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Temujin 25th May 2015 21:57

This is boring, all you guys/gals at EK do is whine and do nothing!
If you dislike it so much, grow a set of coconuts and do something!

Please close this thread!


lospilotos 25th May 2015 21:57

Yeah, hoping the captains around here will put their money there their mouth is and voice their discontent to AS and JA. I would too if I was sure it would not be "career limiting"...

steve777driver 25th May 2015 22:00

I do just the same
You are right Harry. It really is the only thing we can do. I hope more people follow suite. I have very heavy heels at the moment...

AndTheShowIsOver 26th May 2015 00:18

I'm just happy they didn't REDUCE our pay by 3%!!! Come on U.S. legacy carriers, CALL ME...I'm ready to come home!!!

Toruk Macto 26th May 2015 01:48

Are pilots locked into reducing T&C's ? Airlines understand most won't go due seniority or it's just more difficult to leave than stay . Airlines don't really head hunt and make offers that make it easy to leave . Airlines know if they give huge pay increases they will get interest but then a richer airline just offers more so are we witnessing airlines having a unofficial policy of never offering more that's reciprocated all over the world ?

VLS with ice 26th May 2015 10:28

Agree with Harry. Check in at STD-60, go straight to FDM and ask for bus to aircraft. You can still take company transport and have a costa while you wait for STD-60.
Not working on days off etc, been doing that for years, hope everybody gets that now.
Writing them an email? Useless, tried it and got snotty replies every time.

Alconguin Crusader 26th May 2015 10:43

I have written emails for years, stop in on occasion and voiced my opinion, asks pointed questions at wash-ups and have checked in at just past 60 mins but nothing has changed and nothing will change. Pardon my pessimism.
13 1/2 months to go and I can't wait. I think it will get worse here as well.

paokara 26th May 2015 13:03


That's sad

skyvan 26th May 2015 13:14

The big pay turnaround: 2015 Salary Forecasts
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The big pay turnaround: Eurozone recovering, emerging markets falter in 2015

• Global salary rises up compared to last year
• But workers in key emerging markets will experience real wage cuts
• Increase in Europe driven by previously struggling countries such as Ireland and Greece

Latest data from global management consultancy Hay Group reveals that salaries are increasing at a faster rate than last year despite disappointing growth in several key emerging markets.

Struggling emerging markets

Salaries across the globe are set to rise by 5.4% on average for 2015 – compared to 5.2% last year. But this average masks a significant slowdown in emerging markets like Brazil, Russia and Ukraine, which have been the key drivers of growth in recent years.

Workers in these countries can expect to see salary rises of 6.1%, 6.8% and 6.8% respectively. However, with inflation (predicted to be 6.5%, 7.5% and 10.7%), employees will experience real wage cuts of 0.4%, 0.7% and 3.9%.

Signs of hope in Europe

Salaries in Europe have been buoyed by the improving performance of economies that have struggled recently. Most notably, Greece and Ireland are set to see salary rises of 1.3% and 1.4% respectively, a real wage growth of 2.5% and 1.1% – compared to 0.8% and 0.2% last year, as both countries return to economic growth.

Across the region, salaries are expected to rise by 3.1%. And with low inflation (predicted to be 1.5%), employees will see real average wage growth of 1.6%.

It is also good news in the UK for employees who will start to see a recovery in wage growth. While salary rises of 2.5% are the same as last year, with lower inflation (predicted to be 1.7%) employees will experience an increase in real income (0.8%) for only the second time since 2009.

Turkey is forecast to experience the largest increase in Europe with pay rises up to 9.0% but workers will still feel a squeeze on income with inflation predicted to be 8.9%.

Ben Frost, consultant at Hay Group, comments: “This year’s global forecast shows pay rises rising at a higher rate this year compared to last. However, this conceals stark variations from region to region and country to country. Each market has its own complexities and organizations must understand the detail if they want to attract and retain the best workers. The big turnaround is between Europe and the emerging markets. Real pay is now rising in many European markets, but in key emerging economies, which have been the boom area of the last 10 years, real wages are falling.”

Strong growth in the Middle East and Africa

Despite broader economic and political turmoil, salaries in the Middle East and Africa are forecast to rise by 5.6% and 6.9% respectively, a real growth in income of 2.9% and 2.0% as inflation is predicted to remain relatively low.

Ben Frost concludes: “To make low salary rises stretch further, workers who are performing well may receive higher than average pay increases, while it’s likely that poor and average performing workers will receive little if no increase. However, a business is nothing without its people and, during periods of low growth, organizations must think creatively about how they motivate and reward their employees.”


Please note: this study should be credited to ‘global management consultancy, Hay Group’, and not ‘Hay’ or ‘Hays’, which are separate and unrelated organisations.

Schnowzer 26th May 2015 16:13

So no pay rise and the second biggest profit ever. It doesn't bode well. Nice article by the way.

marniplod 9th Jun 2015 04:01

Rubber Chicken
Payment up front for the rubber chicken curry was because too many of the red shirts were walking out of the canteen without paying in industrial numbers, they had to do something about it, but like most corrective action the consequences are for all not the culprits

BigGeordie 9th Jun 2015 05:49

When the new hires are stealing from the company in such huge numbers it does make you wonder what they are recruiting. I have never heard of any company canteen anywhere where they trust the staff so little you have to pay for your food before you get it.

