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arrowcapitan 2nd Dec 2021 06:18

You are right there my friend. It's a race to the bottom !

UAV689 2nd Dec 2021 06:31

Definitely university cost is not ryanair’s fault, but everyone should have a backup plan, and the skills you learn there are incredibly beneficial to the flightdeck, or if you are unsuccessful.

Again, you are correct you may not end up at Ryanair, could be wizz air, equally as shocking. If you are 18 now, by the time you are likely to apply for jobs, between ryr and wizz, thats close to 1000 frames. Legacies will not touch a newbie unless they sponsored them, the market will be so distorted to poor t&c by these 2 carriers its unreal.

Which kind of leads on to point 3, ryr and wizz will dictate wages across all of Europe, other carriers will have to slash to keep up. There is soon no where else to go. If you are italian and want to work in Italy, ryr is now pretty much the predominant employer.

In 2002 Ryanair captains in stn and pik were paid £109k. Now in stn their basic is 59k. Guess by 2040 which way will it go…

It is so sad to see society continually getting hammered for ceo’s like Mick and his quest for the 100m bonus. Its not just him, it started back when Regan started deregulation, but it has nicely allowed money to flow from our pockets to theirs and we still dance to their tune.

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 06:40


I see you were banned before, and now you’re back again spreading the same old nonsense. I’ve reported you for spreading false information.

For those that are interested in the facts, here is what the new Ryanair cadets earn:

Under 500hrs: £21k + £16 SBH + £11500 productivity/allowance

Over 500hrs: £23k + £32 SBH + £11,500 Productivity/Allowance

(All these figures are currently subject to the 20% reduction due to the emergency agreement, which starts reducing from next July (easy maths to do))

UAV, the recruiters are very open about the wages, they don’t try to hide them. If asked at the interview stage they are more than happy to tell you.

No doubt the haters will choose to ignore this post.

rotorwills 2nd Dec 2021 08:41

I know a couple of FR skippers who are contracted to Buzz. Their take home pay is the same level as a 25 year term Skip at BA. Now that's a serious amount of cash, so to get there may be a aspiring desire, not all LCC are a poor deal.

UAV689 2nd Dec 2021 10:05

Believe it or not, all previous bans were for grammar!

Post line training, they earn £16,800, + £12.80 per block hour.

The latest batch that have been given a contract post training issued at 18k a year. No pay rise at 500 hours they have been told.

Your old numbers are correct, but the “ryanair twist” is back in full force. (For those that have not heard of this, it is openly bragged about in their staff handbook and about ryanair always getting something from every deal they do).

When I went through that route, it was 50e an hour. Hell of a difference. The old brookfield cadets even more.

The cadets of next year, will get a £15k salary. As long as they keep queuing they will keep trimming the pay.

Remember what they had to do in 2017? They paid for ratings and pay new FO’s 50ish. But now, they have reverted to type of using staff as a lever to help MoL get his 100m bonus.

The second post about Buzz captains earning a good net salary, that is purely because they pay hardly any tax at all, its all another dubious scheme. The original buzz pay has had at least 20e taken off per hour before covid started, and those guys got no pay, not a dime during covid from ryr unless they were lucky enough to do a 10 minute curcuit flight.

They get no holiday pay, no pension, no sick pay, there is even a bizarre clause in their contract that states they must have insurance to cover any risk caused to buzz, can’t remember the exact wording, but it caused a hell of a noise when that clause landed.

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 10:13


Once again you are incorrect, I don’t know where you’ve plucked £18k from, as the basic post training new contract is £16,800 (£21k-20%).

There was a rumour going round that there was no sector pay or pay increase at 500hrs because the new cadets didn’t understand the contract properly and that pay increase and sector pay is not shown on the contract. This has now been corrected amongst the cadets.

Please stop this nonsense when you have no idea what is going on.

Anneo 2nd Dec 2021 10:25


These days I have been reading through the forum to prepare my assessment and I had to go through so much complaining misinformed posts about you and your ''peers'' I got disgusted.
I wonder how miserable your life must be to waste so much time here polluting a useful thread for us cadets looking for help
Maybe you should spent yourself that £50k university fee to get a degree in economics and stop being scared about things you don't understand.

I sincerely hope I will never fly with a captain like you.

arrowcapitan 2nd Dec 2021 11:43

I don't agree with you at all ! You will realize what UAV is talking about once you are on the right seat and you receive your paycheck !

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 11:51

I am there, and can confirm he is talking out of his rear end!

UAV689 2nd Dec 2021 12:48


The 16.8k what they are paid post line training “training contract” for 6 months after initia line training.

The first batch that have been sent down to agadir got a contract that was 18k once this 6 month entry level contract ended.

The current blue sky agency contract, once you hit 1500hours is 20,230 euro for a dublin FO, 31e duty pay. Looking at it right now. Each base gets different rates.
(Blue sky was the new agency setup after a lot of Storm McGinley German FO’s had their homes raided by police and tax authorities in Germany.)

There is another new batch are currently waiting to recieve contracts and bases, that are due to end their 6 month contract in a couple of weeks, still non the wiser as to where their life will be based or how much money they will be paid.

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 12:55

But what you are failing to mention when you say they get put on this £18k contract is the extra pay, which consists of allowance and sector pay. You are making out like they are living on the poverty line which is completely untrue.

The ones who are on the new DAC contracts who have been seconded to Morocco have said they are already seeing a significant wage increase in their pay packet due to the extra allowances. This then increases as I mentioned at 500hrs when the sector pay doubles.

