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coded_messages 17th Dec 2008 15:35

Confused about loads?
I thought we're supposed to be suffering as far as loads are concerned?

Anyone seen the load factors out of Europe for the next 2 weeks? :ugh:

quadspeed 17th Dec 2008 16:21

How about you tell me what they're paying for those seats before you get so confused?

HardRock 17th Dec 2008 19:02

Just checked,
HKG-LHR return
CX 14,917.00 hkd
BA 11,627.00 hkd
Slightly different dep and arr times, but same days.

quadspeed 18th Dec 2008 03:21

And those fares apply to which of our corporate customers who buy their seats in bulk?

Kitsune 18th Dec 2008 07:49

How about YOU telling us what the break even price/load factor is quadspeed?:cool:

quadspeed 18th Dec 2008 08:47

As if I fu(king know....

I was merely pointing out that high loads don't necessarily mean high profit. I get paid to fly the airplanes... others get paid to sell the seats and put some of that money into my bank account.

Dragon69 18th Dec 2008 09:12


high loads don't necessarily mean high profit
nor does it necessarily mean that it is all doom and gloom which what coded_messages was trying to point out.....maybe they shouldn't even pay you to fly airplanes.

ACMS 18th Dec 2008 12:03

Off the last 8 sectors around Asia in the last 2 weeks only ONE sector hasn't been full. ( even that sector had 250 PAX )

405 POB to SIN last week.
The next day 398 incl 1 jump back to HK

I'm sure that premium pax are down a bit but what the heck???

geh065 18th Dec 2008 12:19

Same here...90% of my flights have been full or close to it. A decent amount of cargo too. I doubt Cx are operating flights at a loss, so whats the real story?

ron burgandy 18th Dec 2008 14:28

And don't forget the 79 empty aeroplanes to Aussie each week.....:ok:

Australia2 18th Dec 2008 14:43


Just spent a day and a half in the SYD terminal to get back, jump seat in the end (MANY THANKS TO CREW!) after missing 2 MEL services on the way down.

Yep, AUS is really quiet !


Captain Dart 18th Dec 2008 20:19

My last few flights out of AUS still full, latest at Max Structural, full of pax and sea food. Southbound nearly full.
Last regional flight, one on jump seat down, solid load back.

Fuel hedging costs and cargo fine are management's problems, not mine.

Dan Winterland 19th Dec 2008 01:18

"Fuel hedging costs and cargo fine are management's problems, not mine."

But I'm sure the management have ideas about how they're going to make it our problem. Hence all the doom and gloom!

HardRock 19th Dec 2008 03:00

I got those prices straight off the internet.

Azamat Bagatov 19th Dec 2008 08:47

Just checked out loads for many outports, and Hong Kong outbound. What I found MOST interesting, are the loads to Australia.
Sydney and Melbourne, just to name these two only are showing RED for what seems an eternity, and this raises a question : How the F&*% are we, STAFF of THIS company supposed to travel around the network to our homes, wherever that may be, if under 'normal' circumstances we're downgraded to Economy to allow Check-in staff to look after 'their own' and where Economy is showing as TOTALLY RED for the whole period around Chinese New Year and after !

Does this mean, because the locals have their New Year coming up, that the rest of us will suffer ??? Does this mean, that for someone with 1-3 weeks holidays around that time, wishing to visit his family for a SUPER-BELATED Christmas or a chance at some kind of New Year ('cos he/she HAD to work both of them!!!), that they stand a chance of NOT being able to get home ??? Some f*%^ing Travel system we have in place !!!!
Oh let me see, but of course, just as 'Travel Desk' suggests, let's use the Jump Seat section if we're having trouble finding a seat on a flight... like that will work, considering how many of us there are, competing for sometimes ONE seat because the Airbus (for Oz routes, as an example) is either overbooked (classic line they use at Hong Kong check-in) or weight-limited...
Then again, there's the FOC, the one that's NOT free anyway, but moreso seems to get people BUMPED OFF a flight, rather than confirming anything as concrete in the first place.
It's either the a**holes upstairs DON'T know what they're doing, or there's LOTS of bullsh*t being fed to staff ("Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" MIGHT work in a relationship, f*&^-knuckles)...
It's times of the year like this where we're being screwed over, again and again ! We work for you over Xmas and/or New Year - at least send a priority travel note to check-in staff to get us on the flights we need to see our families, for f*&%'s sake !!!
Rant over.. Merry Xmas ? Bah humbug !

Hairbus 19th Dec 2008 11:19

Full loads
Let me guess why the flights are full. Its Christmas:ugh:

boocs 19th Dec 2008 12:16

No offence, but Xmas, CNY, School Holidays in Oz..... These are always very difficult if next to impossible for Staff Travel out of HKG. Perhaps secure a full fare ticket if you need to travel in these times, next time.

1200firm 19th Dec 2008 15:38

But we're in a financial tsunami,no one is traveliing,lets all jump off the balcony.
Oil at $38 a barrel;we must be rakin' in the dough right.:ok:

indiscipline_girl 19th Dec 2008 16:28

But we're in a financial tsunami
Hey now get the mouth music right, it's a devastating financial tsunami. tut tut.:=

stillalbatross 19th Dec 2008 21:25

this may be why pilots don't make a very good job of running an airline. Every other finanical report in HKG is saying the worst is yet to come and the belt tightening and layoffs haven't filtered through.

