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RedTBar 29th Nov 2006 18:51


Thanks for your explanation .I was actually agreeing with Speedbirdhouse but I understand what you are saying.

On another note I know this is a rumour network but I think we have to be more careful when talking about or even referring to other cabin crew or anyone for that matter especially when this involves a criminal act.

I noticed that a few days ago there was a post from someone about a screw the roo campaign probably being associated with the blanket issue.

Today in the D & G section there is a post from someone who is saying cabin crew are involved in an active campaign of industrial sabotage called screw the roo.

To even infer that this was cabin crew or anyone else is very dangerous.If you have proof that it was anyone then you should go to the police but to suggest it was us or any group without proof is almost criminal because as we all know mud sticks and that can be damaging to anyone or any group.

I don't know about anyone else but I do care about cabin crew's reputation which also reflects on me and although it may turn out to be a cabin crew individual who is responsible I don't care to be labelled with this sort of aberrant behaviour.

roamingwolf 29th Nov 2006 23:30

We as a group are not carrying out sabotage
Yeah I have to go along with that.I don't want anyone to think I am some lunatic who vandalises property because I am cabin crew.To post here that is the case is crazy just because some crew are unhappy with the company and vocalise about it.

We also had the phrase TJF and that does not mean anything other than the Job is #$@*&$ and not that we are into industrial sabotage.I don't know what some here think they are posting but a lot of people read these posts so think twice or thrice in some cases about the effect of what you are saying before you post a claim like that.

Besides that there is a rumour that some S/H crew have recieved their VR but not all

sydney s/h 30th Nov 2006 01:05

Roaming wolf,

The VR is no rumour - approx 60crew missed out on the package and it only went down to 15yrs seniority.

roamingwolf 30th Nov 2006 01:21

Sydney S/H

Do you know how many guys and girls have taken the package ?

As you said that the VR only went down to 15 years then there are probably a lot of disapointed crew

I thought that S/H was short (no pun intended) of crew at present.I thought I had seen another post telling us that you guys were short of crew .

If that is true I wonder why the company wanted to offer it?

sydney s/h 30th Nov 2006 01:45

Mate i heard figures of 160 (all bases) but certainly dont quote on that.

Yeap, your spot on - we are VERY short - hence most weekends the Nou and AKL's go to LH.

The problem is that alot of the casuals on contract B dont make themselves available for weekend work (they dont get any extra $$) so every weekend they struggle.

In saying that, i have been drafted alot even on weekdays.

Why they offered it? Dunno, maybe a goodwill gesture (i use that term very loosely) before they totally fist us!

surfside6 30th Nov 2006 04:42

Movement :Global Seniority
After the completion of the LH VR my seniority remained unchanged for about 5 weeks then moved up about 50 slots .....since then nothing.
A mate in SH has been given VR but as yet is still flying.
Perhaps the exodus will be done in tranches?

sydney s/h 30th Nov 2006 08:34

Surfside - spot on.

Yeap - 2 release dates. 31 Dec 06 and 31 Jan 07.

To get us through the "holiday period".

Burn the sick leave i say.

qcc2 30th Nov 2006 22:07

Qantas lifts 2006/07 profit guidance
AdvertisementQantas Airways Ltd has lifted its 2006/07 profit guidance, and now expects its profit before tax for the year to be up to 30 per cent above last year's result.

"As a result of strong trading conditions and subject to fuel prices remaining around current levels, (Qantas) expects its reported profit before tax for 2006/07 to be 25 to 30 per cent above the 2005/06 result," the airline said in a statement.:* :*
Dear FAAA,
keep your doom&gloom scenario and get on with the job of getting a descent outcome next year (i mean you have time to do some proper research on issues).there appears to be no rush now as the qf,s position looks pretty rosy.;)

Air NZ is doing a health check on its pilots which stayed last month at the millenium hotel in london. there was a meeting at the hotel lobby with the now deceased russian ex kgb agent who died of uranium oxide.

DEFCON4 30th Nov 2006 23:01

Qantas Tune
Just because things look a bit rosier for QF doesnt mean its management will change its attitude to its staff.
AWAs are still looking likely.
I would rather have the doom and gloom scenario and be surprised by a better outcome than have a rosy picture with a lousy outcome.
If the buyout happens...it will be slash and burn.

