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-   -   Aer Lingus Cadet (merged 2011) (https://www.pprune.org/interviews-jobs-sponsorship/441317-aer-lingus-cadet-merged-2011-a.html)

aviator001 20th Aug 2011 10:33

Hmmm.... (B737Dude)
Apart from being a complete id**t, it seems from previous posts of yours that you are infact recently qualified. So why would you be applying for a cadet programme??!! You, my friend, will go far in life.. Good luck with it all.
Av.... :ok:

neverpaytofly 22nd Aug 2011 06:41

it seems from previous posts of yours that you are infact recently qualified. So why would you be applying for a cadet programme??!!
because he realized his license doesn't worth more the toilet paper I have in my W.C!
this is true, suddenly all airlines will start a cadet training as long you have the 100'000 euro to give them.It seems it's the only way to maintain their airline in this bloody bath.

Pilots like us, with a few hundred or thousand of hours, don't know where to go now. There are so many pilots all looking for a first job.

this industry has become a joke, I am sick of it!:yuk: I just regret to have start flying training with my own money years ago.

st patrick 23rd Aug 2011 01:26

The interview will quite likely be a two or three onto one affair with a senior pilot, cabin crew and HR.

Numbers are right-composition wrong! Likely to be 1 pilot & 1 HR in first interview, 2 pilots and 1 HR in the second interview. Impressing cabin crew reserved for overnights :)!!

Rest of it is about right!

RSTurbo50 23rd Aug 2011 13:01

Has anyone recieved any replies yet from Lingus with regards the results of the assessments?

NovemberDelta84 23rd Aug 2011 13:10

nothing yet :( completed my assessement on the 13th of August ...

spoon84 23rd Aug 2011 14:11

No reply yet, but don't panic! :ugh:

Shamrocker 23rd Aug 2011 22:03

Hi folks,

Firstly, good luck to one and all. I'm old enough to have been eligible for the last Aer Lingus sponsorship scheme back in '99 I believe - that's 1999 btw :) and I can remember it vividly - fear, excitement, inexplicable disappointment.

Would be really interested to hear if anyone over the big 30 was called for the online assessment?

Previous-Wannabe Shamrocker!

PS: previous post regarding assessment is in line with my experience. Initial test based screening is to meet a pre-defined standard.

RSTurbo50 24th Aug 2011 07:55

Hi Shamrocker,

I will be 32 in September, cant believe im actually saying that lol but I was accepted for the online assessment.....:D

Scandinavian123 24th Aug 2011 09:39

Has anybody recieved an invitation for the second stage yet? (the waiting is such a pain:ugh:)

RSTurbo50 24th Aug 2011 12:47

Nope im still waiting. I would imagine we will find out by the end of this week..

Conor77 24th Aug 2011 17:30

@ shamrocker
@ Shamrocker
I'm 34 and got to take the online test..

RSTurbo50 24th Aug 2011 20:34

older makes you wiser ;)

Shamrocker 24th Aug 2011 20:59


Great news - thanks for the info - all the best and hopefully ye'll get a call sometime soon.

pablissimo 25th Aug 2011 11:51

@ Shamrocker
@ Shamrocker - I am 40 :{ and was invited to the online assessment.

I don't know if they screened the applications prior to issuing invites, I have a bit of experience in aviation, which may have swung it for me - I am a trained ATCO.

spoon84 26th Aug 2011 10:07

still no reply from Aer Lingus, I think we will wait till next week.

have a nice weekend everyone! ;)

FizzyD 30th Aug 2011 12:39

Thought that we would have heard something by now! The wait continues...

markPR 30th Aug 2011 14:45

Hi all, first post:). When i was completing the online assessments I was unable to complete the verbal reasoning part due to a ''technical difficultly'' (thats what the page displayed anyway) and it has been blocked ever since. However I completed all the other parts and have since emailed aer lingus 3 times about what happened and had no response. Just off the phone with the HR department 5 minutes ago and they said, they have had a huge amount of applicants and a huge amount of queries, they are working their way through each of these, so it may be a while before we find out.
Good luck to everyone who has applied

mark_c 30th Aug 2011 21:51

Im watching a thread on another forum, similar to this one, and it appears one of the posters got word today that they were successful and are invited to stage 3... And he has a CPL already.

spoon84 31st Aug 2011 06:15

Yeah, also read in the other forum that it look like they started to send the invitation for stage 3...let's wait still a bit! :ok::ugh:

newtoitall 31st Aug 2011 11:25

Aer Lingus reports 27.8m euro loss - Yahoo!

Guerito 31st Aug 2011 17:24

Rumours and poorly-informed guesswork seems to be the order of the day. A look at the thread on boards.ie should tell you all you need to know about how much solid information anyone has.

Air Brake 31st Aug 2011 17:45

I hear they will give the cadetship to the person who makes the most rumours and/ or pointless posts! I also here that only dwarfs will be selected as over 30 years the fuel saving is huge!:}

dannye92 1st Sep 2011 04:24

the person claiming that in the other forums has been proved a fake, a member there works for EI and has confirmed no emails till September, so today at the very earliest, wish they'd hurry up my nerves are gone

Q10 1st Sep 2011 09:04

Gotta love them people spreading fake information! :)

Well after all this is called Professional Pilots "Rumour" network:cool:

Hoping to hear something soon indeed!

glanza97 2nd Sep 2011 16:44

Anybody hear anything yet...??:)

Scandinavian123 2nd Sep 2011 17:42

Damn this waiting...

Dipole 2nd Sep 2011 18:52

Just a bit of
. :zzz:

Scandinavian123 6th Sep 2011 18:19

Anything yet?

RSTurbo50 6th Sep 2011 21:07

Not a thing as of yet....

Leaving it a little bit last minute in my eyes especially if phase 3 is within a few weeks time...

Q10 6th Sep 2011 22:00

Indeed gonna be a hastle to book flight to dublin and fix a hotel if of course, get asked to come! Hope we get some sort of discount when flying with AL:rolleyes:

tuscarora 7th Sep 2011 21:58

Anyone else just started checking this thread instead of their emails? :E

Scandinavian123 9th Sep 2011 01:00

Any news? They better send some replies. Because I got to know if I'm invited in time since I gotta drag my ass from Sweden to the shamrock :s

Scott Duch 9th Sep 2011 23:05

Got my email for phase 3 two minutes ago.

glanza97 9th Sep 2011 23:47

nice one scott best of luck:ok: when is your date for phase 3??

mcdonnst 9th Sep 2011 23:47

Yup me too, wonder how many will be through to this stage

LadyB 10th Sep 2011 02:10

So did anybody not get through to the next stage? Doesnt seem like they chopped the numbers down too much judging by the amount of successful board members (here and boards.ie).

Air Brake 10th Sep 2011 07:50

I will also be joining you guys!

spoon84 10th Sep 2011 08:21

me too.... see there! :D

pablissimo 10th Sep 2011 08:26

Ditto. 4/10/11 for me!

irish laddie 10th Sep 2011 09:02

So is that it for the invites to the next round?? No e-mail either way yet so I fear the worst:confused:

Congrats to all the guys and gals through to the next round!:ok:

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