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EJetCA 23rd Feb 2009 19:46

Since you like to bring up facts from the past, I'll just say thank you for embracing the idea I brought up before on one of these goat-rope threads (which for some unkown reason, I'm too stupid not be suckered into:})

Originally Posted by nitty gritty
The key is getting scope under the Holding company and the companies controlled by or partially owned by, not just the individual airlines. Maybe something similar to Republic's contract.

Anyone just read the KoolAid machine with the ANA contract? I wonder if they wanted a non-compete, thus the dropping of the NRT station...just a WAG on my part.

And in other news, the cronyism, which was feared, has shown it's head. At least they attached a mea culpa with it. Too bad they didn't hire one of the 66 pilots or 14 (nee` 43) FE's hittin' the bricks...or some 15 year ABX pilot on the street.

EJetCA 23rd Feb 2009 22:05

I'd venture that DHL wants to move their new toys.

Either way...ship stuff airfreight folks.... :ok:

anothercargopilot 24th Feb 2009 01:57

Ejet CA said: "Anyone just read the KoolAid machine with the ANA contract? I wonder if they wanted a non-compete, thus the dropping of the NRT station...just a WAG on my part."

Could you please copy/attach or reference the ANA contract you speak of?

Thank you.

EJetCA 24th Feb 2009 14:21

Check the rumor board.

It's on a secured intranet, so I won't post it in public. Those with access will find it.

I just find it odd after the announcement of NRT closing, that a question/answer (ambiguous enough that you can read it either way good or bad) regarding ANA opportunities was posted days after.

Fr8Dog 24th Feb 2009 16:34

lastes post by EJetCa

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 44 Check the rumor board.

It's on a secured intranet, so I won't post it in public. Those with access will find it.

I just find it odd after the announcement of NRT closing, that a question/answer (ambiguous enough that you can read it either way good or bad) regarding ANA opportunities was posted days after.

I just looked at the board, the question and the company's answer.

It says NOTHING that you can say here public OR private.

Why Why Why must the few of you continue to try and make this out to be something that it is not.

If you are old enough, go ask your parents or Grandparents what living during the 1930's was like.

Although then one might ask why I continue to come here and :ugh:

742 24th Feb 2009 17:24

After today’s investors conference call it is clear that the tin foil hats can be put away. The mystery customer will not start before October, and it is far from a sure thing at any date. Polar’s scheduled service, on the other hand, definitely lost a lot of money last year (was 46 million?).

Polar is now all ACMI.

EJetCA 24th Feb 2009 17:55


Is there any reason not to find it interesting that with all of the rumors that floated around in Nov and Dec that nothing was posted on there, yet days after the NRT closure, there was a posting, no matter how ambiguous? I'm not posting it, because if they wanted the information public, it would have been on the unsecured site.

I'm not a tinfoil hat guy, but I refuse to believe that the timing of certain events is purely coincidental.

I merely suggested that there might be a trade-off in the works, and they might be working a deal. More jobs is a good thing right now.

It is a rumor board afterall. It's not pbashpilots.com it's pprune.com

L-38 24th Feb 2009 20:05

Polar is now all ACMI
Only with 6 airplanes and now ACMI again? . . Wow, that turns the clock back 13+ %#$ years!

742 24th Feb 2009 20:37


ACMI? Polar? did I miss something again.... Blockspace agreement with DHL yes..

In the conference call today management was clear that there has been no scheduled service since October and that Polar was now ACMI. At least from a bean counting standpoint.

Of course the bean people don't live in the same reality as the rest of us.

L-38 24th Feb 2009 20:42

Blockspace agreement with DHL yes
Perhaps you mean Polar's new LGG/SHJ DHL run? . . what next, new -400 nonstop service from LGG to FRA?

Understand that AAWW's -800's are now going to AABO/AACS, confirm?

Fr8Dog 24th Feb 2009 20:55

More of the same
EJetCa, Was not intended as a bash, I have re-read my post and do not see anything that could be construed as one. But if it will make you feel better....

I apologize FR8

Hey, I am just an old **** that has been doing this for the last 40+ years, I probably don't know what the hell I am talking about anyway.


