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Officer Kite 28th Aug 2017 23:43

You are getting ATPL training with an A320 Type Rating for a major European LCC for the price of €58,000. You will be living in Eastern Europe, upon graduation getting over double the national average pay.

Where on earth has the €100,000 loan come from?

Very bizarre post

eeeaddict 29th Aug 2017 01:07

I thought the course was 60K + ~30 for the TR. Might be mashing numbers from other programs.

Edit, I'm looking at wizz since I'd love to live near my family in eastern Europe.

Officer Kite 29th Aug 2017 08:20

That probably explains it, the programme is 58,000 euro and including the TR which wizzair bond you for.

Regarding the pay, taking into account the fact they bond you for for your type rating (a rare thing nowadays to get it via salary deduction) it is a decent offering. I think they pay you back half of it if you stay for 3 years or something like that.

The pay may not be much to someone in NA or western Europe. However you'll be in eastern europe where you'll be on a very high salary in comparison to the national average and living costs are extremely low compared to western europe.

CharlieSierraMike 29th Aug 2017 10:01

BAA has increased the price though... since June it is 62000, and they sent an email advising that the price will increase again to 67000. And after talking to them, they've even told me that it could increase again next year. Still not close to 100000 nonetheless.

Officer Kite 29th Aug 2017 12:22

I'm not sure what you mean about June? The guys who started in june are paying 58000 and cheaper than what the self sponsored guys are paying, they pay 62000. There was some talk that the integrated course was going to be 64000 but that didn't end up being true for the June course at least.

CharlieSierraMike 29th Aug 2017 12:31

This is from the email BAA sent me warning about the changes:
"I’m writing to inform you about the upcoming price changes:

ATPL integrated remains 62 000 EUR if the contract is signed before the 1st of July. If the contract is signed afterwards, the tuition fee becomes 67 000 EUR.
Wizz Air Cadets for ATPL integrated will be paying 62 000 EUR"

MattyZ 31st Aug 2017 22:59

So guys, this came to my hands recently:

WizzAir Pilot Academy

Self-Sponsored Phase: The first approx. 5 months is self-sponsored and completed at around 20hrs of Flight Training where a Wizz Air assessment will take place. Only successful trainees passing this assessment will be able to continue this program and be pre-financed* by Wizz Air.

Pre-Financed Phase: At the end of this part you may obtain a CPL license, Multi Engine and Instrument Rating with ATP(A) Theory. The program also includes Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) training.

Then you can go through A320TR and then a Line Training.

And more important stuff is money, of course:
The tuition fees of the ab initio training vary depending on local pilot schools, estimated to be up to EUR 65 000. Out of the total tuition fee you will have to pay upfront up to EUR 20 000, the remaining EUR 45 000 will be pre-financed by Wizz Air.

More info may be found on pilot-academy.wizzair.com

What do you guys think ?

C43 1st Sep 2017 09:54

According to the grapevine (using Google Translate) only available to Polish citizens... Anyone willing to confirm?

Ieche 2nd Sep 2017 13:44

Hey guys, I'm 21 years old and I live in an eastern European country. Piloting is my dream and this opportunity looks really promising. However my head is full of so many questions that I have to get answered first.
What is the interview like? What do they ask you? How do you prepare for it? The COMPASS test, how is it like? Is it difficult? (I'm usually bad at math, but I took some free online aptitude tests and I pass them, so I believe I can handle such questions, but is there more advanced math than this?) What about the Physics exam? Same question - is it difficult?
And another thing - how should I go about it, should I work for some time before I apply for this programme, so I can save up some money? If you do pass all of the interviews and assessments, where is the 2 year course taking place? And since it's probably in another country, how would you be able to financially support yourself? (place to live, food, bills, etc.)
That's all I can think of right now.. thanks for your time. :}

Nurse2Pilot 14th Sep 2017 21:27

I've been trying to get more info from the BAA rep. Our initial exchange was at the start of September and despite multiple emails from my end, I only really got 1 email reply with anything useful.

