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AAIGUY 17th Sep 2008 00:43

Hong Kong Airlines B737-800 tries to take off from Taxiway in HKG
This needs a new thread so everyone can see it.

Public safety is literally at risk at this point

It would seem this past weekend, an HKA plane doing a early morning departure from HKIA to Korea mistook the taxi way as the runway, and attempted take off

They got about 500 meters down the taxiway prior to stopping with ATC yelling at them they were indeed NOT on the runway.

(thank go for ground radar in HKG).

Since then, a memo has been circulated internally stressing the importance of "ensuring you are on a runway,prior to takeoff".

The Captain, is from down south, around the same area as those Singaporeans who did the same thing in TPE, with more fatal results.

FO, South America.

CLOWNS. The whole lot.

Hoofharted 17th Sep 2008 00:59

The issue now is what are the CAD going to do about it? We all know about it, no doubt HKA will try to hush it up, where is the CAD?

AAIGUY 17th Sep 2008 02:12

Few more facts..

Flight in question was HX2692 from Hong Kong to Cheong Ju, Korea
Scheduled Departure time was 0400.

AGNES 17th Sep 2008 03:11

About 5 years ago, another operator also tried to take off from taxiway, it was stopped fortunately.Normally, the CAD will write to the operator concerned stating what had happened and normally, the operator concerned will reply stating that they will look into the matter, etc, etc, etc.

float flyer 17th Sep 2008 04:11

How about some professional dignity?

Think about how you would feel if you were in any of these guy's shoes before you go ratting on someone!

There is no excuse for what happened, but do you all really need to "out" the individuals involved?

I'll leave you with this thought:

"How would you feel if it was you, and you were being attacked like this?":ugh:

JoeShmoe 17th Sep 2008 04:15

If I did something like that I'd have to seriously consider if I was the right man for the job.

Some incidents are "but for the grace of God go I" but others like this one absolutely have no excuse.


AAIGUY 17th Sep 2008 04:45

No one "ratted" any one out.. I have names (most people do).. I could post the roster.

I won't.

But this isn't ratting anyone out.. this is truely a very serious incident.

and without changes in HKA's managment the next "incident" is coming around the corner shortly.

** and had I done it, I would not be employed today. Any airline worth anything at all would not sweep this up, but address it.**

badairsucker 17th Sep 2008 05:16

I'll leave you with this thought:

"How would you feel if it was you, and you were being attacked like this?

How would you feel if your family was on this flight and you found out this had happened before but covered up??????

These type of incidents need to be bought to the public's/industries attention IMHO.

Hoofharted 17th Sep 2008 05:53

"How would you feel if it was you, and you were being attacked like this?"
And there-in lies the entire problem. Much better to "save face" than to have an honest and open discussion about a potentially DEADLY event. Damn the passengers and their families.........just save face.

Next thing the accusations will be that this is a "Western racist plot".

fromthedeck 17th Sep 2008 06:08

Hi.. I joined a while ago, but this is my first post.

Hoofharted, I agree about the "western racist plot"

I guess Boeing made a plane too complicated for our 3rd world friends to fly.

Its all the fault of the west.:ugh:

Another point that only just occured to me. I know ATC in HKG try to minimise time on the runway by clearing you to take off while still on taxiways so that checklists can be run and you can "keep it rolling".

In looking at the incident, it would seem that perhaps this practice also contributed. How could they take off on a taxiway if aircraft aren't cleared for take off untill they are on the runway? True the idiots in the front end of that 737 should have known better, but perhaps local ATC practice should be looked at too.

ACMS 17th Sep 2008 06:28

Let me see.............

Taxyway lights...........GREEN CENTERLINE, BLUE EDGE. Basically narrow and dark.

Runway lights................LWMO lights fitted, damn bright, wide and looks very impressive with nice TDZ lights in white and red colours. Very pretty:ok:

Unless it's VERY LOW vis how could you make a mistake in HKG with all the LWMO lights blazing on the runway?

incredible, they must have been asleep at 0400?
Bad rostering maybe? No rest?

I guess I wont be flying to Okinawa in the future then.

hongkongfooey 17th Sep 2008 06:43

The issue now is what are the CAD going to do about it?
Abso:mad:lutely nothing, the same as they have done about all the other incidents that happen daily at the circus.
Now that the bedwetter has been allowed to grace the LHS, you can bet the corruption will not get any better.:ugh:

Re-entry 17th Sep 2008 06:49

They were just following the example of CI at Anchorage

throw a dyce 17th Sep 2008 07:39

UK phraseology says that we have to stipulate the holding point when issuing a line up clearance.
i.e Bankcrupt Air,via Juliet 10,line and wait 25L.
It might have helped to prevent this.Also you can see quite clearly even on the 07's that they are lined up on the runway.If the ground radar was on this would easily be cross checked.
I'm shocked that this got 500m down a taxiway.That could be about 80kts.
The holes in the cheese lined up here.What about fatigue in the Tower controllers.After all CAD is telling them to do compulsory,unpaid overtime.:suspect:

Guava Tree 17th Sep 2008 07:43

Remember the old saying:
If you pay peanuts you can employ monkeys.

