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F_one 20th Oct 2010 05:22

G day workers
Got a call from CC, even promised me G day call-out payment when I eventually listened to the message. Still I couldn't be bothered. Checked the roster later and some idiot obviously said yes on his G day (I checked his roster).

He didn't look close to 84H, once again cheap labour was used instead of the more expensive reserve rostered pilot close to his 84H.

To make matters worse, this guy is a member of the AOA. Why do I keep on saying no on G days just for some other idiot to accept and help CC out.

This must be why I never do overtime when on reserve, maybe I must start answering G day calls.....:ugh::ugh:

Sqwak7700 20th Oct 2010 06:50

Maybe you could post his name on the AOA forums so we all know who he is. I think people will stop working G days when they realize that others know who they are.

1200firm 20th Oct 2010 08:25

Name & shame.............

Night Watch 20th Oct 2010 08:48

Also got called on a G day today. Checked the roster and the FO doing the flight hides his roster. Serial G day worker.... I'm assuming

sorvad 20th Oct 2010 21:19

hey ..here's a novel idea...why don't you guys just do what it it is you want to do, and....wait for it...forget about who gets called instead of you.....accept that some of your colleagues might not have the same hypocritical, negative, whingeing attitude that you have, and accept that as individuals, everyone has a choice....If you are demanding naming and shaming of others then you be the first to show your true colours...and name yourselves.

you all talk about working as a group as a whole, so those of you approaching overtime, who will not entertain the idea of a g day call for long haul trip that nets you a few thousand $HK..then hats off to you..I admire your principles...I think many on this forum however arent in that bracket....for you others...stop fretting about what everyone else is doing, do what you feel is right and stop moaning

Lord Spandex Masher 20th Oct 2010 21:36

G day workers
G'day boss.

Old Fella 21st Oct 2010 10:23

Working "G" days
Maybe those of you who whinge about being asked to work on a rostered "G" day ought to remember that you are not compelled to accept. It is, afterall, a request. Maybe you would rather a scheme where you spent a roster period solely on Reserve. I never was a fan of the AOA but I knew it was a matter of choice also. If Cathay Pacific is such a rotten employer why don't you go work for someone else, I'm sure there is a Utopia somewhere. There again, maybe not for some of you. I'm with Sorvad on this one.

duyentranvan 21st Oct 2010 16:04

yeah go somewhere else if you're not happy.

routetuner 21st Oct 2010 16:07

Totally agree.

duyentranvan 21st Oct 2010 18:37

F One must be an aussie with attitude

F_one 21st Oct 2010 19:15

Thank you for all the insightful contributions. Just more prove that the AOA will never be able to stand in unity.

With people like you expect further degrading of conditions, no pay increase, tougher FTL's.

And when this all happen, don't bitch about it on the line. Suck it up like the big boys you are.

sorvad 21st Oct 2010 19:30

uh, F one...in case you havn't noticed..we're the ones who don't bitch about it on the line

Old Fella 22nd Oct 2010 00:28

Aussie with attitude
Duyentranvan. Sorry to enlighten you, having an "attitude" is not the sole province of Aussies.

F_one 22nd Oct 2010 00:42


Please read my post again, i said "on the line", which is vastly different from "on line".

My original quote refers to whilst at work, busy flying. You in a very vein attempt to make some sort of vague point refers to doing it here on the www.

But please don't worry, even you will grow up one day. :rolleyes:

cxlinedriver 22nd Oct 2010 06:21

I am all for individuals making their own choices and doing what they consider is best for them. I am also very opposed to any form of intimidation - company, union, one-on-one BUT....

By working G Days one is only pushing the pineapple up ones own six (this fun is normally reserved for our managers).

If you work a G day you take overtime pay away from someone else. If the company pays too much overtime it becomes cheaper for them to promote. So by working a G day in the short term you cheat someone out of overtime and in the slightly longer term you cheat someone out of a promotion.

For each promotion there is a knock effect of another promotion and more recruitment - the whole food chain moves up a notch.

