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drool69er 21st Sep 2008 09:41

The truth!!!
Sorry, but I thought this is absolutely brilliant and truthful extract of whats going on and the history of these singa idiots. I hope the poster doens't mind, but its a great piece of literature, and I'm sure its exactly what we are all thinking and been wanting to express.

This is not my post - well done to the guy who wrote it, originally from the demise thread. I felt it should be here as well.

Ladies and Gentleman of the HKA Pilot Group

There is an increasing concern amongst the aviation fraternity here in Hong Kong for the way in which HKA Flight Operations is being managed, and with the standard of pilots being hired.

The reference to ladies and gentlemen of the HKA Pilot Group excludes the Singa muppets; as judging by the way they run Flight Ops, and the flights on which they are captains on HKA aircraft, they are incapable of being a gentleman, neither mind have the ability to fly the plane, be a captain, be a pilot, nor be a manager. Yes, in fact there are many stories to be told by some very capable and qualified first officers; the word on the street is that if it was not for the competent first officers there could have been a few incidents and/or accidents. Just as well you guys and girls in the right seat are more than capable and competent in your skills and ability in flying the B737-800; and that includes your situational awareness (obviously the guys from down south lack in both skills). The mind boggles as to how some of those in the left seat even got to be a pilot, neither mind be a captain. It is well known that many of the Singa muppets are very low on command hours (and that is not to mention time on the 737-800).

Does seem that the mob down at CAD are passing a blind eye for (perhaps) personal benefit and reasons ……… Mr EC, what do you think ?????

Whilst not wishing to criticise the enthusiasm with which some of you have participated in the most lively debate on Pprune on the topic of the demise of HKA, and now the taxiway A incident, the pilots of HKA may wish to consider a different tack. It is time now to set aside the “racist card”, set aside the “digging at each other” (well, that will obviously exclude the Singa muppets, and the self attached clowns (some may suggest sycophants), who cannot see the writing on the wall, as their only way forward is to attack, like a wounded muppet and looser), and for you good pilots to rather focus on what is important ……….. focus on your jobs, and doing a good job as professional pilots for your airline. Read on, more on this later.

To the Singa muppets and HKA management, you all need to understand that Hong Kong is a small aviation community, and there are many of your very good pilots now flying for both KA and CX. The word gets out, and so we all know. We have friends.

Nothing changes ………. the mob at CAD continue to have deaf ears and blind eyes; and the perpetrator is Mr EC - more on that later.

One can only presume the reference to JERKOf, here on Pprune, is to the person who is doing the hiring of pilots for HKA.

JERKOf - are you the guy suffering from “short-man-syndrome”, amongst other problems (where do we start) ??? - you should consider changing your career (give up and just be a muppet). Not only are you a pathetic pilot and incompetent captain (from accounts by those who have had the misfortune to have flown with you, and if you wish to know there are many such accounts), it is evident that you are incapable of distinguishing and selecting between a person who should be a direct entry captain from a person who should be sweeping the streets. From your background (we all know the details), what experience do you have at selecting the right people for the right jobs, one has to ask. Even more concerning is the word on the street that you are soon to be appointed as a training captain (or has that already happened; God help us). Yes, we all know about your simulator session with Air Hong Kong where you chose to do an orbit on finals (IMC) because you were too high; was that a simulator session operating into Penang ??? And then, as a captain at HKA on a flight from Korea, you had to divert (was it to ZGGG ???) as you had cocked-up on the fuel calculation. And, that is not to mention your lack of knowledge about systems, performance and limitations for the 737-800. Just a few examples as to why you should save yourself, and become a street sweeper.

And then, there is the infamous Dickie Lai …….. Dickie (“the attitude man”), you must be the laughing stock of the airline industry here in HK; why do you persist???? Flunked the TRE course hands down, and then we hear you are becoming a simulator instructor (how is life down there in Sanya ??). Goodness, if there was ever a reason for you to make haste and disappear back down south, there is now undisputed evidence that it is time that you give away the flying game, as your abilities and standards, as well as attitude, is not suited to be sitting on a flight deck (and that is only in the RHS …. or should that be in the observers seat just observing as you probably will never get any further as an observer), neither mind being a simulator instructor. Lets not forget your email (circulated to all within HKA, and we hear responded to so appropriately by the anonymous Cr*p C*pt**ns) about the GMF taking his annual leave; your arrogance - and that is your problem. Your attitude, behaviour and methods would not be tolerated in a real airline, nor any company in the corporate world.