Eden99 1st Dec 2006 01:38

qcc2 comments
qcc2 your comments clearly indicate that you just don't get it.

DEFCON4 was right in his comments. The fact that Qantas is going to increase its profits this coming year does not relieve the pressure on Long Haul.

The FAAA is completely correct in its assessment of the threatening situation confronting L/H.

Unless, the gap between L/H and S/H, Australian Airlines, Jetstar International, MAM casuals and overseas based crew is narrowed , we in L/H remain a very exposed and threatened species.

If Howard wins it will be a total bloodbath. Even if Labor wins, we still have the biggest problem still confronting us and it is that "gap" i referred to above.

Overlaid on all of this is the Macquarie bank takeover that really would spell disaster for L/H crew.

The FAAA is right to plan for the worst outcome. It's good they are planning industrial policy and strategy rather than qcc2.

twiggs 1st Dec 2006 01:59

QCC2 you seem obsessed with what other crew in other parts of the world are earning and how much profit the company is making.

The only thing the company considers when negotiating with us is who they can give our flying to to get the job done for less money.

No company in the world would stop trying to make more money by reducing costs, just because they have previously made a good profit.

The only other airlines that we can compare to when negotiating, are the ones that are being given our flying. eg S/H and AO and JQ

mamslave 1st Dec 2006 07:54

mam/qf same thing
whether there is a mam forum or not, i would belive that qf issues are mam issues, it affects all of us.

telling mam crew not to post here is just childish!

also sydney s/h i dont think u should blame mam crew for not working every weekend. Would you work weekends if you were not getting your bands? Me thinks not! Then again many crew that i still know are doing only weekends, they get the best flying.

roamingwolf 1st Dec 2006 20:14

The only problem with Eden99's post is that he has just told the company that we are going to cave in.

The only question the company does not know is how far but with nothing to barter with and the known stance of the FAAA they can guess?

So again and as usual the company is in the box seat because the company knows that we are willing to do that to keep our jobs.

I suppose though that is OK because it is the destinations that are important and not the money.

I reckon what qcc2 was trying to say is that with the increased profit forecast by the company is that a little PR on our part about the amount that the board is getting and with an increased profit not to mention the rally the other day about the IR laws and the upcoming Federal election is that we should be more aggressive and not just give in as Twiggs,Eden99 and Pegasus would have us do.

(Waiting now for accustomed,predictable and typical response from union officials and company plants)

roamingwolf 1st Dec 2006 20:43


I agree with you as you can see the attitude of some supposed crew here and what they post but to post (as EDEN99 has done) here on a public forum is not SMART at all.

Why not just send it or fax it to the company?

speedbirdhouse 2nd Dec 2006 02:18

If that were the case then you [and who you represent :rolleyes: ] wouldnt feel the need to post here, now would you......?

Those who read the posts from L/H Cabin Crew might like to know of the attrocious results from the QF/Hewitt group engagement surveys.......

The worst results from ANY company in the Hewitt Group's history.

The results a legacy of the maltreatment, bullying, harrasment, hypocracy, lies and spin from those that run this once proud and happy place of work.

There is thread that discusses these issues on the D&G forum and contains the thoughts of others within the organisation.

A quick read will confirm that the feelings WE expree on this forum are NOT an oberration as our friend Twiggs suggests.....

Rather they are held company wide and are systematic of both a toxic place to work and a fundamentally sick organisation.

This company is being run [into the ground] for the benefit of the board and senior executives and as a 20 year employee is saddens me to watch what is happening around me.

qcc2 2nd Dec 2006 02:50

facts are important
twiggs ,eden and the rest. iam not obsesssed with overseas salaries and conditions.however since AW and offsiders did their presentation and compared lh f/a's (only oz based crew) to our so called competitors we found a lot of holes in their presentation.
we, that is a number fo collegues& myself (incl. s/h guys)had/ have ongoing drinks (nothing a bottle of red or two couldn't fix) and discussed the meetings. accidently, we ended up going to most presentations individually at different places. the graphs the company showed are distorted and do not reflect a true picture. s/h is not cheaper then l/h.(as one of the guys told us when some one ask the companies rep at the meeting). thats one of the reasons research is so important in negotiations. and i really meant that MM has to get of his scare campaign. most collegues know what the politicial landscape is or maybe after the next election. twiggs i must disagree with your comments the only comparison we have to do is s/h,J* AO. my views expressed here are not just the of a minority, i would say i represent the view of many, which i share a glass of vino with, at whatever port.;)

twiggs 2nd Dec 2006 04:00

I represent myself, a QF L/H F/A.
I believe my views are more representative of the mainstream.
I never said that the airline is not disengaged.
What I have said is that the people here are too scared for the people who read this forum to know exactly what our pay and conditions are.
Is that because they know that our pay and conditions are superior to any one else in the industry and want to pretend that they are less than they actually are?

