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Canada increasing Immigration numbers.

Canada The great white north. A BIG country with few people and LOTS of aviation.

Canada increasing Immigration numbers.

Old 9th Feb 2001, 02:41
  #1 (permalink)  
Cyclic Hotline
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Canada increasing Immigration numbers.

Canada Boosts Immigration Target for Next Two Years

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada, one of the few countries in the world still accepting large number of immigrants, said on Thursday it would increase the number of people it wanted to attract over the next two years.

Immigration Minister Elinor Caplan said Canada would lift the upper target range of immigrants to 235,000 a year in 2002, from the present 225,000 a year.

"A successful immigration program like ours is not just about numbers on a page, but rather about hard-working people and their families who come here from the world over to help build our economy, our society and our culture," she said in a statement.

Caplan said Ottawa remained committed to increasing immigration levels to approximately one percent of the population over the long term, but that Canada's capability to absorb and integrate increased numbers would dictate the pace. Canada has a population of around 30 million people.

Caplan also said that for the first time since 1997, Canada had exceeded its target in 2000. Last year the nation landed 226,837 immigrants and refugees, just over the target range of 200,000 to 225,000.

The top 10 countries sending immigrants to Canada in 2000 were:

China 36,664

India 26,004

Pakistan 14,163

Philippines 10,063

South Korea 7,602

Sri Lanka 5,832

United States 5,806

Iran 5,598

Yugoslavia 4,699

Britain 4,644

Old 9th Feb 2001, 04:49
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

thats very good news,I hope to be one of them! anybody got any advice for a 3000 hr brit? i.e. lic conversion, job opp's etc fancy yyz.useful www's I think that the grass could be GREENER.....
Old 9th Feb 2001, 09:49
  #3 (permalink)  
Squawk 8888
Posts: n/a

Gearup, YYZ is a wonderful town (been here all my life) but expensive. Not as bad as Tokyo maybe but it is pricey here. Before accepting an offer make sure you can afford it- here's a few basic numbers on the salary you'll need to live comfortably, based on my own completely subjective standards, for a single person with no dependents:

$25,000/year- If you need new shoes or clothes you'll have to skip some meals to cover it.
$30,000- Living paycheque to paycheque.
$35,000- Higher tax bracket means starving for clothes again.
$40,000- Paycheque to paycheque again. Congratulations!
$45,000- Paycheque to paycheque with a night out on those months that have an extra payday.
$50,000- One night out per week.
$55,000- One night out per week with a few lap dances during months that have an extra payday.
$60,000- If you scrimp and save you'll be able to come up with a downpayment on a one-room condo in five years. Social activists will stage demonstrations in front of your home, accusing you of being a Filthy Rich Friend of Mike Harris Who Voted for Tax Cuts that Are Starving Poor Children and Causing the Decline of Civilisation As We Know It.
Old 9th Feb 2001, 11:58
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Squawk 8888
Very good picture of the Canadian market been there done that.....

And Chretien still say there no such thing as brain exodus....

And when I'm missing the Rockies and the distinct society I take a 3 week off, at least I can afford'it now...

Salut and I wish you a good ski season
Old 10th Feb 2001, 02:31
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

SQUAK 8888, thanks for the prompt reply,very interesting,fancy c3 at 55k, will send you an e mail,be over in YYZ within the next couple of weeks,like to buy you a beer, if you've got some spare time.
Old 10th Feb 2001, 04:22
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Squawk 8888, as a fellow Torontonian, I laughed with your T.O. cost of living indices - very well put.

Don't forget to tell our British friend that traffic runs smoothly between 0100-0500; other times, expect to triple/quadruple travel times. Also, be advised the Leafs never win the Stanley Cup!

Old 10th Feb 2001, 05:34
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

8888 that is the kind of hilarious comic relief we need! Very funny. Of course I can only vouch for the fact that the 25,000 level is pretty accurate...

