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helen-damnation 18th May 2015 16:35

Some details quoted in the EK jobs section so, imho, not a lot to give away and hardly something the other locals won't know.
As for the forum, yes I could but I do have issues with someone else knowing who I am but not the reverse. Paranoia rules :O

harry the cod 19th May 2015 06:05


Fair enough. Have sent you a pm with the individual's details. At least that way you'll know who the EK moderator is and can then make a more informed decision about joining us!


Kammel 19th May 2015 12:42


I'd like to join but have the same concerns as HD. Maybe you could PM me too...

glofish 19th May 2015 12:46

And why would these details not be available for all EK pilots on here?
Maybe because of the same considerations we have why not giving our details to the EK forum?

After all such details were revealed to management from pprune in the unmentionable's case ......

I honor the effort, but i doubt the control.

White none please 19th May 2015 13:38

Joining details
Harry any chance you could pm me with the same contact info, I've tried to join 3 times without success / response , not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks! WNP.:sad:

Fire Ball XL5 19th May 2015 17:46

I've tried several times myself... after 8 years.. without success... gave up in frustration... (like most other things around here....)......:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

harry the cod 19th May 2015 18:58

Ladies and gents

The moderator does not want his details passed on. Not sure on the whole ethics/set up behind this but I respect his request for anonymity.

What I can say is that he has been with the Company for some time and is trustworthy with integrity. There are no 'management' pilots on the forum and you need to apply with name and staff number. He matches them up and should give you access. Ironically, using the EK dedicated forum is actually better in my opinion, almost like a private club. The posts too are more reasonable and fact based rather than some of the more emotional rants that we sometimes see on the public forum.

As George Michael once sang......Oh you gotta have faith...


Sheikh-It-Easy 19th May 2015 19:18

Pay review letter arrived on the 15th of June in 2014.

The Zohan 19th May 2015 19:37

after having received this on May 22nd

Dear Colleague,

The recent annual results announcement saw the award of a 3-week profit-share payment, to be paid in your May salary.

For you, May is also normally the time we announce any changes to your specific pay elements This year no decision has yet been made as work on the review is still ongoing. This means the only change you will see in your May salary will be your profit share payment.

If any other changes are approved they will be backdated to the date they normally take place. This will would be the 1st May for any specific pay elements and the 1st July for other pay and benefits, which also apply to the wider staff in Dubai.

I will keep you updated.

Kind regards,


General Dogsbody 20th May 2015 10:32

Has anybody had a wash up this week and asked about the pay review? We are way too quiet as an employee group! Is it any wonder there is no respect?

Rim-job 20th May 2015 11:02

Good point GD,

Anyone with a washup meeting this week able to shed any light? Surely this was brought up in discussion.

120feet 20th May 2015 12:09

My guess
My guess is, they budgeted receiving the interest on the money they get by delaying pilot pay raises by one month as this affects someone's "Under budget bonus." , and have now made this delay tactic an SOP. Also, a rumor is brewing, that OT threshold will be lowered to 85-87 hours. If this is done it would be great, but completely screw the hardest working drivers the (330/340). Again. :rolleyes: EK should also add pay for every day off less than 12 to acknowledge this. Also absolutely needed is credit for training and vacation. Until this happens lowering the threshold does little in the way of good faith or justice. IMHO

Desdihold 20th May 2015 13:26

Do you know your hourly rate.....does anybody ?
Reducing the threshold to around the 85 mark would be a start but as a pilot group we would need to calculate our true hour,y rate.

The best way to calculate your hourly rate it to take your base pay and housing value divide that by 80 hours or so and then add the current flight pay (per hour) on top of that.

I know it's hard to calculate the true value of housing but it does need to be included in order to come up with a true hourly rate.

The reality is that the company will probably offer a discounted hourly rate when we exceed the threshold for that month, this is what they do now.

You points are valid and my reply is part of an on going conversation.

Plane_Sailing 20th May 2015 13:45

The problem with lowering the overtime threshold is that the swap situation would go from very difficult to impossible!

