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niraj.patel 15th Jun 2005 13:19

Don't worry, I will print it in black ink, promise not to use colour! Joke!

Well, she did say whatever I preferred, can't argue with that. By all means write it by hand if you feel that is best for you Aviation Kid.

Taiguin 15th Jun 2005 13:20

Printing is in black ink........lol

I've typed and printed it now...thats how its staying. If denise said its ok then thats fine by me!

Good luck with the forms guys,

Ian :zzz:

niraj.patel 15th Jun 2005 13:25

Thanks Ian. Personally speaking, if someone offers you a helping hand by saying you can type it and then print it, why on earth would you not take that help by handwriting it! Not only do most of us type faster than we can write, but typing saves precious time deleting words to fit within the boxes.

At the end of the day if that is what Denise says, she can't turn around and argue on the day about it not be handwritten!

Ian, print two copies just in case mate - I have a feeling they are going to browse through them during the interview itself, and thus two copies would be handy. Shows you're thoughtful! :ok:

Taiguin 15th Jun 2005 16:09

Just out of interest, did you guys apply to the BACX scheme too?

I was told by FTE that i needn't bother to attend the BACX assesment i was scheduled for last week as they wouldn't put me forward for two airlines. I've just got an email from BACX asking me to phone them. When i did they said they understood i had an interview with Thomsonfly tommorow but would i be available to see them next wendesday!?!?!?

I'm not sure if FTE have given all our info to BACX too if you applied there too or not? Or maybe they just asked to see them and decided why should thomsonfly get offered people and not BACX. Let me know if any of you guys undergo similar fate.

Takes the pressure off tommorow a bit now too!

Niraj not a bad idea mate!! I'll print another one off now :)


Mattd 15th Jun 2005 16:21

I got this email from CitiExpress:

"Thank you for submitting your answers to the Phase 2 questions. We wish to advise that due to the high standard of the responses from other applicants, we are unable to invite you to Phase 3 of the selection process."


Oscar Juliet 15th Jun 2005 16:23

hey Taiguin

I too have been called for an interview with BA Citiexpress next week. My interview is on Monday.

I guess both Thomsonfly and BA Citiexpress will have invited more to the interview stage than they have places for to compensate for the fact that both airlines are interviewing the same people.

Sorry to hear that Mattd, at least you still have Thomsonfly.

Anyway back to my dreaded design and build project :(

best of luck


Taiguin 15th Jun 2005 16:29

Oscar is it definately an interview? Or just further assessement? I didn't really ask and she said she'd email later on and infrom me of the details.


Oscar Juliet 15th Jun 2005 16:40

hey mate

She said further assessment but I assumed that meant an interview, so I may be wrong.


Troydi 15th Jun 2005 17:24


18 people, 10 spaces. Good luck everyone. I got the email on Monday too inviting me to the interview, it's been all go since then trying to get flights back over here - with 2 days notice that isn't cheap, but hopefully it'll be worth it in the end. I didn't realise how cut off I was until I logged back in today and saw all the messages!

Just a quick question, do any of you already have a class 1? I'm assuming the guys who were originally going down to FTE have one. Is there anyone who (like me) hasn't got one yet?

MattD - I also got the same response from Citiexpress. Ho-hum. Just means gotta give it my best shot tomorrow. :\

Back to the grindstone - these questions are taking forever! Maybe I'll see some of you down there? My interview is at half 2.

All the best!


Aviation kid 15th Jun 2005 18:03


Sorry mate, didn't mean to offend!

Thanks for the advice, i've taken it fully onboard.
Infact i've just finished typing it out now.


niraj.patel 15th Jun 2005 18:13

No offence taken Aviation Kid. I would take "Please complete all sections in black ink" to mean handwriten too, although it is not expressly clear, and therefore open to interpretation. Therefore I asked her, and she expressly said any will do, whichever is easiest for you.

