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Phil Lister 27th Jul 2003 08:33

To Tell The Truth..

You just don't give up do you?? For someone who claims to really know the situation, I feel that you are like so many other clowns out there who heard a story from a friend of the brother-in-law of someone who claims to know the real truth..

What about Service Air bothers you so much? Is it that they just might make a go of it and you are being left behind?? :{

Or is it that you paid for your training somewhere and got screwed so now you think every start-up has to be a crook?? :rolleyes:

What part of these guys are not paying for their own training confuses you?? I'm sure most people who are getting offered a job are coming in with their eyes wide open.. From what I can understand from a few of them that have been accepted is that there is an awful lot of experience coming to that company so I'd think guys or gals with that kind of experience would know what to look out for..

Maybe before you run off at the mouth once again you should check you facts.. Then maybe check the attitude at the door.. :ok: When you have something constructive to add to the conversation please feel free to add to it, until then we are all just getting sick of the endless drivel :yuk: that continues to come from you..


extreme P 28th Jul 2003 17:13

CTA Home : Rulings : Orders : 2002

Order No. 2002-A-327
August 14, 2002
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service and a non-scheduled international service by Service Air Group Inc. carrying on business as Service Air - Licence Nos. 980010 and 980011.
File Nos. M4210/S411-1


Under Licence No. 980010, Service Air Group Inc. carrying on business as Service Air (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a domestic service, small aircraft.

Under Licence No. 980011, the Licensee is authorized to operate a non-scheduled international service, small aircraft, to transport traffic on a charter basis between Canada and any other country.

By Order No. 2002-A-246 dated July 5, 2002, Licence Nos. 980010 and 980011 were suspended pursuant to subsection 63(1) and paragraph 75(1)(a) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10 (hereinafter the CTA), for failure by the Licensee to hold a valid Canadian aviation document. The Licensee was provided with a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the Order to show cause why Licence Nos. 980010 and 980011 should not be cancelled pursuant to subsection 63(1) and paragraph 75(1)(a) of the CTA.

In response to the Order, the Licensee has requested a suspension of its licences.

Pursuant to paragraphs 63(2)(b) and 75(2)(b) of the CTA, the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) may suspend or cancel a domestic licence and a non-scheduled international licence in accordance with a request from the Licensee for the suspension or cancellation.

The Agency has considered the request and, pursuant to paragraphs 63(2)(b) and 75(2)(b) of the CTA, hereby suspends Licence Nos. 980010 and 980011.

To reinstate the suspended licences, the Licensee is provided with a period of one year from the date of this Order to file an application to that effect. If, at that time, upon consideration of the application, the Agency determines that the Licensee meets the requirements of subparagraphs 61(a)(i) to (iii) and 73(1)(a)(i) to (iii) of the CTA, which provide that the Licensee must be Canadian, must hold a Canadian aviation document and must have prescribed liability insurance coverage, the licences shall be reinstated.

Alternatively, one year from the date of this Order, if the application for reinstatement is not filed or the Licensee does not meet any of the requirements of subparagraphs 61(a)(i), (ii) or (iii) and 73(1)(a)(i), (ii) or (iii) of the CTA, the Licensee is provided with an additional thirty (30) days to show cause why Licence Nos. 980010 and 980011 should not be cancelled pursuant to subsection 63(1) and paragraph 75(1)(a) of the CTA.

This Order shall be affixed to Licence Nos. 980010 and 980011 and the suspension of the licences shall remain in effect until further order of the Agency.

Nothing mentioned about the suspension being lifted. Best of luck to all parties involved however very strong rumours say this one is going nowhere.

TellTheTruth 28th Jul 2003 19:51

Oh Phil...h

Perhaps it's you that is ignorant of the facts, or not in a position to know any better - which would be understandable and explain your attitude. Do you realise there are 7 other groups attempting a similar start-up across Canada? Do you know that 5 of the other groups involve management teams that have owned and operated large carriers in the past? 2 of the groups have their financing and contracts in place? Ask yourself one simple question - where are Service Air's aircraft? Where are their contracts? It's nice that you have bet your money on the little guy, but I assure you it's the 'deaf dumb and blind' leading the blissfully ignorant. Enjoy...

Did you hear that the 'naked girl hunting with paintball guns' in Las Vegas was also a hoax - I'm sure you'll be able to get a refund.

COLOR=red]As these are anonymous forums the origins of the contributions may be opposite to what may be apparent. In fact the press may use it, or the unscrupulous, to elicit certain reactions.[/COLOR]

Phil Lister 4th Aug 2003 15:02

Well T4

I guess a person like yourself couldn't be wrong by the sounds of things. Yes, I know people in the operation (no I'm not in it) and from what I see (I've seen a lot of companies come and go over the last almost 30 years in this business) they have as good a shot at making it as anyone. As I say, I'm seeing it from very close knowing a couple of the guys who are involved in it so I think I get a pretty good picture of what's going on.

I'd sure like to know what you base your opinions on. It sure isn't the truth. You really sound like you have a hate on for them for some reason.