Mr Good Cat 20th May 2015 13:55

Also, a rumor is brewing, that OT threshold will be lowered to 85-87 hours
Never, ever, EVER will that happen. On the wash-ups the senior management have been suggesting 100 hrs per month 'temporarily' due to the upcoming shortage of drivers for the period 2015-2016. Then a return to 92 when/if it stabilises. Whether that estimate accounts for any increase in resignations is anyone's guess. There certainly won't be any scope for leave.

My guess is a rise in the order of 5-6%. EASA FTLs coming on line in 2016 will allow for the increase to 100 hours per month, meaning we will really be earning less for the amount we fly. Remember time in the bunks will not be counted soon.

Enjoy... Anyone who thinks they will get a better deal this time round is delusional. :ok:

fatbus 20th May 2015 14:09

Totally agree!

redkite1 20th May 2015 14:45

Housing costs? We are about to cost the company a lot less when we all live in Meydan, maybe then we'll get a 'pay rise'.

donpizmeov 20th May 2015 14:51

Unless the increase is only on the basic and not on flight pay we are screwed.

littlejet 20th May 2015 16:07

Sadly, our anus has been "conditioned" for this eventuality...after years of abuse..
New joiners... "pftttt"...., expect NO SYMPATHY when YOUR day arrives!...
If you disrespect your colleagues expect the same from management.
You have every right to post whatever you think is vital information prior to one's joining but cursing out someone who made a decision which you maybe wouldn't is unprofessional.

Mr Good Cat 20th May 2015 18:10

Originally Posted by littlejet (Post 8983842)
If you disrespect your colleagues expect the same from management.
You have every right to post whatever you think is vital information prior to one's joining but cursing out someone who made a decision which you maybe wouldn't is unprofessional.

It's just a sign of people venting anger. Don't take it personally. People tend to speak with vitriol on the Internet when perhaps they wouldn't on the flight deck.

anson harris 20th May 2015 19:03

To be fair, they talk a lot of **** on the flight deck as well...

ByeByeDubai 20th May 2015 19:45

Not the Brightest Bunch
I will accept the retorts when they come but pilots as a whole and particularly in this company must carry some of the responsibility of the twisted system now in place.

Remuneration should be a function of hours worked for the company. Not hours with the engines running. Does anyone accept that work is not being done because the aircraft is not moving?

Likewise fatigue is a function of hours at work amongst other things - like when the work occursi n the diurnal cycle.

Some basic principles could solve many of the current issues:
1. Accurately account for time at work.
2. Roster to a duty threshold short of a duty limit and then pay overtime.
3. Have realistic limits. 190 hours in 28 days is a farce. No one in EGHQ is expected to do those hours, much less at any time of day. 55 hours may be tolerable in a week but the maximum over 28 should not exceed 140 hours. 35 hours on average per week is a normal 40 hour week discounted to allow rest for diurnal disruption.
4. Pro rata the duty and remuneration in a roster when leave occurs. This is the most obvious flaw in our current system.

Never would they do this I hear you cry.

Well I agree to some extent however some of these principles should be argued. Why do we accept 92 hour rosters that include leave and training? Why do we accept duty starts an hour before departure when the sign in clearly says otherwise? Why do we accept that time in a simulator does not get accounted in flight time? They are zero time simulators. Why do we accept so many other easily arguable things?

Pilots worldwide have accepted the nonsense and facilitated the status quo. I roll my eyes when someone complains of a 95 hour roster. He has bought into the whole fight hours myth. It could be a dream roster if the duty is not above 110 hours. Yet we propagate the stupidity!

Here we have a feedback process. Hell, we can write to the President by invitation! How many have done so and pointed out at least one or two of the irrational issues involved in our rostering and remuneration? Have you even written to anyone a bit further down the ladder and at least produced a written trail of the law bending and financial discrimination?

It gets raised again and again in various forums but that is deniable and unrecorded. Make the effort to put it in writing at whatever opportunity arises. If a mere 10% of the pilot body did this there would be change. 20% would terrify the upper floors.

