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InTheAir 7th Jun 2000 21:28

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 and earlier (2000, 98, 95)
I'm going to be purchasing a CH Flight Yoke and the CH Pro pedals soon. However since my present computer has not got a USB port I will not be able to buy the USB versions. Could someone please explain what the difference between the two formats is please.
Also can a USB port be fitted into any PC? (P150Mhz - I doubt it!!!)


spannersatcx 7th Jun 2000 22:30

As long as you have W95B or W98 and a spare PCI slot shouldn't be a problem see here http://www.dabs.com/products/product...e&tid=523&mid=

USB is more versatile than a game port joystick, in that you can hotplug etc.

DarrenMoore 8th Jun 2000 23:28

Flight Yoke
Here's something I've been debating over for about a year now:
Should I buy a flight yoke for my computer or not?

I'd appreciate advice from anyone, should I save the money towards flying lessons or would I be better parting with £90 of my hard earned cash for one?




Tinstaafl 9th Jun 2000 02:53

Flying lessons.

kopbhoy2 9th Jun 2000 12:36

yeah, flying lessons. And if you've already had some then have more, its much more fun than a PC sim!!

Slasher 10th Jun 2000 12:04

Yep. Flying lessons.

But when it comes time for your IRR, download some good IFR training software (or steal it from your flying school) THEN buy your joystick.

Your lucky in this day and age. For IFR practice at home in my ancient days all we had was a chair, closed eyes, arms waving in space and a minds eye!

G-NAJY 10th Jun 2000 13:26

Flight Simulator 98 needed urgently!
I'm probably going to sound like a right **** TAKER, but would anybody be willing enough to lend me their copy of Flight Simulator 98. I have tried and tried for the last month but can't seem to get hold of a copy from anyone. My previous CD melted after being left on the window sill! (I'm not joking). I am willing to pay the cost towards any postage and packaging, and will return the CD in a week. Please E-mail me if you would like to help.

Thank you for your time.

G-NAJY 10th Jun 2000 13:45

Now you can e-mail me! (top)

Tallbloke 11th Jun 2000 03:00


Flying lessons, and here is why I think so. I used to use a sim, before I started my lessons, and it taught me to fly using instruments, not visually. If you become proficient on the sim, you may learn some bad habits for when you first start flying. Firstly, there is very little incentive for using co-ordinated rudder when turning a sim, whereas I find the withering sarcasm of my instructor means I have to pay close attention to the little ball. Secondly, and probably more importantly, I found that flying the sim, I would make extensive use of the Artificial Horizon (AI), whereas in the Warrior I glance at it only as a reference to bank angle during turns. At all other times I have to fly with reference to the visual horizon.
I agree with Slasher, sims are great for practicing IFR flight (something I can only aspire to) but for VFR, there is nothing like the real thing.

kopbhoy2 12th Jun 2000 01:05

Tallbloke speakes the truth. That's exactly what happened to me when I started real flying.

Mind you, I can't fly an instrument approach in FS2000 to save my life now ;)

fryingeggs 14th Jun 2000 02:58

I dont know about FS98 but with FS200 u need the disk to run the program which may be a problem. even copying the cd gives some trouble as some essential files from disk cannot be copied.
mite be worth looking into.

BurningKeroNow 10th Dec 2000 05:15

Flight Sim 2000
Has anybody successfully run MS Flight Sim 2000 with Windows 2000 Professional?

The sys reqs of FS 2000 say either Win 095, 98, or NT 4.0 but that just means they have not fully tested it with all configs of Win 2000.


Captain Numpty 10th Dec 2000 05:46

Rumour has it, it will quite literally "CRASH" everytime!!! STICK WITH '98


BurningKeroNow 10th Dec 2000 06:46

Thanks. Problem is that am running Win2000 already and have been for 6 months. I would have thought that FS 2000 would be compatible. Oh well.

SevenFiftySeven 11th Dec 2000 19:57

I'm using Windows 2000 and MS Flight Simulator 2000 Pro edition.
It occasionally crashes, but I think that is due to some dodgy third party aircraft I have.
You should find that FS2000 installs and runs easily and well.

spannersatcx 12th Dec 2000 00:41

what graphics card are you using, some can cause problems and you have to edit the fs2000 cfg file?

Gen Brace 12th Dec 2000 01:43

Have any of you tried the lauda 425 add-on?

niteflite01 14th Dec 2000 01:59

Flight Simulator 2000 question

OK - I'm seriously tempted to upgrade from my trusty copy of Flight Sim 98 to FS2000 professional but am worried about the spec of my PC. I've heard FS2000 requires a monster Pc to run.

My PC is an Athlon 700MHz with 128MB of RAM, 20Gb Hard Drive and an ATI Xpert2000 32MB graphics card.

Any ideas on how FS2000 will run?

"Go around..I say again...go around"

Lurk R 14th Dec 2000 03:36

Those specs sound promising but part of the answer is also the number and sort of "background" programs you have running at the same time. Many people have found killing the majority of the startup and systray type programs aids FS performance.

Air Conditioned 15th Dec 2000 08:10

I may not be sufficiently computer literate to pontificate..... but the box FS 2000 Pro comes in says you need: Pentium 166 or faster, 32MB RAM; 64 recommended, 420MB disc space; 500 recommended, Quad speed or higher CD-ROM drive, 16 bit VGA colour.(Among other things)

When run on a 800MHz, 128MB RAM, 20GHB system there are no apparent problems, even operating almost everything at once (Gear,flap,trim,power,pitching and rolling)The only suspicion is that sometimes the clock runs in two or three second jumps.

Normal handling never seems to upset any indications or iteration rate, but the handling in semi-upsets is a bit weird. Whether a limitation of the system or lack of computer power is not apparent. (Just stay in control.)

niteflite01 16th Dec 2000 03:21

Thanks for the replies :)

Air Cond - what video frame rates do you get using your system?