UAV689 2nd Dec 2021 12:57

I was “lucky” in that my university fees were only £1050 a year. As opposed to what they are now. Through no fault of kids nowadays apart from they have been born in the wrong year.

It breaks my heart to see what is happening to society. This is not normal nor right that a company that a normal year makes 1B in profit forces all risk on to staff and refuses to invest in their colleagues, apart from 100m investment in the gaffer.

They have spent billions in the past enriching themselves via share buybacks, yet continually slash pay. There was enough free cash in the bank to pay staff wages for 4 years if not a single revenue flight took place (look at the annual report) yet they chose to throw staff on to the streets during a pandemic. Many staff even got paid no sick pay if they caught covid!

In fact, its worse, the cadets are paying their own wages for that initial contract from paying double the market rate for a 737 rating. Remember the Ryanair Twist I spoke about earlier, here is your first twist.

All I am doing is trying to keep people informed of the reality.

Sometimes the truth is painful.

BoeingLudo737 2nd Dec 2021 13:41


You are wasting your time trying to talk sense in this place

UAV689 2nd Dec 2021 14:25

Which part was false?

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 14:35

The part where you said the guys are going on to contracts earning only £18k all in, this is so untrue and you know it.

Oh and just to add, you say the captains are only on £59k basic now. Pre covid and without the emergency agreement, on this basic they would be earning 6 figures, maybe not at the moment with the agreement, but it’s still very good earning potential. Most people would do anything to be on that kind of wage as a full wage let alone a basic, so get over yourself!

Again I come back on to my previous point about certain people thinking they are so entitled.. the last carrier I flew for, guys would complain saying wages weren’t great, but actual earning potential were very good, and the captains were earning as much as GP’s.

There will always be people who make it out to be so much worse than it actually is, and UAV is a prime example.

UAV689 2nd Dec 2021 15:06

I prefer actual earning, to earning potenial. I am not a double glazing salesman who’s wages are often touted as On Target Earnings, incredible potential and the such.

My basic now is 59k. A jet 2 senior FO basic is 72k. Even if you throw in the allowance, which cannot be classed as wages as its there to be spent on stuff like LoL, car park, food, medicals etc, its still less than a J2 FO!

Their latest trick is to actually deduct the allowance when you are sick, they will stop at nothing to save a few pennies.

Someone did a calculation that at ryr a capt must fly about 50hours to earn what a J2 capt earns staying in bed all month.

So I definitely prefer actual earnings, to potential earnings.

I tried to pay my mortgage with potenial, and the bank manager just would no accept it.

And in 4 more years when the agreement is over, my salary is worth a lot less than it was 4 years before that due to inflation, and for the remainder of my career, as ryr will revert to type of a tiny 1k pay rise if you are lucky. So that “potential” is less and less each year.

Potentially I might win the lottery, I cannot count that as money in the bank.

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 15:14

When I say potential, I mean an average year where there is no crisis, you get paid for working full time hours, just like everyone else. In the unforeseen circumstances like at the moment when a crisis arises, you have a lovely (high) basic, for doing F all.

You get your bonus/productivity of £6k which you can basically add that to your basic. And I’m sorry but there is no way that you are spending £5.5k on your yearly allowances.

Mate you earn a six figure salary for pushing a few buttons, and you come on here to complain about it! Once again, get over yourself!

Anyway wasn’t this point about you spreading false rumours, I answered your previous question about this, or am I wrong on that?

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 15:57


Good for them, that’s because the basic is higher but the sector pay is lower at Jet2. I’m sure if you calculated the yearly wage based on 800hrs for the year, the wage would be the same, if not favouring RYR.

UAV689 2nd Dec 2021 16:00


If you think the job is merely pressing buttons you are perpetuating the myth MoL spouts about taxi drivers and an easy job. Which guess what, in turn helps him out in the public percentages of what we do. Perhaps work in the city if you want a 6 figure salary for pushing buttons.

Button pushing is so far from the truth. You have the practical unlimited liability of 189 humans behind you. You will be blamed for any incident. Potentially taken to court. I know capts taken to court for diverting and not given any help from the company. I kid you not, you may fly with that person at ema.

I will not earn a 6 figure salary for another 4 years, if he decides to restore the pay. He does not have to. There are clauses there saying he does not have to.

And by that time, my “potenial” will be down about 5k from inflation.

Not spending 6k of my allowance? Remember you lose about 40% to taxman, which leaves 3.5k. Car park is about a grand a year, LoL 1200, medical 300, hotac for sims 3-400, yeah, got a whole heap of change left over from that don’t we! (All free at normal companies, and higher pay as well on top!)

I am complaining about the treatment of staff. It is not normal, it is a broken mentality not fit for an age outside of victorian factories. Why do we allow it? Why do we as society allow ourselves to be so treated at our own expense so a ceo and shareholders benefit. We do not benefit, we get penalised.

They are so out of touch, if they treated staff with respect and transparency, they would have one of the happiest work forces around. But they prefer fear. It means people do not call sick, pilots still run around min fuel, still rushing checklists, all fear. Nothing else.

4 days sick, enjoy your meeting in enterprise house.

Nothing I have said is untrue. I have seen it, experienced it, seen peoples contracts. There are no secrets amongst staff.

Dashcam 2nd Dec 2021 16:11

I agree with you that yes the pay is high because of the responsibility for all the people behind you, but let’s face it, most days are pretty easy non eventful days, so I do think that we earn a lot of money for what we do (which is not a lot most of the time).

And your last point about only being truthful… if you could correct your previous statement about cadets ONLY being on £18k per year, as we both know this is not correct, and we’ll leave it there.

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