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CDRW 25th Jan 2021 13:15

A senior B777 Capt also got TBN...

FlyingAce77 25th Jan 2021 13:21

Why am I not surprised? Again “Senior” there are so many Senior Capts who got laid off :(

mes4x 25th Jan 2021 17:57

Guys I am one of the lucky ones to be called today for fleet/ hr briefing after a few years in the outfit.
And yes TBN means redundancy.

tundrapilot 26th Jan 2021 01:25

Sorry to hear mes4x. what fleet if you don't mind ? as for the transfers for the 330 guys to 350 I don't think it is very easy if you are not a local. Have heard also that many 350 captains were gone last year so that is not a positive sign for fleet transfers. It is a shame guys, some low cost airlines around the world have not even terminated one person

007busdriver 26th Jan 2021 07:06

This is a shame for “The Best Airline of the World” and also one of the richest Countries in the World..

FlyingAce77 26th Jan 2021 07:20

The 5* Airline that is more focused on Marketing than on its own Employees Wellness & Well-being”

airbus350captain1 26th Jan 2021 11:02

It's all about Union. We don't really care about our colleges; whoever stays there think there were qualified than the other ex flight crews.
They could have cut 50% salary and keep everyone. Your staff number is just a number, and if you don't have a connection to the Top-level, you will be dismissed at some point. It is really stressed full to work for a company that you don't even know if your schedules will be set to TBN after each flight. Modern Slavery in 2021.

777kicker 26th Jan 2021 14:39

TBN means redundancy since August 2020. Not much else to hope, not much to fuss about. The wobbly geniuses are at it again and their plan is so appealing to the white wooden heads that results are under everyone's eyes to wonder. You all have my deepest sympathy but :mad: is hitting the fan all over the world, reconfigure, replan and execute like you have been doing before, there’s not much else to do.

airbourne 26th Jan 2021 22:10

Originally Posted by Saudia330 (Post 10975755)
Sad times. Hope most of them will be move to 350.

Still banging that drum my friend. Its not going to happen. Plenty of 350 drivers let go. But sure, just convert the 330 guys.........

airbourne 26th Jan 2021 22:13

Originally Posted by Ticker1 (Post 10971378)

Beleive me everything that Aviateur86 had said is exactly reliable and i am telling you because i work in QR i don’t even post anymore because i will be repeating the same as Aviateur86 and Glider 7 So there is no point for me to repeat the post all over again.

Plus is true i know personally two guys very low performance pilots that were safe by one management. Everything that is written here is not even rumors is the reality of this company very sad but true, as someone said when everything pick up again many will leave including myself.

On further investigation it seems you are quite correct!

FlyingAce77 27th Jan 2021 03:27

One thing that blows my mind is Opening New Sectors like SFO & Seattle, & When you check the flight loads 180-200 Under load, QR is not even doing break even on these sectors & many others per seat, the only logical reason I get is “It’s the Ego & Stubborn Attitude” that will cost QR big time very soon if not later...
QR can easily save money by flying on viable sectors for the time being, but Keep Laying off Deck Crew Cabin Crew & Engineers yet keep expanding..

FlyingAce77 27th Jan 2021 03:29


I know cases in which Chief Approved Extension of Employment for Employees & they were let go as well because of “Dirty HR” & Section Management”
Have you ever heard of A VP being demoted to accommodate him only because a New SVP was Hired few months back? this has happened!

Bigaircolibri 27th Jan 2021 04:47

All what was said before is teue, remember that guy who posted his message saying "Habibi said", I have read again what he was saying and have to say it has all happened.

Still few more 777 skippers being fire.
Zapattero (I have changed his name) was removed from his positiin probably because of his dirty game, but what about his (ex) boss?

Yet, QR management prefers to keep the low perdormance guy and take the risk of having an incident, or worse an accident. This will happen, "habibi" didn't say it, but treating pilots the way they do now, fatigue on top of low perdormance, imagine what can that leads to!

Saudia330 27th Jan 2021 10:45

Shame on them.

tundrapilot 28th Jan 2021 00:21

It is a shame, I hope in the future people will consider what happened here and treat this dumpster accordingly,

FlyingAce77 28th Jan 2021 03:09

I highly doubt they would” All the Fancy lifestyle dreams, Brunches, Business class travel,I highly highly doubt it... 😝

airbus350captain1 28th Jan 2021 07:21

There is a safety issue on each flight because they do not know if they will be terminated after landing. Imagine in the critical landing phase; You also have to think about TBN(To be Noticed) on your phone after landing. They don't even change your schedule on your days off. It's always happing after you return from home from a long-haul flight.

airbourne 29th Jan 2021 07:46

Originally Posted by n77 (Post 10978302)
Pilot community shall never forgive what they did to their pilots..

I have never heard such rubbish in all my life. Granted it is terrible what has happened many a great pilot over the course of the last year. Not just QR but lots of airlines.

As for being unforgiving, thats crap!!! If there is some senior 777 Captain who has a chance of flying right seat of an ATR for a commuter airline they will bite their hands off just to get back flying and see out whatever is left of their career.

All these same guys who sneered, laughed and looked down on the LCC"s will do anything to get a job when the time comes.

Finally with the amount of available pilots versus jobs in airlines the T&C's will be further eroded but there will be no shortage and they know this.

tundrapilot 30th Jan 2021 00:34

n77, nice post, I disagree that pilot community will never forgive what they did to other pilots because you will find plenty who will be willing to fly like monkeys for QR. but as far for the rest I totally agree, excellent post

What happened to the guy who was saying "Habibi told me..." ? I agree his information were pretty accurate

Aviateur86 30th Jan 2021 07:57

Loyalty and dedication are the core values of any employee, values that make a Company great, well, in qatar airways being loyal and helpful can make you redundant. I guess you all know what happened to the A330 pilots, intructors and examiners (except a few LUCKY ones who managed to escape this and were promoted), all redundant, redundancy based on FLEET, not seniority. Some of them could've changed fleet some time ago but were asked to please STAY in order to help the company in the phase out, congratulations qatar airways, another dirty trick to your loyal pilots who helped until the last day.
Maybe people will forget if offered to rejoin but trust me, if other opportunities will come up, and before or later it will happen, qatar will be the last desperate choice as it was before, only the rejected ones will join that unprofessional company managed by cheap bosses (not leaders).
I've witnessed many events in my life, many aviation crisis but what I saw here is absolutely the worst, loyal guys fired with no explanations, pilots, intructors and examiners with 12 years seniority fired because they were part of whatsapp groups, people spying and reporting colleagues just to get upgraded, this is simply disgusting.
Just wait and see when the covid crisis will end, the chief wants to receive every single airplane he ordered just because emirates said something but who will fly them ? Pilots are already flying 100 hours + and at the same time totally stressed to the limit.
Smart pilots make smart choices, once you betray them, unless they're desperate, they won't come back unless you PAY WELL otherwise you get the monkeys, same as the majority we saw there (with respect of the great guys still employed).
The quality of a workplace is PARAMOUNT, loyal and dedicated employees are to be respected because they're the one who help you being profitable and are the key to productivity and customer satisfaction.

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