Heilhaavir 24th Feb 2009 21:11

Understand that the -800's are now going to AABO/AACS.
What's a -800?

Intruder 24th Feb 2009 21:40

ACMI? Polar? did I miss something again.... Blockspace agreement with DHL yes..
Yes, which is effectively ACMI, since DHL controls the schedule and assumes the fuel cost.

IMO, the "blockspace agreement" moniker is simply a tag to keep the regulators at bay, since I doubt DOT would like to have to admit that DHL has more than 25% "control" of the company, even though it has installed 2 top DHL execs at the top...

EJetCA 24th Feb 2009 22:05


I didn't take it as a bash, but I was referring to the tone by about 8 regular posters in every AAWW thread that beats a dead dog and each other, fighting wars that are over.

I tend to think that when in a holding company format, the timing for certain types of announcements/interjections/insinuations is not pure coincidence.

But what do I know? I came from the company that was that perfected the holding company format in their industry segment. :ok: [to be read a bit tongue-in-cheek]

Cheers and beers:D

WhaleDriver 24th Feb 2009 22:08

Understand that AAWW's -800's are now going to AABO/AACS, confirm?
You really need to pay attention. The new 747 is called the 747-8. AAWH has talked about the possiblity of sending the first three -8's to GSS, who fly for BA. They would be dry leased to GSS. AACS/AABO do not operate thier own planes. The word is, they'll be gone well before the 747-8's arrive.

L-38 25th Feb 2009 06:37

Thanks' Whale - I knew some of that . . too much brew today.

DMahon 26th Feb 2009 12:09

the dispatchers
probably on the polar side right? I mean Bernie and crew have been there as long as I was, if not longer.

Fr8Dog 27th Feb 2009 00:49

Holly J.C.
I can not belive that the Grand G___ D__N POOBA himself, CR2 has not put out the information about the 100 ATLAS ONLY pilots that were furloughed at 1415 LCL eastern this afternoon.

Slipping I guess

Fr8Dog 27th Feb 2009 04:01

Damn, I always thought you had ALL the good stuff FIRST? What happened?

Aren't you right there in the middle of it all in Purchase and all.

dumbdumb 27th Feb 2009 19:50

Best Angle: What do you mean by the company doing the right thing? Please explain . . .

Deltabravowhiskey 27th Feb 2009 20:25

I inferred that to mean get rid of AABO.


L-38 28th Feb 2009 14:27

" . . posts above are so completely ambiguous and full of NON-INFORMATION that you should probably think about going back to school and take a class in writing. . ."
Post #221 above is somewhat of a ramble example, no?

Heracles 28th Feb 2009 18:37

A trend
This sounds almost exactly like what polar/DHL pulled in ANC. With the exception of a very small handfull of Atlas employees in maint/spares,, all polar ground/ops staff were let go, leaving just 1 polar employee, the "station manager".
The obvious strategy was that after the people were fired they would have nowhere else to go but to one of the ground service contractors, then polar could rehire the same people as contractors at a few $/hr lower.
Short story, the contractor (swissport) was grossly unprepared, the old "primary" contractor F&E tried to absorb the displaced ground staff having been butt-jabbed by polar. ANC ground ops are fragmented per individual contract acmi vs. dhl. And what had been a smooth operation for close to a decade is now a cluster-f*ck. 80% of polar's old staff were thrown to the curb, and polar was forced to rehire a few of the office staff back due to thier own contractors incompetence.
So, ANC is a mess, a bunch of nice people got hurt, old and trusted contractors were betrayed. polar's bean counters strike again.

Heracles, slave to carhartt fashion.

Fr8Dog 28th Feb 2009 23:05

Hey, when you are right I will say you are right.

I forgot about that part. Must be getting to old.

Cheers FR8

L-38 1st Mar 2009 05:18

The point of my “Ramble” as you put it, is not to agitate, insult, or piss off anybody
No harm intended there, Fr8. . . I hear you - just thought you had held the mike button down a little too long.

Drzito 1st Mar 2009 15:45

It will be interesting to see if any AABO are affected by this next round of furloughs.
If only Atlas takes a hit(again), we are talking about mainlines guys with DOH of April 2000 being furloughed!!! ALL senior to several AABO pilots!!!:\
AABO is, and has been a real cancer that affects the careers of both Atlas, and Polar. It is imperative to get rid of these bunch of people who for the last years have enjoyed the best job of their lives.