And, so to Tricky Dickie Stewart ……. Trickie Dickie, we hear you like to pull the speed-brake in the climb (the barber pole getting a bit close to limits was it ???), landing off unstable approaches and, amongst others. So disappointing to hear that you (was it sexually) harassing KA and HKA flight attendants. If you were in a country like Australia you will be had big time. Sexual harassment is a dismissible offence (in fact people like you end up in jail for sexual harassment), as is blatant disregard for SOPs (but then, you will not go to jail for disregarding SOPs, just fired). How can you even suggest that you are a training captain and Chief Pilot Training with your attitude and manner in the office and on the aircraft ???? For those on the string on Pprune about HKA suggesting that Trickie Dickie is off to HKE as DFO, we hear differently (well, we most certainly hope so); CAD (that obviously excludes Eric the Bedwetter) has finally come to their senses and have turned that one down. Watch out HKE, and keep a safe record.

And then, the email from the Fleet Manager that was meant only for the GMF and members of the training department, about a captain under training, that ended up in the inbox of all HKA pilots. Though unfortunate for all concerned, at least the pilot group got to hear what is reality and the truth (good on you KL for being honest, keep up the good work). I suppose even the man at CAD got to read the email. Same captain who attempted the departure out of HKG off taxiway A (separate string on that one indeed - horrifying to say the least).

Any action Mr EC ????? You have been very quiet of late …………. well one must use Mr, as you will never be a captain; well that is with a real airline (perhaps we should commend that you be appointed the Chief Pilot of the HKA Aero Club, so that you may walk around looking most proud in your captain’s uniform - you look an absolute clown in your captain’s stripes - a circus is a funny place, and that is where you belong), when those in the know are laughing at your expense.

Moving on ……. perhaps further discussion about base training failures (and subsequent miraculous passes - passed by who ???), death threats, disregard for SOPs, hard landings, and the rest, should be left to the Ppruners of HKA to divulge.

Mr Wu - you have most certainly created a problem for yourself, and HKA, and you will need to resolve this one very quickly, if you can. Your consistent protection of your self selected muppets is your problem.. You should consider this fact ….. you are not a manager, nor are you a good pilot, and captain included. You should head away from this mess that you have created, and let competent and qualified managers get HKA back on the rails. We just cannot understand how you managed to convince HKA company management that you and your team were the boys for the job. Or was Eric the Bedwetter who did the convincing under your tutorage.

The HK pilot fraternity are immensely proud of our safety record, and we most certainly do not wish to see this record tarnished by a bunch of muppets who are insistent on employing pilots from the wrong regions around the world, employing captains who cannot spell aircraft neither mind know how to fly one, and who have no idea how to be, perform, behave, nor act as a captain; you Singa muppets included. What is the game ????? Or is Ronal Lim calling the shots over all the Singa muppets ???????????

There is most certainly concern for the situation that has developed at HKA.

The latest coming out of HKA is that the Safety Manager may not publish QARs, and that certain captains are exempt from the results stemming from the HKA QAR system. We all know about the HKA training captains blasting off the other week in the typhoon with crosswinds well in excess of limitations. At a real airline, managed by real managers, such actions would have resulted in dismissal. We believe that you Mr Wu have suppressed all records of the event ……… such news travels fast.

What are you doing Mr Wu, by protecting your own self-selected muppets (or is it you Mr Lim). Can you not see the consequences ?? And now we hear that you, Mr Wu, are trying to force the first officer involved in the attempted taxiway A departure to sign an MOR written by you. Goodness man (or should one say Ms WU), what are you doing ………… now we know why you and your muppets are no longer at Air HK.

One has to ask the question as to what HKA company, and Hainan company, management are doing. Or are they also being lied to, and not been given the correct and true information. There is a theme, and you Singas are the cause.

To the boys down at CAD, perhaps it is time to take action and stop hiding behind the corporate monster. Start listening and reading ……… right here, this is proof as to what is happening. It is not for anyone outside HKA to spill the beans, but perhaps you may like to take your head out of the sand, stop being like an Ostrich, and realise that there are some almighty problems on your door step. Mr EC is pandering to HKA for his own self benefit and we all know it; it is just that you guys down there at headquarters cannot see what is happening.