Another email got me a generic "any more questions" reply so I emailed back with my unanswered questions. This was three days ago now and the rep hasn't gotten back to me yet. Is this typical? I would've expected to wait one day for a reply, but not 3+ days.

Jurow 15th Sep 2017 07:48

Well, this ATO is facing a huge success at the moment so i guess they have multiple emails to answer. I was there recently and i was impressed by the number of "students". I mean, they periodically offer a discount on 737 CL/NG and A320 TR and a lot of people take this opporunity. To give you an idea, in my Hostel, 90% of the rooms were dedicated to BAA students and it kept coming everyday. I just can advice you to keep your patience or phone your contact at the academy.

Pilot220 16th Sep 2017 11:55

Hello guys,

Has anyone attended to Rzeszow Selection for Wizz Air Academy?

youngretired 18th Sep 2017 10:08

Originally Posted by Nurse2Pilot (Post 9892015)
I've been trying to get more info from the BAA rep. Our initial exchange was at the start of September and despite multiple emails from my end, I only really got 1 email reply with anything useful.

Another email got me a generic "any more questions" reply so I emailed back with my unanswered questions. This was three days ago now and the rep hasn't gotten back to me yet. Is this typical? I would've expected to wait one day for a reply, but not 3+ days.

Yes it is typical by now but not before. I found a way to keep questions simple and do more pprune search :rolleyes:

Nurse2Pilot 18th Sep 2017 10:19

Suffice to say my questions were not answered on PPRuNe or there is conflicting info so best to get direct answers.

Paul747 18th Sep 2017 15:28

Hi guys,
In age of 45 I am in a position that I can (finally) undertake ab initio CPL/ATPLprogram. I can finance the program, still feel passion, life is balanced. So theoretically I can apply e.g. for Wizz Cadet Program. I briefly communicated with BAA and my main concern was my age. Every their answer was very polite – there is no age limit.
For me it is very important to know REAL possibility to accept 45 years old man to cadet program. Does any of you that went through the selection process at Wizz CadetProgram see/talk/have any experience with a person of the same age?
Thanks for your comments!

PilotRoger 19th Sep 2017 09:03

Hey mate,
I'll be practical. My guess is you have very few chances in any Cadet Program.

There is really not age limit described anywhere, the only limitation would be to have the class 1 medical valid. However, aside from that any airline chooses pilots that sometime in the future will become commanders. Is matter of return of investment. The older you are the less profit you bring the airline.

Adding on top, you will graduate at age 47/48, with around 200 hours, with no relevant work experience, this translates to very limited chances to get a job.

My piece of advise, if you really really want to be a pilot, but I mean really really.

- Get your ATPL modular somewhere in Europe, and if you still like what you see, you will need to build hours, and for this you might even need to go for bush pilot in Africa or flying in Singapore for example (but getting a job here is also hard), then when you will have around 3000 hours, you will have better chances to get a job back in Europe in any low cost airline.

- Or go to US, get your integrated there, weather is good, so you can fly almost all the year, building hours faster, and very likely becoming flying instructor, at the end you can come back to Europe (you will need to do EASA conversion), but you will have very good chances to get a job.

momo95 19th Sep 2017 09:38

There is a 40 year old on the smartlynx course right now ... just apply and see what happens, don't mention your age unless they do.

FlyNorth24 19th Sep 2017 11:08

Hello Paul. If I were you, I would simply apply for the Wizz Air cadet program and see what happens. They will definitely tell you if your age is a problem. If you don't succeed, you can then try getting your license anyways modular or integrated way and then give your best to find the first job. Best of luck!

Paul747 22nd Sep 2017 16:09

@PilotRoger, @momo95, @FlyNorth24

guys, thanks a lot for your comments!

