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-   -   The CTC Wings (Cadets) Thread - Part 2. (https://www.pprune.org/interviews-jobs-sponsorship/250640-ctc-wings-cadets-thread-part-2-a.html)

bigjarv 18th Jan 2009 23:30

Get a head
I can't recommend get a head for the sky enough. I really can't! Not so good if it is last min prep you need as you have to work through it. I mean it would be useful, but you need a bit of time for the full benefit. I think it took 3 days to arrive.

LessThanSte 18th Jan 2009 23:58

Yes i meant to say that, £12 that could potentially be the best £12 youve ever spent. Google it and you shall find it. Pay for it, and it will come!

Chilli Corneto 19th Jan 2009 08:33

RE: Getaheadforthesky book
This is a great book! I got it, read it, went through every stage of selection and was offered a place on a course.

Worked for me. Certainly not a bad investment IMHO. :cool:



Yomomma 19th Jan 2009 09:50

I used get a head for the sky for my assessment, and can’t recommend it enough for people who are attending a CTC assessment. The Maths assistance is what I found really useful for Phase 2; the questions really do prepare you for the test CTC give you.....and I felt that having not studied arithmetic since school it was a perfect way to scratch up my skills, which resulted in a clear pass of my Math’s section. I would also recommend the pilapt-prep software, very useful for the computer capacity test – you can’t practice this enough! For stage 3, this book gives helpful tips on the interview preparation and group exercises, giving good examples and tips which helped me through the day with far more confidence. Well worth the money when you consider the cost of the assessment and that you only get one shot at it, unless you get re-invited back!

Hank777 19th Jan 2009 15:55

Hi everyone!

I applied for CTC Wings Cadets but few hours later I got e-mail that thay have decided not to take your application forward to the next stage. Actualy I have CPL and ATPL theory and I am bachelor of science.
Do you think that I have to apply for CTC Wings ATP or I am between this two options and I must do ME/IR first and than apply for CTC Wings ATP?

Thanks in advance!!!


99jolegg 19th Jan 2009 16:11

CTC Wings is ab initio...i.e. no or very little flying experience.

CTC ATP is the scheme for holders of a CPL and IR. The ATP scheme is closed for the moment. I don't think it has been open since January 08 but could be wrong. I doubt it'll open for a while longer either, but that's only my guess.

At the moment you're between the two. Look at the website for details.

largegeorgejones 19th Jan 2009 16:18

Hank! The above is absolutely right. You are between their requirements. Too much experience for one and too little for the other. Not sure the Wings ATP will be open anytime soon, given the current economic climate and all that!

Hank777 19th Jan 2009 16:24

99jolegg and largegeorgejones, thanks for so fast reply.

Is my education (bachelor of engineering) appropriate for CTC Wings programe?

akindofmagic 19th Jan 2009 17:06

Your education (i.e. your degree) is irrelevant for the CTC Wings Programme.
You will be eligible for the ATP scheme, if and when it opens, providing you have a CPL and current MEIR. However, you will not be eligible for Wings Cadets.

RobStob 19th Jan 2009 20:07

Numeracy test/Arithmetic
Hi everyone,

I was just hoping someone could elaborate on the maths involved in the numeracy test and how best to prepare. I'm aware that it covers long division/multiplication/addition/subtraction and a couple of other things, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could provide a comprehensive list (to the best of their knowledge) so I know what areas I need to brush up on! I've been practicing all of the old school methods mentioned above, but I really don't want to leave any stone unturned or waste the time I have to prepare. Also, does anyone recommend an effective way of improving your mental arithmetic? It could really use a bit of speeding up. I've ordered that Get A Head For The Sky book; does anyone who's read this book know if approximately 2 weeks, or just over, will be enough time to absorb the contents and use it effectively?

I noticed it was mentioned that there is a form of pilapt software available in the public domain; does anyone know where to get this (or the best way to prepare for the test)?

Many thanks.

hellomynameisamelia 20th Jan 2009 19:50

Help please !
This is my first time on PPRuNe so sorry if this is wrong
I was just wondering what the benifits of getting into piloting via schemes such as CTC wings over things like modular training or studying at university on a course such as Air Transport Operations at the City of London University or Aviation Management and Operations at the London Metropolitan University. Any help would be great or some pointing in the right direction in terms of websites or documents. I am really enthusiastic about entering the aviation industry but would just like some advice

99jolegg 20th Jan 2009 20:06

Have a search around this forum, particularly the Sticky / Announcement at the top of the Professional Pilot Studies forum; it is a collation of the most frequented info.

