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Apitu 20th Apr 2017 07:38

Hello guys. Is there somebody who heard something? Or we're still waiting? Are there still guys booked for the assessment in the upcoming period?

L.E.: just received an advertising email from BAA "how to become a pilot..." And about the Wizz scheme it says " Preselection process for the June group to be closed on 28 April". So logically, thinking that they will send all the candidates files to Wizz as a batch, not for each individual, we won't be hearing anything from them until may.

momo95 20th Apr 2017 08:54

We won't be hearing anything from them until may.
We were told that Wizz intrerviews will be taking place around the 28th of April ... I don't know for sure

Apitu 20th Apr 2017 09:13

That's what I've been told also, but who knows.... All we can do is to wait...

heberzub 21st Apr 2017 08:28

The interviews will be the first week of May (maybe 3rd and 4th).

Apitu 21st Apr 2017 11:47

I got today the mail inviting me to the interview with Wizz team, on 3rd and 4th of may, at BAA headquarters. I'm wondering why are there 2 days of interview. One is for the actual interview, but the second? Anyone have any idea?

geopilot 24th Apr 2017 10:03

Hey, I've also been invited for the final interview round at 3-4th of May. Apparently, there are group exercises, as well as personal interviews planned. That is why the assesment takes two days.

Apitu 24th Apr 2017 15:25

Am I the only one invited? Boy, this is going to be awkward.. :)))

mohammdashraf 24th Apr 2017 15:41

Is there anyone invited for smartlynx interview or received anything from the airline as if they accepted his profile or not?

Apitu 26th Apr 2017 08:26

So, I'll arrive in Vilnius 2th at may for the interview on 3rd and 4th, so if somebody have the time and mood to meet for a drink and sharing some impressions about aviation, life or nothing in particular, can write here are pm me, maybe we'll form a small group or something.

320alpha 28th Apr 2017 15:58

Anyone heard anything about more Wizz interviews yet to come, or have they sent out all the invitations already?

sarahsmout 28th Apr 2017 22:13

Got an email late this afternoon, I've got an interview for Wizz Air on 3rd and 4th, has anyone else got an interview?

RampeMUC 28th Apr 2017 22:17

Got my invitation today, too. Unfortunately its impossible for me to make it to VNO that spontaneously ... hope they can offer some other dates.

momo95 29th Apr 2017 08:25

When did people receiving invitations attend selection?

sarahsmout 1st May 2017 05:30

Originally Posted by geopilot (Post 9750628)
Hey, I've also been invited for the final interview round at 3-4th of May. Apparently, there are group exercises, as well as personal interviews planned. That is why the assesment takes two days.

Hey GeoPilot

Which hotel are you staying in? 😊

RampeMUC 1st May 2017 14:15

Did anyone receive a confirmation mail? I managed to switch shifts and am planning to arrive tomorrow. Sent my email confirming my participation today, but did not get any response.

Apitu 1st May 2017 23:05

@RampeMUC: did you manage to confirm your attendance?

RampeMUC 2nd May 2017 12:03

Yes, I called them today and they confirmed my attendance. On my way to VNO now, am arriving around 17.50 local time

Flyer572 2nd May 2017 15:31

Hi RampeMUC,

Is it possible you can send me a message or email through my profile?

Also attending tomorrow and would really appreciate if you could help with a quick query I have. Unfortunately I'm unable to send you a message through your profile.


inonlll 5th May 2017 00:14

For those who have been in vilinius in the wizz air group assessment and the interview - Can you share with us how it was please? which exercises did you get during the group assessments?

RampeMUC 14th May 2017 19:09

I can't be very precise about the tasks we had to to, but it was a normal group exercise, how almost every other airline does it, too. Discussion and getting to conclusions.

The second part was the interview. I can just speak for myself, but I found it really okay. They asked me about me and my experiences, my goals and ambitions and why I want to work for wizzair.

Summarized, I even had some fun during those two days and met a lot of great people. Don't be afraid, just be yourself and convince them that you want the job :) thats my experience.

B_av8 15th May 2017 15:22


I have my COMPASS test next week at BAA for the WizzAir scheme.