There has never been a better time to get rid of them, and I say it again AABO has got to GO!!!
Tough times call for tough measures
Get rid of AABO:\

Best Angle 1st Mar 2009 16:51


"Best Angle: What do you mean by the company doing the right thing? Please explain . . ."

I meant this would be an excellent time to get rid of AACS/AABO (and also NOT transfer them to Titan) to demonstrate that AAWH is trying to work in a positive manner with the union.

Sorry about spelling Block Space wrong.....BA

dumbdumb 4th Mar 2009 23:34

When you guys are talking about furloughs to 2000 date of hire, are you talking about pilots with that date of hire or does that include Flight Engineers? I've been all over Globalnet and can't find the EXACT numbers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

anothercargopilot 5th Mar 2009 01:07


You have to wait for the next bid award for specifics. Keep an eye on globalnet bid award section.

WhaleDriver 5th Mar 2009 01:47

For info no one from AABO will be furlough (once more), the plan was to downgrade 4 guys, but those guys were told by RR not to worry because it will not happen, go figure
This time RR can't protect them. This is coming from above RR. They might want to get their resumes up to date.

layinlow 5th Mar 2009 18:58

I find it hard to believe but I have to agree with Fr8Dog. You don't want to wish anyone on the street. Not in this industry. I think an apology is in order.
It is ugly and going to get uglier.

IslamoradaFlyer 6th Mar 2009 19:09

What has happened to all of CR2's posts? For whatever reason, they are missing.

As a moderator, one would hope that he would look at Polax52's comments on #198 and his other previous posts that show a predisposition to again falsely impugn members reputations to satisy his own misguided interpretations of both verbiage and facts.

Others on these boards have had privledges suspended for less. The pilots groups have enough to work through; Polax appears to be intent only on trying to incite the groups for his own perverted pleasure.

CR2 7th Mar 2009 00:26

Moderators are not on duty 24/7. They are volunteers. As for removing posts, it occured to me that said posts had nothing to do with the thread title. Probably not the cleverest of things to post either if you think about it. Mea Culpa.

This thread has been more or less :} civilized. If anyone feels like using the scab word again, be warned. You'll be permanently banned.

Gonna sit in the background and wield the stick if necessary.

Heracles 7th Mar 2009 04:24

So, as morbid as it may be, whats the best estimate at the current "body count"? Decreasing the crew roster,, increasing the attendance of Roswell and Mojave? I'm sure the -200 has taken some pretty big hits. Or, is Atlas once again adding to Southern's fleet?

Deltabravowhiskey 7th Mar 2009 12:30

increasing the attendance of Roswell and Mojave? I'm sure the -200 has taken some pretty big hits. Or, is Atlas once again adding to Southern's fleet?
No more airplanes are being parked...

Previous furlough addressed the reduction of the classic fleet to 7 operating.

All -400's are flying and even working Military to pick up the slack.


WhaleDriver 7th Mar 2009 15:15

All -400's are flying and even working Military to pick up the slack.
What slack? The -400's have lost their contracts and are now taking the flying that the classics have covered, leaving the classics without work...no slack there except on the -400's hanging onto contracts!

IslamoradaFlyer 7th Mar 2009 16:01

No prob, CR...just was a bit surprised to see them gone.


L-38 9th Mar 2009 17:16

The -400's . . are now taking the flying that the classics have covered . .
Any revenue port in a storm, but a $16-$18,000/hr amortized aircraft (-400) doing the AMC work of an old worthless classic? This perhaps is like digging ditches in your Sunday suit.

Deltabravowhiskey 9th Mar 2009 20:01

I believe they recently negotiated 100+ ton rates instead of the former 80 ton rates (MD-11 size loads). Benefits are improved planning/efficiency for AMC, better margins for Atlas using a 747.

Everybody wins.


Intruder 9th Mar 2009 20:45

$16-$18,000/hr amortized aircraft (-400)
Dunno where you get that figure, but -400 ACMI rates are WELL below that -- on the order of 50%!

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