The issue of flight training is a maze of subjectivity in that everyone's view is different in some way and there are many different ways to do it which makes for some pretty dull threads when it gets discussed over and over again.

That said, some perceived benefits of an integrated FTO like CTC is that 1) high standards that are recognised in the industry 2) a 100% placement record after training (so far, could well change in this economic climate). A third used to be the favourable finance system (unsecured loan) which has now been revoked by HSBC when the credit crunch tightened.

I'll make clear that they are just 2 of the perceived benefits....there are also many benefits for the modular route or another integrated FTO.

Don't rush into it...look at all of the info available here, do your research and then make your own mind up...ignoring the "I-did-it-this-way-so-it's-the-best-way" crowd.

Lastly, take note of the economic situation at the moment...there are a few useful posts here: http://www.pprune.org/professional-p...n-upon-us.html that you could look at. Take some with a bucket of salt, though. You don't want to rush through training to end up in a stagnant market with a load of debt. When will things pick up? Nobody knows but there are a lot of guesses floating about in that thread.

Good luck!

RobStob 20th Jan 2009 22:03

Stage 2 numeracy
Hi everyone.

Can anybody recommend the best way to prepare for the stage 2 numeracy test and also the best method of improving/speeding up mental arithmetic? I'm not sure what to revise and practice other than long division/multiplication etc. If anyone could provide a comprehensive list of the maths topics examined or simply elaborate on the numeracy test in particular it would be fantastic. I'm aware that the test has been discussed in previous posts, however there are certain aspects I'd like more information on.

Many thanks.

RobStob 20th Jan 2009 23:33

Well I'm sorry if you think I'm being lazy, but I refute that. I know if may have appeared like that because I asked for a list, however that's only because after looking through the thread I wanted to know if there were any other things to revise other than those already mentioned. If that's all of what I need to revise then I'd already gathered that, so fair enough. I don't see how asking for advice on techniques for speeding my maths up is lazy, quite the contrary; I thought this would be the best place to enquire. Apologies if I appear lazy, I wouldn't want to give the wrong impression.

LessThanSte 21st Jan 2009 00:48

Spend £12 on 'get ahead to the sky' (google), many on this forum have used and highly recommend it!

edmooriginal 21st Jan 2009 09:57

Has anyone had an interview with Aer Lingus yet? I've got mine next week and could do with an idea of the general format of the day, hints and tips.

Chilli Corneto 21st Jan 2009 11:12

@ RobStob:

If you can do long multiplication and long division without much hassle you will be able to do just about any maths in the selection. The trick is to know when to do the long multiplication and long division (unless it's obvious). Especially when conversions come up. % are easy peasy!! Nobody should struggle with Addition & Subtraction.

The 'Getaheadforthesky' book is great for the selection process. It definately works.

Also brush up on your square roots. Although I can't remember being asked to do one in the maths tests the Capt I was with on my sim check threw a stinker at me!!! :E :E :E :E The git!!

Not being very familiar with how to work them out I eventually came to an answer about 5 minutes later. I was only 1 away as well! :rolleyes:

Still got through. :ok:

Best of luck!


T1000 22nd Jan 2009 11:28

Rob, the get a head book is legit. I got a copy when I went through and it really helped. There's a lot of first-hand experiences on PPrune but it's good to have a copy for reference. CTC interview is very much asking you about yourself, examples of when you overcame obstacles, low points, what got you interested etc. so it doesn't have the answers, but gives you good idea of the questions to expect..

I got an e-mail confirming the dispatch of it almost immediately. I was a little concerned considering it was only advertised on a naff website but it arrived pretty quick. I traced the order through paypal anyway.

Good luck

RobStob 23rd Jan 2009 15:45

Chilli and Ant, thanks very much for your replies. I have the book and I'm finding it very useful. It really highlights how much preparation is required for the interview and is a very useful tool for thorough self-assessment. I had the same concern as you, Ant, when I realised it could only be ordered through the website!

Bambe 23rd Jan 2009 18:36

Edmooriginal, well done for the interview... Do you know if it's on a permanent contract or through the flexi scheme?