surfside6 2nd Dec 2006 04:55

Mainstream Representation?
Who was it who said"destinations are more important than money"?
Whoever it was, represents no one but themselves and is best characterised as someone who is way way out of touch with the mainstream.

TightSlot 2nd Dec 2006 06:51

Anybody can claim to represent a silent majority - anybody can claim that somebody else doesn't. The great thing is that nobody can prove anything.

Try not to get provoked into one of these circular arguments - they are pointless.

RedTBar 2nd Dec 2006 09:16

A dog chasing it's tail
Tightslot is right and that is arguments with twiggs usually go around in circles as she contradicts herself at every opportunity just for the sake of an argument so it is, as usual an exercise in futility.

Just to prove my point here is the latest from Twiggs…

what I said was the job was about the destinations.
I never said they were more important or less important than money.”

And here is what she said previously that Surfside was referring to...

“I think everyone has lost sight of what this job is about, and it aint money.
It's about the destinations.”

So in her own words it…… AINT MONEY …..But today she claims she never said money was not important.


Let’s just continue with our topic and basically that is what we can do to embarrass the company and negotiate a fair outcome with out emptying our bank account

qcc2 2nd Dec 2006 20:24

nothing to add
to the point:D :D :D :D

mid assist 3rd Dec 2006 00:03

Jetstar ch9 next year

I came across Jetstar as a listed reality (lifestyle) program to be screened on ch9 next year. I think it was in the Daily Telegraph last week. I'm sure with the clientele that Jetstar attract, there would be plenty of dramas! Yet another brain washing exercise by JQ.
Let's see how long it lasts!

roamingwolf 3rd Dec 2006 01:08

I think the program will be called 46 hours with J* and will be shown nightly because apparently there is only one night in 46 hours.

keeperboy 3rd Dec 2006 12:55

Hey there guys,

Here at BA, LHR we are balloting for strike action. This is partly due to pension issues etc, but also partly to some new procedures a certain ex QF cabin crew manager, initials MH wants to implement. And not so much just about WHAT he wants to implement but more about his TACTICS, his general behaviour (wolf in sheeps clothing springs to mind) his arrogance and bullying.

If anyone from QF would like to shed any light on this little man and what impact he had at QF in oz, do tell! Either on the forum here, or PM if you prefer.

Cheers, keeps.

qcc2 3rd Dec 2006 20:33

PLD (poisend little dwarf) as i recall:ugh: :yuk:

DEFCON4 3rd Dec 2006 20:51

Poison Dwarf
A lot of what is happening in QF CC is directly attributal to MH.
The fear and intimidation,the bullying,the spying dobbing culture are all down to him.
Nothing more than a smiling asassin.
Definitley not be trusted
He doesnt even know how to spell morale
The sad thing is he used to fly
He is gone but his legacy remains
Good luck..you`ll need it

NIGELINOZ 3rd Dec 2006 21:07

Quoting Lowerlobe:"The general public thinks that we should do the job free because we get to fly and travel for nix because of our job."
I may not be employed in the industry but I do fly a lot with QF and I
certainly do not think that way,I ,on the contrary,have great respect for the professionalism shown by the great majority of aviation employees in Oz,I suspect that there are some horror stories about pax etc that you could tell but I really wish to add my support to your cause,and I care about how much you are paid because and only because your terms and conditions may(may!) affect how you feel about the company and that may affect how you treat me and other passengers.
Please don't assume that all pax are ignorant of what you have to put up with,there will always be rude passengers but I hope that mostly they appreciate what you do.
I hope I made my point generously.
Keep up the good work:)

NIGELINOZ 3rd Dec 2006 23:28

Point taken,Lowelobe.
I should have also added that I care about your pay because you deserve a decent wage with terms and conditions relevant to what you do.
As for the union being ineffective:sack the union at the next union election if that is what it will take to ensure that Qantas realises that they
need a committed,happy workforce or they risk going the way of Ansett.
There is a place for profit but not at the expense of an unhappy workforce which will lead to unhappy customers,without whom Qantas and any other airline will fail,even with no service airlines like Jet* to act as a cash cow.