Don't work a G day unless it is the last day of the roster, the trip is a long one and you are already in overtime!

sorvad 22nd Oct 2010 06:27

F one....perhaps you should re read my post before you spout forth....T@$$£r

Toe Knee Tiler 22nd Oct 2010 10:26

You know all we have to do is stick together and if we don't then the consequences are diabolical.
Do you really think that CX will one day surprise us with a pay rise that we did not expect.
The answer is NO.
Did this company, the company that withheld a 13 month "discretionary" bonus and then make a massive profit say to its' staff. "Well we were not actually sure how much profit would be made during the GFC and so we withheld the 13 month. However, as we have made an outstanding profit, we have decided to pay that month to you. And by the way well done."
No No No they said " here is an advance payment on your future profit share."

These accountants who call themselves managers are only in it for themselves.
They will keep taking from their colleagues to feather their own nest and unless we make a stand we are doomed.

It sickens me to read some of these posts, most of which are probably written by the "I will retire at 40 brigade."


You pull your head in as you are cutting your nose off to spite your face by supporting G'Day workers.
And by the way join the union and support your fellow aviators.
If you want your salary and benefits to erode just stay the course and do nothing but do not knock those that are working for your payrise, if any.


Well you should know better. I am sick and tired of being disturbed in the early hours of the morning on my G'Day to see if I would like to take the salary of those high houred reserve pilots. On reserve you get messed around and therefore have a right to earn some extra cash. It shouldn't go to some selfish individual with a cash calculator next to his phone.


You are just some idiot newbee, probably a management suck in line who has nothing to say. You will fit in well in line ops.

Go Away.


Man I am with you. G'day workers are going for short term gain for long term pain. They will learn one day but it will be the hard way. Doing their mates out of money, If hey have a command they are delaying the commands of others. If they don't have a command they are delaying themselves. These guys need Tossco's "Big Picture" and sleep with it. Nothing will change unless change happens among the ranks.


Well said old fella. Next thing that these juveniles, who work G'Days, will say is "where is my Command".
AND DON'T GET ME WRONG I have witnessed very senoir captains who openly brag about undermining their mates for a few scheckles.

G'day workers are a bunch of greedy toss pots who should remember that when they are on 84 hrs and have a couple more reserves to do that some body some where will whip the carpet from under their feet for their own self greed.



Show some unity

The HKAOA asks of us one thing.

WEAR YOUR LANYARD so that we are seen to be seen!

duyentranvan 23rd Oct 2010 03:45

TKT,you're a ******.. just like F One

Bye Bye Baby 23rd Oct 2010 05:04

At least he made a point, supported by his views. Not just a pathetic little name caller like yourself.

fly123456 23rd Oct 2010 09:09

What we need is a rule that states "no pilot on G (or O) day will be called out instead of a pilot on reserve, for the sole purpose of avoiding or reducing EFP"

But then, hey, I know a rule similarly phrased. And CC probably often forget it exists.

411A 23rd Oct 2010 11:15

As can be noted from the various responses, CX guys can't agree on the time of day, never mind anything else...no wonder they are such a pushover, versus the company.
The company could, for example, trot out the 49er program once again, and nothing could be done about it...:rolleyes:

SOPS 23rd Oct 2010 14:25

This man needs help..please someone stop him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

The Wraith 23rd Oct 2010 15:18

Why don't you just piss off and enjoy your sad little life elsewhere?
Nothing at CX has anything to do with you whatsoever, and so your constant interfering and commenting simply smacks of desperation, desperation to be noticed by someone, anyone, and also a desperation to bring ANY meaning to your life. You may feel you are being clever and insightful, but actually you are just making a public laughingstock of yourself.
By all means stay, but people really are just laughing at you and you are making a monumental fool of yourself.

sorvad 23rd Oct 2010 20:17


You may want to be certain of your facts before you point fingers...I am in the AOA and have been for the best part of 9 or 10 years, but its militant T@$$£rs like you who have often made me want to leave ....the reason being that you intimidate people...not me you understand, but the very people the union would like to join their fold...namely new joiners...usually they have come from the UK or Australia, the U.S or new Zealand, Canada or Europe, where in their previous lives they have been represented by a PROFESSIONAL body who, whilst encouraging their membership in order to benefit the greater good, respect their choice as individuals. Then they come to Asia, join Cathay, and hope that with the AOA, they might get the same un-biassed Professional representation they have had in the past...but....very soon, sometimes even before they join, they are exposed to the litany of backbiting hypocrisy and negativity, personified by the likes of you TKT using the umbrella of the AOA....you remind me of some of the more odious characters in the recent history of unrest at Cathay....

