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RjAgCR 29th Aug 2010 19:10

Why do pilots Join EK??
Hi there... I have been reading quite a lot on the EK thread and there is a little of everything there in regards to Pro's and Con's @ EK ... so I was just wondering...if life there for some is not that great, or maybe quite expensive... the lines are not that nice either... etc, etc..

Then why do pilots choose to Join EK ... ?? There has to be something good about it.. :sad: or not??

kiwi 29th Aug 2010 19:35

I believe it's a disease called "Bright shiny new jetitus".

saywhat 29th Aug 2010 19:35

99% of pilots that join EK, go to work, do their job, go home, live a life and get on with it. 1% of pilots that join EK Go to work, cant wait to get home to post their miserable life stories on Pprune.....Unfortunately for you, the 98% of the 99% could not be bothered to post here. I have no doubt that I shall be well and truly flogged for not berating the job at EK, but truth be told, it's not that bad...

fractional 29th Aug 2010 19:48

Why do pilots Join EK??
Because it is a job and it is progress for many more than what we think it is.

Iver 29th Aug 2010 20:58

It's all relative...
Might I venture a few guesses:

Photos: Airbus A380-861 Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net


Photos: Airbus A380-861 Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net


Photos: Boeing 777-36N/ER Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net

It's all RELATIVE - you need to keep that in mind. EK understands this concept - it's called LABOR ARBITRAGE. A lot of pilots worldwide fly less-capable aircraft for far less money than what you would get at EK. The EK "package" with housing is considered great by some standards - regardless of what you think. Their situations are great for their home countries but not good when compared to other flying opportunities. Plus, many of those pilots might be bored with limited flying. It's a big deal for some people, for example, flying an A319 in Latin America for squat money which can qualify you to eventually fly an A380 someday for EK in the ME - some people would consider that a big improvement - regardless of the terrible rosters and haphazzard decision making by management. It's still a better situation for them relative to their original situation. How many Indian pilots would kill for an EK job? Right or wrong, everything is relative compared to their personal situations. What you might think is unacceptable could be perfectly acceptable (and maybe preferrable) to someone else from a worse situation.

I do think shiney-jet syndrome is alive and well. Everyone wants to fly the latest and greatest - those who don't are simply lying or delusional. If you want a desk job, go get one. If you really want to fly DC3s, quit EK and go to Africa and stop whining. Clearly, the rosters and the pay need to improve big-time at EK in order to keep pilot attrition levels lower - but who knows if that will ever happen with EK's management... It might not be what we want it to be, but it is reality...

EK Snorkel 29th Aug 2010 21:10

and it is progress for many more than what we think it is.
haha ..best joke ever on PPruNe....:}

InnocentBystander 29th Aug 2010 21:16

For what it's worth, the vast majority of the people recently hired were either furloughed/unemployed or were about to be laid off.

An EK paycheck beats no paycheck no matter how you look at it.

Iver 29th Aug 2010 21:59

And by the way, Mexicana unfortunately declared bankruptcy a few days ago (perhaps on the way to liquidation) - plenty of Airbus A318/19/20 pilots there who would prefer EK to much lower-paying Mexican alternatives...

kinteafrokunta 30th Aug 2010 02:14

The whole world has too many pilots and too many airlines. Very wasteful industry sucking in people with promise of glamour and money.

RjAgCR 30th Aug 2010 02:45

Well... just what I thought :E !! It's not as bad as some people here like to put it.

It's just like everywhere else ... I haven't been flying for a long time but long enough to know that regardless of your job, paycheck, a/c type, people will always complain and will always want something different ....

I currently fly the A320 :cool:, and I know there is a lot of people out there that would give anything to be in my seat ... regardless of the paycheck or perhaps not, but one thing is for sure .. people will always have something to complain about .. even if flying for the best and biggest airline in the world!! :ugh:

Fly safe..!!

Iver: those pics are killing me!!

Iver 31st Aug 2010 03:51


No doubt shiney-jet syndrome is alive and well. Who wouldn't want a crack at a 777 or A380? Especially if you were flying less-capable aircraft. With your A320 background, you probably would get placed on the Airbus fleet and could fly the A380 as an FO within 3-4 years of starting. That A380 seat in the picture could be yours.

That said, my mates at EK agree that pay and rostering need to be improved if attrition rates are to be reduced. Just read the other EK posts - long-haul flying can be absolutely exhausting and EK rostering is not good. Seems like many pilots are leaving as home-country airlines start to initiate more hiring. If EK were to positively address some key QOL issues, attrition levels might decline and more pilots would consider EK a career airline. Based on what I have read, not sure that will ever happen... Again, it's all relative - one person's heaven could be another person's hell.

