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Fitztightly 22nd May 2001 16:51

Wilco 767 is very good but by far the creme de la creme for me is the Phoenix 747-400. The 777 is not far behind.
www.phoenix-simulations.co.uk has has some good screen shots but you need at least a PIII and 96 RAM for good performance.

av8a 17th Aug 2001 12:37

B747-200 addon for Flight sim
Would any one know if it is possible to get a B747-200 add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator?


tva164 17th Aug 2001 12:52

There are very good add-ons, esp. the 742 and 744. For the 742, just go to flightsim.com and search for it and for the 744, go to http://www.phoenix-simulation.co.uk/main/home.asp . If you get interested inthe 763, the best one ever is PIC767 at http://www.wilcopub.com


[ 17 August 2001: Message edited by: TVA164 ]

C.130 17th Aug 2001 19:55

go into a search engine and type

Dave Middletons Flight Sim Site

you should get his url, he has loads and loads of different aircraft listed, with good panels and sound files, I downloaded an Alitalia 747 with panel, also included GPWS and Pushback module.

Have fun :) :) :) :) :)

twistedenginestarter 19th Aug 2001 15:16

I use Data Becker 747 International Pack with lots of 200s including the BA 236 (without however the FMS that is now fitted).

It cost me about 5 quid. Original price about 20.

dingducky 22nd Aug 2001 05:53

www.simviation.com is a good site

Whiskey Zulu 31st Aug 2001 02:30

On-line WW2 flight sim Brill fun
Following the demise of the UK on-line gaming service 'Wireplay' please be advised that Air Attack, the best on-line WW2 multi-player flight sim has found a new home on German servers, GEAA.

It's brilliant fun, try it. Free 8mb download and no on-line charges from the server.

Downloads and info available from :

ColinF 18th Nov 2001 18:53

Flight Sim '02
Anyone know the cheapest source for MS flight sim 2002?

WhiteSail 19th Nov 2001 01:48

Check this thread;


Superpilot 19th Nov 2001 02:08

I placed an order with Dabs 8 days ago and they still have none in stock!!! I've just cancelled it and purchased it online from http://www.gb.buy.com/

FS2002 Pro (CD) including VAT and next working day delivery = £50.30

SuperTed 19th Nov 2001 02:12

Could someone please tell me how good is the uk scenery that comes with MS FS2002 before I give my money to Bill. Is it possible to fly low level VFR throughout the UK?

ColinF 19th Nov 2001 04:10

Thanks WhiteSail.

Should have looked a bit harder myself!

Superpilot 22nd Nov 2001 21:40

A bit of topic...

I've just got my copy and I dunno about you but I'm totally offended by the following:

Apparently those Yanks think the Millenium Dome is what we call the "British Airways London Eye". :rolleyes:

sanjosebaz 23rd Nov 2001 12:38

Shouldn't there be another (rail) bridge visible on the right, too? ... http://www.streetmap.co.uk/streetmap...=180500&zoom=3

Very poor research on MicroShaft's part ;)

What_does_this_button_do? 25th Nov 2001 11:33

Now, I wonder if I could land the JetRanger on the centre of the dome's roof....

Pengineer 25th Nov 2001 23:43

I got mine down the local market today £5 for an unboxed (pro)set, obviously I can't put a link here to the market or I'll get barred again. I have to say I'm very impressed with it the graphics are much improved and the overall look and feel of the game is very nice. I particularly like that new Vought Corsair its just a pity you can't shoot anything.
I even went online today (MSN game zone) and that was quite fun, there were about 10-15 of us at times buzzing around Meigs Field and trying to see how many helicopters we could squeeze into the nearby stadium. (The helicopter seems easier to fly as well)
Highly recommended, well done Bill.

Superpilot 26th Nov 2001 15:20

Overall I feel Microsoft have compensated for the poor flight models by throwing in a lot of eye candy. The flight models and other flying characteristics are pathetic! I'm sure real world pilots would admit the 737 and 747 just do not climb like that. Seriously, the 744 climbs like Concorde, even with full fuel! The ILS approach mode is way too innacurate (A step back from FS2000), the autothrottles idle unnecessarily and struggle to maintain the selected airspeed (also a step back from FS2000). Plus points are: a better blend of scenery with runways, frame rates, water effects, clouds and contrails.

[ 26 November 2001: Message edited by: Superpilot ]

reverserdeployed 27th Nov 2001 12:42

Flight Simulator 2002
Now like most 'real' aviators (I'm a 90hr PPL) I've got a few flight sims on my PC for fun but appreciate that unless you've got a few hundred million to splash out on a full size, multi-axis 777 jobbie it's never going to like the real thing.

I'm also deeply suspicious of those 'simmers' who join those 'virtual airlines' and actually sit in front of the screen for ten hours at a stretch as they 'fly' from London to Los Angeles. That smacks to me of needing a good beer or preferably a good night out that ends with a gutter, hooker or police cell.

Such is why I thought long and hard before splashing out £70 on FS 2002. But eventually I succumbed, and I'm rather glad I did.

FS 2000 was always good for IR stuff, instrument scan and the like, but not much cop for visual flying as the perspective never 'felt' right. That big panel dominates the view, to the point where you fly the panel rather than the aircraft. Also because it was all rather jerky then you'd be over-correcting the jerks rather than your own flying.

But, at least in my machine, FS 2002 seems to have addressed most of those faults. The whole thing is much smoother, the ground effects are more polished, and it has this fab 3-D thingy where you can swivel round the F/D in real-time, which gives you a much better perspective of the landing 'picture.'

But the thing that they've included now that really makes it is ATC. You can now file a flight plan anywhere, and get full ATC coverage along the route with vectors to an ILS or visual approach. You can call missed and get vectored round again, receive traffic alerts, airspace transitions and more.

I just wish they'd brought this thing out when I was doing my GFT!

At last it seems MSFS has moved out of the realms of greasy hair and underdeveloped social skills into the realms of a useful training and refresher tool!

Blacksheep 27th Nov 2001 18:03

The man asked for the cheapest source. ** SNIP ** for 2002 Pro and it works fine.

Interesting trading method - you pick the software from the catalogue and the guy calls the truck a couple of streets away on a walkie-talkie. It must be dangerous keeping all that genuine licensed software on a market stall, so they use extraordinary security methods to protect the stock-room from robbers.

Through difficulties to the cinema

Sheep: That's a YELLOW card.

[ 27 November 2001: Message edited by: What_does_this_button_do? ]

GlueBall 27th Nov 2001 18:23

When you move up to an Intel-4 box with 2-Ghz it will get more smooth.

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