Don't forget your dented cans of tuna!
Old 10th Feb 2001, 10:21
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Toronto is as great city, as is Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary.....are there any other cities here worth mentioning????? Regarless, Toronto is TO BIG!! Drove into town the other day and an hour and a half outside of city limit it was almost bumper to bumper traffic!! Lets not talk about downtown at lunch or quitting time!! Really enjoy visiting but would hate to have to do the morning commute!!!

[This message has been edited by JoeCo (edited 10 February 2001).]
Old 10th Feb 2001, 10:52
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

hehe You're pretty close with those figures Squawk. Gimme YYC any day, where the beer is cold, the skiing is great, the taxes are low (taxes dropped again this year in Alberta !!!), and the socialists all live one province over !!! Toronto, is a great place to visit, but I sure wouldn't want to live there. (I had to live there when I was a kid. Sure glad we moved out west !!)



If you can't stand the heat ...

Then turn up the airconditioning !!

[This message has been edited by Randy_g (edited 10 February 2001).]
Old 10th Feb 2001, 20:04
  #10 (permalink)  
Squawk 8888
Posts: n/a

JoeCo, the trick is to commute in the other direction. My home is closer to downtown than my office, soduring rush hour there's lots of empty buses going my way. Since YYZ is in the 'burbs the smart drivers will get a place to live in the city.

Randy, things are still looking up. Although the usual suspects who make all the noise would have you believe otherwise, Mikey is the most popular preem in more than half a century and increased his vote share the second time around. With the economy slowing down he's talking about even more tax cuts- quite a refreshing change

Nuke the rainforest- it's more efficient than logging.
Old 15th Feb 2001, 20:02
  #11 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

how much folding stuff do you require to buy a three bed det house in say missisauga[i know that my spelling is prob rong] any tips for a good place to live with two little sceamers? would about 250-300k be enough?
thanks guys for all the gen.
Old 15th Feb 2001, 22:43
  #12 (permalink)  
Squawk 8888
Posts: n/a

That's more than enough, MOF that kind of money can get a decent house right in the city. In Mississauga the townhouses (freehold) start around $150k, semis can be had for $200 & up, $250k will get a decent fully-detached. $300k in the 'burbs will get you a small mansion

I must remember when complaing about the cost of living here that we're still better off than most of the world. That's not easy when the yanks next door have it even better.

Nuke the rainforest- it's more efficient than logging.
Old 16th Feb 2001, 05:45
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Glad your so proud to live here in Alberta, but remember......get out and vote.....or we'll have Nancy Bitchkowski opps, (McBeth) running thing here. She changed her name, because it was too ethnic, now she's trying to hide the big "Liberal" association.

Alberta, being so strongly in the hands of the conservatives for soooo long, can make people lazy on voting day. So Please Don't Forget to Vote!

BTW: I do not work for any Party, just a Ralph supporter to the bone.
Old 16th Feb 2001, 22:59
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

your right about the taxes in canada.i pay about 700can for my sodding house tax,2000can for my mortgage,7.70 for 1 gallon yes 1[one],340 per year to tax my neon and i live in a place with no serices worth mentioning.
in the u.k. they rip us off for everything and we get sod all back
in canada, you pay moderate tax and get plenty back, people die here because the treatment is too expensive,or the facilities are not avail'
the yanks do have it good, but what about your kids,metal scanners to get into school, and little johnny at the back of the class wiping out the front row with his big sisters mac10. all because he was not a bit pi***d off cos his mummy wouldn't buy him the big toy he saw during all the adverts.
not so bad in canada.
Old 17th Feb 2001, 00:21
  #15 (permalink)  
Squawk 8888
Posts: n/a

Gearup, crime in the US is not nearly as bad as the media would have you believe. The cores of the major cities there have serious problems but then there are a few neighbourhoods in Toronto that I would not enter alone at night and we've had more than our share of school shootings here, and about 5-6 times a month we get people firing shots in crowded nightclubs. I'm sure there's a few spots in London that aren't the safest either. As for health care, we've got a gov't monopoly here that's even tighter than in the UK- if you need medical treatment here, your options are wait two years hoping you don't die or pay big $ to get it done in the US, unless you happen to have friends in high places who can put you at the head of the queue (our federal health minister just got prostate surgery with no waiting while the average wait for us plebes is 6 months). I do agree though that we are much better off than most Europeans- in a couple of years I'll be able to carry a fairly large townhome for < $1300 (mortgage, taxes, etc) and I won't have to ransom my firstborn if I decide to get a car. Aircraft rentals are so cheap here that it's probably cost-effective for a brit to come over here to do the training- I don't know what instruction costs there, but the rental costs to get a PPL would be roughly $4,000 less in Canada than in the UK.