I do wish them all the best and hope they do well. I, unlike you, am all for a new start up operator who will provide employment for the many unemployed people in our business. I only wish there were more who would think outside the box and take a chance.. :ok:


TellTheTruth 8th Aug 2003 23:50

OK Phil, you're right.

If you read some of my posts - I'm all for new carriers in Canada - bring 'em on! I'm just not for scam artists and liars.

Assuming I am the Anti-Christ of Canadian aviation, and considering your extensive inside knowledge of Service Air, give me one answer Phil: WHERE ARE THE AIRCRAFT?

Do your thing, believe what you will, but I'm a little sad to see even you get scammed by this guy.

canadair 10th Aug 2003 01:52

the aircraft are the same place they were, as they never left, Kalitta.
although a certain YVR doctor was kind enough to contribute towards their C checks.
not that they would have been suitable anyway, had anyone bothered to check the particular load abilities.
nice one!

STC 10th Aug 2003 07:20

Here are the 747 models that have a Canadian Type Certificate:

747-1D1 747-121 747-123 747-128
747-129 747-133 747-211B 747-212B
747-217B 747-230B 747-233B 747-238B
747-257B 747-4F6 747-433 747-475

If anyone cares.....

TellTheTruth 11th Aug 2003 21:50

So I guess an August start up is out of the question...strange, so was April, February, May, June, July...I think we get the idea.

Has anyone heard anything about Canada Cargo Corp.? Based in YYC - apparently Dillon's old partner, and the black sheep of the Advance Air Charter deal, Brian Roseburgh...they are 2 peas in a pod, and they'll stay in the garden together I'm sure. Peas just weren't meant to fly 747's.

Sorry to hear about the Doc who got fleeced - Maybe Connie will buy him lunch or something.

Snot Box 12th Aug 2003 02:28

Been watching this thread ever since it got started. I'm not suprised any bit suprised to hear the operation is still put on hold. The couple of years spent "working" for him, can never seem to get any straight answer out od JD. I wonder how many people he has screwed over to get where he is today. A very sad thing to see as many people's lives have been affected by JD. And some of the people that used to be with him are truly nice and genuine people.

Hopefully JD would give it a rest soon.

skyhawk1 13th Aug 2003 10:07

You guys don't think that there could be a liggit reason that things are delayed? O.K maybe the guy is a scam artist and fooled some people (me included), but maybe this is liggit. You guys keep going on about the aircraft - What would you do? Buy the a/c, and have them sit around for 6 months making payments on them while waiting for the government red tape to clear?????????
There are a million reasons why they could be delayed. Do you have any idea how many things are required? Ground handling contracts, A/C contracts, fuel contracts. You have an agreement and then at the last minute something changes and you have to start over again. Not to mention what hoops Transport Canada makes you go through for a startup - nevermind an international carrier.
"Not suprized to see them delayed". Neither am I!

TellTheTruth 13th Aug 2003 21:07

He's been wrapped in 'red tape' for the past 2 years...and although it is something that everyone has to deal with, it still doesn't account for the lack of financing, lack of contracts, lies etc. that seem to flow freely from JD.

I've even heard that someone else developed and wrote his www.serviceair.ca website, business plans, presentations and introduced him to the only possible contracts he had, and he screwed them all up - just look at the new www.serviceair.net website!! Anyone have any crackers for that cheese?

I thought you were the 'guy in the know', the solid SAG supporter Skyhawk? I'd be interested to hear of your experiences with him.

skyhawk1 14th Aug 2003 05:30

Well, Like I said before. A good friend of mine works there, and I believe what he tells me, but I'm not going to ask him for state secrets and I wouldn't expect him to tell either. I said I would pass on stuff as I hear it and I will. But based on what he has told me, and what I've seen, It seems like it is a bunch of guys - making some mistakes along the way (but learning) - and trying to put together a decent company. Now maybe it's a "boys club" and those that don't fit get tossed, I don't know, but the people I've met have seemed pretty nice to me.

I do know some guys in the past walked in there thinking they are the best thing that could happen to them (SAG), then they want all kinds of stuff, and then they want written garentees. Well those people didn't last long.

Tellthetruth - you keep saying you know so much about these guys. Why don't you fill me in, and tell us what you know except saying these guys are liers and then ASKING questions. I mean if you know he has no financing tell us how you know. If you know he can't possibly get airplanes, tell us how you know. Stop asking "Where are they" and assuming he can't get anything. Most of the guys there - if they are getting screwed, are being screwed out of there time and not much else. Remember we are trying to deal with facts here.

Yea, I'm a supporter, and as you all say - we need that in this country. I'm going to give them the benifit of the doubt - due to my friend, but I'm still open to possibilities and by doing so maybe I could get a job with them in the future. I think that (judging by the industry) these guys could be huge!

If you have facts to the contraray then maybe it might change my mind, but it almost seems like you have a significant grudge - like you had some sort of falling out with them, and no one can say anything remotely positive about them before you lash out. So come on - give us more details about what you know, and what happened between you and them. I would like to know why I shouldn't hold any intrest in them.