Pegasus747 4th Dec 2006 01:06

Ineffective Unions??
The problem in Australia at the moment is similar to the problem in NZ about 15 years ago. Unions were under pressure to perform miracles when the laws were directed in a hostile manner towards them and their members.

In Australia the new IR laws are doing their best to make Unions irrelevant. Most unions in qantas are doing it tought at the moment, and are finding it difficult to "pull rabbits out of hats".

The real challenge will be to remove the Howard government and bring balance back into the workplace. Unless that occurs Unions will almost be totally irrelevent.

For Long Haul Cabin Crew the issue is not whether we deserve what we earn or whether our conditions are justified. It's about supply and demand.

What some people are suggesting is that if a group of workers think that their income and conditions are justified in their minds, then they must be protected from ever losing anything.

Morally that may be correct but the market place works differently. unfortunately their whole rafts of workers in this country in industries that have all but closed because of the market forces. The challenge of for not only Long Haul crew but any full time relatively "unskilled" workers to maintain their conditions in the current market.

When i say 'unskilled' i dont mean that Long Haul crew have no skill. It just means that we can be easily replaced by those that would do our jobs for half the money, who are younger, fitter, prettier and less "industrially aware".

Meeting that challenge is a job for Unions and their members in a balanced way. Its easy to criticise the exccesses of mangement . You wont find a flight attendant, engineer or pilot or their unions who will dissagree. But until the current government is removed or "sacked" then we dont have a chance.

Look at what's happening to engineers and pilots and they are significantly more skilled than Cabin Crew and much harder to replace, yet the Company is agressively taking them on too.

The only hope we have is to back put our faith in our elected officials and support them in a united way. To be devisive now would be to sign our own death warrants

indamiddle 4th Dec 2006 07:27

employee engagement survey
people keep saying the last survey produced the worst result ever.
does anyone know what the actual result was, have not seen it
published anywhere.

have also met a number of crew talking about the next federal election
two of whom were not even registered to vote. maybe the union mob
need to get going and encourage all crew to register and vote, whatever
their choice may be

surfside6 4th Dec 2006 09:02

Engagement Survey
If the recent survey was even a little improved from the previous Ms Webster would be crowing about it from the top of QCC.
Instead it gets a small mention in the current CC news.
Waffles on about an improvement in CC /managers relationship.
Onboard managers perhaps but definitely not the visiting groundhogs

Pegasus747 4th Dec 2006 09:42

Ground hogs????? god thats the best i ever heard i love it !!!!

Everytime i sign on its like ground hog day lol


qcc2 5th Dec 2006 04:27

Super funds?
Qantas bidders 'restructure $11bn offer'
Steve Creedy
Aviation writer
December 05, 2006
MEMBERS of the private equity consortium behind the proposed $11 billion takeover of Qantas have reportedly restructured their proposal to evade scrutiny by competition and foreign investment regulators.

According to today’s Financial Times, Texas Pacific Group is now planning to limit its stake to a maximum 14.9 per cent holding, instead of the rumoured investment of 25 per cent.

Canada’s Onex Corp also proposed taking an equity stake of less than 14.9 per cent.

The FT said the consortium believes this would keep them below a 15 per cent stake that would trigger a mandatory probe by Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board.

Macquarie bank was also proposing to limit its stake to 14.9 per cent, to avoid a probe by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, it said.

The remaining shareholding would be made up of Allco Finance (14.9 per cent), Pacific Equity partners (5 per cent), senior Qantas management (1 per cent) and super funds.

Qantas last week upgraded its profit expectations by 30 per cent, prompting speculation the bidders could have to pay as much as $6 per share to get board approval of the takeover.

The airline’s shares were trading at $5.13 earlier this afternoon.