These are the people we spend our layovers with and who look after us on the aircraft. Maybe we should warn the passengers to lock their hand luggage?

donpizmeov 14th Jun 2015 23:47

My contract adjust letter on HR direct still only shows the pay review from 2014. I wonder if the new increment will make it in the June pay?

Also found the pay step you are on is shown on the contract adjust history page. Max step is number 30 I believe so you can see where you sit.

aussiefarmer 18th Jun 2015 07:20


Have you realized that EK Management have achieved the unachievable?

It is not about the money anymore.

I can't recall the last time I met someone at work who didn't hate working for EK. Poor management practices have managed to detach the great majority of the workforce from the company to the point that increasing our salaries or improving our terms is not gonna change anything!

Once trust and loyalty are lost... good luck trying to win them back.

jack schidt 18th Jun 2015 07:26

Loyalty is earnt, not bought!


bia botal 18th Jun 2015 07:51

It is not about the money anymore.
But it is the only way that the current trend can be reversed, it has to start with money, it's the only thing that doesn't lie at the moment, without a substantial pay increase they will not stop people leaving or attract new entrance.They can't garantee 42 days a year leave without the numbers to support it, nor can they reduce the monthly hrs, to get the work force up to a level that other obligation are meet can only be done with cash, all the lies peddled at the road shows are now well known, but if the word got out that EK just gave say a 20% pay increase along with a better housing and schooling allowance and increased flight pay and a lower productivity threshold people will come, less will leave, monthly hrs will drop and allocated leave will go up! It's all about the money now!

glofish 18th Jun 2015 08:15

Money matters, certainly. But simply throwing money at the situation will not work.

Money will help sustain any implemented change, but first we need change. Nobody trusts management anymore, nobody! It has been lost permanently. So a change in management is primordial. The actual protagonists can not stay if any change in the lethal erosion at EK is desired. We all know who has to go and it is simply up to HH to go ahead. As long as he is so distant to reality, nothing can happen, even a 20% pay rise will be simply taken, but no change will ensue.

The recruiting problems originate not only in the unattractive package, but more in the negative propaganda among pilots. Such mouth to mouth transfer of experience and knowledge is widely underestimated, because it is relatively slow to show. But once it does, it is even slower to go away if desired, because it is completely out of control of the companies and its cronies, it is entirely in the hands of the pilots themselves, especially of the ones in the respective company. This will haunt each and every manager, because it is so out of his control. Therefore the panic actions on all levels at EK, to show they are doing something, even though it is futile. Control is very much lost at Emirates Airlines, the control by TC and by AAR! They are doomed, and it is self inflicted.

A new team will be faced with multiple problems. I think the fast track to gaining the employees back to more or less function normally at least for some time, would be to cancel some flights as to give everyone some breathing space: Contractual leave for pilots, no overtime obligation for mechanics, humane rosters for FAs. If some think that this is inconceivable, then i would simply remind the situation with the runway closure. EK handled this quite well, so a similar response to this equally threatening problem can work.

bia botal 18th Jun 2015 08:26

Replacing TC AS and AAR will be fundamental for the staff already here, for new entrances it will mean little as most would have little or no clue as to who they are, I'd never heard of AS till I meet him during induction, sitting on the desk at the front of the room head down muttering away! Does anyone doubt any replacements will only be worse, members of the elite with no idea how to change anything but there own bottom line!

SOPS 18th Jun 2015 08:43

The trouble is, someone has to tell the emperor he has no clothes. ( and that would be a very brave someone). While they continue to believe their own publicity, that EK is the place that the whole world wants to work for, and they are the greatest 'life style' brand in the known universe, nothing is going to change.

Kerosene 18th Jun 2015 09:54

Doesn't any of you esteemed professionals at EK have the balls to ask for an audience with / write a letter to HH and give him the unsweetened truth of what has become of his airline? No Spartacus among you?

falconeasydriver 18th Jun 2015 10:25

The trouble is, someone has to tell the emperor he has no clothes.
SOPs you know thats never going to happen at EK anytime soon, it would be (is) career suicide due to the abundant Wasta and arrogance issues at play.
The only way things will change is when there is significant operational disruption, then money will be thrown at it, a minion called Prakash will be sacked for gross incompetence and the local chap in charge of things will get a bonus or a new golden ipad etc. :ugh::hmm:

SOPS 18th Jun 2015 10:54

I agree with you 100% Falcon.Thats why I said anyone who speaks up would have to be very very brave indeed.

The Guru 18th Jun 2015 11:04

It’s not about the money, but it is the only denominator that the company has at its’ disposal to address the problems in the short term.

