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Pornpants1 8th Feb 2011 15:38

dave3, you said

I take it that all those in the company that won money in court over holiday pay will be giving it back to the company during this fight for survival ?
I can assure you that just like BASSA, there has been no victory in court over Holiday Pay, lets get the facts straight shall we?

Infact very very well off. ????
no, worse of for reasons explained over 1 year ago, please stop passing questions of as fact:=

Ops_Room_Junkie 8th Feb 2011 15:43

Chelsea and Liverpool
Problem is Lib Dem.

Tha annalogy doesn't work, as in the BASSA version of the game the player was never sold, Liverpool never won the game, in fact the game didn't even take place!!!:ugh:

Their version was the player was not sold for £xx million but taken from them by the bullying tactics of Liverpool, the ref was really a BAPLA member being paid by Liverpool and actually Chelsea won the game 3-1...

It does not matter what the facts are they will always twist them, make up fantasy and believe it. It really is so, so sad. I honestly wonder if the people that post on here are real or just wind-up merchants (trolls) as what they seem to believe and spout out just beggars belief. Talk about the Emperors New Clothes - phew!

dave3 8th Feb 2011 15:43

Pornpants am I allowed to copy and paste a BALPA statement on this forum ? I think not, so i wont Post it unless given the ok. But its there in black and white .

dave3 8th Feb 2011 15:47

ops this is an adult forum is it not? You can clearly see I am still on line so there is no need to talk about me as if im not in the room.. so to speak.
If you wish to communicate or comment please do so in an adult manor.

Pornpants1 8th Feb 2011 15:48

Dave3, I have absolutely no idea what you are on about or insinuating:confused::confused: but by virtue of the fact that you enjoy, albeit from time to time to pass your thoughts of as fact on here I have no choice but to debunk most of them, I am not a volunteer but I know many that are, and most if not all were out of pocket, certainly as Hotel Mode says, the majority of VCCs just got what they were paid anyway, I personally know of noone whom profited in the way you are trying to infer with vague references:ok:

dave3 8th Feb 2011 15:55

Fact Pornpants. People were given money to commute to work, hotel expenses, taxis, plane tickets which having spoken to someone of late have been told they are still using these tickets .
I have fallen out with no one during this dispute and I refuse to fall out with anyone . we will all be here long after this dispute is over. I respect peoples views when communicated in an adult way. I believe that the strikers are stong and have dignity. They are standing up for What they believe in. They have murdered no one they are in dispute with the company and should have been left to hav their dispute. with out interference from other departments. My belief.

Spanner in the works 8th Feb 2011 15:57

Yep - I'm a VCC, and have earned only some basic allowances per flying day - similar to regular crew (I believe).
No "inducements", no "bonuses" - nothing.

Perhaps you might like to enlighten me as to how I can "line my pocket" as I must have missed the memo informing me I was due.

By the way - I volunteered not realising that I even got expense payments per day. (In my normal job I only get "actual expenses" which is pretty much what I expected)

Go down this route if you want - but it comes across exactly as it is....desperate and a pathetic attempt at mud-slinging.

Ops_Room_Junkie 8th Feb 2011 15:59

At the risk of being moderated for continuing this line
..okay Dave.

At your request. In an 'adult fashion'.

May I enquire why you want to work for a company that you clearly distrust?
May I enquire why you believe that anyone that wishes to oppose your (strike) actions must only be doing it our of financial gain rather than the fact they strongly oppose your unions views and actions. For the record I would work as VCC and pay (a nominal amount) to do so, if I thought it would break this strike and remove the power, contempt and arrogance of a few indivduals who seem intent on ruining the prospects of the company I work for, my family depends on and my pension rests with.
May I enquire what you have 'positively' achieved, individually and collectively thus far from your stikes.

3 for starters as it were

Pornpants1 8th Feb 2011 16:02

Dave3 for the last time I stand by everything I have said in my last post:ok:

I simply do not believe you so we will have to agree to disagree:ok:

People were given money to commute to work, hotel expenses, taxis, plane tickets which having spoken to someone of late have been told they are still using these tickets .
there you go again, to illustrate my point, do you think 8 months after the last strike BA would still be paying for the above??

Unless of course its for out of pocket expenses for re-current training.

Spanner in the works 8th Feb 2011 16:03

They are standing up for What they believe in.
So are we (VCC)

they are in dispute with the company and should have been left to hav their dispute. with out interference from other departments. My belief.
People form their own opinions on disputes whether their own departments or not. Most formed an opinion that this wasn't just (Their belief) and saw the dispute as a threat to their own livelihoods. So took action. Why is the acting upon their beliefs any different to the Striker's right to theirs?

On_Loan 8th Feb 2011 16:03

The fact is the union dinosaurs are going to lose, its only a matter of time...

Destroying the hand that feeds you is not a long term strategy

dave3 8th Feb 2011 16:11

May I enquire why you want to work for a company that you clearly distrust?
May I enquire why you believe that anyone that wishes to oppose your (strike) actions must only be doing it our of financial gain rather than the fact they strongly oppose your unions views and actions. For the record I would work as VCC and pay (a nominal amount) to do so, if I thought it would break this strike and remove the power, contempt and arrogance of a few indivduals who seem intent on ruining the prospects of the company I work for, my family depends on and my pension rests with.
May I enquire what you have 'positively' achieved, individually and collectively thus far from your stikes.