Jet II 31st Aug 2010 04:24

Originally Posted by Iver (Post 5900553)

Ah! - that well known view over the Charlie stands at 3 am as you wait 45 minutes for a highlift to take the wheelchair passengers off...... :E

CIAS 31st Aug 2010 05:54

Pilots when offered a job at EK


Same pilots after a year, access to pprune, pissed off wife and an axe to grind.


Do the shiny new jets have a place to hang the tiara or is a dummy sterilizer the other option? Be glad you have a good paying job in a growing airline.

RjAgCR 31st Aug 2010 14:36

Flying shiney-jets :cool: yeah!! who wouldn't like that... I guess I can put out with that syndrome..no problem :ok:, but... can someone explain what you mean by "pay and rostering need to be improved"?


SOPS 31st Aug 2010 15:38

In response to the last post...Give me strength...does not anyone read this site:ugh:

skyvan 31st Aug 2010 15:47

If I may reply to the desire for pay and rostering to improve:-

Pay: there was no payrise in 2009 (understandable) and the overtime threshold was increased to a level that ensured that it would very rarely be paid. There was a payrise in 2010, well below inflation rate (real, not the govenment published one) as well as there being no "notch increase", so basically everyone's salaries have stood still for two years, and in real terms we are worse off. Combine that with the Education Support Allowance not being increased last year, and the very real possiblity of that happening again this year as well as the implementation of a cap on the previously (contractually) free utilities, and it is fairly obvious that the management have used the economic crisis to trim back the flight crew package to what many now believe to be below the level required for a Middle East ex-pat level.

Rostering: Along with the increase in the point at which overtime kicks in, there has been insufficient recruitment over the last year to cope with the number of planes arriving and new routes opening up. Just about everyone you fly with states in the briefing that they are tired, and we have to watch each other. Captains seem to be rostered 94-98 hours per month, F/Os a bit easier at 82-88 hours. Combine that with "factoring" which does not count time in the bunk as flight time and you can fairly easily log well over your 100 hour limit that your home country licence (the basis for your UAE validation) requires. Add to this little mix a rostering system that is incapable of "understanding" that eastbound flights (+5 hours to local time) followed by a ULR westbound to LAX or SFO are not only tiring, but that combined with as much back of the clock flying that is done is fatiguing. The company has a Fatigue Management programme, I will leave others to share their opinions of it's effectiveness.

I hope clears up some of the issues around pay and rostering.

See you on the line :)

fredsmith 1st Sep 2010 04:20

Thanks to skyvan and others for taking the time to post. There are those of us on the fence on this 'opportunity', and recruiting is not where you find the answers. Very little is put into print as far as 'company policy'. Thanks, Fred

Gulf News 1st Sep 2010 05:41

Very little is put into print as far as 'company policy'
If it is concrete policy you want then you will have more success catching Osama Bin Laden . Your contract will state the bare bones and refer you to the conditions stated in the Company Employees Regulations Manual. This is where everything important that relates to your terms, conditions and indeed your future career with EK resides. There is also a plethora of other sub manuals that govern how everything works. Flight Operations Policy Manual, Training Policy Manual, Staff Travel Manual to name a few.

All of these documents are are designed to be fluid and the company uses them to full advantage with multiple changes and amendments every year. They are also not always easily assessable unless you know where to find them and as such contain a minefield for average Joe as it is normally an obscure reference buried in one of these documents that will be used to beat you over the head with should you transgress.

Fredsmith and RJAgCR hats off to you for doing some in depth research and not swallowing the recruitment blurb wholesale. One of secrets to Emirates' sauces is PR and marketing and the roadshows are a product of that. They will sell you a wonderfully gift-wrapped package just make sure you look in all corners of the box before accepting it. Pprune should not be your only source of research but reading the EK threads does give some perspective.

Like many here I am not saying don't come to EK. Just do so with yours eyes wide open.

slimy 1st Sep 2010 06:51

I noticed in the 777 picture (link above) that there is a tissue box on the FOs side window, is this to wipe the tears away when they see the 380 and wish they had gone for Airbus!! :) sorry boeing guys!

Just to prevoke more comments!! :)

Of course many of you are right about the thread question, Most want to get onto wide body sooner than later!

Fellowship of the drink 1st Sep 2010 07:10

Oh please, enough of the "mine is the bigger than yours" nonsense.

A380 pilots: Your license is no better than mine, you're on the A380 because of timing and nothing else, so stop telling the cabin crew how your max landing weight is higher than the B777's max take off weight ...etc. Its getting a tad petty.

Chewthecrude 1st Sep 2010 07:27

That hit a raw nerve!
Ouch! Touchy!:{

Uncle Wiggily 1st Sep 2010 08:51

Who cares what you fly. I would fly a paper airplane if I got paid more and didn't have to live in the 3rd world ****hole that is known as Dubai.

