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FFP 29th Sep 2003 16:48

Anyone whose done a dinghy drill will vouch for that !!!

Mr C Hinecap 29th Sep 2003 16:59


You state that a couple of JNCOs can and do a better job than an average Flt Lt. Perhaps in that job you are correct, and should go to lengths to ensure the post is filled at the proper level - as a team player.

SOME of us don't think like that, and we seem to be increasing in numbers.

My job, as a flt cdr, is to ensure my chaps can do their job. I cannot do their job. They cannot do my job. We do different jobs. Together. Side by side. Towards the same goals. We need each other, to varying degrees at different times. This is part of what is so rewarding about much of my RAF time. Mutual respect from working amongst pros.

There are still too many people who stand on heads - but they are in all ranks and branches.

'Sir - you may look down on me, but do not expect to see me looking up to you.'

Caruthers - please be a good chap and give SM a hug, will you?


force_ale 29th Sep 2003 17:09


My Warrent Officer wets himself alot and as a result smells of wee.:D

The Swinging Monkey 29th Sep 2003 17:19

Mr C

You must forgive me, but I'm not too sure what your thread is here. My point was general one, and IMHO a most valid one.
As a Flt Cdr you must have seen first hand just what I am elluding to?
The fact (sadly) remains that many Officers do think they are above the rest. Your comments about teamwork I wholheartedly concur, but that is not the point in questiion here. The fact remains that there IS (still|) a class war within the service, and that is unfortunate in this day and age - especially in view of your 'party line' comments about teamwork.
Caruthers has given me a big hug and a large glass of the Famous 'stuff and I'm feeling much better now thank you!
I only wish I could have met one of these 'I'm better than you' chappies during sarops - I would have loved to have got him winched up to the door and then - Oh $hit!! - I've dropped him! damm and blast. Oh well, just have to go and get him again.

I'm off for a lay down - all this nostalgia is making me sad - poo!

Kind regards
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, another large one please, and send Mr C a bottle with my best'

ZH875 30th Sep 2003 02:01

Whose job is it anyway
Mr C states "My job, as a flt cdr, is to ensure my chaps can do their job. I cannot do their job. They cannot do my job..."

Are you quite sure that they cannot do your job? :p

I mean Really sure.

TAC Queen 30th Sep 2003 03:24

I thought all WO smelt of wee, thats part of their charm. You can smell them coming, I mean aproaching and have time to run away.

Word of warning, a lot of Navs obviously believe they are WO.
:O :8 :ouch:

Always_broken_in_wilts 30th Sep 2003 04:54

Run for cover TQ,

Last time I posted about the old man in the corner stinkin' of pi@@ I was nearly lynched:O

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

Shagster 1st Oct 2003 03:04

"Officer and SNCO in mess restroom........SNCO about to leave".

Officer "I say old chap, in our mess they teach us to wash our hands after visiting the toilet".

SNCO " Yes, and in our mess they teach us not to pi%s on our hands in the first place.:D

PPRuNeUser0172 5th Oct 2003 20:14

I think that the original post should be changed to Questions about retarded NCO's


Blacksheep 6th Oct 2003 13:28

Old Farts...
I once thought that Warrant Officers were smelly old men. It came as a bit of a shock when I returned to the real world and found that ordinary mortals remain in the work force until they are at least sixty five.

I'm now much too old to be a WO but I don't smell of p^ss. If you hear my tummy rumble though, you'd better get out of the room fast!

Once, when I was orderly sergeant, I had a drunk in the cells who demanded to see the orderly officer. It wasn't permitted for a drunk to be brought before a commissioned officer for Gentlemen are far too senstive to be exposed to such horrors. On this occasion the orderly officer was a WO so I dragged the drunk out to see him during OO's rounds. As expected, the drunken LAC offered gross insults to the elderly chap, who tottered off to the Sergeants Mess to recover, leaving me to raise the charge sheet.

The drunkard appeared before the CO on Monday; as the CO read out my statement and reached the bit that said "...whereupon LAC Martin said 'Why don't you fcuk off, you fcuking old age pensioner'... " he was distinctly unamused and sentenced the lad too two weeks inside, with a fine of one month's pay.

Thats the trouble with commissioned officers. Too sensitive to cope properly with man to man situations, they inevitably overreact to relatively minor disciplinary events. NCOs are much steadier and more responsible chaps altogether. If you want something organized properly, find a Sergeant or better yet a Chief to see to it... :E

Through difficulties to the cinema

Krystal n chips 6th Oct 2003 14:12

I was always under the impression that a Flt.Lt was simply a commissioned Corporal in any event----albeit not as capable !. However, being a charitable soul, I will make an exception for the flying fraternity---but not for Eng. O's ! and the rest of the polished a$$e brigade.

LunchMonitor 7th Oct 2003 17:43

Squadron leader and a warrant officer in ascot ops having a discussion on sex. One believes it is ninety percent work and 10 percent pleasure, the other believes it to be 10 percent work and ninety percent pleasure.
Unable to resolve this they ask the young sac ops assistant's opinion.
Who after a moment says "It must be 100% pleasure, as if there was any work involved you would get me to do it!"

Didntdoit 7th Oct 2003 18:31

Thought for the day
As has been evidenced by some of the standards on this thread (:E ), wise words from a (soon to be ex-) Chief on my IOT:

Question at OASC:

"So Chief Technician, what do you think will be the biggest difference between the Sergeants' Mess and the Officers' Mess?"



"Well Sir, I think I'm going to have to be prepared to accept a lower standard of behaviour".

Nuff said really.

Walleye, as an ex-JNCO, post-frontal lobotomy, I would suggest that two of the main differences are responsibility and accountability. They are connected by a piece of elastic that does not always move in the same ratio from one to the other. Therefore, applicability to each form of life differs depending on the circumstances, and indeed, the integrity, good will, professionalism and courage of either specimen!
Good luck and keep it straight, remembering that a key to success at OASC is working out what they want to hear and what you should say :ok:

jumpjumpjohn 7th Oct 2003 19:47

I was sure that when I went through IOT I remembered seeing a fair number of ex-SNCOs and NCO Aircrew on the course with me, but I'm sure I've never heard of anyone resigning their commision to go and do ITC.

Or maybe its just me?

bigley 7th Oct 2003 20:11

There have been a few occasions where Officers have resigned their commissions and have become NCA, I agree that it is less common than the other way round.

LunchMonitor 8th Oct 2003 02:09

The majority of those who claim to have dumped IOT and then went to AAITC were either chopped or jumped before they were chopped. Although I know of at least one who finished IOT got chopped in flying training and couldnt bear to be a stacker so left to rejoin as NCA.
The best must be though the Air Eng chopped after 8 years (Sorry, not signed on after 8 years.), as he was not what was required, then went to the CIO and came back in as a hofficer. What's that all about then????

RRAAMJET 8th Oct 2003 12:36


S ocial N aematoads, C ontinually O verworked

:E :ouch: incoming.....

(ps. they saved my @rse continually...)

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