Don’t complain if you don’t have the intellect, resolve or guts to do anything about it.

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle"

dubaigong 21st May 2015 05:11


I am 100% with you on that one , each time a guy complain on the flight deck about the company I ask him always the same question " What have you done about it ? "
The answer is ALWAYS " nothing , we don't have a union here " or " I don't want to be in trouble " etc...
So I tell him to stop to complain if he is not ready to fight for it.
Too many pilots expect the others to do something for them with always an excuse for not doing anything themselves ( they have a family to feed , a mortgage to pay etc... )
If you are not ready to ACT stop complaining

The Outlaw 21st May 2015 05:32


A rather simplistic view I'd say.

So you buy into the "if you don't like then leave" bull**** and are happy to lay down and be taken advantage of? Pathetic.

Many of us do what we can within the boundaries of common sense and self preservation to make changes but without the backing of a collective, you are very limited. Many pilots have just left as its the only option in many cases...but they did do something. This forum and the postings within have likely saved many pilots from coming here to certain disappointment and they have perhaps learned from the mistakes of others. Don't forget, this company USED to be a great company to work for.

I'd suggest by your statement that you either don't have a family or if you do, then don't give a toss about providing for them with some degree of confidence.

There are other ways of making the company take notice and listen and its starting to happen now, its only a question of when the management pulls their head out of the sand.

flareflyer 21st May 2015 05:38

And it is the last thursday before the paycheck and no news......
They are aware that they have to give something in order to retain/attract people but they hate it.......
What makes me worry is that if they have this kind of attitude during good times i really dont know what the will do when bad times will come.........

glofish 21st May 2015 05:45

Even Putin has an open e-mail and invites his comrades to write to him. He has an open TV forum where everyone can call and ask questions. Needless to say that all of it is supposedly guaranteed without any repercussions for any author (!!!), as long as you stay within the boundaries of respect. But it is the power itself who defines the boundaries of respect. Otherwise it has to protect the nation and confine liberties and the right to speak, which happening right now, just read the news.

Does that ring a bell?

I guess the lecturing contributors above would wholeheartedly agree and sign the following statement:

If a mere 10% of Russians did this (write and complain) there would be change. 20% would terrify the upper floors (regime).

Good luck. I don't.

As long as power is so unilaterally distributed (as here), the power in charge will never listen. That is not my humble opinion or wisdom, that's interpretation of history!
The only force that historically was able to tumble any dictatorial regime was passive resistance (i guess that is what the Outlaw is referring to), but never some letter to the president ...... :ugh:

Dropp the Pilot 21st May 2015 05:58

Ah, the passive resistance clanger.

Passive resistance only works where there is a free press. If Gandhi had tried his stunts in Stalin's Russia you would have never have heard of him and his remains would be mouldering in a mass grave somewhere.

ByeByeDubai 21st May 2015 06:55

Russia? Stalin? Ghandi? Self Preservation?

My! We are a collection of shadow jumping meerkats.

Let me get this right. You write polite, well constructed, factual letter/email on an issue, with no histrionics or accusations and you fear dismissal, midnight visits, gulags or execution?

I guess that answers two questions. Many frequent posters have obviously never written as either they would not be here or they would - because none of their fears transpired.

When the company changed the staff travel arrangements and thousands wrote in, were they all sent packing or did it change? When they introduced a cap on utilities in company accommodation and many wrote in what happened? It quietly died. These are not the only examples.

I have written in a number of times and made my point. Normally nothing happens except a polite reply that it will be looked into. It seldom is followed up. Occasionally if it part of a bigger group that has written, change occurs in some form. I know a few others who have done the same. I haven’t yet heard of any case of cruel prosecution. The problem is a few are easy to ignore. So generally they do.

There are many who moan on this forum, in the flight deck and around the bar. Few act. Hence pilots are where they are, and it will only get worse.

