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Marooned 30th Jun 2009 07:36

Yep, stand corrected: 18%.

I just don't see the funny side of seeing my colleagues losing upgrade opportunities, working 90+ hour months for less money & having my life ruled by a bunch of second rate, spineless sycophants.

If we were real lions we'd find a way of biting back.

FcU 30th Jun 2009 07:44

Leadership style article
Stop Overdoing Your Strengths - HBR.org
Interesting article in the Harvard Business Review pertaining to leadership styles. For EK management reading this you may want to reconsider your statement that low morale does not affect productivity...but then again its just Harvard educated business leaders saying this.:ugh::ugh::ugh:

7x7 30th Jun 2009 23:44

If we were real lions we'd find a way of biting back.
Miaow? Miaow...?

ekpilot 1st Jul 2009 08:44

A Massive 10+++

It all started with the arrival of That C$nt Alan Stealey and his cronies. The guy is as popular in Emirates as a pork sausage at a Bahmitzvah! Oops, sorry, I meant in a mosque...

but then again its just Harvard educated business leaders saying this

And what Business School qualifications do any of our managers have? I'd love to see their (real) CVs!

kiwi 1st Jul 2009 13:24

It actually started under TCK, TCAS has refined the process to an artform.
TCK started all this when he tried to set up AAR but it all backfired on him and consequently on us as well!!

Jibba Jabba 2nd Jul 2009 22:57

Posted on Prune elsewhere
The dark side of Dubai - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

It's no wonder you guys are stressed.

Jet II 3rd Jul 2009 11:49

jibba - old news and has been done to death several times.

Oh and dont believe everything you read in the papers :ok:

h3dxb 3rd Jul 2009 13:11


what Do you exspect from a company, which wanna get rid of their employees ?

Couple month ago, they changed the shifts in NCC, from comfortable 4on/4off to 6on/2off and pissed off they whole middle management , who runs the daily business. The new FCI for U guys, was in a more childish form , also sent to NCC. They are also now really relaxed.

And Cosmodrift:
U have my full respect, like everyone who runs the daily work.

But why they hire only morons in the managment ??

No raise no bonus. Prices up everywhere. Time to go.

My stressfactor is 0.
I don't even think about the BS-company. They dig their own hole.

Keep discovering:yuk:

Whygaf 4th Jul 2009 13:56

H3DXB was talking about experience requirements for Maintenance Engineers not flt crew. The experience requirement has come down from Engineers having 10 years signing with at least 2 types EK operate to 5 years and no types, i.e 5 years signing on an aircraft EK dont fly. This has occured over last 3 years. Number of Europeans, Aussies, Kiwis, North Americans who have arrived has probably been matched by the number who have left, replaced by people with less experience from countries with less stringent licensing and training requirements. You guys see the logs and the people each day on line so you would be better judges on whether the service has improved or is worse. Frankly eng. management appear similar to Flt ops management, MEL DD's hit new heights recently and the Teddy went out the cot big time, answer, we are not working hard enough or smart enough!! I would like to offer that more aircraft, less engineers, less mechanics = more MEL DD's. Or 7 or 8 daily check aircraft per 12 hour shift at 1 1/2 hours per daily = no time to work MEL DD's/ questionable whether enough time for daily checks? This is up from 4-5 aircraft per engineer less than 2 years ago. Avionics engineers are allocated anywhere between 13 and 18 aircraft so please don't be surprised if you cant get an electrician at the last minute, it's a big airport!!:ugh:

NoJoke 4th Jul 2009 14:11

Greenies - always making excuses:} Joking a little. Whygaf You are totally right, the corners are being cut all over the place. I work just up the road and we have an abundance of the wobbly ones. :8 I, for one care; thats why I do gaf. Good luck :ouch:

nolimitholdem 5th Jul 2009 08:01

One good thing about the internet is that it allows communication that previously would be impossible...

To our maintenance brethren I do hope they realize that the flight deck do very much appreciate them and realize they are under the same bunch of tyrants we are, squeezing them for more productivity...