Nuke the rainforest- it's more efficient than logging.
Old 17th Feb 2001, 02:55
  #16 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

squawk,nicely put,i don't think that canada is perfect, but, a lot better than u.k.
I work in holland and have a house there as well,rent out rooms to make it cost effective, the tax there has just been reduced to 50% so i'm glad i'm in the brit system.
whats the wx like? do you have much bother with the flies? regards
Old 17th Feb 2001, 04:01
  #17 (permalink)  
Squawk 8888
Posts: n/a

Weather here has been ghastly lately- not too cold by our standards but very yucky. Last week in a 36-hour period we got 25cm of snow, followed immediatly by an hour of freezing rain, then it went to +9C and rained for 8 hours before the temp dropped to -11 turning the city into a wonderful skating rink. The flies are never an issue in the city but once you get an hours' drive north of here they'll eat you alive in May & June.

Nuke the rainforest- it's more efficient than logging.
Old 17th Feb 2001, 22:59
  #18 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

It's yyzee for me then.....
Old 18th Feb 2001, 00:21
  #19 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hah! You think you got flies? Down here the skeeters are big enough to stand flat footed and b***er a tom turkey!
Old 18th Feb 2001, 16:01
  #20 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


As a Canadian living in Britain I have a slightly different perspective on things which you may find interesting. You are correct when you say that we are taxed on everything here in the UK but do not be so sure that it is any different in Canada. In fact, in some ways the tax system is worse in Canada. For example, the highest marginal tax rate in the UK is only 40% whereas in Canada it is in the region of 56%. This is a big difference and adds up to a lot of money. The only area in terms of taxation where Canada is better than the UK is with petrol taxes. The price of petrol (gas in Canada of course) is about half of what we pay in the UK. But the lower income taxes in the UK more than make up for this. There is no council tax in Canada but there is property tax instead, which is effectively the same thing and costs about the same. There are some communities where you actually have to pay to have your garbage removed, by purchasing some sort of tags which are traded for the removal of the bags. Inconvenient? Yes!

Most importantly, you need to know about the sad state of affairs in the aviation industry in Canada compared with Britain. There was a salary survey in Canada's "Wings" magazine back in November I think. Have a good look at what kind of salaries most pilots are on. Dismal reading. Shocking actually. I made more money in my second year as an FO here in Britain than an A320 captain for a Canadian Charter airline makes. I don't know if you have a job here in the UK but with 3000 hours I assume you do or at least you did and have some decent experience. You can expect to take a 50% pay cut for the equivalent job unless you are very lucky and get in with one of the (few) companies that pay somewhat reasonably.

Having said all that it should be very cheap to convert your licences, just sit some ATPL exams (there are only two I think) and do your instrument rating test, as well as a commercial test. Very inexpensive in relation to the CAA's system here in the UK. You will also find that Canadian airlines have ridiculously high entrance requirements and many seem to like guys to have lots of turboprop command time. Here in Britain it is entirely possible that you may have only jet time which in Canada doesn't seem to count for a lot on its own. There seems to be a mentality in the big airlines (oops sorry there is only one big airline now isn't there) where they like guys who have busted a gut in the north flying clapped out old airplanes for piss poor wages. A bit of "I had to do it so everyone else who joins this airline damn well better have to do it as well". Don't ask why. Just accept it. Everyone else does and always have.

I miss Canada. Wish I could live there. But as long as I am a pilot I can never go back. Quality of life in Canada is great, but not if you are a pilot. You will probably make more money as a taxi driver. I'm not joking.

[This message has been edited by Lazlo (edited 18 February 2001).]

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