Returning to the HKA Pilot Group ……… time for you to focus on your jobs, and for you all to do your job as good pilots for HKA. HKA is your airline. You need to wake up, and be a collective group. If one may be bold, you are a divided crowd of pilots (there is a big difference between a group and a crowd - a group has an objective, and a collective focus and commitment ………. a crowd, well they are just there for the entertainment).

Being a group standing together, there is no suggestion of militancy; it is about being a collective group. As an example, HKE has proved that - who now, and have doing for some time, flies to KL enjoying the luxury of the hotel; and who flies to PEK to stay in the Hainan dormitory ???? Can you pilots at HKA not see the reversal, created by who ??????

Yes, there were the 49ers, and Hong Kong’s labour laws (are there such things ???) are most different to the likes of Australia; though be mindful as to how successful the likes of the KA pilots association has been and continues to be.

It is not about taking on management and the airline, it is about being a collective group working for the betterment of the airline, your jobs and you as individuals.

One recalls when KA was in the development stage (though, thank goodness, there were not the Singa muppets looking after themselves and their mates). Times were tough, salaries and conditions questionable; the pilots stuck it out and believed in each other as pilots; and look at them now. And, that is where you HKA ladies and gentleman can be, and what you need to do.

HKA can be like KA, as long as the Singa muppets run off (rather be fired) to their hell holes, and take the rest of their cohorts (well, we cannot call them pilots, neither mind captains) from that southern region, with them.

Yes, the Argentineans and Brazilians have all experienced bad times being part of a union and failed airlines (and you guys from South America do not forget, that some of your current and ex HKA pilots from Australia and New Zealand also went through the demise of an airline - you guys are not alone in experiencing the traumatic events of the demise of an airline). To you we sympathise, but you do need to see this one differently. You need to be a collective pilot group, working for each other and for the betterment of your airline. And you South Americans, from what we hear, you are in the majority, well at present that is; though the Singa muppets are hell-bound in trying to change that ratio. Take action South Americans, the rest of the real pilots need your support.

Dare one say it …….. Hong Kong, CX and KA need HKA …….. you sort of keep an honest playing field. Please do not throw away a good opportunity.

HKA Pilots ……….. stay as a group, be focussed on your jobs, and do your job well as professionals for your airline (that excludes the Singa muppets and cohorts - no one could ever suggest they are pilots).

In the words of an unknown author …….. “give a man enough rope, and he/she will hang him/herself”. ……… the Singa muppets are well on their way (and they may just take Eric the Bedwetter with them ……… sort of self-created; nothing like shooting oneself in the foot, but taking aim first !!!!!!).

Singa muppets …….. head south, and go and ruin someone else’s good safety record. You are not welcome here in Hong Kong.

To all the genuine, honest and qualified HKA pilots (this excludes the Singa muppets and their mates), safe flying, and good luck. We believe you will not succumb to the Singa muppets, because we as pilots flying here in HK believe in you …….. as long as you believe in yourselves.

Take good care ………………….. and safe flying.

PS - to the pilots of HKA who read this forum, or those pilots who are not part of HKA (good choice), please circulate this homily to all pilots of HKA. You may have their email addresses, we do not. Please copy, paste and send; and for that we are most appreciative and grateful. Lets spread the message, and lets create change. Anyone know the email address of HKA management.??? Please advise, as they need to read this and much more.

Lets start the education of all, and make change by being open and honest ……… Singa muppets, your days are numbered.

Blown Seal 21st Sep 2008 10:05

iwildoa**** et al...

Point the finger at Aussies/Kiwis all you like buddy, we may be loud however as a cultural character trait that entails speaking up and out, which on the flightdeck has contributed to the aviation records that we can be proud of.

One of the big issues going on here if you have failed to realise it is culture. The fact that certain cultures condone dishonesty, corruption and face saving, has done nothing for accident/incident rates from the countries concerned except increase them.

So as a mild suggestion unless you have something positive to contribute F@ck Off!

hkadaily 21st Sep 2008 10:47

Its not the Kiwis/Aussies against the Asians....this issue (as mentioned by others earlier) is about safety and transparancy with running an airline....with the ultimate goal of good work ethics. We have a Sri Lankan and a Fijian Indian...these guys I am sure also agree and support our concerns for this new management.

If Hainan were only to see the trends of QAR's/incidents since Wu and his boyfriends arrived! Under GR, AF and NH things were running like a well oiled machine.....even with guys without jet experience being hired!

drool69er 21st Sep 2008 11:03

Oh and pilotinasia

Hows the command upgrade coming along? Still telling everyone your the first???

