs NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES refer to other soldiers as "customers."
· Creating a twenty-minute slide show that makes the commander look good will get you the same medal as working your ass off for 12 months for the same commander.

Frogbox 27th Sep 2003 04:22

NCO: Graduate from the university of life.
Officer: Holder of some pointless obscure degree.

NCO: Charming, energetic, intelligent, quick-witted master of all he or she surveys.
Officer: Attempts to emulate NCO, usually failing to achieve the high standards.

NCO: Has invested wisely for the future.
Officer: Forced to work for Billy Smarts.

NCO: Well dressed individual.
Officer: Wears same uniform for 12 years regardless of physical changes (must be painful).

NCO: Proud owner of colostomy bag.
Officer: What's a colostomy bag?

NCO: Has a love interest wherever they travel.
Officer: Black belt in hand-2-gland combat.

NCO: Very clever chap.
Officer: Head emptier than hermits address book.

Nibbles please.

Regrads 2 all.

6nandneutral 27th Sep 2003 05:10

NCO to Officer, " Sir if I were to call you a tw@t, you could charge me is that correct"?.
Officer "Yes"
NCO "Sir if I just thought that you were a tw@t, then you couldn't really do much about it, could you ?".
Officer " No I suppose not".
NCO "In that case then sir, I think you are a tw@t"

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :ok:

TAC Queen 27th Sep 2003 05:16

I was once told that you can always spot a NCA who has got a commission as they retain their low animal cunning.
Difference between Officer and SNCO
Officer in Thumrait- Sorry lads it’s a 3 can rule.
SNCO in Thumrait - Sorry lads its a 3 can rule and I could only get 2 bottles of gin, but there is a party in XXX tent later that we are invited to, just don’t tell the NOBs.

Officers love them or hate them they do make you laugh.

It’s not about ability its about who your parants are and were you went to school.
:ok: :ooh: :O

FEBA 27th Sep 2003 06:16


I knew my money was safe.

Never been 'below decks' or frequented a corporals or sergeants mess, but I wouldn't dreamt of treating my guys in the manner you advocate.

Many or most of them were far better than I, I learnt alot from them and proud to have worked with them.

I think your post was tounge in cheek, so I'm sure you're not the complete arse you pretend you are; or are you :ok:


Bill O'Average 27th Sep 2003 10:39

Dont have a drama in the AAC conerning occifers. NCO pilots are 75% of man power. We only allow our rodneys to fly for one tour if they are lucky, we then **** them off to be SO3 'post it note' procurement or powerpoint manager for some General at Shrivenor. Whos the boss?

So RAF occifers, you may have a degree in underwater soot juggling and own a small british sports car but you still insist on wearing white sport socks for every occasion, even in your 'British Rail Steward' mess kit. How very working class.

RAF Loadies, AAC is the only place where the edumacted occifer cliche is lobbed in the gutter. Your commisioned types make our Lcpls look like Oxford lecturers. As for our commisioned types, we dont allow them to even sign for a cab until they have done at least 1500hrs. Rarer than a panda with a hard on.

So, RAF officers, continue your drivvle with AAC NCO's, pilots, QHI's etc..... I dont think you have the balls! We may hate crabs, but SNCO's stick together, crab, pongo or matlow. Stick that in your MGF's catalitic converter!

BEagle 27th Sep 2003 14:12

SS - one has to be careful when using satire! There appear to be those frequenting this thread who have difficulty in establishing the difference between talk and banter.... They're the ones eating dung over there in the corner. With brown sauce.

Satire can he hazardous to health, as one of the greatest practical jokers of the last century found out. De vere Cole, the chap who managed to review the Royal Navy by pretending to be a visiting Middle East Big Cheese and who also had a VIP visit arranged for him and his chums as the 'Sultan of Zanzibar', once tried his wit on an uneducated Corsican fisherman. Who shot him in the foot.

Surditas 27th Sep 2003 15:51

Dear me, SS, the enlisted swine have no sense of humour, eh?
Time to get them out in the sun to paint rocks or have a parade, I think.

That'll improve morale no end.

StopStart 27th Sep 2003 16:27

Beags :) I'm off to Corsica then as it's wasted here...think I stand a better chance there.
It's a bit shallow down this end of the gene pool isn't it?

Suditas - you're not wrong :rolleyes:

B O'A - MGF? Dear god man, I wouldn't use one of those as a skip let alone drive one :yuk:

And finally, FEBA. I can't believe you wouldn't dream of treating "your guys" that way?!? Crucifixion's too good for 'em!!

Think I'll go back to tormenting the neighbour's cat. Far more rewarding.

Heads out of bottoms now children.


thelizardking 27th Sep 2003 18:45

Walleye, i notice that no-one has actually given you an answer that will help you at Cranwell, albeit they are mostly funny. That must be really annoying. I was recently at Cranwell and was successful at selection, mostly thanks to my good looks, but aslo because i had been primed with the kind of responses that they are looking for and the kind of attitude that i should have through out. My advice is to do what i was told and you will be fine.

walleye 27th Sep 2003 20:10

thanks lizardking old boy, great tips there - oasc should be a walk in the park after that. fortunately i went to public school, played lots of rugger, and can read both large and small newspapers. i even own deck shoes. i also possess a worldly sophistication and am devilishly handsome, with a natural tendency to delegate anything that comes my way. those comprehensive schoolers haven't a chance - i'm going to knock them straight back to whichever crime ravaged proletarian hellhole they came from.