Uncle Wiggily 1st Sep 2010 12:02

Why do pilots Join EK??
because RyanAir sucks a tad bit more than EK?

harry the cod 1st Sep 2010 14:09


That statement applies to all Airlines nowdays,not just EK!


Regarding tissues, yes, always plenty on the B777 / A330/340 flightdecks. Used to mop up the hot canapes from First and to carry the garlic bread that's provided with your soup. More may be needed to wipe the mouth after a hot pudding and creme anglaise. A380 guys need not worry about carrying tissues. Plastic cheese from economy doesn't crumble like ours!

Biggest, fastest, heaviest.........you're welcome to it. Just keep the caviar rolling on main fleet. ;)


slimy 1st Sep 2010 14:45

And I thought we alll got the same meals, right I am handing in resignation! :* :confused:

saywhat 1st Sep 2010 17:30

By the way. Did you know that the 380 landing weight is.......

troff 2nd Sep 2010 02:13

What good is flying the 380 at EK anyway? If you were to leave where else could you fly it? At least with a 777 endorsement you can market yourself elsewhere and with a five day course you can get a 787 endorsement!
Just a thought.
Why do we come here? No one forced our hand, that's why I'm surprised to hear all the whining that goes on about EK and DXB.
Can't stand the heat? Get outta the desert.

Fellowship of the drink 2nd Sep 2010 10:20

Any endorsement is a good endorsement, particularly if you dont have to pay for it.

A380 endorsement? Yep bring it on. Proud to be a superjumbo pilot? Sure why not? but please do not rub your colleagues noses in the mine is bigger than yours nonsense. It divides the pilot group and perhaps that what management and dudes like A380-800 Driver wants.

boocs 2nd Sep 2010 12:33

No 320 time in Dragonair??? Doubt it!! At some stage your 'mates' would have flown the 320 in KA. We all have!


Fellowship of the drink 2nd Sep 2010 13:30

A380-800 Driver,

I am just a little edgy at the end of a 95+ hour month......

pool 2nd Sep 2010 16:29


I guess you are just jellous of something that can drink a lot more without getting any further ......

Iver 3rd Sep 2010 02:54

If you have A330/A340 time at EK and then get to fly big bertha A380, I am sure your collective Airbus experience would be welcome elsewhere. Plus, you'd have some good stories to tell at the bar.

RjAgCR 3rd Sep 2010 03:46

now that we talking Airbus... does EK has any plans to buy the A350? :confused::confused:

and by the way, what is MTOW and max landing on the A380 and B777? :E


pool 3rd Sep 2010 05:14

380 777

DOW 298 177
MZF 373 237
MTO 510 251
MLW 395 251
Payload 75 61

380 = 1.45 times weight of 777
380 = 1.25 times payload of 777

DXB - LHR approx values, last 2 days:

Trip 380 = 82.7 777 = 54.5

spec burn on this trip (kg ker. used per kg trsp)

380 = 1.1 777 = 0.9

GormanInkarnati 3rd Sep 2010 05:38

777 MTO = 351:ok:

Dropp the Pilot 3rd Sep 2010 05:41

And if you then take out your calculator to show how much money is thrown away on any flight which is done by a 380 you will see why there are only two types of airlines flying the hideous piece of junk: those whose national governments held a gun to their head and those who ended up with them for free.

In both cases they will be gone as soon as humanly possible.

pool 3rd Sep 2010 07:31

Even the 340-500 has a higher Max T/O weight than a 777
maybe, but a very much lower payload (if i'm not mistaken around 48t, to vrfy).
Anyway, both AB have a lower MTOW to max payload ratio.
And for the 340 it may be explained through age, but not with the so called most modern, most fuel efficient airliner.
It's simply not true unless your calculator is a AB product ....

Nothing against the big bertha, but the numbers are not impressive.

Instant Hooligan 3rd Sep 2010 07:54

not impressive.........yet!!

kiwi 3rd Sep 2010 08:32

Who gives a toss? The only important statistic is how much you get paid for flying the thing!
I'd happily do a type rating on a wheelie bin if it paid more money.

donpizmeov 3rd Sep 2010 08:35

This is as about as interesting as hearing a mac owner justify why they wasted their money.

Luckily the whole pilot group is treated the same regardless of the BMI of what you fly. Good news is PILOT sickness rules are now being adjusted to better fit with those applied to cabin crew. A new HR group is being set up to manage it. Oh the joy!:ugh:

Oh sorry, didn't mean to interrupt...think it was all about how the 772lr is the only airplane in the fleet to underpreform the 345... discuss.

the don

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