Notice you've been quiet along with all your other "blame our inadequacies on others" mates.

Pays to keep your mouth shut doens't it.

Your going down like the rest.

hongkongfooey 21st Sep 2008 11:24

Are these dead:mad:s really from the sandpit, and if so, what is their interest in HK :confused:
Maybe we should all go over to the ME forum and start sprouting off about things we have'nt a clue about :ugh:

NotHere 21st Sep 2008 11:28

Leopard never change its spots

Oh and pilotinasia
Hows the command upgrade coming along? Still telling everyone your the first???
Well, well, well.........what can I say chaps,
This guy hasn't changed since those days......:cool:.........just have to ask his ex-colleagues back then what happened.....:mad:!!!!

I know I've said this before and will say it again.........Indonesians are not to be trusted...:*.......good in lying & covering F@#K UPs of their own as usual......:ugh:.......just keeps coming......bloody ouh!!!!

Happy flying

Bedder believeit 22nd Sep 2008 03:24

Avantgarde wrote:

"It is not unusual controllers cleared an aircraft for take-off when it's only abeam J5 on J/H. Bedder, are you saying this practice is wrong or illegal? I hope you are not our SSQO".

I would estimate that since CLK opened, less than 3% of all departures from HK have been on the North runway, and probably less than 2% have been on 07L, yet I have never heard of an aircraft lining up for departure on twy J when they should be lining up on the South runway. And yet we have had at least 3 (possibly more) attempted take-offs on taxyway Alpha. Something must be wrong, wouldn't you say? Call it "poor airman ship from late night fliers, tiredness, poorish service from the ADC......" I could go on.
After the second occurrence that happened about 4 years ago, a memo was put out advising controllers not to "clear an aircraft for take-off" on the North runway until they had been identified as being actually on the runway." Pretty good "control-man-ship" I would say. I will further add that anyone that clears an aircraft for take-off on the South runway from abeam J5 is either lazy or just plain asking for trouble. Let's face it, 99% of the time the crew will come back to you as they are swinging on to taxyway H1, J1, J9 or J10 and say "Confirm we are cleared for Take-off?". So what have you saved, other than causing just a bit more confusion? My experience in this job is that the less confusion created, the better we all get along.

throw a dyce 22nd Sep 2008 07:09

Perhaps temporary glim reds across the end of A whenever there is Single North Runway ops at night,might stop the next one.Or switch them on to A,when they get past the high speed exits.
I think clearing aircraft for take off abeam J5 on the south runway,is asking for it.Again Nats thinking is that you give the holding point with a line-up clearance.It started with intersection departures,but applies to all holding points.It sounds a bit long winded,but it has saved 3 runway incursions at our place.
Probably seen as more British BS across there.:cool:

777300ER 22nd Sep 2008 09:31

Apparently the Skipper is claiming that he did not try to take off, but was merely taxiing quickly, in the WRONG direction. Unbelievable!

HK Airlines 737 tries to take off from taxiway

AAIGUY 22nd Sep 2008 10:19

Amazing isn't it. Skipper is an idiot and a liar. So much so he thinks the rest of us don't know which way one faces to taxi and which one to take off.

I wish to give the FO some credit here. Internal information now suggests he tried to do the right thing and submitted the MOR. Company hussed it up, and he then went to CAD directly. Obviously, one of the crew members has some integrity. Well done Diego.

andy_milman 22nd Sep 2008 11:04

i will add here... not only did the company try to hush it up (Wu actually said "(senior) management must not find out" - too late for that sunshine), but Wu actually intimidated the f/o and threatened him with his job if he did not sign the version he (Wu) had written.

The f/o is (obviously) concerned for his job... and the Argies are rallying around him. I think the whole pilot body at HKA should do the same. Not just for the f/o's sake, but for all concerned.

Seems to be a fairly obvious recurring theme here... and the first step towards a solution is the Singaporean management MUST GO.

Singaporean managers - For your own sakes and ours, get out now on your own initiative, before you're tarred and feathered and run out of town. You're running HKA in to the ground... and someone will get hurt if this continues much longer.

fromthedeck 22nd Sep 2008 16:20

Andy Milman is right.. (and I think I've just about worked out who you are ) ;)

EVERYONE @ HKA needs to support Argies and Diego. TRE H needs to start failing those who need too, and not give into the death threats from the swine, Capt J and O (all above Argie) need to stay solid and lead the charge to take the swine back to the pen.

and now a word from me.