I have already completed the maths test online with someone watching me via skype, are there additional maths and physics tests on this day also?

In terms of preparing for the test, is latestpilotjobs.com, or pilotaptitudetests.com more like the tests that are completed on the day?


momo95 15th May 2017 21:01

Expect smartlynx

mohammdashraf 16th May 2017 00:34

smartlynx is not bad ...

i wish i have got accepted in the course but i passed baa assessment and the airline didn't consider my profile.. any way both of them are very good.

if anyone have an idea. Can i apply again after a while to the same program or not ?

Officer Kite 16th May 2017 08:24

BAA told me that these are once off and you cannot apply again for the september intake if you didn't pass for a cadet programme starting in June

Apitu 16th May 2017 09:19

Someone who got rejected this time, was told that he can try again, but not earlier than a year since the last assessment. I don't know if one year from the compass/profile xt or one year from the interviews.

mohammdashraf 16th May 2017 14:06

they offered me te Atpl integrated without the airline and they told me if i did well they well recommend me to the airline.. if anyone here in my situation would you go for that ?

Officer Kite 16th May 2017 21:23

Do you have EU citizenship? This will make a big difference

mohammdashraf 17th May 2017 00:37

Unfortunately, No, but i am speaking about smartlynx which it doesn't require EU-citizenship

Bealzebub 17th May 2017 12:07

Latvia (and Lithuania) are both signatures to the Schengen Treaty and therefore required to apply the Schengen acquis. Immigration requirements are likely to be the same as most other EU countries.

Unless you have the right (by birth, naturalisation, or visa,) to live and work in an EU member state, you cannot live and work in an EU member state. Egyptian citizens do not even have the right to visit visa free, and that is reciprocated for EU travel to Egypt.

mohammdashraf 17th May 2017 13:25

Smartlynx leases aircraft to many airlines including Asia so i don't have to have Work permit in europe to work for them, for that reason their cadet pilot program for all nationalities

Apitu 18th May 2017 03:55

Smartlynx lease the aircraft with the crew as a package. From what I understood, but I may be wrong, is that Smartlynx won't hire you, they will make a contract between them and you as a self employed in your own country. This bypass somehow the working right in EU, but you as a individual have to sort out the right of living in EU.

J380 18th May 2017 09:39

Hi guys, sorry a little late to the party on this one. I can't seem to find a breakdown of costs for this programme anywhere (waiting for hear back from Wizz themselves). Could anyone enlighten me? Thanks

B_av8 19th May 2017 13:41


I have my COMPASS test next week at BAA for the WizzAir scheme.

I have already completed the maths test online with someone watching me via skype, are there additional maths and physics tests on this day also?

In terms of preparing for the test, is latestpilotjobs.com, or pilotaptitudetests.com more like the tests that are completed on the day?


Officer Kite 20th May 2017 09:58

Latespilotjobs for the maths definitely :) it is also a very similar layout

B_av8 20th May 2017 10:30

Thanks for the information!

adicrisan 26th May 2017 20:54

Hi guys,
What types of exercises can we encounter at maths and physisc. I read that maths aren`t so bad , but how about physics exercises , are so tough ? Can somebody post a model ? And the english test it`s alike IELTS, Cambridge or Toefl , Where you have listening , reading and the interview as speaking ?

Phantom12 30th May 2017 20:19

If there's somebody out there whom is currently studying at BAA alongside the wizz air programme. Could you please send me a message. I am very interested in knowing more about this from a student's perspective.

frequentflyer2016 3rd Jun 2017 11:38

Hey guys

I am wondering if someone could share some information about the Profile XT test.
What is this test covering? Beside evaluating the personality (no right and wrong answers), is this test also covering some maths and/or verbal and numerical reasoning?

Thanks in advance!

frequentflyer2016 3rd Jun 2017 11:49

What do you mean with right and wrong answers? What kind of questions are these? Thanks.

Apitu 4th Jun 2017 07:22

On a psychological test there are no right/wrong answers. Just different answers, that are analyzed based on a algorithm and a result is provided.

And some examples of questions are:
-Do you prefer working on your car or writing and essay?
-On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like to spend time with your friends?

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