If it turns out she was wrong (highly unlikely) and that the forms were supposed to be handwritten so that a psychologist can read something into our handwritting, we can all write "The quick brown fox jumped ..." on the top, job done! :E

Troydi, I as well as others I know haven't yet got Class 1s either, though I don't see it as a real hurdle. Apparently Britannia have block booked Class 1 sessions so that those who do not have one can get one.

Mattd 15th Jun 2005 18:30

Hi guys,

I'm typing out the application form too, much easier for me.

I don't have a Class 1 either, and they don't seem to mind and are happy enough to book us up for one.

Hope too see some of you tomorrow!


Taiguin 15th Jun 2005 19:53

Hey Guys,

I have a class one medical. Only reason i did it was to make sure i could be a pilot. If not then i needn't bother wasting my time applying to schemes like this a filling out the numerous application forms...lol. Its not hard to pass though, as long as you aren't a chronic astmatic or cross eyed!!

Best of luck guys tommorow. Fingers crossed us PPruner's get it, would be nice to meet you guys in sunny spain!!



PB4 16th Jun 2005 07:44

I'll be in MAN for the CitiExpress interviews on Wednesday as well, got told that this was a group interview late morning and a two to one interview early afternoon.. fingers crossed.

Just got class 1 two days ago.. at least that is one successfull step :-)

Anyone else on wednesday ?


Taiguin 17th Jun 2005 09:45

So then people....how did everyone find their interview?

I personally though it was alright, nothing difficult, and just a general chit chat. I am however finding it difficult to judge if i did well or not. I think it is just a case of seeing if your face fits to be honest. I think their decision will be based on everything else too if you came across fairly well in the interview.

Keep posting people, will be interesting to hear how you guys got on.

Taiguin :confused:

Troydi 17th Jun 2005 10:09

Hey Guys,

same here, thought the interview went quite well, but you never can tell with these things! It did seem to be just like a general getting to know you thing, and those are hard to judge.

I was a little disappointed, but not really surprised, to hear that there were so few girls who got to the final interview. Still a male dominated profession really. But, would have been nice to see a couple more girls get this far.

Anyway, they said they'd be back in touch sometime next week. As usual, my mind went blank for the - 'now, do you have any questions for us' part, so I didn't ask if there was a more specific time we'd know. Did anyone ask?

And I totally missed out on seeing anyone! Taiguin, I think you left about 5 minutes before I got there! Oh well - I suppose there'll be more opportunities to meet you all later. Here's to hoping it'll be over a cold beer in sunny Jerez! Fingers crossed guys!


Taiguin 17th Jun 2005 10:31

Hey troydi,

Did you happen to see two guys talking by a car just up from the main entrance!!?!? If so then i think i so you walking in to your interview. If not then must have been someone else lol....

BTW i couldn't believe how many Easyjet planes went past in the 20mins i was waiting in my car!!! They're like flies round **** those things!!


Troydi 17th Jun 2005 10:46

Heh heh heh,

no I didn't - but I think I was busy reciting their fleet to myself at the time - I don't think I'd have noticed Ronald McDonald if he'd have jumped out in front of me!

I was in a black suit, purple shirt and carrying a beige bag. If that's what you saw, then it was most likely me!

I agree with you on the Easyjet thing - I was sat in the interview and couldn't help but notice them taxiing along!

Mattd 17th Jun 2005 11:10

Hey Guys,

Pretty much the same boat as you, interview went okay, nothing great...hard to tell how I got on.

Managed to catch sight of Niraj on the way in, good to meet you! :ok:

Was quite happily sitting waiting, when I saw the tail section of an Easyjet saunter past the window....that was quite amusing!

Just another agonising wait until end of next week....

One question for you all, will you continue onto Jerez if you don't get onto this scheme?

Taiguin 17th Jun 2005 11:29

If i don't get on this or the BACX scheme then i'll probably take the plunge anyhow. Not sure whether that would be too Jerez or Oxford though - would be faily soon though. i.e. this summer if it ever arrives!

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