Best of luck, I knew AerLingus was about to open a new base in LGW but I didn't expect them to hire some CTC cadets so soon.. That's very good.

PAJ 24th Jan 2009 15:14

To my knowledge, I believe the Aer Lingus recruitment of CTC cadets is for the guys who were not taken on full-time by either EZ or MON at the end of their line training. They will be coming in as DEPs - nice deal for Aer Lingus....Type rated, current, a number already experienced with ops out of LGW.

error1234 25th Jan 2009 19:05

Had my stage 2 and stage 3 for ctc a couple of weeks ago now. Passed all the tests for stage 2 and stayed for my interview, however the next day I received an email saying they was not going to continue further with my application. I'm 18 years old, so I did expect this result as I felt I did not have enough experience in the aviation industry (straight out of college applicant). The good thing is that they have invited me back to reapply in 12 months time! Just wondering if anyone had some information on how many people who fail at stage three are invited to reapply. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, how many people are accepted on the course after the second application? I'm sure information like this isn't exactly readily available, but just wondering if anyone had any help/advice?


99jolegg 25th Jan 2009 22:28

No idea on how many they say should re-apply in 12 months.

Apparently, the group I was with were told 95% of re-applicants get through the selection again...but don't take this as fact unless they say so.

Best thing to do is be positive and the best advice I could give you is to follow their feedback to the letter! It will most probably be blunt...very blunt but it's for your own good. I was in the same situation, I applied at 18. They said come back in 12 months. I spent the year improving aspects I was told were weak and went back. No the second time wasn't perfect but it was far better and at the end of the day, nobody is perfect and I passed at 19 instead.

It seems that the majority of cadets that get through have a degree, certainly on my course 85% have a degree and under 21s are the minority!

I would disagree with djfingerscrossed though. I wouldn't suggest you get a degree for the sake of it. If you want to go to university to study something you really enjoy then go for it. However, I found that I had so much more freedom and versatility to have the world at my feet and focus on the goal at hand rather than (in my opinion) follow the sheep as it seems the logical and most common thing to do.

error1234 26th Jan 2009 09:41

I guess some serious thinking needs to be done... Thanks a lot for your replies, still waiting on my feedback, so I guess I will wait and see what comes of that...

Thanks again, really helpful!

error1234 26th Jan 2009 10:39

what do you mean by nominal type jobs? I understand that it does focus you in one particular area, and perhaps reduce your chances in other areas, but what do you mean by nominal? Also, having a degree in a subject which has nothing to do with aviation, would this effect my chances of re-applying in a few years?


PAJ 26th Jan 2009 13:08

Wow DJ that's rather cynical lol! Nobody will say what THE best way to go about becoming a pilot is. My thoughts echo what has already been said - this current economic downturn is typical - the global economy works in cycles and you need to continually be able to position yourself effectively if you are to get through it fairly unscathed. Timing too is a very real factor, and that basically comes with luck to a large extent. Having a degree gives you a number of things:

- An added qualification, demonstrating your ability to work to a high academic standard
- An opportunity to get away from home for the first time and gain some independance...this in turn is excellent life experience and builds maturity, something employers and CTC alike look for
- For a pilot, it is a fall-back...a Plan B, if you like
- It is an opportunity to get involved in all sorts of socials and clubs - these are often the defining aspects of your cv, the things that seperate you from the next graduate with similar grades.

My degree was completely un-related to flying, although it was always my intention to be a pilot. I did Business Management & Economics - very dull indeed in places, but got me into a graduate job with a logistics firm in a managerial position and CTC felt it had given me some very useful experience to take into a flying career. It is re-assuring to have a degree to fall back on to.

To address the specialist degree stuff DJ has shared, I do not agree! In the current climate, everyone is finding it tough to find work, not just graduates. I do not think managers discriminate against graduates because they fear they might surpass them - businesses thrive on new talent and young fresh minds - stagnation in any business is never sustainable, and in the long run their job would be just as vulnerable! I agree that having one of the specialist sector degrees effectively maps a career path for you to some extent, but you still have the competition for jobs. I know a number of guys in med school struggling to get placements/ jobs.

bjkeates 26th Jan 2009 14:00

Not wanting to get off track because "degree or no degree" has been debated ad nauseum elsewhere on these forums, but in my case going to university definitely helped. These comments only really apply to people coming out of school rather than people looking to become mature students... Not only does it give you experience of living away from home before you venture to the other side of the world for the best part of a year, but it also forces you out of your comfort zone of home/school life and makes you more socially aware. Getting a good degree proves you are capable of studying a subject at a higher level - remember, getting your fATPL involves a lot of study and the FTO will want to see evidence of your capability to get your head down and work. It doesn't have to be aviation, maths or science related - I actually did a maths degree but not one bit of it has come in any way useful for my flying career. It's more to do with the experience it brings. PAJ's bullet points sum it up perfectly.