Mr. Bloggs 17th Sep 2008 08:22

I believe a Philippines A340 taking off 07L (07R closed) in the early morning had a similar fate. Taxing on Taxiway B for 07L and given the Take Off Clearance. Did the turn at the end and applied Take Off thrust. He was on taxiway A then ATC told him to abort.

Any similarities?

Bedder believeit 17th Sep 2008 08:53

HK Tower controller here, this will be the third such incident at CLK. Was it on 07L? After the second incident, an instruction came out that we were to issue a "Line up" only clearance on the North runway, if taxyway "B" was being used until we (ATC) observed that the departure (either visually or by ground radar) was actually entering the runway, and then "Clear for Take off". I don't know if this occurred on 07R (fairly unusual as the South runway is closed overnight a lot more than the North). If I recall, both previous incidents occurred with two separate airlines from a country that seems to spawn most of our typhoons! The incident that you refer to Mr. Bloggs was an A330 and there was a sweeper vehicle on TWY A about midpoint, that had just vacated the runway.

Kitsune 17th Sep 2008 10:11

What will the CAD do about it - nothing.... is incorrect.

FIRST they will ask CX what to do, then do nothing......:cool:

badairsucker 17th Sep 2008 10:21


You owe me a new keyboard...................

Just read your reply and spat my coffee all over it, great reply mate.:D:D:D:D

sim01 17th Sep 2008 10:44

Why not get GR to do some tail skids down the runways so the HKA boys will actually see the difference between a taxiway and runway

BlunderBus 17th Sep 2008 10:50

why don't we paint some big large numbers and piano keys on the runways and let pilots know about them?:eek:

drool69er 17th Sep 2008 11:32

1. Dirty business tactics

2.Bribery and corruption with CAD

3.Arrogant, inexperienced airline pilot wannabes given managerial positons

4.Firing 14 pilots and lying about the reasons

5. Replacing 14 pilots with useless, unsafe pilots - because they are friends of the arrogant inexperienced managers

6.offering a ridiculous pay scheme to favour the new useless pilots and aimed to squeeze out already experienced, without incident, HKA pilots, and then claim that Cathay and Dragon will soon follow suit with the utterly ridiculous pay scheme.

7.Stopping F/O's who have flown in China for over 2years, have 1000 hours on type,from flying into Kunming and letting new Captains with no Kunming experience F^ck up the approach.

8.Deleteing ALL QAR's from the new useless Captains from hard landing in Kunming, overbanks, overspeeds etc

9. Taking off on wet runway with well over aircraft and company limit crosswind - and then telling the investigating Captain (westerner) to leave the investigation alone.

10. And now trying to kill a plane load of pax by taking off on a taxiway.

Almost half a dozen issues brought up in these posts, and I haven't included them all.

The writing has been on the wall for too long. Someone is going to be killed, unless...........


The proof is out there, CAD are sure going to look bad when these idiots finally do the unthinkable.

Waiting for a reply from the losers to start the racist thing again............

FlexibleResponse 17th Sep 2008 11:48

"In International Aviation, the long-term safety of an airline, will bear a direct correlation to the salary that the pilots are paid." (Anon).

drool69er 17th Sep 2008 12:28

As for HKA case, the egotistical self appointed managers pay a large chunk of salary to themeslves.

If heads are to roll, Madam Wu, dickie bird lai, Jerk ohf, and hostie sexual harraser dick stew should be the first to go.

hkadaily 17th Sep 2008 12:36

Guys...before these guys kill a plane load of pax why dont we get the media involved....

...this way atleast the clean-up can extend to HKCAD!

drool69er 17th Sep 2008 12:46

Intercepted proof.............
Need we say more??
We all at HKA have been screwed by the lowest form of filth


Please understand that the company is not on a Cost-saving exercise only for this period till the end of the year. Cost-saving is an exercise that must be perpetualy on-going for the company to stay efficient.

While I agree with you that money is not always the main motivator for many people in a job, as HR, you should understand that a big distabilizer factor amongst workers can be the disparity in salary for 2 persons of same seniority doing the same job.