Lets hope the unions are on to the superfunds and strongly object to the proposed take over.:=

stubby jumbo 5th Dec 2006 10:02

Rip, rort and rout

Originally Posted by qcc2 (Post 3002506)
Qantas bidders 'restructure $11bn offer'

Lets hope the unions are on to the superfunds and strongly object to the proposed take over.:=

As far as the Unions are concerned the Texans would see their contribution as = ZIP. No matter how much the combined forces of ALL Qantas unions go..... this is a DONE DEAL.

{I've been trawling thru the net and studying their form and its not a pretty picture.}

Get ready for the announcement before Christmas.

Then it will be - flog off Jetstar= $2b, sell Qantas Freight= $1.0b, Dump QFCL =$50m, offload QF Holidays= $40m...........GAME OVER.

I won't even put up a guestimate of the number of loyal staff that will go!!

Then as a private company, this bunch will cut a swathe thru the Unions as big as the Grand canyon and there is nothing anyone will be able to do. They will not have to answer to pesky shareholders,govt beauracrats -it will be rip, rort and rout.:(

Sorry to be a bearer of bad news-but this is how its looking to me.

resboy 5th Dec 2006 12:59

Can we get any more emotive?

Originally Posted by Lurker@L5 (Post 3002431)
Then I speak to an aussie girl working fot Jetstar Oz who reckons she's being worked up to 400 hrs a bid period - she's desperately trying to get into MAM casual position as this is seen as some sort of step up....bucket please I need to vomit.

Scratches head and looks at roster ... just over 120 hours for the calendar month ...

If we do the maths ... 31 days in december ... 10 days off a month leaves 21 working days ... that would mean if one was to work the aformentioned "400 hours" one would be working 19.047619 hours a day :D

Maybe we should all stick to the facts and cut the drama :ugh:

qcc2 5th Dec 2006 20:48

Qantas a $400m ticket for advisers
Qantas a $400m ticket for advisers
Rod Myer
December 6, 2006

MACQUARIE Bank could earn as much as $400 million in fees if the $11 billion private equity bid for Qantas it is leading succeeds.

So much for the profit next year:ugh: :yuk: :yuk:

Vince1 5th Dec 2006 23:14

Then I speak to an aussie girl working fot Jetstar Oz who reckons she's being worked up to 400 hrs a bid period - she's desperately trying to get into MAM casual position as this is seen as some sort of step up....bucket please I need to vomit.

Um Hi. I don't normally replied to other threads, but feel I must say something in regard to the above quote.

I feel the hours being discussed is a bit of an exaggeration. We (JQ crew) are generally rostered between 115 - 130 per month. CM's this month are on about 115 hrs and FA's 120-127 hrs. We have LIVE days (home reserve) that we can nominate to work for extra money or we can un nominate and accrue the hours, if we do this we can't work above 140hrs. However, if we keep our Days LIVE and get the money basically we can work up and beyond 140hrs, but speaking from 5 years experience (with Qlink & JQ) we would never work 400hrs. It wouldn't be possible to do in a month.

In regard to JQ crew trying to get into MAM, yes there are some crew that have this dream that the grass is greener. However, I feel this is based on the idea of doing lots of o/nites and internationally flying. Some of these crew who want this are young and sometimes inexperienced within the workforce.


roamingwolf 6th Dec 2006 00:17

Don't forget Twiggs ,it is the destinations and and not the money or is it the money and not the destinations or did ,you say it was something else.It's so hard to remember but the important thing is that this only one night in 46 hours....just the facts twiggs ,just the facts...


Maybe he was talking about one of our rosters which is 56 days and not one month like yours.However with only 10 days off per roster instead of our min of 18 that still seems a bit high.Especially if you factor in the time off in slip ports as even LCC have to let you sleep sometimes.

It will be interesting to find out the T & C’s of J* international foreign based crews

speedbirdhouse 6th Dec 2006 00:22

Originally Posted by Vince1 (Post 3004426)
[B] but speaking from 5 years experience (with Qlink & JQ) we would never work 400hrs. It wouldn't be possible to do in a month.

Are jetscar international rosters 56 or 28 day in length?

Mr Seatback 2 6th Dec 2006 00:45

JQI rosters 28 days in length, up to 152 hours per roster. Impossible at the moment due to the lack of aircraft...at this stage. 8 days off per 28 days.

JQ Domestic rosters are calendar months, up to 140 hours per roster. 10 days off per month. Key difference being you can choose to max your hours to achieve more time off towards the end of the month, or earn more money.

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