Basil Fawlty1 22nd Sep 2017 20:07

Paul - check out the 'am I too old' thread in the training forum, loads of good opinions/info/advice in there...

tlipiec 27th Sep 2017 12:53

Just a quick one on Compass tests - On the MPL website (distributors of Compass software), one eye-hand-FOOT coordination test is listed (Control). I'm using SkyTest for practice (Middle-east version as apparently it contains most/all Compass tests) and I was wondering whether anyone of you guys bothered with buying rudder pedals for practice?

Jurow 27th Sep 2017 14:15

Honestly the hand-eye-foot test is quite easy.
I have prepared this test with keyboard and before the test starts you have a couple minutes to get used to the HOTAS + rudder and you have instructions for each exercise.

tlipiec 27th Sep 2017 16:00

Thanks Jurow. One more thing: could anyone tell me how does Compass compare to PILAPT in terms of difficulty?

RawData17 28th Sep 2017 16:44

Hi tlipiec,

I have posted about assessment and Wizz Air interview previously in this topic. You will find a lot of details there.

Also, I have used SkyTest (Middle East) for the preparation and it was of good use.

Finpilott 15th Oct 2017 04:55

Older candidate
Honestly asking,are there any older students on the wizzair cadet program? Am 35 years old and seriously considering this program,m

mask14 15th Oct 2017 09:37

you're never too old to get flying - persevere

Nurse2Pilot 15th Oct 2017 12:31

Some people have shared the terms of SmartLynx letter of engagement, does anyone have knowledge of the WizzAir terms?

pilot freak 10th Nov 2017 13:28

Anyone currently in training with BAA Wizz Air program? Could you tell me your experience with the program?

Thank you in advance!

LEXI.LEX 10th Nov 2017 16:29

Hi guys, I've red many comments on this portal so I decided to share with you my full experience. If I can help you with anything or if you have any questions, please feel free to p.m me. Also whatever I share here is my personal experience and my observations.
After enquiring on BAA web page, one of the sales representatives will put in touch with you explaining you in details what you have to do and they will suggest you the dates for the Compass Test. Before that you will need to pay a fee ( around 200 euros). You have to specify for which cadet pilot program you are applying and according to that they will book a day for your COMPASS and assessment. In order to prepare for COMPASS test I used latestpilotjobs web page and it was extremely useful. Some other people used other platforms and everything works well. Please be prepared and fully ready because the test is not easy at all. Yes , all high school basics are there but you really need to be fully familiar with those.

On the first day of your BAA assessment you will start with XT test and continue with english yes. XT test is done on your own language and yes at the end of it it does contain mathematics and some numbers ( this is separate that mathematics on your Compass test. However if you are ready for compass test, this math part on XT test will be a peace of cake for you. English test is basic, but you need to be sure and certain about the grammar and articles. It is multiply choice so that should not be an issue.
The next day is a Compass Test and your Face to Face interview. Compass test is exactly the same like on all preparation platforms so I will not explain a lot about that.

BAA Face to Face interview. The lady from the academy will have your file with her and she will ask you some questions such as: '' Tell me something about yourself. Why do you want to be a pilot, Why do you want WIZZAIR, Have you considered other programs we have, such as SMARTLYNx or SMALL PLANET, What are your qualities, What are you positive sides, etc etc. After that you are free to go and they will send you the result within one day. I've passed this part and they informed me that they would invite me for WIZZAIR final interview. I must share with you my observations. I am not sure if WIZZAIR has anything to do with the decision who would be invited for their final assessment. To me it appeared that BAA makes that decision but I might be wrong. At no point WIZZAIR was in touch with me, it was only BAA staff.