I have worked for this company for some 28years. I allways trusted this company, and in return the company trusted the employees. Its is a glib comment to make I feel "why do you want to work for a company that you clearly distrust.
Having spoken to Willy Walsh and asking him direcly why he was following this path and asking him if he could talk to me in order to change my mind about taking part in strike action. Mr Walsh's reply to me was "Dave I promise you you will be no worse off under these new terms and conditions" Mr Walsh I said "I believe you, however It wont be you who breaks this promise as you will be long gone. It will be the guy that follows behind you" in response to this Mr Walsh laughed and said quote "oh you have the measure of me!!" unquote. I have invested my working career into this company .,we are not some fly by nights who want a short term carreer choice. I am respectful to my commanders and follow the chain of command to the letter. However I have my values.. Why do any of us work at British Airways and not at some charter company?Because of all the things that once made it great. My hope it that it will be great again someday and the wealth of experience of all departments will still be here to pass our experiences on to the next generation.. This can not and should not be about more wealth.. when is enough money and profit never enough?

Ops_Room_Junkie 8th Feb 2011 16:12

Life in a vacuum
Dave3 you said

They are standing up for What they believe in. They have murdered no one they are in dispute with the company and should have been left to hav their dispute. With out interference from other departments. My belief.

I have heard this last part many times from strikers that feel they are being undermined by others working through the strike.
The problem is you don't live in a vacuum and your actions affect us all.
If this company goes bust or needs to make more cuts because of the consequences of prolonged industrial action and/or the failure to get a reasonable cost base for its staff and/or a union it can negotiate with in an adult manner then my family may well suffer as a result - my loyalties lie with them - not a group of employees who have enjoyed enviable working conditions whilst many of us have taken pay cuts, taken on extra work, moved from location to another location - I WANT TO WORK FOR BA.

If I live in a semi detached house and my neighbour starts building work on his house that affects the safety and structure of my house I have every right to complain and take direct action to save my investment and protect my family.

dave3 8th Feb 2011 16:16

Yes you would complain to the council and go through the proper proceedures you wouldnt hire your own builder to go on that house and start work with out their permision.
I understand that you feel you have a valid point however that point should have been voiced properly. How many voted to strke then went into work and are still part of the union? How would flight deck have felt during their dispute if they turned into work one day to be told the guy in the right seat is shadowing them so they can know what to do should there dispute carry on in to strike action.. oh and by the way can you train this guy for us please?

Ops_Room_Junkie 8th Feb 2011 16:17

Dave - sadly the guarantee you are looking for cannot exisit.

No CEO can guarantee what you are asking. Scale it down, if you owned a sweet shop and employed 5 people at £100 per week - could you really guarantee, that whatever happened to the sweet market in general, the fact another bigger, cheaper sweet shop opened next door, the facts kids didn't want to buy sweets anymore (!?) - you would always faithfully employee your 5 people at £100 a week right up until the time that the debt collectors dragged you out of the shop as your liabilities were in excess of your assets?

dave3 8th Feb 2011 16:26

well Ops you will take out of that conversation what you will. I have no trust in anyone who promises with one hand and takes away with the other. Nor anyone who tells me we are a company in crisis and then we are financialy viable. People on all sides have been played with as pawns in this dispute and you must as an individual stand by what you belive. If the majority vote for strike action (and I will vote for strike action ) I will strike again and agian and again if need be.

vctenderness 8th Feb 2011 16:36

The only pockets being lined in this dispute are those of DH and a bunch of lawyers.

Go to the next BASSA meeting and ask for the accounts, ask that they be placed (as they should under rule) on the top table and all members invited to inspect them at the end of the meeting. Ask for the branch auditors names and if they are present ask them to verify the accounts.

Ask what else do the reps get paid or paid for.

Then come here and tell us that all is well and that the only pockets that have been lined are those of loyal BA staff who want to keep their jobs!!!

Chigley 8th Feb 2011 16:43


Can I just ask you if you have read any of the communications from BA throughout this dispute, or have you relied on what BASSA has told you? I only ask as your previous posts suggest that your union has enabled you to still be on your current T & C's and free from signing a 'new contract'?

BA has been very clear from the outset that we would continue to benefit from our existing contracts and T & C's and nobody to my knowledge has signed a 'new contract' or any contract for that matter? This is not down to BASSA but BA. BA today are also to be thanked for securing your employment as had you carried through your threat to strike, you would have been sacked all thanks to the incompetence of the union. Surely if BA were the dreadful employer BASSA have attempted to portray they would have allowed the strike to go ahead and sacked everyone?

Waterworld 8th Feb 2011 16:43

Just to put the finances into perspective, the list price on an A380 is $375M, a 787 is $200M. This years profits (hopefully) may not buy one of them and that's without taking into account the last two years losses. I think BA is still a long way from being financially healthy.

Lib Dem 8th Feb 2011 16:44

Just been on BBC 24 News on the television.

Hugh whatsisname asked the resident expert what the reasons behind the strike are and he replied that he could not give a clear answer to that question and neither can Len McLuskey.

When Hugh asked if the next ballot would be for different reasons; the answer was - your guess is as good as mine!

I then got bored of the whole thing and watched the rest of The Weakest Link.

Just checked the paper, Liverpool did actually win on Sunday. No reballoting or replay announced yet. Will watch Sky news for any updates.

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