Its people like you who on one hand demand unity, but on the other, in times of strife, would sooner see a colleague ...(from whomever or whenever they joined ) lose their job than take so much of the smallest hit yourself

Its people like you who will slag off someone for taking a DE command but wont have applied for it yourself

Its people like you who will bemoan guys for staying on beyond 55 when you will go as long as you can yourself

Its people like you who would harrass wives of SO's joining during less opportune times some 8 years or so ago accusing their husbands of being scabs

Its people like you who told us as freighter new joiners when we weren't on flight pay( but everyone else was) when asked where our money would be coming to fund the 49ers, to wind our necks in as we were all in the same boat ( we weren't..as freighter crew we were totally ignored)

Its people like you..in fact..IT IS YOU.who recommends if a pay rise is awarded, that it be for AOA members only!..can you believe it...is this the voice of the greater good?..would you ever get this sort of bile from a representative of a professional body like BALPA

In short , its people like you TKT who profess to being on the side of your fellow man but who are so far up your own arse that you cant see that your fellow man might have somewhat different opinions to your own

411A 23rd Oct 2010 20:55

Sorry, The Wraith, but the below listed comment about says it all about many of the FD malcontents at CX...

Its people like you..in fact..IT IS YOU.who recommends if a pay rise is awarded, that it be for AOA members only!..can you believe it...is this the voice of the greater good?..would you ever get this sort of bile from a representative of a professional body like BALPA
In short , its people like you TKT who profess to being on the side of your fellow man but who are so far up your own arse that you cant see that your fellow man might have somewhat different opinions to yours
One can only ROFL at some of the antics of the CX...'pilots'.:p

Old Fella 24th Oct 2010 01:17

Disharmony in the ranks
I do not often agree with 411A, especially in matters critical of Cathay Pacific, however he is on the money this time in my opinion. I am disappointed and somewhat bemused by the whingeing and bitching by a number of posters on this forum. My first question to those with a problem with their conditions at CX is "How bloody good was it where you were previously employed"? Surely the whingers are adult enough to have asked the appropriate questions before accepting a position with CX. Why do you stay if your life is so stressful in CX employment? I suspect the whingers are a small proportion of CX crew who would be whingers no matter where or by whom they were employed. The old adage "If you can't stand the heat you should get out of the kitchen" seems appropriate to me. Those who are not whingers would probably be pleased to see the last of you. :ugh:

ChuckECheeze 24th Oct 2010 06:18

Greedy bastards
So who really is entitled to EFP? The fight is over additional pay given out by CC only - no free market between pilots (those who want more work/more pay and those who want garanteed 84 hrs). And what about the Company? Shouldn't they be able to spread the hours out - if they pay everyone on 84, and some turn out to work 74, why shouldn't they ask the 74's to pick up a sector or two - before paying those up and beyond 84 to fill the need? I understand the mechanics of filling in on a G-day if NOBODY else is available - yes, they need to hire more people. And if they need to do that, then those near the seniority line will get to upgrade earlier, maybe. But our Company's upgrade path is anything but fluid, and maybe there are some who would like some extra pay. So when it comes down to brass tacks, it's one guy on reserve, on or into overtime versus another guy on a Gday in the same situation, both wanting that extra pay. Who "deserves" it? CC decides who they ring up. There is nothing in the contract that entitles anyone to EFP over someone else. If I'm the Gday guy, why should I say no, so you get the EFP instead of me? If the Gday guy takes the CC offer because he's close to or over 84, just relax and enjoy your time off.;)

FO4EVA 24th Oct 2010 10:35

Sorry to interrupt the squabbling....

I also recently received a G day callout promising the callout fee, however I AM in overtime this month. How then would that be perceived if I accepted the duty (I didn't)? For those saying we should "name and shame", how can you tell if that person working their G Day is already on overtime, thus negating the issue of stealing EFP from someone on reserve?

nitpicker330 24th Oct 2010 11:59

I think Old Fella and 411A should hold hands, jump in their trusty old L1011 and fly quietly into the Arizona sunset. :zzz:

It's 15 years since Old Fella worked in CX as an A scaler ( says he's 70 ) in what was quite a different "Aero Club" to what it is now.

As for 411A????????? You apparently have a gazillion hours on the L1011, congrats but that doesn't give you any special insight into the CX Flight Deck anymore than I know anything about yours.

