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ACMS 19th Aug 2006 04:36

An Idiot.........well I'm the one with the Captains pay each month, what about you?
Good thing Cathay don't think I'm an idiot or i'd be CAT D and REALLY BITTER
Why was I not made CAT D?
Because I put in the hard work when required.
I am not special, I do the job they pay me to do.
Now instead of all this crap about why Cathay are different why don't you worry about the Middle east, North Korea, Global warming, terrorism, etc etc. The real problems of this world. And while you at it why don't you thank christ you were not born in India or Pakistan. Then you would really have a **** hard dirty crap life.
So get a life and pull your finger out. Stop blaming everyone else for your problems here. We all know the Cathay system is not perfect, it is improving all the time thanks to some leaving and some arriving on the 3rd floor and more good guys starting as TC's
If you don't like the system and you can't work with it then go back to where you came from. Because there is one hell of a lot of us here sick of your complaining.

Five Green 19th Aug 2006 05:19

Generational Gap
ACMS, Elec, OPO;

You sound alot like the crusty old Captains I flew with when CRM started. All they could say was that CRM was bad for the industry. Bad for them to loose control.

Among the qualities necessary for a professional aviator (IMHO) are: the ability to empathise with others who make mistakes, the ability to analyse and learn from said mistakes, the awareness that yes "it" can happen to you, an understanding that there are more than one way to do things, and an open mind when presented with another viewpoint.

Quite frankly from the tone of your replies it is possible that you struggle in these areas. You may have been the best of the best of the best, but you seem to lack human factors understanding.

A professional aviator should keep abreast of current information and advances in all aspects of the job. A professional aviator should strive to continue improving. So should an international arline's training system.

ACMS 19th Aug 2006 06:39

Why do I bother...............................................

Liam Gallagher 19th Aug 2006 10:16

ACMS wrote...

"....thank christ you were not born in India or Pakistan."

Shurely shome mishtake...don't you mean Allah, Krishna, Bhudda et al....:8

cpdude 19th Aug 2006 14:09

Originally Posted by BADRT
You guys have got it all wrong. The culture at CX is just fine. The real problem we have is that all the pilots that are coming up these days just don't have the experience and same ability as the previous generation. If they would quit walking with backpacks in Cathay City and start wearing long sleeve shirts with gold cuff links and a matching Mont Blanc pen, I think they would get along in the program much easier. It also helps to try to look nervous and frightened for simulators checks. This shows that you are serious and have the right attitude. The culture is great. I really love it here.

Remember to add "Mont Blanc CLICK pen"

Max Reheat 19th Aug 2006 16:51

This is starting to get uncontrollably out of hand, guys! We work for one of the best airlines in the world, let's celebrate the fact.
I would not disagree with anyone who questions the system of the "board" making the Final Decision, however, that is the system. The sooner that is accepted, then the better for the individuals concerned.
The courses brought into contention on this post are being passed on a regular basis by guys and girls from a place not a million miles from HKG where aviation is not an indiginous industry. They get there by by hard work, diligence and a committment to CX that unfortunately is clearly lacking within the ranks of some of our expat colleagues. Next time you feel hard done by, take a look at them and just wonder at how you would have coped if you had been required to become a second officer with only 250 hrs total time. They get through, so can you!
CX does pride itself on high standards... remember "Training for safety, aiming for excellence", that really is all we want. It is unfortunate when an individual does not receive a thumbs up from the board, there is nothing vindictve intended, it's sole purpose is to protect the Company and the passengers who pay to travel with us.
I genuinely believe that, we, new breed of trainers are trying to improve the system by our more empathetic approach, a willingness to go the extra mile for our student; we take it personally when 'our man' (or girl) doesn't get through the course.
I apologise if I have rattled some delicate egos with my last few posts, however, there are too many people on this forum slandering a great company and the people who are trying to keep it great by ensuring that the CX standard remains as high as ever.
All of us who took Mr Swire's shilling need to remember that it is his train set and that he sets the rules. Play by them or concede defeat, because whingeing will not change the system.
Cheers.... Max

BADRT 19th Aug 2006 18:00

I can't wait for the "Sky Gods" to retire, but wait, like abused children growing up to be abusers, there is a whole new crop of kool-aid drinking Sky God wannabees ready to continue making an otherwise good job suck!

electricjetjock 20th Aug 2006 05:29

Five:sad: (why am I bothering :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: )

I think you need to take a leaf out of your own book and take off your blinkers. Perhaps you should show some CRM, as I said before it is not a one way street, YOU actually have to be able to be flexible as well. It appears that it is not just the "oldies" who have sensitive ego's. Hey and guess what you might not always be correct in YOUR assumptions. I think you need to gain a life and accept that things do not always go the way you want them. Get over it and move on either here or somewhere else.:rolleyes:

I have never stopped learning in this career and the day I DO think I know it all is the day I MUST quit.

BAD not a very good attempt at a wind up, stay in the kindergarten.:=

ACMS 20th Aug 2006 11:26


VR-HFX 20th Aug 2006 13:59

Well what can one say...this thread started by discussing the unique issues that our brethren from the USA face flying with us Commonwealth monsters.

I have flown with US captains and US F/O's. Nothing wrong with any of them.

After well more than 20 years, what I can say is that if you put a few thousand folk with too much testosterone in shiny wide body a/c then the cultural differences are nothing to do with nationality and everything to do with ego.

CRM is a useless technical term for what is common sense. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There have been Star Chamber types in this company since the day I joined. The real skill is staying away from them..or more precisely their finely honed culture of self importance. Most of them were abused children or frightened themelves fartless in the military. While they may give you a hard time, the last thing hard they gave 'She Who Must be Obeyed' is currency.

Failure rates are a disgrace and a direct result of the fact that most of the A team have opted out of the C&T system. Ask yourself why there is a queue a mile long to upgrade onto the 777 even if it means waiting an extra 6 months. Quite simply it is the only fleet that has a real culture.

The 400 has become the fleet of choice for the B&T while I will not comment at all on the Bus, the failure rates say more than I ever could.

A yoghurt in the morning is culture enough for me.

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