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Old 30th Dec 2004, 10:28
  #61 (permalink)  
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Happy new year and seasons greetings to all you guys...

Lets hope next year at QR passes as swiftly as the previous one...surely but slowly I do have the feeling we are getting there...

Another thing, I hope this "popay" hype stops here. I was getting a too strong " don quichote" like feeling here and an innocent soul was going to get hirt...

Well done guys...

Hope to see you all up there where we think we belong...
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Old 30th Dec 2004, 13:34
  #62 (permalink)  
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How are you? I can tell by your tone of typing that you also seem to be a very angree person? I see that 4holerpoler had to edit your last hit at me son for inappropriate language? Anyhow no harm done and no hard feelings to you because I was once young and just would fly off and screem and shout ......

Let me see if I can take a minute or two of my day off to tell you a few things............

Son, I am not talking behind your back and need you to take a few deep breaths and think of what you write before you do so. Unlike you, I can give a true meaning of what it is like to live and work in Qatar without having to "check my 6" to see if anyone is going to analize my post or response. You on the other hand have something to loose now if you ever say one negative thing about Qatar. You can check my history of post replies and see that I am very acurate with life and how things are done here at QR. I don't write about things I don't know and if I do I am the first to investigate it and get the true story. I "hit the nail on the head" as some people have said in the past and I am just trying to paint a true picture of what life and working for QR is like for those who are maybe thinking of coming here to work. I never say to them DON'T COME I just put the good and bad facts all on the table and let someone decide for themselves what they want to do. I don't lead someone on and I don't discourage either. I say things as they happen and tell the good with the bad. You have no idea about me and hopefully you will not. For all you know we might of flown together already or might have to fly in January?............. Please rest assure I will treat you as a professioal and do so at all times during the flight.

You say you only published your www page so people know who they are delaling with? well no one cares who you are, they just want the truth............... GOT IT???????

Happy new year and just do yourself a favor and keep a low profile. for your own sake son.

May Allah bless you and your entire family for the year 2005.
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Old 30th Dec 2004, 17:20
  #63 (permalink)  
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Hey Hajj Man, I am fine thanks. Now we are talking equally and not like you are stopping me or teaching me. That’s, what I call conversation. I respect everybody’s opinion regardless whether I like it or not. This is a basic principal of democracy, called freedom. Another principal is self-defence, you have attacked and I have fought back. Anyhow no harm done and no hard feelings to you either. My opinions might be not popular, but this it haw it is and I don’t expect anybody to understand or join me either, but I expect someone, talking to me, to respect them.
I think you still didn’t get my point. Although it’s quite arrogant from you to say I am trapped now, without knowing my personnel financial situation, yes you right I have something to lose and it’s my dignity. That’s why I never stopped saying the truth and stick to my principals and will do so. I have joined this airline, because I believe in its future (I had couple other choices) and hope I will be able to make a good career here.
Nothing against facts and hit the nail on the head, because it’s productive, if it’s done in correct way and can be proved.
I absolutely can’t smell personal offence and arrogance and dilatants, not having appropriate education, professional experience and not been even approximately in the same position somewhere in the management, but taking them the right to judge about others, only because they have been sacked. (homesick ray).
And there are always two sides of the medal. So the question is who is right and who is wrong? The answer is hidden in the motive of behaviour. I think the motive of those, been sacked, is personal revenge and instead of thinking what could I have done better, they always blame others.
You are here, what is your motive? The answer to this question will give the others the chance to understand your statements better and decide whether they should listen to you or not. Its like to buy shares, if the company wants me to buy there shares; they have to publish all the information including internal info to give chance for an objective decision.
You are saying I don’t need this job; it’s another adventure for me, so that reflects in different attitude, from people, for whom, it’s a career chance. So you have promoted you self as an independent journalist broadcasting the truth about QR, but remember there are always different views on everything. And every opinion is always influenced by person, so always be careful about how your statement could influence the others.

There are people joining the company from all over the world including South America. I don’t think somebody would risk his existence and brake up back home, bring his kids here just to join an “unserious” company. It’s a long term run for the majority associated with adequate financial plans.
Unlike you, others, including me, are up to have a good career and be a loyal employer.
If you just think about it for a second seriously unlike a pilot, this company has done an incredible development and will keep doing so and this couldn’t have been done without a proper management. Unlike the others I only judge the management, as far as I can, for its performance. I just don’t believe the government would invest billions of dollars making plans for future of the whole nation and at the same time put somebody in to the leading position, without assuring, this one is the right person. I, personally, think it’s a bit above our level to judge about the ability of our management, unless you are directly involved in this process, which we are not. We drive the bus from A to B.
By the way, I didn’t know we had a hierarchy, giving you the right to express your self.
So, for the future if you want to communicate with me, you are welcome, but only if you do it, respecting me. I have graduated and don’t need a teacher.
I wish everybody all the best and once more, listen one more time to your self and think one more time about you and what you can do to improve our all working environment.
Remember it’s always the people them self, who are responsible for all the things happening in there life.
Thanks for the greetings.
I wish you all the best.
May the god bless you and your family.