Also, it is not difficult for anybody, let alone you as HR, to understand that Pilots, Engineers/Tech personnel and Fight Attendants are all in great demand in the market. These professionals are difficult to replace for the simple reason that it takes time to train and qualify them (and that is only if we first succeed in attracting them to join the company). You as HR should do your utmost to retain these people and not always plan on making adjustments at the end of the year. You may not have anyone left at the end of the year!!

As HR, you seem to rely alot on Hear-say, Gossips and Back-stabbing feed back to form an opinion of a person. Should you not rely more on the Depatrmental Heads to recommend position upgradings? I have found your knowledge of Airline operations severely lacking. I would advise that you trust the Department Heads to understand the inner workings of the department better than you and discuss their problems in greater detail.

Do not have the misconception that you as HR is the sole person to decide on Hiring and Promotions nor are you the head of a secret Police Force. We are all here with one common goal and that is to make this airline profitable.

Undersdtand this and I am sure it will put youself in better light with the staff of HKA and HKE.

Best of luck

Park n Shop 17th Sep 2008 13:47

Awareness Awareness
Don't they identify the departing runway on line up with the selected ILS identifier for that runway and the rising runway symbol which will be in the middle of the lower half of the PFD if lined up on the correct runway????

If you're on the taxiway it is off to one side and sticks out like dogs balls.

Awareness is lacking, discussing threats during the before start briefing (4.00am everyone tired, keep your eyes and ears open) and a rush/complacent job.

Let this be a lesson.:=

Thank god no one was hurt including another aircraft taxing on the departing taxiway.:{

hongkongfooey 17th Sep 2008 14:24

Normally, the big thick white lines with a big number near them, the big thick white lines you align the a/c nosewheel with, and the pretty white ( not GREEN, not BLUE )HICL and HIAL are enough.
Let alone the ILS.

Dixi Normus 17th Sep 2008 17:16

This is HKA's home port, stuff like this should not happen. NO EXCUSES.

B747-800 17th Sep 2008 17:37

Guess that should be in the category: rumours and BS.

hongkongfooey 18th Sep 2008 02:20

Hows that 74-800 ??
It happened champ, so not sure what you are on about.

trevfly 18th Sep 2008 03:17

It may be HKAs home port, but are their pilots familiar, most having arrived from 3rd world hell holes?

Thankfully no one taxying down Alpha at the time

fromthedeck 18th Sep 2008 07:37

SCMP and Korean Newspapers have been contacted.

If the CAD.. aka Eric the bedwetter won't address this, I am sure a public outing will.

Traffic 18th Sep 2008 08:39


Problem is that the skid marks will be on the taxiway:ooh:

hkadaily 18th Sep 2008 10:19

"fromthedeck"...ON YA MATE!!! Well done!:D About time something was done about these clowns!

Hoofharted 18th Sep 2008 13:04

I see that all of the HKA warriors are vewy vewy qwuiet!!! Whatsa matter........nothing to say? Can't dismiss this one as a racist plot by imperial colonial westerners out to get you?

And another thing........now that the Olympics are over and there is "accommodation available" how are you enjoying being back in a hotel?

hkadaily 18th Sep 2008 13:13

Just heard that the f/o involved in the taxiway 'departure' had his version of the MOR thrown out and was told to sign on one that had been written by Wu. The f/o has been into see HKCAD and hopefully told them his version.

LapSap 18th Sep 2008 23:20

Regardless of their piloting prowess, that is now 3 incidents under almost identical circumstances -single north runway ops, early hours of the morning, a/c taxying via 'B' for 07L, takes first turn onto 'A' instead of the Runway.
How many more times until CAD do something positive about this to address the obvious human factors involved?!
How about a 50 ft sign saying "This is not a :mad:ing Runway!!".

ACMS 19th Sep 2008 02:07

Oh come on.

It is very difficult for a trained Pilot to mistake the taxyway with the runway, especially in places like HKG where the lights are numerous and very specific.

The SQ in TPE is totally different, they mis identified a closed 'runway' in heavy rain, it had side line blue lights that looked white in the rain and it was very wide as they expected. So I can see how they stuffed up.

But Hkg, in good wx with all the lights, narrow taxyways v wide runways?

Don't blame the designers of the airport for Pilot incompetance.

AAIGUY 19th Sep 2008 03:59

Good Read
last words of the Singaporean flight in TPE


Couldn't get the RW to align on the PFD..no worries.. just take off..:ugh:

23:16:23 CAM-1 Not on yet er PVD huh never mind we can see the runway, not so bad. Ok, I am going to put it to high first. OK ready eh, so zero one zero is from the left Lah Ok "

my bold lah...:E

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