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14 6 31st Jan 2021 14:34

What an unpleasant, toxic and nasty place to visit this has become......the ME forum I mean!

donpizmeov 31st Jan 2021 15:11

I totally agree. Don't think we can be referred to as a profession anymore. With the solidarity displayed here we are doomed.

With so many professional ladies and gentlemen let go from both fleets, it's interesting to see what remains.

POTATOW 31st Jan 2021 16:12

No Xulu, I got your point exactly of trying to paint a picture or spoiled brats on UL driving their Porsches around and sitting by the pool while asking for a payout from “777 drivers”. It is you who missed the point of me trying to educate you on what is actual reality. I was simply countering your ridiculous assertion and in no way was moaning or complaining. Am I incredibly lucky to still MAYBE have a job to go back to and a place to store my things in Dubai in the meantime? Yes, ABSOLUTELY when compared to my dozens of friends who were simply shown the door or that chauffeur driver you mentioned. Unlike you, I have empathy for my fellow pilots and would never come on here kicking them while they’re down just to make myself feel witty and superior. Thank you, however for doubling down and proving that you really are the arrogant, insensitive internet bully I assumed you were...

MissChief 31st Jan 2021 16:16

I'll bite, Don. What does remain?

euroxx 31st Jan 2021 23:17

Things ain’t looking good. First UK and Denmark banned UAE flights. Now Canada and Germany, the latter until earliest April 21. Add to that Australia, South Africa and Brazil. What’s left? Cairo and Beirut??? Every country is blaming UAE for covering up the number of actual cases, it’s all coming to light now. Oh and add Israel to that list too (ek had planned to start flights by mid February , ain’t happening anymore). I for one will not be returning from my unpaid leave....I have some dignity

paule737 31st Jan 2021 23:19

Wow.... What a disgrace! I can’t believe it.... Glad I have left this place many moons ago...

Capn Rex Havoc 1st Feb 2021 08:17


So you are a 2016 ish joiner espousing such wisdom.

I hate to break it to you, but you don’t deserve a radically different lifestyle to your chauffeur. In fact, he works longer and under more stress in Dubai traffic.

A monkey could fly the line,
I think an AKL flight is a longer shift than the chauffeurs. I've driven for 14 years in the Dubai traffic, and flown airplanes as well.. Haven't seen any Chauffeurs flying the line.

A monkey could fly the line ? Really? is that what you think of the profession? You are an embarrassment mate. A lot of people are suffering and the Unpaid Leave guys are well and truly in the suffering camp. I am so glad I will never have to fly with you.

g109 1st Feb 2021 09:12

Wow, you guys should all grow up and face the facts.
forget Dubai.
forget Emirates.
they are both finished and will most likely never come back the same way they were before.
Time to move on.
delusional to think the people on unpaid leave will ever be called back.
i just started my new job as a pilot in my home country. completed the Type Rating yesterday.
it’s good to be back of flying. my unemployment lasted only for 3 months. Never looking back.
good luck everyone.

so long,

lederhosen 1st Feb 2021 10:23

Congratulations g109 as a fellow airbus captain may I welcome you back! Just out of interest did you find something on the bus, or have you gone over to the dark side (freight)?

WB1900 1st Feb 2021 11:08

Thank you

So you where lucky
good for you.
do you think not anyone of us would be happy to get such a change. From your position it’s easy to say move on. Many of those shown the door won’t get another chance, nor are they young enough to find something different.
returning to the desert seems for many as the last straw to hang on to because they don’t have any other chance.
So saying grow up, move one is actually a rude wording as you got lucky to be picked out of the hundreds who have sent an application.
good luck to you new job and enjoy it

The Outlaw 1st Feb 2021 14:26


Get off your high horse Dropp,

You're absolutely right. Everyone worldwide should with get rid of their maid(s) or pay them what a legal secretary in (your country here...unless its 3rd world in which case use the USA or the UK for pay reference), for the sake of human decency of course. Don't give any regard to what the maid actually wants...only what drop the pilot believes. Some maids are actually very happy working for their sponsors and get paid and treated well.

g109 1st Feb 2021 19:42


thanks, corporate flying is what I am doing now....

nervous_novice 2nd Feb 2021 11:01

Rather sweep roads than do corporate flying, but do keep us up to date in your escapades. I’ll be checking pprune for regular updates.

fatbus 2nd Feb 2021 14:35

arrogant :mad:

14 6 2nd Feb 2021 14:51

Obviously never swept roads before!

FlyTCI 2nd Feb 2021 17:05

Good, less competition for us who actually make a living flying rich people around and who actually prefer it over the airlines.

I for one rather make $200k+ working six months out of the year flying on average 350 hrs in a year over sweeping the streets. But hey, that’s just me..

Arrogant indeed!

SOPS 2nd Feb 2021 20:50

What is wrong with you? Most arrogant post I have ever read.

g109 2nd Feb 2021 21:44

not to worry, idiots like him will most likely never be able to get any meaningful job again, he's probably frustrated sitting around not knowing what to do with his life....

BANANASBANANAS 3rd Feb 2021 01:20

I was made redundant last September. Would I come back if it was to be offered? Well, I'd have to look at Ts & Cs offered but, probably, yes. Principles are a fine thing but they don't put food on the table.

Whether we are redundant or on unpaid leave we are all in a situation that we don't want to be in or deserve to be in and none of it is our fault. Squabbling amongst ourselves will achieve nothing. At least redundancy means I had my Prov Fund released. Twelve months of unpaid leave with only enough funds to live for 6 months cannot be a pleasant feeling.

The specifics of each of our individual situations will always differ but we are all having to swallow a :mad: sandwich in one form or another so can we maybe keep that in mind and try to remember that we are all on the same side here.


NOFLY7773 3rd Feb 2021 05:39

Well said.
I was in your group and I certainly wouldn’t come back. I’d rather shovel 💩 for a living than work for these spineless, dishonest and incompetent 🤬’s

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