- On the day of the interview we were around 23 candidates, all different age and levels of experience. 3 wizz air representatives and the lady from BAA that did our final interview in the previous stage of the selection with BAA. First part is the presentation of the company and all details abut the salary and financing. Next stage is a group discussion. The topic was ''SURVIVAL ACTIVITY''. We had a list of 15 items, we crashed in the Amazon forest and the fuel is leaking from the wreckage. Only you and the pilot survived and the rescue services are on the way. What items would you take. The time is 10 minutes, after that they will ask you some questions etc, etc.
- Final interview with WIZZ, exactly the same questions like the first day so honestly I did not see the point of it. The recruiters are very polite and nice however I am really not sure who is making the decision about the selected candidates. Unfortunately I was not successful and yea it does hurt but the life has to continue. You can't get any feedback or info about your performance or wha you can improve. Personally, I don't know what to think. There must be some kind of connection in between the academy and the entire selection process. I was under impression that they already knew which candidates will be taken and selected . One more time I might be wrong but this is just my opinion. Something was very fishy in the way the final interview was done. I am not sure if they have to make sure they got equal balance in between all their clients such as SMARTLYNX and SMALL PLANET. Wiz Air program is definitely the best and the most convenient fro everyone so I do not understand why someone would apply for other programs and schemes. There must be something there and I still can't figure out what's the catch. Good luck everyone, and congratulations to everyone that passed the final with the wizz.

Jurow 12th Nov 2017 08:59

Thanks for your feddback ! It is very pleasant to read this kind of experience :)
However I dasagree with your suspicions even if I have not been successfull to be selected for the interview with WizzAir. Because I failed the interview with the assessment manager.

Some guys I know have been successful because they have performed a good interview. To be honest, I have been placed in the holding pool for the interview with Smartlynx and Avion Express. Both seem to be good charter airlines. Yes these programs are more expensive but you are not bound with them.

Don't give up and you will succeed :D

westend 12th Nov 2017 09:23

BAA Cadet program process feedback
LEXI.LEX.....I agree with your suspicion, I truly do not agree with the process which is being held by BAA, as I had to go through it also. I truly feel there should be clear transparency in the process, which BAA and its partners do not display going through the process. Example is, why not disclose the scores of the tests to each of the candidates, provide feedback to the Candidates from the interview process. Provide the base line passing grade to qualify from the testing which is taken, and if it changes from one year to the next, that is ok, you would expect that.....but show some true transparency in the process....I sometimes felt it was a money grab....come on in, and try and pay for the test, and we will let you know. I felt at the end that it was a black hole with BAA.

I will be glad to say, this was the second process I have been through, I had gone through the FTE Flybe one also, and I will be glad to say, FTE was much more transparent with the process and they provided feedback at the very end to all there candidates....which was truly appreciated and much more transparent.

LEXI.LEX 12th Nov 2017 11:42

hello Jurow and thanks for your reply. It is always nice to hear different points of view and by sharing our experiences we can broad our perspectives and clarify the things. How do you know you failed interview with training manager? Do you refer to the one after xt test? Good luck with everything in the future. I only shared my observations and I might be totally wrong about it. Some of the people did not initially apply for Wizz but for Smartlynx, however they were still invited for the wizz assessment. I fully agree with your observations regarding the bond and other opportunities. I am really not sure about the AVION EXPRESS. I have red some disturbing reviews about them. Would you know anything more? I know that people are very happy in Small Planet and Smartlynx.

Tangozulu28 16th Nov 2017 14:15

Hi everyone, I'm about to take an assessment in January 2018 at BAA for a cadet pilot program with Wizz.

Quick question, does anyone heard to speak about of pilot-academy.wizzair.com?

It's a flying school in Hungary, they suggest a cadet program with Wizzair...

Seemingly, it seems to be the same cadet program of BAA. Just to double check because I didn't find a feedback on the forum about this school...

thisishomebrand 16th Nov 2017 18:38

Looks to be a different flight school to BAA. Would be interested to know if anyone has anymore info.

Is the financing (i.e. the loan from Wizz Air) the same as BAA or is that unique to this program?

Tangozulu28 17th Nov 2017 10:31

It seems to be different. Because I didn't read if you take an interview whit the airline before the training, and it's not written if you obtain a letter of engagement.

So I am not quite sure if the program is viable. I mean, it's just my personal feeling.