Loads are also appearing ok because we are talking about forward bookings, people don't usually book and then fly the next day. These are bookings from mid-late 2008.

Soooooooooooooooooooooo, if you have a look at March April May 2009 you will see that it isn't so flash. Go ask Revenue.

Or if you are convinced that a full plane out of SYD equates to a current economic boom in aviation pick up Flight International, start at the back, and peruse the token Islander job in the Falklands as there doesn't appear to be much else.

leftof 19th Dec 2008 23:10

Come on some common sense here, for over twenty years that I know of it has been near impossible to get on at Christmas and Chinese New Year. If you really want to go at that time of year you have to pay to go as a client, not a staff member ...simple...it has been like this for many years and will hopefully be so in the future.
I don't believe looking at the bookings at this time of year will give you a true indication of what is really going on, it is what is on the books for after the Easter period that will probably tell the story.

geh065 20th Dec 2008 12:05


Even in boom times, travel desk does not show much for 4-5 months down the line.

As for Flight International, the adverts in the back only account for a small percentage of the job adverts they have. If you look on their website or get the e-mail lists, you will see there are plenty of jobs still out there including ones on big shiny jets.

ACMS 20th Dec 2008 22:41

If I had a dollar for every time the company complained about forward bookings only to find out later that loads were good I'd not need the 13th month.

CX are spinning this as hard as their litttle legs will go.

stillalbatross 21st Dec 2008 01:15

Really Geh,

I just had a chat with Parc about a job during the Leave without pay period. Those (obviously) lying sods say that the number of contract jobs is down about 45% from this time a year ago, they would say that wouldn't they?

ACMS, a how-far-out-of-touch-with-it's-lower-level-members-could-the-AOA-possibly-be question. How many years to command assessment from DOJ will a senior F/O be doing these days?

ACMS 22nd Dec 2008 01:10

Still.............didn't think you were allowed to work whilst on LWOP?

And please re-write your last paragraph using English, I don't speak gobbledeegook.


hongkongfooey 3rd Jan 2009 04:23

90+ % of flights to SYD,CDG,LHR,PER and MEL are red over the next week, could'nt be jacked looking at any more.
Any company minded sycophantic spin doctors care to comment ?
( most kids have been on hols for over 2 weeks now )

Kitsune 3rd Jan 2009 07:09

EEEErrrrmm, doesn't that mean that the little b*stards will be going back to their Borstals over the next week.....:hmm:

hekokimushi 4th Jan 2009 11:04

YVR also full. i DT out of YVR. got downgraded to Y.... :yuk:

hongkongfooey 5th Jan 2009 12:37

Yes Kits, hopefully :ok:

1200firm 16th Jan 2009 11:50

Forget staff travel.I just booked HKG-MNL-HKG with 5J.It is FREE!!! plus taxes(total about HK$360 return).Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! CX staff travel can go f**k itself..............

sizematters 17th Jan 2009 04:57

such sparkling wit and repartee....................

If we are hurting so much

How come I am in Overtime in January ??

hongkongfooey 19th Jan 2009 05:32

I would like to leave HK for a week or so in the beginning of Feb.
Every flight I have checked is red, so to save me time and frustration maybe someone can tell me where I can go that's not red :confused:
( Be nice !! )

Dan Winterland 19th Jan 2009 23:43



Freehills 20th Jan 2009 01:42

Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Shanghai. There are some nice beach resorts just south of Madras (Chennai) You might not have time to get an Indian visa though...

hongkongfooey 20th Jan 2009 08:42

Yep, well I guess I asked for that did'nt I :ugh::E
Maybe I should have said somewhere nice....and unpolluted :confused:

Kitsune 20th Jan 2009 18:04

This will sort the loads out......
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Fresh warning on China bird flu

400 Jockey 22nd Jan 2009 12:08

Tried buying a full fare to SIN recently, the price was $9.5K HKD Hardly a price slash now is it?

seventy-seven 25th Jan 2009 22:47

CX propaganda
Cathay management are the worlds masters at disguising everything from load factors to profits.What you see is NOT what you you get!

N1 Vibes 26th Jan 2009 00:54

Note that many flight's are RED on the total numbers, but that the front end/biz does seem to be getting lighter. Can't remember where I heard this fact - but allegedly - in normal times if CX doesn't fill a biz seat on a sector it needs to fill 7 econ seats to make the same margin. But as also quoted earlier - i'm not a CX account manager and therefore don't have a clue how the system works.

Of course for those of you still living in your own little worlds - look around you. Markets in a flap, major corporations and banks (even whole countries)going down the toilet, stock brokers screwing people out of billions of dollars and now being found out - etc. Lovely quote from Warren Buffet in 2001 (who knows a thing or two):

You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.

So I would hazard a guess that an international airline based in HKG, a financial and logistics hub, and being only 1hr from the worlds LV and Nike production centre - we might be in a bit of a pickle due to people tightening there belts during these times.....


N1 Vibes

Dragon69 26th Jan 2009 03:06

Always brainwashed by company propaganda eh N1! Things are such in a pickle that they had to increase frequency to Shanghai, Jakarta and Paris. :ugh::ugh:

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