FEBA 27th Sep 2003 23:20

You are a one, laugh. I thought all those class stories were from books like Biggles, It's good to see you give those rotters from the other ranks what for, show em who's boss eh.
I hope you don't mind but I've been through this thread and I reckon you are, in the words of my probation officer, an 'agent provocateur'
Poacher turned game keeper I now run a club for lads who have done a bit of time or porridge as they call it, and am trying to help them get back on the straight and narrow.
My nice man approach is being abused. Will you come along and give them the benefit of strict RAF discipline.

StopStart 28th Sep 2003 00:58


FEBA 28th Sep 2003 01:55


Grimweasel 28th Sep 2003 02:11

OFF-ICER..Def; One who often 'departs the ice.' Ie. Inability to co-ordinate ones body and mind into a seemingly natural sense of equlibrium. Lacks the ability to stay conscious without the stalwart intervention of the SNCO..................

Invitations open as to what the SNCO may stand for....best reply wins a commision in the service of their choice!!

J.A.F.O. 28th Sep 2003 06:09

As I remember it, wasn't it something like:

Air Vice Marshal
1. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
2. Is more powerful than a locomotive
3. Is faster than a speeding bullet
4. Walks on water
5. Sits at the right hand of God

Air Commodore
1. Leaps short buildings with a single bound
2. Is more powerful than a switch engine
3. Is just as fast as a speeding bullet
4. Walks on water on calm days
5. Talks to God directly

Group Captain
1. Leaps short buildings with a running start and favourable winds
2. Is almost as powerful as a switch engine
3. Is faster than a speeding BB
4. Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool
5. Talks to God through His liaison staff

Wing Commander
1. Barely clears a modular tent
2. Loses tug of war with a locomotive
3. Can fire a speeding bullet
4. Swims well
5. Talks to himself

Squadron Leader
1. Makes high marks on walls
2. Is run over by locomotives
3. Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury
4. Treads water
5. Talks to animals

Flight Lieutenant
1. Climbs walls continually
2. Rides the rails
3. Plays Russian Roulette
4. Walks on thin ice
5. Prays a lot

Flying Officer
1. Runs into buildings
2. Recognises locomotives two out of three times
3. Is not issued ammunition
4. Can stay afloat with a life jacket
5. Talks to walls

Pilot Officer
1. Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings
2. Says "Look at the choo-choo"
3. Wets himself with a water pistol
4. Plays in mud puddles
5. Mumbles to himself

Warrant Officer/Master Aircrew
1. Lifts buildings and walks under them
2. Kicks locomotives off the tracks
3. Catches speeding bullets in his teeth and eats them
4. Freezes water with a single glance
5. Is God!

I say, SS, what a spiffing jape this all is; could keep one amused until tea-time. Speaking of which, where do you get those jolly little smiling faces that appear on your post?

Walleye, learn this and repeat verbatim when asked, regardless of rank there's very little reply to the above (although methinks perhaps I will be proved wrong below).

Don't let them fob you off with any old twaddle about being a Wizzy or a Wuzzy or whatever those chaps are called. You want to be a pilot and grow a fine moustache and be admired the length and breadth of the kingdom. Remember, tell them that you've never seen a television, you were in the first XI and the first XV, Daddy is something in the city and Mummy makes jam.


Always_broken_in_wilts 28th Sep 2003 10:29

I know it's all tongue in cheek but are none of you Royals woried about the fact that all the baldricks in this thread feel the way they do. I expect a deluge of banter but ask the question ...........if the work force think you are ........what ever..........then is it possible you actually are:ok:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

adrian mole 29th Sep 2003 01:26

Nobody has mentioned the classic quote yet concerning damage in the respective Officers/Sgts Mess:

In the Officers it's a result of 'High Spirits'.

In the Sgts it's a result of 'Vandalism'.

Jobza Guddun 29th Sep 2003 02:32

Is it not:-

OM - High Spirits
SM - Rowdiness
AM - Hooliganism

and further:-

Officers and their ladies
SNCOs and their wives
Airmen and their women


The Swinging Monkey 29th Sep 2003 16:14

Those of you that know me, will also know that I am rarely (very rarely in fact) serious about things these days, however....
I regret, that there are still quit a few Officers ou there who genuingly believe they are simply 'better' and more 'important' than NCO's.

The fact is that a good Cpl can, and usually does, a far better job than the average Flt Lt. On my last Sqn, the 2 x Cpls ran the Sqn like clockwork. Only when a Flt Cdr or an over-enthusiastic junior officer got involved, did the programme get ****** up!

As for the SAR world - I have never experienced the officer/nco problem- it does not exist, thank God.

Finally, for all you up-and-thrusting fighter jocks ('co you is the worst of the worst for this behaviour) remember one thing...

when your world has turned to rat poo,
you have had your Martin Baker let-down,
your safely tucked up in your one man dinghy,
and you are violently chucking up the inside of you stomach....
it will almost certainly be one of those dirty,uneducated, unwashed, ignorant, red-sauce eating, sun reading, nose picking (and flicking!!) underpaid NCO AIRCREW that will risk his life for yours, by coming down that bit of wire to pull your sad ar$e to safety! Think about that, the next time you are slagging us off

Power to AAC!! God bless 'em all

Kind regards
The Swinging Monkey

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