I think the only reason EK gets away with their present maintenance practices (referring to the skimpy rostering, etc) is due to the young age of their fleet. The problem will rise exponentially as the fleet grows and ages at the same time. If they continue to cut resources when they should be expanding them to match, the writing is on the wall. It ain't rocket science...

superman_32 6th Jul 2009 08:18

Unfortunetly the above table is not giving me the full picture as everyone who is anyone can just select an option hence the data is not substanial evidence to what is actually happeneing. Why not put a password or something applicable only to EK staff that would be better presentation.As with every thing else in life stress is part of the equation, you can not rule it out.
While most of you guys in EK are wining just think of the others who are sitting at home with loads of debts on their head. How really stressful can it be for them. So thank your God or your lucky stars for what you have got.

Jibba Jabba 6th Jul 2009 09:00

Hi Jet II

"jibba - old news and has been done to death several times.

Oh and dont believe everything you read in the papers" http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...ies/thumbs.gif

Oh well..don't believe eveything you read in PPrune either but where there's smoke there's usually fire :suspect:

Quit your Jibba Jabba!

Edforce1 6th Jul 2009 10:00

Unfortunetly the above table is not giving me the full picture as everyone who is anyone can just select an option hence the data is not substanial evidence to what is actually happeneing. Why not put a password or something applicable only to EK staff that would be better presentation.As with every thing else in life stress is part of the equation, you can not rule it out.
While most of you guys in EK are wining just think of the others who are sitting at home with loads of debts on their head. How really stressful can it be for them. So thank your God or your lucky stars for what you have got.
Thanks Superman_32 ! I know the feeling ! Have been unemployed for the last 5 months... The scary part is the lack of opportunity out there ! Presume that somebody from the Biz Development side or Commercial can post in this thread as well !

My apologies if I am off-limits !

Take Care !

AVIATOR757 6th Jul 2009 19:17

Superman-32 And Edforce 1
Our hearts and best wishes go all the way for you guys. At Ek most of us have been in your situation many times and we know where you all are coming
This poll was for EK guys only as it states before you vote. There is absolutely no need for passwords if you can read simple english.

Stress is part of daily life and we have no problems dealing with it. This thread is dealing with STRESS AT EK and not personal stress. Kupish.
Most guys in Dubai are under more financial stress than you guys can ever concieve because of the financial downturn and the fictitious dubai economy

Jet II 7th Jul 2009 06:51

Originally Posted by AVIATOR757 (Post 5045355)
Most guys in Dubai are under more financial stress than you guys can ever concieve because of the financial downturn and the fictitious dubai economy

They are? :confused:

Given that EK provide housing, utilities (yes I know it doesn't cover the swimming pool heating now), transport, first class medical, private school fees etc.

I dont quite see where all this financial stress comes from.

Instant Hooligan 7th Jul 2009 19:51

Haha Reality
Jet II,
Just to get things straight by housing you mean accomodation different to what was promised in the interview, also by utilities you mean a cap different to what was written into the non existent contract,
So next time I need a ride to the supermarket I can call EK transport for a lift, as opposed to just getting a ride to/from the airport for duty as per the UAE labour law.
When you say First class medical I assume you mean just the GCAA term of first class medical because where I came from this is far from first class medical coverage! Finally the last time I checked back home I didn't need to pay school fees to have reasonable education for my child.
Yeah yeah i dont pay income tax but the indirect taxes here are getting pretty close to the sh!te i had to pay back home so what am I really getting for my AED?

Jet II 8th Jul 2009 06:15

IH - yes we can all whinge about life - but where's the financial stress?

I know guys back in Europe who have had pay cuts and are reduced time who at the end of the month have mortgage bills dropping on the mat, ever increasing utility bills, bills for running 2 cars as they have to get themselves to work, bills for private medical as the NHS is so crap, schools fee's as they dont want to send their kids to the local comp - and all this out of earnings that are taxed at over 50%

Now that is financial stress.