TellTheTruth 15th Aug 2003 00:10

Hold as much interest as you would like Skyhawk...best of luck.

canadair 15th Aug 2003 21:00

I think that (judging by the industry) these guys could be huge!

skyhawk, you really need a reality check!
exactly what part of operating 1 beaver some time ago, and completely failing to get this paper exercise off the ground makes you think "these guys could be huge"?????????
perhaps you should take the time to actually learn about the "industry" before you make ridiculous statements.
beating a dead horse comes to mind.

skyhawk1 16th Aug 2003 06:36

I simply meant that the air cargo indutry is huge and growing, and that the potential for any air carrier is there. Wether it's these guys or not remains to be seen!

As for knowing the industry, I do know about it and i've seen what these guys are doing. They certainly have people that have worked out there on these aircraft a lot longer than you or I, so with the experiance these guys have I think that it's entirely possible. If you think that they only have the same guys there (pilots, ops people, etc) that operated the 3 beavers that they had before than maybe you need a reality check!

canadair 16th Aug 2003 20:50

" They certainly have people that have worked out there on these aircraft a lot longer than you or I"

oh have they?

well, while I have no desire to get into a pissing contest with you Skyhawk, I do take offense to that statement, and I resent you being so presumptious,
I am currently flying a 747-200 freighter, as Captain, and have flown 747`s for many years, both freight and pax, as well as other widebodies, again in both capacities, I have worked in the industry for a long time, in Canada, Europe, and the Far East, and between friends and collegues, know at least somebody in pretty much every freight operation, large and small, as well I have seen first hand why some of the now defunct ones failed. I have also seen more than a couple try, and never get beyond a business plan, and in this case a minimal website. So please do not group yourself and me together in such a sweeping statement!
I note from your previous posts that you have become a singular cheerleader, spouting ra ra text, with no substance behind it, yet when anyone injects reality into this, ie there are NO aircraft, you continue with the same mantra, oblivious to this rather glaring fact! The points you have made, suggest a complete lack of knowledge about just what is required to make such an operation work.
Perhaps you feel that with your constant defense, you will be given a RHS reward if they ever do turn a wheel, I cannot imagine why you would continue to blindly support this endevour, if you have no personal aspirations.
I would suggest that rather than responding to each note with your bubbly but vague replies, you actually try to discuss facts, should you have any, and while your at it, please enlighten us on just what qualifies you to comment on the industry as a whole.

TellTheTruth 19th Aug 2003 23:04

Please correct me if I'm wrong - but I think most educated people in this industry would agree. Normally, people make an announcement that they will be launching an airline, and Voila!, an airline appears.

Michel LeBlanc, Clive Beddoe, Ed Peagram, David Ho, Arie Tull, Dan Goliger, John Mackenzie, A.J. Virmani, Robert Obadia...the list goes on...have all done it in the past. They announce, and Voila!...aircraft, crew, maintenance, operations, the smell of burning fuel...you get the picture.

In the meantime, thousands of people tell all kinds of stories about launching the latest and greatest airline...but in my experience, if you heard about it 6 months ago through the grapevine, and it's still on the vine....well it has a better chance of turning into vinegar than into a fine Merlot - or even into a cheap bottle of Baby Duck for that matter.

People with the cash and brains to launch airlines don't jump from 1 passenger Beaver to 3 747 freighters. They don't announce a start date without having financing in the bank, contracts on the table, and an experienced international management team - experienced in the international air cargo industry that is, not just in the cockpit of a local piston popper with some tourists in the back. They don't expect everyone else to provide them with free advice, work, knowledge etc. etc. etc. and not have a piece of the action. They don't talk about it for very long...they're too busy doing it. There's a lot of talk here......

Yes, I'm all for the little guy, go go small business and dreamers...but be realistic. There are thousands of bull**** artists for every airline executive....now based on the probabilities - where do you think JD fits?

Can't wait for the Cheerleader's response.

IMC99 19th Aug 2003 23:27

I have been keeping up with this thread for a few months now and only 2 minutes ago did I bother to access ServiceAir's website.

My personal fav is the fact that SERVICE is spelled SEVICE along the top menu bar - Very professional. This whole thing stinks, my money is on Cargojet for overseas expansion anyways.

Phil Lister 21st Aug 2003 15:51

Well I can see that in my absence the last couple weeks that the experts have all voiced their opinions.. Nice to see that a highly educated well placed bunch like yourselves have decided that you are now the experts in commercial aviation.

All you need now is the red noses and the big floppy shoes.. Then the truth would be out..

For all of you "EXPERTS" I'd just like to see how many years management experience you have.. Just because you drive the airplane does not mean you are suddenly an expert in the industry.. It just means that you can program your FMS.. If you have one..

Personally, I'll still put my money on JD... Having talked to some of the people he has involved in the operation, and having a fair bit of management experience myself, I think once all the hoops are jumped through, he's got a great chance of making it..


TellTheTruth 22nd Aug 2003 02:20

You must have LOTS of disposable cash Phil - Perhaps you should start an airline too!!

I can't seem to find my red nose and floppy shoes - too hot over here for them anyway. But I hear there's a few people wearing them around the YVR Jet Center...

Too much talk about a seed that will never sprout. I'm off to more pressing issues...beer or highball?

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