RawData17 17th Nov 2017 13:14

The main difference I noticed between the BAA program and the WIZZ AIR pilot academy is that after you pass the interview for the WIZZ AIR pilot academy and start your training (which is at this point self sponsored) you will have another assessment 5 months into training. If you are successful on this assessment you are then entering so called "pre financed" phase of the training, if you fail, I assume WIZZ AIR will not take you, which means you wasted money (in a way).

Regarding some experiences with the BAA Training....
Overall it is a good school. Of course like everywhere there are some hiccups along the way, but in all honesty I think it is a good school.

-The instructors are very good! I really mean it! All the instructors my group had were experienced (worked for Emirates FT, Lufthansa FT, Antonov, Korean Air FT...) seemed to enjoy what they were doing and therefore didn't mind 1000 of questions. They even went out of their way to bring the matter closer to us and explain certain topics which were not properly covered by the training materials. Yes there have been some cases (not with my class) where some of the instructors had a language difficulties, however those instructors have been changed the day after.

Generally, BAA staff is very nice.

-Unfortunately last flying season wasn't so good for the students because some of them weren't able to fly the predicted amount of FH due to the weather and fleet conditions. The BAA is in the process of opening additional training location in the southern Europe where students will be able to fly during winter.

The schedules are somewhat difficult where some groups start as early as 7AM and some groups finish at 10PM. This may impose a difficulty regarding studying at home, however it is not so bad.

I have heard from some students (non EU citizens) that the process of obtaining visa and living permit is difficult and lack's good support, however I cannot vouch about this information as I do not require one.

The school just purchased 3 new FFS, two to be located at BAA HQ in Vilnius and one in Asia.

I think that all those guys saying that BAA doesn't offer a proper education really have no information whatsoever, or were probably rejected by the BAA.

Regarding the transparency within the cadet programs....
I don't understand why you are bothered by this. It's like when it comes to the direct entry pilot assessment. You are evaluated and then if you don't pass no one will tell you why. It is the same case here. If you don't pass, you either weren't good enough for the school or the company, or maybe you don't fit the company profile. In this case you can apply for a cadet program with another company. You have to understand that even if your scores are amazing, the company has a right to reject you for the most stupid reason, or for simply not liking you. Therefore it doesn't matter if you scored good or bad on your COMPASS test. The company will do whatever it wants. The sooner you accept this, easier it will be for you!

Don't give up, if you passed the compass test and the school has accepted you, it means that you have qualities to become a good pilot. Just because one company doesn't think that you don't fit their profile isn't a reason for you to give up. In fact, why would you even want to work for someone who thinks you are not right for them. Instead don't give up and check other cadet programs in BAA or in any other flight school.

BAA has recently increased it's price (about 8-10 K EUR). Still, I think that for this price you will come out as a winner if you consider you are in a cadet program.

tlipiec 24th Nov 2017 15:45

Pilot academy
Hey Tangozulu 28,

Regarding the Pilot Academy, it's an ab-initio course partially sponsored by Wizz Air. The cost is somewhat similar to BAA, but you have to pay upfront around 20'000EUR and further 45'000EUR is sponsored by Wizz (2yr repayment holiday, paid over 5 yrs @ 2.4% APR). The ATPL and MCC parts of the course are held in Trener kft in North-East Hungary. As far as I know, this scheme is open only to Polish citizens at the moment.

scarofly 28th Nov 2017 19:06

What about those who booked for the assessments 3 month ago to pass them in December with still "85 000€" in mind? Will they have to pay 97 000 anyway or this new price only applies to new applicants? From my side I had no information from BAA about this price upgrade whereas I booked the assessments in September for assessment sessions in December.

RawData17 29th Nov 2017 16:44

You will have to pay the price which is valid at the time of signing the contract. Doesn't matter when you had your assessment or when you booked it.

lukasz 30th Nov 2017 03:09

Hello guys,

Could you tell me more details about English test? (this is a test ABCD, listening, put some words in a gaps, describe a phote)

And COMPASS how many time you have to do that test? And how many question is there?

Please answer me ASAP!

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