Last edited by popay; 30th Dec 2004 at 18:17.
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Old 30th Dec 2004, 17:37
  #64 (permalink)  
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Hajj Man: Very well put.

Popay also does not seem to realise that people such as myself, BKK Layover, Aviaco etc have or have had more than just a few months experience at QR.

We are not speaking out of turn here. We are speaking from years of experience, both at QR and elsewhere. Some of us have seen the old QR and witnessed the changes, some of them good, that the PD has brought to the airline.

However, that does not detract from the fact that the man has no Man Management skills and is a tyrant and a dictator who has ruined and does ruin people's lives. He is of course ably assisted by the Snake, an individual who actually wrote a superb assessment on me in the old days, but always remained jealous of the fact that I had one year's more experience than him, oh and that I had worked for EK!!

Yet, he too is a two faced, coniving person who back stabs and will do anything to get rid of the people whom he sees as a threat, as well as any member of cabin crew who makes the tiniest mistake or has a genuine grievance or concern about something.

As Cabin Crew we used to believe that the Flight Deck were exempt from the PDs shennanigans, but nope...far from it!

Popay, we know these people, you do not!

Take Hajj Man's advice and wind your neck in. You will fair better in the long run!

Once again Happy New Year to all the hardworking crew at QR. May 2005 bring about the changes that you deserve and a good future.


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Old 31st Dec 2004, 02:01
  #65 (permalink)  
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Hey, homesick ray.
Happy new year to you too. Thanks for the advice. Let me interpret it: you suggest me to shut up and not to try to become a potential threat. I am not a threat to anybody, because I just do my job and as long as do it well, I won’t be one. I am neither in the position of changing anything here, nor do I have the authority to do so and like I said before, I not supposed to. My position is clearly defined and I will stick to my contract.
If I see any improvement potential, but the matter is out of my range, I can only suggest like any other people and its then up to the responsible person to decide. I think this is the way it should go, because it clearly define the decision making process and reflects the hierarchies and much more important prevents people from internal power fights.
This on the other side ends up in a productive work stile and a clearly defined corporate culture, allowing having nice black figures at the end of the successful year.
It’s a complex matter, but I think you have to able to adapt and more important to be a team member.
And please don’t think I am a naïve boy, not understanding what I am doing, who never smelled the powder of power fights. I did couple of times and I saw people get sacked for a simple reason, they didn’t adapt to the new situation.
It’s not about the work any more it’s about politics and power.
Let me tell you also, that every time a new leader takes over the control, he sets up his rules and builds his team in order to realize his vision. Usual way to do so is, by bringing in people he, first of all, trusts. You know it better then me, you have been with EK. Certain groups are trying to pull there own people to increase there influence.
You are not the only one, who has lost the fight. There are many others everywhere in the world. You think its only happening here, far away, body.
By the time my ex company back in Europe was well off, the major shareholder has decided to bring in one of the most recognized LH managers, to improve the company position in the global competition, as we have been told. We have been presented a very promising perspective with growing market shares, fleet increment and of course a better carrier chances.
And guess what, the first think he has done, was he brought 12 permanent members of his own team. People, who are always following him everywhere, specialists in all the important departments. By bringing them in he completely disabled the current management and took over the power just in one day. We were all very impressed, because people hated own management of course and everybody said: Jesus, that man is our leader, he means it really seriously. The end of the story was absolutely unexpected and not even mentioned once, stop of operation. Very well organized killing of a potential threat on the market, all the airplanes have been brought to home base and none of them left next morning, so the owner could immediately pull them out. The owner by the way was the bank, which has financed 30% of LH fleet. We became too dangerous for LH and they took there chance. Only after all this happened everybody stared to realize, this man was a very well organized professional killer manager and he has done job brilliantly.
The conclusion of the story is: stay away from the politics and just do your job as good as you can, otherwise you will be sacked and if you challenge someone make sure you win.
I will stick to what I have.
That would be my advice to you, if I may make one.
The time will prove who is right and who is wrong. If I am going to get sacked for no reason, like you say, I will believe you, but I don’t think so.
Happy New Year to you once again.
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Old 31st Dec 2004, 02:24
  #66 (permalink)  
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Christ Popay, that was a bit long winded!!

You have lost me completely!

Why would I think you to be a threat. You are far from being a threat, but you may be jeopardising your own position by posting on here and moreso the tone of your posts. I am not the only one to mention that.