To Singaswine, I will continue, with both my friends inside and outside HKA to expose you for the worthless sacks of sh*t you are. I promise each and everyone of your f*ck up is being recorded in detail and since we can't trust Eric the Bedwetter, we will instead use the media to expose you. Nothing but facts mind you... which are sooooo plentiful.:D

Current HKA pilots - Unite. Simply because if you don't, you won't have a job. There will be a incident. People will die, and you will be out of work.

HKA as it stands now, will likely kill people in the next 12 months. (and I am in NO WAY happy to write that.. its scary they can operate like this).

itwilldoatrip 23rd Sep 2008 19:46

Tooler69 and Blowjobseal failed our CRM course have we.

Point the finger at Aussies/Kiwis all you like buddy, we may be loud however as a cultural character trait that entails speaking up and out, which on the flightdeck has contributed to the aviation records that we can be pro.

Excactly my point can't miss an Aussie or Kiwi. Regarding my comment just ask the crews how they're getting on with the Kiwi's swinging the lead on long leave from ANZ in Vietnam.

Hoofharted 24th Sep 2008 00:00

Itwilldoatrip you really are a tool. You encapsulate everything that is wrong with aviation in this part of the world. You are so enslaved by your "small man" syndrome that you lack any clarity of thought or any ability to look at this situation objectively.

The pilot of the flight fvcked up fullstop. Instaed of looking at this and learning from the situation, you choose to try and turn it into a matter of race. Are you suggesting that the this incident didnt really occur and it's being discussed just because Aussie's and Kiwi's are racist?

This is a serious incident, not a racist attack!! Unfortunately you would rather save face and let it pass unacounted into the past. When the lack of aviation standards in certain parts of the world are discussed, you and people with your mind set need to take a good long hard look in the mirror and question your motives and attitude, otherwise the industry will be doomed to continue down the same path it has travelled before.

hkadaily 24th Sep 2008 01:25

"Regarding my comment just ask the crews how they're getting on with the Kiwi's swinging the lead on long leave from ANZ in Vietnam."


Blown Seal 24th Sep 2008 03:17


from the way you are having a sook I would hazard a guess that you are also hka vigilante who posted some cry baby emails to the pilot group yesterday. You need to take a very close reread of the vast majority of the posts here and you will realise that there have hardly been any people calling for the blood of the captain concerned, regardless of the fact he should not have been in the lefthand seat in the first place, however that is a matter the chief pilot, training will have to answer to CAD. So what have the vast majority of posts been on about? Let me summarise for you: Corruption. To attempt to cover this issue up with lies will hopefully see the perpertrators charged by CAD, whether the CAD have the balls to act remains to be seen. You are the one who keeps bringing race up like a broken record, get over it, it is not the issue.

Dear Moderator,

Yesterday on the HKA company email an anonymous poster (called hka.vigilante) sent four emails claiming that the administrators were in cahoots with western pilots forming a conspiracy against some SEA posters to remove some of their posts. From as far as I could see what he was having a whine about the posts were made by iwlldoatrip and re-entry. Could you please stoop to their level for a minute to explain if they were removed by you at all; if so why were they? (if I understand correctly it was due to directly naming people in a slanderous manner)

hkadaily 24th Sep 2008 04:12

Does anyone still have the copy of the email sent by the training captain regarding the attitude of the "Taxi-gate" captain during training?

I wonder what CAD (and media) would have to say if they knew that there were concerns about this captain and why the training manager chose to ignore this?

I see that some recent new captains are needing extra (wayyyy more) sectors to complete their training! Surely shows the calibre of new hires!

AAIGUY 24th Sep 2008 06:43

I have all the emails. Including the copy of the slanderous pprune post by TY.
I have sent them to media. Now working on foriegn media now this is gaining steam.

Stormsurfer 7th Oct 2008 09:20

I hear that some of the pilots at HKA are miltary pilots, maybe they are just ensuring their skills are still there whether they can still take off from taxiways. I mean, u never know if they need to re-repave the runways at CLK some day.....:ooh:

ShotOver 8th Oct 2008 19:37

military pilots...
I get your tongue in cheek, but please don't categorize those guys as military pilots.

Just coz someone flew in the military, doesn't mean they are a military pilot. Even in the military 10% get through. Let's not disgrace those who really are or were military pilots.

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