So, keep you opinions to yourself gentlemen.:=

broadband circuit 24th Oct 2010 13:14

I also recently received a G day callout promising the callout fee, however I AM in overtime this month. How then would that be perceived if I accepted the duty (I didn't)? For those saying we should "name and shame", how can you tell if that person working their G Day is already on overtime, thus negating the issue of stealing EFP from someone on reserve?
In any case, FO4EVA, the point of the thread (I think) is that you would've been a cheaper option than the reserve call.

Credit to you for not accepting the duty. You're probably smart enough to realise that they would've done their best to reduce your EFP later in the month anyway.

411A 24th Oct 2010 20:12

So, keep you opinions to yourself gentlemen:=
Not likely to happen.
However...having said this, NOW is the time for the CX pilots to start to turn the screws for more big time dollars.
IE; The company is hugely profitable, and they have the resources to dole out the dough.

The question then remains...are the CX pilots (collectively) up to the task?

I suspect...NO.

We await for the outcome...:rolleyes::E

fly123456 25th Oct 2010 00:48

What about we do what suits us best as individuals until the AOA calls for CC?

It would be an even more powerful action if everybody was working on their G's before CC, then all of a sudden, nobody does it anymore.

Old Fella 25th Oct 2010 01:50

Holding hands with 411A
nitpicker330 The fact that I have not worked for CX for over 15 years, longer actually, has nothing to do with the principles I hold. CX gave me a job with conditions I accepted. As for being part of an Aero club, you are talking out your fundamental orifice. We worked hard, got paid a just salary and were treated well. As I said, if you can't stand the heat you should get out of the kitchen. You obviously thought you were on a good thing when you joined, so what has changed. Maybe 411A and I are old farts, but we know a lot more about company loyalty than you appear to. Maybe you are just a whingeing whimp so, up yours pal.

The Messiah 25th Oct 2010 06:28

Originally Posted by Old Fella
You obviously thought you were on a good thing when you joined, so what has changed?

Plenty in my ten years. Just briefly........

New COS imposed, yearly hours raised to 900 from 700, no significant rise in incremental pay scales whatsoever, forced freighter flying, paxing on the freighter, significantly extended time to command, and 49 pilots sacked "for no particular reason". This is just a snippet of what has changed since I joined. Maybe you have been away from the coalface too long Old Fella.

At this point the bucket of gold is still bigger than the bucket of sh1t for me, but not by as much as it was when I joined.

Old Fella 25th Oct 2010 11:29

Bucket of Gold v's Bucket of Sh-t.
Thank you Messiah for your points. Yes, I have been away from the CX family for a longtime, not long enough however to forget how I was treated and the enjoyment I derived from my employment with CX. You also have, in a sense, supported my arguement in so far as you have determined that the Bucket of Gold still outweighs the Bucket of Sh-t for you and thus you are still with CX. The people to whom I addressed my question of why they are still there obviously do not share your view, and have determined that they do not have the will to vote with their feet and go somewhere else. That is a cross they have to bear and I just wish they would not continually bitch and try and convince everyone else that CX are an employer of slave labour. This whole arguement has gotten away from the original question regarding working on G days which, as I said before, is a request by CC and one which can simply be declined if that is how they feel.

The Messiah 25th Oct 2010 12:18

Fair enough :)

CodyBlade 25th Oct 2010 12:18

How about a new thread titled:''The Good Ole' days''?

Not to compare beans,etc but for the nostalgic,misty eyed here.

I remember in 1987..

The Wraith 25th Oct 2010 13:30

Old Fella,
A lot has changed since your day, and I daresay the airline was a far better place to be in your day too.
What goes on here now beggars belief, and most can only wish for the times you enjoyed. Then, no doubt, it was an airline and job to be proud of.
Nowadays, the management border on the criminal....just look at some of the recent court cases....and certainly whilst still a good job, it certainly isn't the way it was.
So, with all due respect, when you call today's CX pilots whingers etc you really are showing your ignorance to the conditions they now work under.

Farman Biplane 25th Oct 2010 13:50

Thanks for the memories
Thank you Old Fella,
You have inspired me to familiarise myself with the blocking feature available on PPrune.
Now, i will not have to read your outdated/2nd hand/faded memory comments on issues that are trying to be aired as relevant to current/future employees.
You really did sell your soul to them if you are still whinging on this forum during your later Old Fella years!
Ciao dude!

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