If you do end up without a flying job straight after training then I would suggest that having a degree would open more doors to you, not fewer. I don't know of too many people who struggled to find work in these circumstances, and the vast majority have degrees. What's more likely to be an issue is the fact you have "aviation" on your CV - potential employers might be scared off by the knowledge you're bound to jump ship back to a flying job as soon as one comes along, unless you went into a job on an agreed temporary basis as I know quite a few have done. I wouldn't, however, advocate DJ's suggestion of CV-doctoring.

Although some study of maths or a physical science might help you a bit, degree level stuff tends to be far more advanced than is required for ATPL study. I found A-level maths and physics helped me understand some of the concepts, particularly in Navigation and Meterology, but it's not utterly necessary. As I said above, as long as you have the work ethic and the ability to study properly, then the degree you go for doesn't really matter.

Chilli Corneto 26th Jan 2009 15:17

PAJ & Bjkeate I couldn't of put it better myself!

A degree will not necessarily get you a decent job. I graduated, got a job and I'm still on the same graduate payscale as I was 2 years ago. :mad:

I even secured the job ahead of more experienced, better qualifed applicants. :hmm:
That still doesn't mean squat. If a company can get away with paying someone peanuts they will.

The irony of it is that had I not gained the experience or interpersonal skills through doing my job I may not of been mature enough, or prepared enough to go through the selection.

A necessary evil it has been but I am counting the days until I can hand in my notice. :E


kwb911 30th Jan 2009 19:58

Info for CTC wannabes.

For those wishing to go to CTC but are having trouble arranging funding CTC have found another bank that is willing to provide funding for the scheme.

captain_rossco 30th Jan 2009 20:19

I bet they have!!!

Mr A.V.Onics 31st Jan 2009 02:35

They have infact found two new banks who will provide funding, and will be announcing this via the website (I expect) in the next few weeks. Keep your ears to the ground.

Mr. A

1mag1n3 1st Feb 2009 18:25

That is excellent news about the new banks funding CTC's scheme!
Thanks for the info guys!

Kerosine 1st Feb 2009 21:57

Please be aware the funding provided by BBVA and a UK street bank will not be under the same Ts & Cs as the original HSBC loan; the new funding will require assets to be secured against the loan.

PA28R 3rd Feb 2009 13:09

anyone for etihad cadet scheme from newyork
anyone going for etihad airways cadet scheme from new york in august, we shall all meet up before the assesment day.

cheers :ok:

roboa 3rd Feb 2009 19:23

College leavers?

Do CTC take on people who apply straight out of college or will they take priority over other applicants? Is there anybody who has gone straight from college straight into CTC? Final question, where can I get hold of a copy of get a head for the sky? I googled it to no avail!

many thanks

kwb911 3rd Feb 2009 19:59

If you meet the education requirements and demonstrate the skills they require at the interview (stage 3) they will accept you. If you do not demonstrate the leadership or key life skills at the interview but they like you then you will get asked to reapply 6 - 12 months later on.

As for the book I have seen it mentioned on the forum recently with the link to the website. It might even be this very CTC thread but not sure.

roboa 3rd Feb 2009 20:09

Ok, thanks for that:ok:

I'll have a look around for the link;)

kwb911 3rd Feb 2009 20:15

I was feeling extra helpful tonight :ok:so I had a quick look over this thread and can’t find the link only people recommending the book. Maybe I imagined the link or it could be on the other CTC thread lurking around at the moment.
Anyway I just happened to have it in my favourites.

Get a Head for the Sky - Airline Interview Preparation - About the Book

roboa 3rd Feb 2009 20:53

cheers! :)

orangina35 5th Feb 2009 20:56

Wings ATP
Hi there,

Anybody going to Dibden for Wings ATP assessment day at the end of February?

See ya

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