Since the pay review was announced and the shock rippled through the workforce, the level of disenchantment with management has only increased. There remains no single individual who willingly represents the needs or concerns of the pilot group to management. There is no individual championing the pilots as a group to be supported, rather than berated – Fleet managers don’t do it, Chief Pilots don’t do it, JA isn’t doing it, TCAS is definitely not doing it, and AAR doesn’t want to listen about it! So the needs of the group are effectively being ignored.

The pay review did nothing for the average pilot. The lower productivity threshold did not give pilots the option of choosing to fly in excess of 92hrs per month. The lower productivity threshold did not assist those pilots doing 15 turnarounds a month to be paid for their Herculean efforts or even achieve productivity. The lower productivity threshold did not address the additional duty hours worked by the pilots outside of their “normal salaried 8.00am – 4.00pm office hours” in non-flying duties.

Basic management has traditionally dictated that if an employee’s pay and leave are honored, then they will generally do what you ask of them willingly.

The litany of examples provided by pilots of their reduced EK pay and conditions with respect to inflation, questionable profit share calculations, previous productivity thresholds, ground duties, emergency procedures, first aid training, online courses, and sim sessions, have been coupled with the lack of available leave, and the result is no longer any honor or integrity shown to the pilot group. Pay rises of between 3%-6% for office staff, and 25+ week bonuses for managers, has further exacerbated the chasm between the office and the front line.

Trust and integrity can be demonstrated, but the quickest fix is an extraordinary pay review. There is a precedent of it occurring once in EK’s history, and back then it did make a difference. It would be the public indication of the first step in a change to current management practices, but remains solely a discretionary tool available to the select few in upper management.

The G.

120feet 18th Jun 2015 12:49

Just Slow Down
I agree that showing up to work an hour before the flight is justifiable, since that is when you legally start work according to EK, but that would land you in the Chief’s office toot sweet. And EK pilots are about as unified as a herd of cats. Sick calls were professed in an earlier post as “The only tool” you have to express discourse. I would agree that given your horrific schedules NO pilot should report to work if they think that they will be fatigued on a given flight. You owe it to your family and passengers and fellow pilots to not operate if there is a chance you can’t perform to acceptable standards. Also, a SKF deserves an ASR. Without an ASR, SKF’s mean absolutely nothing.
Secondly, I have watched EK pilots push and taxi. You guys do your flight control checks like you’re playing wack-a-mole. It’s an airplane. Take a deep breath after the push and sloooowly move the control surfaces. When you’re done, take another deeeeep breath and perform the check list. When you're done with the check list make sure your FO is ready and your seats are properly adjusted and you have reviewed the taxi route. Then call for taxi. Also note, this is not a race. The 30 knot taxi speed is a limitation, not a goal. Given the fatiguing rosters, 10 knots is much safer.
Third, you guys are constantly flying through the bumps at flight planned speed. Slow down for goodness sake. Why fill out an ASR for an overspeed. Also, it’s much more comfortable for your passengers. I can think of very few flights where there isn’t some segment where you should sloooow down for safety and comfort. EK pilots are also famous for accepting short cuts. Why? Especially if you are in a DARD you are just increasing your workload on an already exhausting schedule. Plus, EK has spent millions of dollars of flight planning software. Do not assume you know better by flying other than the planned route.
Completely unrelated:
This is just a question; If, (I am speaking hypothetically.) block times went up 3-5% anyone in overtime would get more overtime $. Cabin crew would get more flight pay and or the number of flights on your monthly roster would decrease. Also, there are several flights, and turns that are planned near max duty, and frequently assigned back to back. Given the immense workload Flights such as these should rarely be at or under block same with flights arriving at 2325. All this IMHO
Please take care of yourselves.

SOPS 18th Jun 2015 13:26

I'm not there anymore, but it has been stated on this forum, that a SKF call will result in an automatic CDT test. If this is true ( and it would not surprise me) a fatigue call could result in the person being shown the door quick smart.

If that is company induced pressure not to call fatigued, I dont know what is.

And let me add, I think 99 percent of people would not be bothered by a CDT test, but it's just yet, another threat from the top.

Emma Royds 18th Jun 2015 13:58

SKF doesn't mean an automatic CDT test. In fact, you are not even required to visit the clinic before you next fly. Just fill in the FRMS form and the clinic will contact you if they want.

SOPS 18th Jun 2015 14:10

That is good to hear Emma.

120feet 18th Jun 2015 16:55

Missed the point.
I know pilots who called SKF 5 times this year so far without any calls from anyone. BTW SKF was not the point of the post.

CamelRustler 19th Jun 2015 07:22

Guru- Spot on. I do not see the problem being resolved short or long term however. Whoever steps into AS shoes will be another yes man, that's how you get the job.
120- Your post needs to be it's own thread. It's a great post! But, it will get lost in here.

falconeasydriver 19th Jun 2015 07:44

It's NEVER going to improve, if history tells us anything about the mentality amongst honour/face saving obsessed cultures it is that it's better to dispose of ones child (insert slit throat, burn or stone to death, hire a cousin to do it) than it is to evolve and learn or adapt.
A new brush will merely implement the continued degradation of your standard of living.
Happy Ramadam.

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