AVIATOR757 8th Jul 2009 13:27

Hey Jet II
It's not worth my while to comment on your querry about financial stress.You sound like a BA engineer who wants to hangout with the cool dudes.So there:ugh:
Just remember guys here at EK have already jumped the european/american or where ever hoops before they end up here, and have already gone through the growing pains that you mention in your post.:ouch:

Jet II 10th Jul 2009 17:19

AVIATOR - just a hint - if you need to tell everyone you are cool........;)

Farknose 11th Jul 2009 09:25

Times are tough and desperate times call for desperate measures.
Perhaps it's time Ek gets more serious with it's cost cutting.
Instead of p1ssing everyone off by pinching pennies and keeping it's staff in jobs maybe it's time for retrenchments.
Win win for all, especially all those moaners on PP who can't seem to locate their berries and make a decision for themselves. Better still, start of with voluntary retrenchments, all the whiners not happy can grow a set and bugger off and everyone else willing to carry on during the current tough times can do so minus all the girlie shrieks.

AVIATOR757 11th Jul 2009 11:23

Hey F@cknose or whatever you fancy calling yourself.
Nice suggestion, except you are missing the point that this thread is not about leaving or staying. It is an opinion poll. Out of 2000 pilots over 500 girlies voted as per your defination. Maybe it is a girlie airline and you dont belong here.So p1ss off.:=::ugh:

ExpatDubai2001 11th Jul 2009 11:25

reality check
Farknose seems to have more grasp of current economic reality than most. If u disagree... send your CV to BA and wait for a reply !!!! (or AA or UA or LH or DL or VS or QF.... the list goes on and on).

The sandpit may not be good at the moment but it is better than some........

Farknose 11th Jul 2009 12:31

I realise it's an opinion poll, I cast my vote. Mind you had trouble finding the No 1 option.
The rest was just a little advise on how some at EK can deal with their EK induced stress levels :ugh:bugger off elsewhere.
Poor little petals...now tuck your blouse back into your skirt and warm up that larynx.

AVIATOR757 11th Jul 2009 13:53

F@ck nose,
A score of one was reseved for f@g's from mexioco only. It was zero for me and I was only trying to get a eun#ch cheesed off.:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:
Seems to have worked pretty well.:8

ekpilot 11th Jul 2009 18:49

Look in the mirror
It's been proven, those who think they are good are usually below average. Those who are not stressed in this company have obviously no clue. Same rule as above. Studies show that the first sign of a stressed person is one that denies been stressed. Been around long enough to spot that we are in a very stressful environment. Just read the tone of the last company weekly report about the logbook note...

Keep Discovering:ok:

White Knight 14th Jul 2009 06:49

I think you've been reading too much pscychobabble ekpilot... If YOU are getting stressed over memos about logbooks then I suggest you seek help:{

NoJoke 14th Jul 2009 21:39

I agree with the ekpilot. I know the best thing I can do is to push/pull. However; to push/pull in the correct direction is the skill.

ekpilot 15th Jul 2009 12:41

White Knight
By your response i can really sense that you are obviously not stressed and very open minded. Your tolerance and patience to other's opinion is remarkable. I should seek help from you maybe. With your great experience and knowledge spending so much time on this forum with over a 1000 posts shows me that you must have a very interesting life experience outside the virtual life of pprune. You must know better then many about seeking help I'm convinced. :p

Read my post again, i talked about the tone of the note... NOT the note itself. But then again why do i bother :rolleyes:

Keep Discovering:ok:

White Knight 16th Jul 2009 11:23

ekpilot - obviously maths isn't your thing amigo. 1091 posts in NINE years is hardly overkill. 0.33 posts per day in fact and certainly not all on ME forum:D

Consider the tone about the techlog - obviously it gets frustrating reminding people again again about the same thing, especially when you're not using your native language so yes, I guess I'm tolerant of that... Really - why let it bother you??

Just relax man - have a jam sandwich:cool:

Pixy 18th Jul 2009 02:38

Was not too stressed before. But rosters getting harder and harder.

Not so much the hours but the way the rosters are put together. Back home at 2 in the morning, up the following day at 05:00. Repeatedly.

Its killing me. Serious sleep problems and continually tired. Go figure.

EGGW 19th Jul 2009 09:23

Ok I am going to close this thread/Poll, as its served its time/usefulness. Make your own conclusions, based on the fact that ANY Ppruner can vote!!!!!!



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