Rationalise is however you want, but take a hard look at yourselves.

glofish 21st May 2015 07:51


Many frequent posters have obviously never written as either they would not be here or they would - because none of their fears transpired
Could you clarify? I don't get it.

Concerning the metaphors, they are generally accepted to clarify a point, ridiculing them is generally considered having weak arguments.

My point is:

I have written, only to get no answer and no change.
I have acted. Only to get called in and receive a letter!

Go figure. The power and interest disparity is too big and one sided.
In my experience writing is futile in the actual circumstances.
But then again, that's only my opinion, i respect yours.
Simply please don't patronise if dissenting.


Passive resistance only works where there is a free press
Have you actually studied some recent history? Like the rise and fall of the GDR? Do you really believe in what you wrote? Fair enough if you do, but you should not be condescending about people who don't ("Ah, the passive resistance clanger").

Passive resistance is happening right now, right here.
Voting with your feet is passive resistance.
Not applying to the holy company is passive resistance.
Not caring about FCIs and simply trashing without reading Alans mail is passive resistance.

And it is working ...... definitely more than writing to the teflon coated and even with a not so "free" press environment.

gardenshed 21st May 2015 08:58

Considering that pay day is in 5 days time, should this thread be re-named "The Lack Of Pay Review" :mad:

TheDarkHorse 21st May 2015 09:02

Four jailed for life after insulting UAE on Twitter

Just look at why and what is in the inverted comma's

jack schidt 21st May 2015 09:46

Emirates approve of PPRuNe though as they seem to be the biggest advertiser here :}


fliion 21st May 2015 10:39

Gong & ByeBye,

Bravo : / .

.. Love you letter writing dudes.

Now perhaps you can tell us meerkats how TCAS responded to your letter enquiring about our pay review?


donpizmeov 21st May 2015 11:02

His response is "I hope to be able to put out something very soon". Which pretty much equates to his response last year.

sluggums 21st May 2015 11:03

fliion, gotta love the hypocrisy on this website, eh... Well said.

fatbus 21st May 2015 12:36

Training meeting yesterday ,we were led to believe next week . " We are still working on it. "

harry the cod 21st May 2015 18:26

Was that the same training day which started with a 'we are short of pilots' statement by an SVP and ended with a 'no we're not, attrition rate is normal' by a DSVP. Did like the subtle slide of the river as a backdrop for the finale. What river was it? The Nile. Or as they might say in Africa...."De Nile" That 's exactly what some senior management are in.....

If we're not short of pilots, why the f*£k are we not all getting our 42 days leave per year. Stop treating us like idiots.


donpizmeov 21st May 2015 18:52

I hear you Harry.

Basic Service 22nd May 2015 07:05

Why do it?
Ok, so I already know the answer.......BUT WHY DO IT???

I can live with a company trying to maximise their bottom line etc, but what is being gained by not saying anything about the pay review? I've tried to think of something but keep coming up with nowt....

Last year we went through the same circus act with TCAS sending an email at the 11th hour to say ( hold nose whilst reading aloud ), "We are still working on it and will let you know as soon as we can".:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

To my simple mind this is farcical. Lets not pretend that they don't already know what's going to be offered. This is an intentional delay in disseminating information for some yet to be discovered reason. The result is that the entire company is frustrated and angry, not at the probable minuscule rise, but at the sheer lack of respect in communicating their intentions. There must be some phycological mind game trick that benefits them ( that I'm missing), but it seems that all that is gained is pissing us all off??

I know it will be back dated etc and I'm fine with that, but its so unnecessary and damaging to the already poor moral of the troops. I'm shaking my head here, Why do it?:confused:

Laker 22nd May 2015 07:40

I think they are doing it to slow the pace of resignations. Hope is a powerful thing. If they know the reaction will be disappointment then they are better off delaying as long as possible. Talking about going back to the States, Europe, over to China, etc is one thing. Actually pulling the kids out of school and moving the family is another. As long as the hope of a change in rostering/pay raise is in the back of your mind you will probably delay filling out that application or going to an overseas assessment.

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