My advice was "wind your neck in"...in other words just keep a low profile. It works sometimes...but not always in QR!

Jeez, and I am totally amazed that you know so much about me!? Wow, hey, I'd better watch out eh? LOL

Peculiar though considering you are new to QR and I left the fold some time back.

But hey, post away and enjoy revelling in the thought that you know all about the people you work with, work for and ex QR crew, resigned, sacked, jumped ship or otherwise.

Sorry, your advice to me is stick to what I have? Oh, I will, believe me! Or was it to make sure if I challenge someone that I win? Well, thanks for your concern, and I will bear that in mind for the future...might use that one on my staff actually...mmm...yes good one that.

Popay, none of us are judging anyone, we are just saying that we know a bit more than you as far as QR is concerned because we have been there longer...that is all.

Try and have a happy new year. I know that I will!

spokoyni nochi



PS: Oh, my current CEO treats everyone humanely and equally. He is tough but fair, but a pleasure to work for. I report directly to him and attend meetings with him. He does not interfere with the Managers doing their job, nor the cabin crew or the ground staff. He simply smiles and says good morning and means it. He is very much aware of the FTLs and ensures that these are adhered to. In the area where we fly there is a lot of WX so there are often delays. I sincerely hope that QR have finally got a grip on the "Limits."
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Old 31st Dec 2004, 02:41
  #67 (permalink)  
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guys guys stop this now. just ignore his posts and let this post end....... cant get in to an argument with a small child. sure yell at me and say its democracy and i should mind my own business.
hajj man has been fantastic every time and lets not even try to belittle him.
happy flying guys
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Old 31st Dec 2004, 06:45
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Well, once more. Of course I am no threat to you. According to your version I am endangering my position because of expressing my self on this forum. As a consequence I am going to be sacked by "unfair" management and will join the team of innocent victims. That’s why I have said to you: don’t worry about me, take care of you self.
The time will prove it who is right and who is wrong.
One more thing I still don’t get. Why do you still care so much about QR, if you are so happy now? Can’t you just forget us and enjoy your perfect life. I would do it if I was you. I would follow the advice of great protector of democracy willfly380 and just ignore everything about QR.

Results as follow:
one homesick ray not with QR any more on the war trip to get satisfaction by discrediting the management for personal reasons.


Couple of daddies, still with us, promoted them self to an independent voice of staff, of course without our authorisation, but in this case all the principals of law can just be skipped, trying to implement censure on the public opinion. Smells a bit like dictatorship.


That’s how the public opinion is created here

Internal affairs should be discussed on the internal server with restricted access with clear identification of the participator. This ensures solving of the problems and proper representing of the company.

I think the decision for those who consider coming here will be much clearer now.

Last edited by popay; 1st Jan 2005 at 05:43.
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Old 31st Dec 2004, 10:10
  #69 (permalink)  
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Willfly 380:

Yes, you are correct and Popay is now on my ignore list. I have had enough of his inane ramblings and tomorrow is another year! Happy New Year to you!

Popay, unfortunately I live in a country that I'd rather not, so it is not quite perfect, but as we head into another year, the most important thing is my family. The fact that I have a good job also helps. In answer to your question as to why I care so much: I have family at QR! Simple as that!!

Hajjman: thank you for your excellent posts and I sincerely hope you succeed in getting through to people like Popay. I am off this one. Happy New Year to you!

A300 Man/BKK Layover/Aviaco/Strength/ Mutt: All the best for 2005!

4HP: Happy New Year to you and thank you for keeping tabs on things!

First New Year's resolution: let Popay's rambling reach other eyes and ears not mine!! LOL

Cheers everyone.

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Old 2nd Jan 2005, 18:54
  #70 (permalink)  
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I believe that is right for this month as they say.

However what is amazing that there is hardly any sick reports , I do not know if they like the flying or the money?

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Old 5th Jan 2005, 11:16
  #71 (permalink)  
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Anything goes at QR...

I've actually had an 8hr turnaround at manilla and was exhausted so this statement is true, lucky for you if you had more time to rest.

CRM is dreadful, some Captains are still insisting on females to "serve" them, there is still hitler styles of behaviour from a few captains enforcing the fear factor throughout the airlines cabin crew...there are,however, some very polite,kind guys there too.

Speaking of polite, i'll now mention the opposite: Saliya the snake! I heard that Neomal was fired some time ago - did the snake have something to do with it?

Also heard that a certain female had left QR, came back and had only 3 days training. Of course, it helps if you're in with the snake. MR. AAB watch this space!!!
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Old 5th Jan 2005, 14:48
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Last edited by hostler; 1st Mar 2005 at 05:19.
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