"Go around..I say again...go around"

Air Conditioned 16th Dec 2000 04:32

You can't fool me with big words.

Is there somewhere I can get your answer out of the box?? I'll have a look.

niteflite01 16th Dec 2000 17:13

Tee hee - sorry about that ;)

If you press SHIFT and Z during the game it should bring up the frame rate in the top left hand corner of the screen. You may need to press it a couple of times.

Cheers :)

"Go around..I say again...go around"

mindstorm 16th Dec 2000 21:06

I'm ruuning it on an 800 Duron with 128Mb ram and a GeoForce II MX and it will run at 1280 x 1024 with all detail on and is still smooth.

Wonderful stuff

Air Conditioned 19th Dec 2000 05:12


Couldn't get a result with your suggested input. The MS book indeed would have told me - must read it one day.

CTRL+Z does things to ALT HOLD and autopilot engage but no display.


spannersatcx 19th Dec 2000 18:10

HOLD down the shift button while pressing Z

MasterBates 27th Feb 2001 01:37

CD-key for Flight simulator 95
Can anybody help me with the cd-key for Microsoft FS 95. I have lost the blasted cover, and can't reinstall!!

ickle black box 28th Feb 2001 16:40

I maight be barking up totally the wrong tree, as I can't remember the format the cd key takes, but if either of these fit, they should work (MS standard codes, work for 95/nt/office etc)

020 1234567
0204 1234567
15195 0001222 12345

KBaB 19th Mar 2001 22:47

Flight Sim 2000 problems
I have just bought Flight sim 2000 after having flight sim 98 for years.

Flight sim ran fine, ok graphics, and never had any problems with it. However, in flight sim 2000 I haven't had a trouble free moment. I either get a box telling me "Flight sim 2000 has cause a fatal error and will be closed", or missing files.

Im also really disappointed at the graphics of the game, anyone any idea how to make them better? Flight sim 98 had better graphics than 2000 but I've a feeling it may be the game settings.

I have a Pentium 2, 400 processor, 128mb ram, about 2bg free on my hard drive, and have two graphics cards. One is a ATI rage pro 8mb thing, and the other is a Voodoo2 12mb. Im sure I can get the graphics looking better, any help guys and girls?


x/wind 19th Mar 2001 23:35

Just got FS 2000, and like you, the graphics are terrible and jerky. Tried everything: no joy. I suspect though that the answer is a higher spec graphics card (only got 8MB on an SiS530).

I also have Team Apache, and the graphics on that are phenominal.

If you find any other answer, please advise.

Always look on the bright side of life...

MegaTop744 22nd Mar 2001 04:33

Yep, you'll find a higher-spec graphics card will help. The SiS 530 isn't really designed for games. I'm upgrading to a GeForce2 GTS 32MB next week. If you don't want to splash out that much, then consider the GeForce2 MX series of cards.

One caveat - if the machine has only PCI slots, then you'll need to try and locate a new PCI graphics card. Two suggestions here: a Voodoo 3 2000 or an NVidia TNT2-based card. You really don't have much choice when it comes to fast PCI graphics cards.

However, if you've got an AGP socket, get the fastest card you can afford. Also, upgrade to DirectX 8.0.

[This message has been edited by MegaTop744 (edited 22 March 2001).]

kopbhoy2 22nd Mar 2001 13:17

Have you patched it? Patches are available from microsoft's site & flightsim.com, simflight.com et al....

I'm running it off a P3 500 and to be honest it can crawl, especially if I'm using add-on scenry, panels etc...it's fairly stable for me now but occasionally it does screw up...

Flare armed 22nd Mar 2001 14:59

FS2000 is very demanding programme ! Reccomended PC is 700 - 800 Mhz processor and at least 32Mb graphic card.
Try to turn the resolution to a lower value ,it helps a little !

good luck
Flare armed

Ace McCool 22nd Mar 2001 16:26

I run it on an AMDK-500 and it goes quite well. It went better when I was using a TNT-riva 32mb card than it does now using a G-force 64mb card. Unless you've got the genuine program I don't recommend downloading patches. I tried installing the patches on my Hong Kong specials only to be told that I needed the cd in the drive before the game would play...the nerve of them!

G-NADS 24th Mar 2001 15:30

Flight Simulator 2000 online gaming next Friday?
Hi guys,

I am going to have my first attempt at online gaming soon with Flight Simulator 2000. I thought I'd put up a post here to see how many people would be interested.

The date: Friday 30th March
The time: 1930 GMT
The place: London Stanstead
Limit: no limit - the more the better.

No voice, comms etc. Just raw flying and anybody is welcome.

Keep returning to this thread. I will put up the IP address (and instructions for those who are not familiar) here.

Any changes to the date and time will be considered.


spannersatcx 24th Mar 2001 17:22

Can you not use the MS game zone, http://zone.msn.com/flightsim2000/default.asp

G-NADS 24th Mar 2001 17:49

Somebody tells me this method is extremely slow and the MSN Zone software really does slow down your connection.

KBaB 24th Mar 2001 20:55

just a quick question.
in the adventures, the Concorde Heathrow > JFK one..

I get to about the east coast of Ireland, about 45,000ft, centre of gravity is fine, but the plane just starts to lose speed, and then stalls.
Any ideas why?


[This message has been edited by KBaB (edited 24 March 2001).]

G-NADS 24th Mar 2001 21:59

Did you say you get as far as Ireland? wow your lucky!

I'm dead before I reach Compton. No seriously I have seen the same thing happen and can't figure out why either.

KBaB 24th Mar 2001 22:12

ice? maybes blocking something or adding weight?

Or, just Microsoft messing it up?

Who knows.


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