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Up_And_Down 27th Oct 2003 21:22

Phil - TTT did get people to ask some tough questions which needed answers - and regardless of whether he told you who / where / how...the fact remains that SAG has advertised an operation that has yet to materialize for the past 2 years! Good on them for trying - but the only proven 'fact' out there right now is that there are no airplanes with the SAG logo on them. That's pretty hard evidence to argue against for the time being isn't it?

Personally, I'll believe it when I see it.

Up_And_Down 8th Nov 2003 00:19

What, no witty retort Phil? After reading through some of the previous posts, you seem to be the key SAG cheerleader.

I hope that this operation comes to fruition - so give me some evidence that they are making progress.

Up_And_Down 17th Nov 2003 22:54

Well then...I guess there is none!

Phil Lister 23rd Nov 2003 17:16

Sorry to let you down, I just haven't bothered checking on this forum for a while. I've found that it is usually more frustrating than it is worth.

As for SAG, from what I have heard, they are still struggling through the enless red tape involved in a start up operation. Even though it has taken longer than anyone expected, the people I know there are still quite positive that it will happen. I would hope that we would all be patient and hopefull that they do get going as it will provide much needed jobs in our industry when we all really need it..


PIA747 11th Dec 2003 02:57

I wonder why the Red tape for SAG is longer than for others.

FestusSlowPok 11th Dec 2003 05:59

PIA747, what others are you referring to?

PIA747 11th Dec 2003 06:58

Airlines that very recently entered into the Canadian Aviation scene, such as HMY.

skyhawk1 11th Dec 2003 13:40

Maybe because Dr. Hoe has untold millions of dollars to throw around. It took them a wack of cash to get started. Even with that they needed about two years or more. From what I know SA doesn't have untold millions at their disposal. Even if they did they still have to get through Transport Canada, which again from what I hear they are fairly close.

But then again.....????

FestusSlowPok 15th Dec 2003 01:52

Since you claim to know that SA does not have "untold millions" at their disposal you must have some good inside knowledge about this startup. I mean, the finances of a company should be and usually are quite secretive. I'd be curious to know more.......or are you just trying to make it look like you know more.

skyhawk1 16th Dec 2003 03:14

You are right. Companies finances are super secret. I simply ment that they probably don't have 800 million dollars lying around, spending it like it's going out of style. What do they have? 100 million? 200 million? 20 dollars? I don't know and I seriously doubt anyone else knows. If you ask TTT, they have no money. I find that very difficult to believe.

How much do I know about them? I'll tell you right now. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but more than most outsiders. Phil's info seems to be on par with what I hear. As I've said before - A good friend of mine has worked there for a while and he tells me things from time to time. He hasn't said how much money they have and I won't ask. As you say - it's a secret, but they have to have some money or they never would have got as far as they have. I could speculate from what I've seen from their setup and from what I see on this thread, but spreading rumors instead of facts is not very positive.

As for TC. A lot of people on the west coast know that most of the people at TC couldn't lead ants to a picnic. There are a million things that could hold them up. I know that some of their manuals are being held up, but are slowly being fixed. However with a startup you are last on the priority list with TC. They (TC) get to you when they have a few spare minutes. As for aircraft, HMY took 6 months longer to get their 757 certified in Canada because it has 2 overwing exits. They only ones before that had 4 entry doors and no overwings. Well no 747 has ever been certified in Canada in a pure freighter configuration. How long would that add to certification? God only knows.

It's been said before. They were probably a little optimistic as to how long it would take. But they are still forging ahead and are pretty positive about the whole thing. I still think they will go the distance eventually.

PIA747 16th Dec 2003 05:25

Holland Canada line was hireing B747F Crews early this year.. i believe it was for service air. The positions have now been cancelled.


FestusSlowPok 17th Dec 2003 00:59

PIA747, Holland Canada was not hiring for SA.

TTT, I think it's time for you to get your clown suit ready. Would you like some ketchup with your hat ??? When the time comes kindly let us know when you're going to be at SA's office in your clown suit. I'd like to see you, once again, making an idiot out of yourself. My guess is that you're not half the man you think you are and won't live up to your word.

Skyhawk, I'm with you. I sincerely hope SA makes it work and I think they will. I believe I've been talking to the same person on the inside as you have been. Fairly soon all the people that have been talking this company down will look like the:mad: that they are.
Just noticed SA's new website www.serviceair.net:ok:

PIA747 17th Dec 2003 01:13

so they switched from a 742F to a 744F. Is this because the -400 would be easier to certify by TC

FestusSlowPok 17th Dec 2003 01:43

I'm not sure about it being easier to certify but to my knowledge there are no 742's operating in Canada so maybe the 400 is easier to certify. Could it be that 744's are a better fit for their ops?..range, lift, availability etc ?

skyhawk1 17th Dec 2003 03:05

Well I can see they have finally updated the site. I've actually known this for a while, but was sworn to secrecy. This is one reason they are taking so long. They had manuals written for the -200. Then due to numerous factors, switched to the -400. Thus having to re-write the books. The -400 will not be any easier to certify, but your right fetusSlowPok with a 200 a feul stop was needed. With the 400 non-stop is now possible. A secondary factor is ease of maintenance on some items.

russellackland 17th Dec 2003 04:31

I heard a rumour from an Air Canada pilot that 747-400 cargo is already in their future. Will there be enough for all?


skyhawk1 17th Dec 2003 12:36

Yes there will be lots for all.

I've heard that rumor too. Word is - IF they get it off the ground it's only a few planes and it's only for their own cargo, as they currently run out of belly space too quickly. They are not working with everyday GSA's.

Skpr74 19th Dec 2003 14:05

Having spent most of my career with AC (recently retired), I am thoroughly familiar with Mr. Dilon and his operation. Over the years some of my colleagues have flow Service Air aircraft. I know for a fact that Service Air's commercial plan will have no effect on AC's cargo market. In fact I can see AC utilizing this company's services!

Phil Lister 3rd Jan 2004 07:25

Well, it's nice to see that the slagging has slowed down.

As has been stated, the rewriting of manuals and the approval by TC can be a long painfull process. Hopefully once all the hoops have been jumped through, the operation can start and be successfull.

Best of the New Year to all.


Up_And_Down 14th Jan 2004 21:54

Yes, perhaps they have something coming together, that would be great for us old dogs looking for something to drive based back in Canada, and for the Industry in general.

I have heard that through the early months of this operation Service Air lost the interest of some good people however, due to 'secrecy' and half truths about their financial situation - hopefully that has been cleared up with the people that are now involved.

I heard something about one of the guys orioginally involved running a weekly charter / ACMI with a Polar aircraft off the East Coast, and planning to put up their own aircraft eventually. Anyone have any info on that? Maybe they'll end up doing it with SAG?

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